Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Argumentation Essay

This task is for class IVA. Please write an Argumentation Essay about "The Effect of New System Regulation of Final Examination For Senior High School". Don't forget to Quote some theories about the topic. You may use direct or indirect quotations even summary or paraphrase.

31 komentar:

  1. The Effect of New System Regulation of Final Examination
    For Senior High School

    Ministry of Education has set new formula for final examination 2011 through Pemendiknas number 45 in 2010. The implementation of system, policy, and new formula will have new expectation and effect. Although it had decided based on the analysis, evaluation, proposition, and input from various parties, but the positive expectation and the negative impacts always follow the jurney of a new system regulation.

    The new formula of graduation final examination 2011 which led to several new rules. namely : the consideration of the value of school examination in determaining student’s graduation, the pattern of five examination question package, the implementation of the final examination is only once without re-examination, and the pattern of filling the last two rooms have positive effects. As Muhammad Nuh, national education minister, said that previously, there were only two types of question in each subject, but now there were five types of question for each seem subject that may minimalize cheating sho that student can’t cheat each others. (march, 6 2011), while the expectations or the positive effects that arise are increased spirit of school-based management, as J.Dust, S.J said (2005:21) “... a class-based management, where every school is given the freedom to develop themselves, it becomes important to note”, the form of the appreciation and admission of the efforts admitted and appreciated as one of determining students' graduation is a form of government attention to the dynamics of school-based management, the creativity of school to develop the school by some variations of learning activity and compliting activities facility will more motivate. Then, the learning more holistic, learning activities will be enthusiastic and passionate because the result of learning value from each semester will have direct impacts on students’ graduation, it mean that teacher and students will be motivate to store their point for their graduation. Then, the examintaion result has higher validity because the alteration of question package from two becomes five question types so the opportunity to cheat is reduce. And finally seriousness to face final examination will be better because there is no re-examination for students who don’t pass final examination.

    The new rules of final examination have many positive impacts but also many negative impacts that can be appear. We have to accept the consequence of new regulation system. First, the school with minimum completeness criteria that formulate with lower value in raport book would be concern have low graduation rates of students. Second, the school can use this opportunity to help their students so that they can be pass based on formula that had been made by the swelling of school examination value. Then, the suffling of five package question has long periode, it can make arrangement of seat that can stimulate unfair cooperation from some people that have bad purpose.

    So the new rules are generally more realistic, normative, democratis, and prospective educational system that developed at this time, especially school-based management systems. The new rule also provides new hope better than the eamination rules of 2010, the negative opportunities of the new examination rules can be minimized with the intention and the implementation of the final examination in a straight way, honest and accountable by all parties to promote justice for all without exception.

    Nama : Hardi Andeska
    Nim : 2093235701
    Class : IV A/ semester 4

    NIM : 2093235721

    The Effect of New System Regulation of Final Examination For Senior High School

    National Final Examination (UAN) for this in view as a scary thing for every third-grade students. Because most of them assume that the graduation is everything, so for those who do not pass will experience depression and a high setres, in fact some of them who ended his life with suicide.
    But in my opinion and many people who say that the system of UAN in 2011 that established by the national education department has a positive effect on every school institution, either at primary schools, middle schools and high schools and vocational schools. Because the graduation rate has been achieved to obtain a greater appreciation of the students and their parents. Since the passing score is taken not only of determining the value of UAN alone but also of the value of school exams. As contained in Article 22 which stated that Graduate students were determined by the 40 percent value and 60 percent of school examinations unas results. Such a model also used in high school and junior high unas already implemented .
    Thus it can be interpreted that that UN policy in 2011 with the release of students involving the determination of the school / madrasah, a breakthrough in the field of education policy. The proof does not give rise to protests from many walks as in previous years. If any, it was not until the implementation of UN proposes to refuse. But there are also people who see that the determination of the National Exam in 2011 is not maximum because not provide a complete assessment of the various aspects of assessment of students. Zainuddin Malik East Java education council has said, "UN 2011 is still not the aspect of valuation is intact, the only measure on the cognitive aspect, this certainly is the same as in previous years. The hope, the measurement is directly proportional to the target competency is measured, ie, in addition to the cognitive aspects of psychomotor and affective aspects as well ". (DUTA Society, January 18, 2011).

    Therefore with all the Policies That have been made by the minister of national education and national education agencies We feel proud. Due to the policy of the UN They have made the Participants no longer feel burdened by a deep fear. So They Can Get Their rights as students.


    with the new regulations of UAN in 2011 had a positive effect on the various educational institutions. Because the rating system in use is 40 percent of school exams and 60 percent of the UAN. So with this system, students' graduation is not only determined by the value of UAN alone but also the school assessment. In this year's graduation rate was higher than the system used in previous years.

    With this new system also Gives people a Greater appreciation to the board of national education and national education offices Them Because the system makes not tortured. Students Will follow the final exam was not too anxious to deal with it. Thus this system is best used for year-next year. Because it has a positive effect on student graduation rates.


    NIM : 2093235691

    The Effect of New System Regulation of Final Examination For Senior High School

    National Exam or shortened by the UN is an activity measurement and assessment of competence of learners nationally in elementary and secondary education. National Exam (UN) organized pursuant to Act No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System. national exam is held annually in every province throughout Indonesia.Government makes standard mark to be able to graduate from Final Examination is very high either in the senior high school. To be able to pass the examination, every student obliged to get mark 5, 50 at each tested subject. If government still continue this policy to all of the student by obliging them to become perfect human.
    There will be some side effects which can give bad effect for the student and it will be enough horrify. For example, the students will only focus at the mark that will affect their knowledge. The students will think that knowledge is not important anymore. For them, what they learn exactly how to answer the test with time that they have as soon as possible and correct. After the test finish hence the knowledge that the students should get from their school, they do not learn it anymore. If this happened continuously, it is not impossible this country will be the country that only orient to the result without want to know the process of how to get the mark.
    Secondly is Insincerity. Insincerity will be more often found either from school side that assisting the students in order they can pass the test by making answer for them and also from themselves which are cheating or use answer key in order to pass the examination and then they can continue to the higher education level. As a result of this, the students those are very diligent to get the knowledge from their school slowly will be lazy to study anymore because they have known that their teachers will give them the answer to pass the examination.
    The next effect that often happened is the students that are smart in more than one subject but it is not in one subject of course will have effect of their study. They will harder in order they can pass the exam. in addition, Irna Minauli, a psychologist at the University of Medan Area (March,15 2010) stated that there were two effects of stress from the National Examination (UN). First, stress can spur students to do his best to resolve the matter - about the UN. Second, the impact stress has a negative impact to students which resulted in an excessive depression. Pressure - the pressure is common occurs in normal humans.
    The last effect of national Examination can make many children will not go to school anymore. It is caused by the society do not believe anymore to the government. Children will choose to be a worker than a student because they will think that if they come to school, they only get things that can confused them.
    As Ahmed’s (May, 17:2010), said” beside the positive effects of the National Examination, there are many bad effects that can influence the students to improve themselves by getting good education without being victim of the government policy. The students may not lose their right to get good education from government because this country will only develop if the education has gotten by government to all of the society like has trusted by the law in section 27 and the 1st sub-section. “All of citizen have right to get good education”.


    Based on the picture above, it should be noted that the implementation of the UN should be limited to know the map of the quality of education in Indonesia. Through the UN can be seen the extent to which the national curriculum is reached. Not be a determinant of students' graduation. Meanwhile, the problem of graduation should be delegated to each school because the school more aware of quality and abilities of students.


  4. The Fundamental changes in the system final test of 2011 is nasaional There are two components of the calculated values to obtain values that will determine the Final Graduation of Students is 40% Value School / Madrasah (The S / M) and 60% Value of National Exams (The UN). Value of S / M for the SMP / MTs / SMPLB is 60% Value Exams (Value U.S. / M) and 40% average semester grades 1 s / d 5. As for the level of SMA / MA / SMALB Value S / M is 60% Value U.S. / M and 40% average semester grades 3 to 5. (Article 5 and 6). Criteria for Graduation Exam School / Madrasah pendidian determined by the unit based on the acquisition value of S / M (Article 5 paragraph 1), while passing the National Exam is determined based on the Final Value (NA) that is if students have an average NA 5.5 and NA each subject the lowest 4.0 (Article 6 paragraph 1,2,3). but the effects of the 1,461,941 examinees, who passed as many as 1,450,498 participants. The remaining 11,443 did not pass. When viewed between the pass and that no comparisons are very far and not too much. From the results of 2010

    Compared with the data that existed before the examination begins, there are 1,476,575 UN candidates who have already signed up. However, as many as 9517 students do not enter the school so that the number of UN participants reduced. The causes can vary, said Noah, who was not there Exams, and there are already resigned because of marriage or work.

    This figure shrank back when there are students who do not follow the UN despite his school exams. A total of 5117 high school students / MA do not implement the UN. And after scanning for students who follow the UN, the results didapatlah 99.22 percent passed.

    This failure is caused by two things, namely the average value below the specified standard, ie 5.5 and the average value of the right to limit passing standards. There are 5590 students who did not pass because the average value of less than standard. The rest did not pass because the average value of 5.5 fit. At least to pass, the average value of the child should be above 5.5.
    Many things must be fixed by the national education department, see the results so the govrn need to address it.

    nopi erma yunita

  5. National examinations (UN) / school graduation is often a frightening specter for the student learner as a result of learning achievement benchmarks that have been taken, as well as setting standards for graduation. As a determinant of learning outcomes, the national exams is done through a rigorous process of manufacture, delivery, storage, processing until the issues are very confidential. Thus the graduation exam is an activity that can not be regarded as one eye. It occurred to a question to myself: How can transparency of the process of assessment? Enough students are students surrender themselves for the assessment process can monitor the results of the exam without objectivity? Can the process of inspection and grading the exam results of technical errors occur?

    The Fundamental changes in the system final test of 2011 is nasaional There are two components of the calculated values to obtain values that will determine the Final Graduation of Students is 40% Value School / Madrasah (The S / M) and 60% Value of National Exams (The UN). Value of S / M for the SMP / MTs / SMPLB is 60% Value Exams (Value U.S. / M) and 40% average semester grades 1 s / d 5. As for the level of SMA / MA / SMALB Value S / M is 60% Value U.S. / M and 40% average semester grades 3 to 5. (Article 5 and 6). Criteria for Graduation Exam School / Madrasah pendidian determined by the unit based on the acquisition value of S / M (Article 5 paragraph 1), while passing the National Exam is determined based on the Final Value (NA) that is if students have an average NA 5.5 and NA each subject the lowest 4.0 (Article 6 paragraph 1,2,3). but the effects of the 1,461,941 examinees, who passed as many as 1,450,498 participants. The remaining 11,443 did not pass. When viewed between the pass and that no comparisons are very far and not too much. From the results of 2010

    Compared with the data that existed before the examination begins, there are 1,476,575 UN candidates who have already signed up. However, as many as 9517 students do not enter the school so that the number of UN participants reduced. The causes can vary, said Noah, who was not there Exams, and there are already resigned because of marriage or work. This obligation is difficult for students.
    Many things must be fixed by the national education department, see the results so the govrn need to address it.

    Iin sopayona

  6. Name: Sri Susilawati
    Class: PBI 4A

    Implementation of the National Examination (UN) became one of the causes of decline in graduation rates. On the one hand, the government is optimistic that the UN will continue to be implemented next year. And the new system was one factor National Examination graduation rates.

    Topic : The effect of new system regulation of final examination for senior high school .In this essay, the writer will discuss about the effect of new system regulation
    of final examination for senior high school

    Thesis : In this essay, the writer will discuss about The effect of new system regulation of final examination for senior high school

    Body Paragraph I : Arief Rachman said that the decline in graduation rates solely due to increasing levels of honesty. According to him, there are at least five factors that cause the percentage graduate UN 2010 decreased from the previous year 4 percen ,( Graduation 2011 UN Integrated Assessment System Using 26/01/2011 12:01:34. ).

    Body paragraph II : Mahfouz said it is not uneven quality of education between one region and other regions to be the cause of the high number of students who failed the UN this time, Graduation 2011 UN Integrated Assessment System Using 26/01/2011 12:01:34. ).

    Body Paragraph III : Many students who do not pass
    Students can not reach the value that is too high

    Conclusion : Changes in passing the national examination system 20 refers to the Minister of National Education on the implementation of the National Exam. From the students' graduation graduation system and implementation of the UN The new technique is easier because the students are given the opportunity to make improvements to the National Examination and the value of the daily value or the value of the semester.

  7. Name : Noviana Sapta Yunita
    Class : PBI 4a

    Determination of passing the national exam in 2011 will use an integrated assessment system. Chairman of the Consultative Working Principal (MKKS) Pamekasan Basyair in Pamekasan, explains, the implementation of the UN this year not only rely on the UN itself but also the end of school test scores National Examination(UAN). In this essay, the writer will discuss about The effect of new system regulation of final examination for senior high school

    Thesis : In this essay, the writer will discuss about The effect of new system regulation of final examination for senior high school

    Body Paragraph I : Basyair said, passing the national examination system changes in 2011 refers to the Minister of National Education Regulation No. 46 Year 2010 on Implementation of the National Exam. From the students' graduation, he said, the system of graduation and the implementation of the UN The new technique is easier because the students are given the opportunity to make improvements to the UAN and the value of the daily value or the value of the semester.( )

    Body paragraph II : According Basyair, UN value scores 0.60 percent, 0.40 percent while the UAN. UAN, said Basyair also a blend of values between the exams of the semester, starting 3rd semester, 4th and 5th semester. "The UAN of the semester and this combined with the 0.40 percent rate," he added. .( )

    Body Paragraph III : According Bahsyir, in addition to determining the value systems, differences in examination times also on the system implementation. At the 2011 UN practice only one time and no re-examination as the previous implementation of the UN.
    .( )

    Conclusion :
    Determination of passing the national exam in 2011 will use an integrated assessment system. Chairman of the Consultative Working Principal (MKKS) Pamekasan Basyair in Pamekasan

  8. Nama : Ria Setiawati
    NIM : 209 3235 733

    The Effect of New system Regulation of Final Examination for Senior High School
    System of education is totality education component which related another in a solid manner for attain purpose educational national. Preferable, education system is be present this now changed become system better. This time, government determined value quite high for can pass from final examination for senior high school. For can passing every lesson duty got value which was experimented for every lesson of test. Students can pass if they get value 5,50 every lesson of test the Regulation get effects for senior high school.
    By final examination is very advance of standard value the pissing, so students is students is more motivate in study for take on national final examination and can pass by value is satisfied. In addition, students can more rightfully proud because effort which is done before or as long as take on test not useless. Government can feel contented because student was pass by quality which more and more advance every year if level of student passing is high.
    There are also some negative effects which were brought by system regulation of final examination. All students will orientation of value so that knowledge is not useful for them. Something which they learn exactly how ways answers matters of test, were given by time as fast as possible and right. If test finished, so knowledge which must be dominated by students not learned. Student is very stress. Student feel fear not pass and shy because repeat a year for get occasion for pass again.
    At implementation of final examination, action of fraudulent will more often we see from side school which help all student so can pass by made cheating answers on exam, and student support it. Khaerudin said that school supports some efforts for: demand passing highly, many students pass of final examination, and students get high value, (Ujian Nasional dan Kualitas Pendidikan Kita. Irawan also said that trade for mark-up result of examination happen. The way made group for corrects answers of student, (Kontroversi Ujian Nasional.
    The another effect was given , appears doubt of education system in Indonesia, so will many students break of school and try looked for money with work or run a private enterprise. Teenager will more delight learn look for money than learn in school because weak student in a lesson will never pass final examination.
    In conclusion, the new system regulation of final examination gives some negative effects for senior high school: all students will orientation at value so knowledge not useful for them, increase stress, action of deceitful will more see advances of new system regulation of final examination and can improve it for future.

  9. Name : Etik Kurniati
    Class : PBI 4a

    All parties need not worry true face of national examinations (UN) future. Primarily, students, teachers, and principals .In this essay, the writer will discuss about The effect of new system regulation of final examination for senior high school. In this essay, the writer will discuss about The effect of new system regulation of final examination for senior high school

    Thesis : In this essay, the writer will discuss about The effect of new system regulation of final examination for senior high school

    Body Paragraph I : Riyuzen say for lay people, we can think about the model number is actually a matter of fact it was made easy. And vice versa. That way, students can be more confident to work on the problems the UN later, no longer need to expect an answer to a friend next to or behind . (

    Body paragraph II : Drs. Praja Riyuzen towel to Radar says The new model is a model that is more varied than the previous year about the UN. In theory, he said, the more models it increasingly easy to answer questions. Different if only one model, even very difficult for students to answer. (

    Body Paragraph III : According to Drs.Praja Riyuzen the UN about a new model consisting of five, he added, will also be very positive impact for students. Among honesty train students with no answer to his hanging. (

    Conclusion : Students who follow the UAN not worry about a change in the system. Because, for students who are really prepared him seriously and follow the directions and guidance from the teacher. Problems UN 2011 would be very doable.

  10. Nama : Desi Ernita
    NIM : 209 3235 689

    The Effect of System Regulation of Final Examination for Senior High School
    Education is aware effort and planning for shape condition learning and process in order to students actively expand potential themselves to have spiritual religion power, control themselves, individual, intelligent, morals, and skills which is needed for them, society nation and state. Well, education system is present this now become system better. This time government decided value quite high for can pass for final examination. The regulation gets effects for senior high school.
    Godam said that the regulation rises stress for students approach final examination done. Feel afraid doesn’t pass and shy because must repeat a year for can occasion for pass again, (Effect Dampak Buruk Standar Nilai Ujian Nasional UN Tinggi Demi Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Khaerudin said that students just think about lesson will be experimented, (Ujian Nasional dan Kulitas Pendidikan Kita. So that, students don’t look for knowledge but they just look for value for pass.
    Action of dishonest will more often we meet from school side that helps students can pass with made cheating of answer and students support it. Clever on one study but weak on another lesson can’t pass final examination. Because it just perfect human dishonest can continue education stage higher.
    So, new system of regulation give negative effects for senior high school: rises of stress, many action of dishonest, etc. For it, government must see advances of the regulation for final examination and can look for solution better to finish it.

  11. Name : Fajriani Amalia S
    NIM : 209 3235 697

    The Effect of System Regulation of Final Examination for Senior High School
    Nation education is that basic of the five basic principles of the republic of Indonesia and UUD 1945. Contains religion moral culture in Indonesia perceptive of demand changing of time every student must implement final examination. The government decided value quite high. Dienim said that immediately or no total of students don’t pass become not itself for school not impossible school have many students that don’t pass will lose believe from parents of students, so success of students are pass become “fixed price” for take care good name school, (Meningkatkan Standar Lulusan Vs Kebohongan Publik. So, the new system regulation gives effects for senior high school.
    The regulation made stress and afraid for students. So, many students don’t pass because down before implement final examination ( Godam, Efek Dapat Buruk Standar Nilai Ujian Nasional UN Tinggi Demi Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan Indonesia. http:// organisasi .org/efek-dampak-buruk-standar-nilai-ujian-nasional-un-tinggi-demi-peningkatkan-kualitas-pendidikan-indonesia). It appears wrong a comprehension toward mean of learn in school. Purpose of study must look for knowledge intelligent and morals change become get passing of final examination. As a consequence, lesson which not tested become not importance. Condition is like that still be complicated by implementation system of final examination is not honest.
    Now many parents said that if their children were pass of final examination, so their children successes. So that all parents didn’t think what their children have moral or no, be more autonomous or no, creative and innovative or no because it, parents are less respect to supervision and accompany children for study, parents will care when final examination closed.
    In conclusion, the writer said that the new system Regulation of final examination gave some negative effect for senior high school many students is afraid and stress, students look for value not knowledge, etc. I hope government can look that and repair advances from the regulation.

  12. Nama : Helsiani
    Nim : 2093235703
    Class : PBI 4 A
    The effect of new system Regulation of final for Senior high School

    Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to realize an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that students actively develop their own potentials. It was to have the spiritual strength of religious, self control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skill. In the process, putting a formal education editors have a vital rule irreplaceable, not only is the learning plan, hen implement the learning process but also evaluated the learning outcome of student. Referring to several problems in the implementation of the final examination over the years, improvement effort will be don’t final examination of government. The new formula final examination 2011 to a new breakthrough for education in the Indonesia government. In this essay, the writer will explain about the effect of new system regulation of final for senior high school.
    The minister of national education Muhamad nur said that. National education minister Muhammad nur said her on Monday (13/12/2010) then, agreed, the final examination is not final examination of national is not the primary selection tool to determine student graduation, starting 2011, new formulas of graduation students of a educational unit to accommodate the value of report cards, school exams, an final examination. He also explained that the new formula will be implemented is combine the final examination and the value of school.Kompas, (Jakarta,Monday,12.13.2021).
    The value of school combine between value school and plus semester grade 1-4.In addition, the combined value of the school with the final examination set a minimum of 5.5.School values and the final examination have respective weights to be determined by the government. Its weight will be determined, but the weight of the school will be smaller than the weight of the final examination. It makes all students in senior high school became scare with new negelations in final examination of national.
    Why should do? So what and how should do the final examination of final implementation of the final examination received numerous criticism from various parties, mainly from the education community in the country. What is the final examination became weapons standardization enhancing the quality and establish a national education ?The education community considers that the final examination was precisely in accordance with law no.20/2003 on national education system and various other government programs. Also in 2008 laws, the opinion of fuad Hassan , professor of the faculty of psychology, university of Indonesia and minister , that the assessment of learning outcomes is not only done by evaluating outcomes, but also includes the teaching-learning process done.
    Based on the picture above, it should be noted that the implementation of the final examination should be limited to know the map of the quality of education in Indonesia. Through the final examination can be seen the extent to which the national curriculum is reached. Not be a determinant of students graduation. Improving the quality of education also needs to be accompanied by an increase in the quality of teachers while teaching. The quality of learning should not be charged to students with a target value. Thus, the national examination should be the driving school, in this case teaches and principals, to further develop the education process and learning process to a level that is expected to meet specified. Meanwhile, the issue of graduation students should have submitted to their respective school. Standard national exams seem to be dragging a lot of casualties. The student in the school facility minimal, even far from the standard educational prerequisites will conform to national standard.

  13. Name : Hasnol suryadi
    Nim : 2093235702

    The Effect of New System Regulation of Final Examination For Senior High School

    In this year, the regulation of education makes horrendous for junior highschool. Where there are several regulations had made by the goverment. this regulation make all student to be scare,becouse it is bad influence on this essay the writer will explain The effect of New System Regulation of Final Examination For Senior High School.
    Effect of regulations are very influential on students is a matter The Final Examination of Nasional system to face the Final Examination of nasional with six materials there are Indonesian, English, mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics. The student assumes that government efforts to improve the quality of education by increasing the egraduation standards is big mistake, because the government is imphasize to enforce this rule. The reality, education system in our country should repaire deeply from the system as well as teaching and how to learning.
    According to the minister, “The new formula will be implemented is to combine the UN with the school NS. School is the combined value of school test scores plus semester grades 1-4. Next, the students graduation is a combination of the value of school test scores combined with all subjects”, (Saturday 25 june, 2011).
    Many student argument that all students hope new system the final examination expected to test a system that is enforce public accountability, and increase of quality education to at least its students' academic achievement,(
    Improving the quality of education can be done by applying a good system of examination at the end of each last semester and to next class. Exam is a strategy commonly used by developing countries in improving the quality of education, because it is easy and effective way of influencing what is studying and what is learned teacher learner to achieve the desired goals.
    In conclusion the government wants to increase the subjects in the Final Examination of National is wrong. we can see, the facilities of education an infrastructure in Indonesia! whether all schools are same? There are many differentces bitween in the capital and in the village, in town has many facillities then in the village. Another example, on teachers, do all teachers have a good quality to carry out their duties in accordance with what has been determined? I don’t think so, becouse the teacher has skills, ability, and how to teach their children are different.

  14. The effect of new system Regulation of final for Senior high School
    Education is the business, influence, protection and assistance provided to children to be drawn to his maturity, or rather help the child to carry out the duties are quite capable of his own life and, Education is a deliberate conscious effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills required of it, society, nation and state.
    It was to have the spiritual strength of religious, self control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skill. In the process, putting a formal education editors have a vital rule irreplaceable, not only is the learning plan, hen implement the learning process but also evaluated the learning outcome of student. Referring to several problems in the implementation of the final examination over the years, improvement effort will be don’t final examination of government. The new formula final examination 2011 to a new breakthrough for education in the Indonesia government. In this essay, the writer will explain about the effect of new system regulation of final for senior high school.
    The minister of national education Muhamad nur said that. National education minister Muhammad nur said her on Monday (13/12/2010) then, agreed, the final examination is not final examination of national is not the primary selection tool to determine student graduation, starting 2011, new formulas of graduation students of a educational unit to accommodate the value of report cards, school exams, an final examination. He also explained that the new formula will be implemented is combine the final examination and the value of school.Kompas, (Jakarta,Monday,12.13.2021).
    The value of school combine between value school and plus semester grade 1-4.In addition, the combined value of the school with the final examination set a minimum of 5.5.School values and the final examination have respective weights to be determined by the government. Its weight will be determined, but the weight of the school will be smaller than the weight of the final examination. It makes all students in senior high school became scare with new negelations in final examination of national.
    Based on the picture above, it should be noted that the implementation of the final examination should be limited to know the map of the quality of education in Indonesia. Through the final examination can be seen the extent to which the national curriculum is reached. Not be a determinant of students graduation. Improving the quality of education also needs to be accompanied by an increase in the quality of teachers while teaching. The quality of learning should not be charged to students with a target value. Thus, the national examination should be the driving school, in this case teaches and principals, to further develop the education process and learning process to a level that is expected to meet specified. Meanwhile, the issue of graduation students should have submitted to their respective school. Standard national exams seem to be dragging a lot of casualties. The student in the school facility minimal, even far from the standard educational prerequisites will conform to national standard.

    Nama : Lusi susi yanti
    Nim : 2093235719
    Class : PBI 4 A

  15. The effect of new system Regulation of final for Senior high School
    Education is the business, influence, protection and assistance provided to children to be drawn to his maturity, or rather help the child to carry out the duties are quite capable of his own life and, Education is a deliberate conscious effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills required of it, society, nation and state.
    It was to have the spiritual strength of religious, self control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skill. In the process, putting a formal education editors have a vital rule irreplaceable, not only is the learning plan, hen implement the learning process but also evaluated the learning outcome of student. Referring to several problems in the implementation of the final examination over the years, improvement effort will be don’t final examination of government. The new formula final examination 2011 to a new breakthrough for education in the Indonesia government. In this essay, the writer will explain about the effect of new system regulation of final for senior high school.
    The minister of national education Muhamad nur said that. National education minister Muhammad nur said her on Monday (13/12/2010) then, agreed, the final examination is not final examination of national is not the primary selection tool to determine student graduation, starting 2011, new formulas of graduation students of a educational unit to accommodate the value of report cards, school exams, an final examination. He also explained that the new formula will be implemented is combine the final examination and the value of school.Kompas, (Jakarta,Monday,12.13.2021).
    The value of school combine between value school and plus semester grade 1-4.In addition, the combined value of the school with the final examination set a minimum of 5.5.School values and the final examination have respective weights to be determined by the government. Its weight will be determined, but the weight of the school will be smaller than the weight of the final examination. It makes all students in senior high school became scare with new negelations in final examination of national.
    Based on the picture above, it should be noted that the implementation of the final examination should be limited to know the map of the quality of education in Indonesia. Through the final examination can be seen the extent to which the national curriculum is reached. Not be a determinant of students graduation. Improving the quality of education also needs to be accompanied by an increase in the quality of teachers while teaching. The quality of learning should not be charged to students with a target value. Thus, the national examination should be the driving school, in this case teaches and principals, to further develop the education process and learning process to a level that is expected to meet specified. Meanwhile, the issue of graduation students should have submitted to their respective school. Standard national exams seem to be dragging a lot of casualties. The student in the school facility minimal, even far from the standard educational prerequisites will conform to national standard.

    Nama : Lusi susi yanti
    Nim : 2093235719
    Class : PBI 4 A

  16. The Effect of New System Regulation of Final

    Examination for Senior High School
    Final examination is decisive factor of passing a student or become rules of student’s capabilities. There are wisdoms of passing which always increase, because it many people think why final examination should be done? Until, always there are pros and contras about final examination. This essay will discuss about pros and contras of final examination.
    Many people agree with system regulation of final examination, but many people who is also disagree about it. Pros and contras of final examination in senior high school is one of effects from system which not ripe. Half of people judge that final examination isn’t only rule to find of passing a student, but other side the people to support presence final examination because it can to protect and increase quality of education in Indonesia in order that equivalent with advance countries.
    According to Anggraini in a recent article in the helai. Asia, “ As people who is ever follow the final examination I have opinion about it, of course positive and its negative from it. In myself final examination can to trigger spirit of learn in order that can pass in final examination, but thing that also make stress for students to can reach passing, which of finally cause negative price, that is deceit with look for answer keys. Thing that happened in every region and supervision of final examination ever success caught its doer”. This measure often called criminal academic. Should the government make wisdom which not changeable if the purpose of final examination because want to increase education in Indonesia. Its purpose is standard and system which will be reached for student is same. Until nobody which feel not fair. Example : in 2009, final examination 100% from final examination. In this year only 60% from final examination and 40% from UAS. This 40% from UAS helpful students almost every student in all region in Indonesia is pass. This effect if school help in passing students until them pass not pure result themselves. Actually this not increase quality for student’s capabilities.
    Things above to make life of education world in Indonesia. Government’s purpose to make wisdom on education world in Indonesia. So, don’t broke the noble purpose with deceit of final examination.

    Paraphrase :
    Anggraini in a recent article in the helai. Asia said that final examination ever he was followed and he has opinion. Its positive and negative effect from final examination. There is a spirit to learn and there is a stress in himself because final examination. Deceit always happen in every was organized final examination, doer it already success was caught by supervision of final examination.
    Name : Reva Wulandari
    Nim : 20932325731
    PBI, IV A

  17. The Effect of New System Regulation of Final

    Examination for Senior High School
    Education world in Indonesia always become topic which interesting to talked. Indonesia always want to forward education world in Indonesia. Its one is final examination which until now still become debate about its realization. This essay will discuss about effect of final examination for senior high school.
    According to minister of education nation decree number 153/U/2003 date 14th October 2003 in a recent article in the www. Scribd. Com/doc/37854896/KONTROV…, “ In knowledge of education, student’s capabilities arrest three aspects that is knowledge and intelligence (cognitive), skill (psychomotoric), and attitude (affective)”. In final examination only one aspect which to test that is cognitive. Should all of three aspects it should be tested as decisive factor of passing for someone. In this year, 60% from final examination and 40% from UAS. As the result happen increase which drastic, because school helpful in the process realized final examination for basic 40% from UAS.
    Pros and contras always happen in the final examination. Many people think that final examination to increase spirit of learn, because final examination has target which should be reach. So, many people which hard learn will can pass of final examination and continue to education level more high. Many people also which be of the opinion that final examination just make stress which is heavy for students, because standard of passing more increase. Government’s wisdom always change which cause many students do deceit.
    Things above is going along smoothly if done with ripe concept. So, the government should be smart to find wisdom. Think that positive and negative effect before it is gone.

    Paraphrase :
    Minister of education nation decree number 153/U/2003 date 14th October 2003 in a recent article in the www. Scribd. Com/doc/37854896/KONTROV…said that student’s capabilities is divided in three aspects, that is knowledge and intelligence (cognitive), skill (psychomotoric), and attitude (affective).

    Name : Yogi Pratama
    Nim : 2093235754
    PBI, IV A

  18. The previous system regulation of final examination in Indonesia seems worsen the examination participants. It could be unfair for them who can not follow the examination by some reason.The system regulation make the participants fight to pass the examination if they don't want make their studying for three years in senior high school be meaningless. By considering these problems, the government creates a new system regulation of final examination for senior high school in order to repair the justice in education.

    The preceding system regulation of final examination apparently damages its participants. Senior high school students have to pass the examination which is only existed in three days if they want to continue their studying in university or only to get graduation from senior high school. In 2010, a hundred percent of final examination result is the main factor of the passing. Because of that, some deceits were done by every school person, include the headmaster; some teachers; and of course the participants of examination. The problem is not only come from that complication, but also come from participants' fault. Their faults can be: error working in marking the answer sheet, carelessly to keep the answer sheet clear and unfolded, and their healthy which might be bad when they take the examination.It is as same as Mediascanter said that it was unfair for the clever students who were failed in the examination because of illness or other problems,(2011).

    The conditions above seem uneffective for both government and education. So that the National Minister of Education signed the Regulation of National Minister of Education No.45/2011 about graduation criteria and Regulation of National Minister of Education No.46/2011 about final examination for junior high school and senior high school. "These [new regulation] are convention of National Standart of Education Corporation as the organizer of national examination and recommended by Indonesian Legislative Assembly", (Umar, 2011). The formula of this new regulation is: 60% for national examination, 40% for grades in school from third semester until fifth semester.

    The new system regulation which is offered by the government is quite good. It gives the school line -which is acquainted with the students who are suitable for the graduation- an opportunity to be more objective , and gives the justice for the participants. The participants' grades in final examination for national level can be helped by their grades in last three semesters. Although the system has less socialization, its realization can be accepted by almost all of the involved participants, namely the students; school personalia; and government.

    It is good to make an evaluation in each education year, so that the government can improve its system whether it is good enough or not. By using this new system, the government helps the participants to pass the examination in a fair play. The participants' outcome of the studying is worth what they've ever do in three years. To minimize the negative effects of the new system, the government should make a socialization about it first, perhaps it can make the system be more acceptable in its realization.

    written by:

  19. By : Dailin

    The Effect of New System Regulation
    of Final Examination For Senior High School

    Senior High School is an education level before the students continue their study to a university or a college. But, earlier they must pass an exam named national final examination. It is a test which is the most feared the students. They have to follow it when they are in the last semester at third class. It establishes their success or their failing during study in the school. Certainly, it influences their future. Furthermore, the government makes a regulation of the final test which is often changed. Likewise, this year, the National Ministry of Education has a new system regulation of final examination which makes some effects for the senior high school.

    National examination 2011 is different from the years before. Because, usually the determination of passing of students is 100 percent from final examination grades but this year, each school has right 40 percent and 60 percent is from national examination grades. According to Sunarto, “The application of a new system, policy, and the new formula will certainly have new expectations and impact. Although this new system has been decided based on the analysis results of the evaluation, criticism, suggestions and input from various parties, but the expectation of positive and negative effects will continue to follow the journey of a new system " ( The Criticism Analysis of New Regulation of National Examination 2011. ).

    Furthermore, there are some positive effects from the new system regulation of final examination. First, the chances of cheating in the exam room is reduced and the totality of seriousness for exams will be higher due to the change from 2 to 5 packets about patterned scrambled packet will suppress the question of cooperation to work on the problems between students. Second, teachers will be motivated to develop and implement forms of assessment are more varied and innovative classroom-based assessments. Motivation of teachers to conduct these activities would present itself as a positive consequence of the recognition results of the assessment on the value of school teachers. Third, the creativity of the school to develop a school with a variety of learning activities and meeting facilities will be increased in order to support teaching and learning is crucial graduation. Fourth, teachers and students will carry out more serious in learning activities, especially the students will save them from the beginning of school until next level because 40 percent of their success is at that value. Furthermore, the positive effects certainly increase the number of students passing the exams.
    As for the negative effects of the new rules is to inflate test scores among schools. Schools are cheating, will take the opportunity to help their students by inflating the value of school exams their students, so they are paying less attention to the quality of participant students. Besides, a school with a minimum completeness criteria that have been formulated with relatively low numbers on report cards will be there is a fear of low graduation rates of their students. Certainly, it affects the credibility of the school. So the opportunity to juggle the report cards will be used here.

    The new rules of the national exam in 2011 are generally more realistic, democratic, and prospective to educational system development today, especially school-based management systems. It is better than the old system. But, the gap can be minimized and negative odds with the intentions and the implementation of the national exams are straight, honest and accountable by all parties by promoting fairness for all parties.

    Sunarto. 2011. “Analisis Kritik Peraturan Baru UN 2011”. June 23, 2011.

  20. Name : Abdul Azis
    Student's Number : 2093235675

    The Effect of New System Regulation of Final Examination For Senior High School

    Final examination as one steps that had to do by students when they want to get certificate from their school. Now, the final examination has new regulations. The new regulations are more difficult than the other regulations before. Many students feel afraid when they are in the last grade, just because of the final examination will come soon. I really don’t know about it. I think these new regulations have to repair by our government, so that they are not difficult to ending their senior high school period.
    As one step that had to do by students, final examination makes students feel down when they have to face it directly. They feel bit because there are many bad experiences before. Many students failed their final examination and the most tragically their passed themselves away. They did it just to put away their shy to other students. At this time, new regulations are more difficult than before, because many subjects had tried and the mark firmness is higher. Then, their school also determine the graduation each students. These facts as (Mamas, 2011) reported, “The calculation of the graduation examination in 2011, the lowest limit for graduation is 5.5. That figure is calculated from the 60 percent value and 40 percent of the national examination grades obtained starting grade 1, 2, to 3 at each level of education. Other provisions, a minimum value of each lesson UN 4.00.”
    The others bad effects of new regulations of final examination, students are smarter to deceive their scores and it is surely foolish themselves. It shows us, how the final examination is so difficult for our students so they can justifies any means just to get high marks. Indirectly, they deceive themselves and their environment and they become not confidence with their ability.
    Apparently, the technology is the main mastermind in streamlining their efforts to commit fraud. As (, 2011) stated, “From all the posts in Indonesia, almost every province there are reports of at least 1 to 2 cases of fraud.” We can conclude that these frauds surely the technology is the main mastermind to streamlining its. Hand phone as the most sophisticated technology can be the first reason why they can do the fraud. According to Azmi in Manan stated, ”As happened in South Korea many students at the State Academy disseminate answers the test to their companions, Cyber Crime Investigation Squad, Cyber crime investigators in South Korea, has been researching the problem cheating via SMS is even suspected of 600,000 students are involved to exchange test answers via SMS, (2011).” The sophisticated of technology today make people complacent to do everything, including fraud. It is surely happen in Indonesia as developing country.
    The one ways to solve this problem, beside the students is always study hard, they are also should pray in order to avoid bad things like that. Besides that the role of our government was truly concerned about the fate of the nation's next, they should really do the best for our students like, do the reviews directly to school and see what has actually been done by the students and find out what they want. Not only do the assessment with only seeing the end result of their national exams, but also do observed directly in order to find the truly facts on the ground in order to make better the next generation.

  21. Publications.Tuesday, 28 June 2011 - 5:16.
    "Perubahan Sistem Pelaksanaan UN Tahun 2011" sistem pelaksanaan un tahun 2011.
    by nopi erma yunita

  22. Publications.Tuesday, 28 June 2011 - 5:16.
    "Perubahan Sistem Pelaksanaan UN Tahun 2011" sistem pelaksanaan un tahun 2011.
    by iin sopayona


    Tomorrow, exactly on 18 April 2011 was a very exciting day for all students in grade XII SMA / MA .. first coined, the UN became a big controversy.
    I think the UN presence is very a scourge for students, teachers and schools. Students be afraid if not graduated. If not passed, it will be scolded by their parents, will be teased by his friends and his future will be bleak because the door to enter the world of college campuses let alone the country has been closed. For teachers, the UN is a scourge because that's where a teacher's credibility is at stake, yes graduates lack the UN though not all because of unfamiliarity of students towards learning.
    many students, teachers and schools are forced to cheat.
    I think there are two fundamental reasons that could explain.
    First, the excessive emphasis on results, rather than on the learning process. As a result, the primary goal. When results are considered more important than the process, all means were lawful to gain high marks. The government actually taught himself how such a view through a national exam. On the one hand, the national exam as if a judge deciding the future of students without considering their learning history Second, the national exam results have an impact on the reputation and good name of the school, including principals and teachers, in the eyes of the general public. When the reputation and good name are at stake, all means to defend it as if it is legitimate to do. Moreover, if the stake is the reputation of the school principal who threatened mutated Head of Education. In East Kalimantan, for example, Head of Education Samarinda threatening principal mutated SMA / SMK that is not successful graduation of students exceeds 75 percent target.
    Iwan Syahril said (200: 23) that the standardized exams that students and teachers only produce a paranoid fear and anxiety for exams. Standardized test that produces students who are keen to learn or teachers who diligently teach solely for the sake of value. Fraud that occurred in some areas during the implementation of the UAN is also an indication that the test is standardized and centralized has caused students and teachers forget the true purpose of education. Education has been treated is like the mechanical activity to achieve short-term goals. Is not education should be directed to realize the ideals of ideal, namely to produce individuals who are whole and balanced intellectually, emotionally, and socially, as mandated by law, and not merely for the sake of scores UAN?
    . Regulation of this year is written that the value of report cards from grade 1 to be considered a passing grade
    According to M. Amin, “This new level of understanding of the rules have been impressed semerawut, not to mention later on the practice implementation. Based on the initial problem above can be assumed that the end of April 2011 the UN Implementation will be a lot of problems that arise. This assumption is certainly not an exaggeration, seeing kelazim that exist, that any new policy is very susceptible to the level of understanding that are less precise because of inadequate socialization carried out” (2011:12).
    Exams are held only used as an evaluation tool, and not as a means of determining be granted.goverment said one of the functions of the national exam is to determine the quality of education in Indonesia, and guarantee the quality of national education if this function is running well inevitable ranking Indonesian education will not be positioned lowest in ASEAN.
    NIM :2093235676

  24. References
    -Sunarto. 2011. “Analisis Kritik Peraturan Baru UN 2011”.
    Nama : Helsiani
    Nim : 2093235703
    Class : PBI 4 A

  25. References
    - June 22, 2010

    Nama : Lusi susi yanti
    Nim : 2093235719
    Class : PBI 4 A

  26. Name : Abdul Azis
    Student's Number : 2093235675

    The Effect of New System Regulation of Final Examination For Senior High School

    Final examination as one steps that had to do by students when they want to get certificate from their school. Now, the final examination has new regulations. The new regulations are more difficult than the other regulations before. Many students feel afraid when they are in the last grade, just because of the final examination will come soon. I really don’t know about it. I think these new regulations have to repair by our government, so that they are not difficult to ending their senior high school period.
    As one step that had to do by students, final examination makes students feel down when they have to face it directly. They feel bit because there are many bad experiences before. Many students failed their final examination and the most tragically their passed themselves away. They did it just to put away their shy to other students. At this time, new regulations are more difficult than before, because many subjects had tried and the mark firmness is higher. Then, their school also determine the graduation each students. These facts as (Mamas, 2011) reported, “The calculation of the graduation examination in 2011, the lowest limit for graduation is 5.5. That figure is calculated from the 60 percent value and 40 percent of the national examination grades obtained starting grade 1, 2, to 3 at each level of education. Other provisions, a minimum value of each lesson UN 4.00.”
    The others bad effects of new regulations of final examination, students are smarter to deceive their scores and it is surely foolish themselves. It shows us, how the final examination is so difficult for our students so they can justifies any means just to get high marks. Indirectly, they deceive themselves and their environment and they become not confidence with their ability.
    Apparently, the technology is the main mastermind in streamlining their efforts to commit fraud. As (, 2011) stated, “From all the posts in Indonesia, almost every province there are reports of at least 1 to 2 cases of fraud.” We can conclude that these frauds surely the technology is the main mastermind to streamlining its. Hand phone as the most sophisticated technology can be the first reason why they can do the fraud. According to Azmi in Manan stated, ”As happened in South Korea many students at the State Academy disseminate answers the test to their companions, Cyber Crime Investigation Squad, Cyber crime investigators in South Korea, has been researching the problem cheating via SMS is even suspected of 600,000 students are involved to exchange test answers via SMS, (2011).” The sophisticated of technology today make people complacent to do everything, including fraud. It is surely happen in Indonesia as developing country.
    The one ways to solve this problem, beside the students is always study hard, they are also should pray in order to avoid bad things like that. Besides that the role of our government was truly concerned about the fate of the nation's next, they should really do the best for our students like, do the reviews directly to school and see what has actually been done by the students and find out what they want. Not only do the assessment with only seeing the end result of their national exams, but also do observed directly in order to find the truly facts on the ground in order to make better the next generation.


    Mamas. 2011.”Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Ujian Nasional 2011.” Retrieved from: on June 26th,, 2011

    Kusno, Malikul. 2011. “Evaluasi Sementara, IPM Temukan 63 Kecurangan UN.” Retrieved from: on June 27th, 2011

    Retrieved from: on June 27th, 2011

  27. The Effect of New System Regulation of Final Examination for Senior High School

    The previous system regulation of final examination in Indonesia seems worsen the examination participants. It could be unfair for them who can not follow the examination by some reason.The system regulation make the participants fight to pass the examination if they don't want make their studying for three years in senior high school be meaningless. By considering these problems, the government creates a new system regulation of final examination for senior high school in order to repair the justice in education.

    The preceding system regulation of final examination apparently damages its participants. Senior high school students have to pass the examination which is only existed in three days if they want to continue their studying in university or only to get graduation from senior high school. In 2010, a hundred percent of final examination result is the main factor of the passing. Because of that, some deceits were done by every school person, include the headmaster; some teachers; and of course the participants of examination. The problem is not only come from that complication, but also come from participants' fault. Their faults can be: error working in marking the answer sheet, carelessly to keep the answer sheet clear and unfolded, and their healthy which might be bad when they take the examination.It is as same as Mediascanter said that it was unfair for the clever students who were failed in the examination because of illness or other problems,(2011).

    The conditions above seem uneffective for both government and education. So that the National Minister of Education signed the Regulation of National Minister of Education No.45/2011 about graduation criteria and Regulation of National Minister of Education No.46/2011 about final examination for junior high school and senior high school. "These [new regulation] are convention of National Standart of Education Corporation as the organizer of national examination and recommended by Indonesian Legislative Assembly", (Umar, 2011). The formula of this new regulation is: 60% for national examination, 40% for grades in school from third semester until fifth semester.

    The new system regulation which is offered by the government is quite good. It gives the school line -which is acquainted with the students who are suitable for the graduation- an opportunity to be more objective , and gives the justice for the participants. The participants' grades in final examination for national level can be helped by their grades in last three semesters. Although the system has less socialization, its realization can be accepted by almost all of the involved participants, namely the students; school personalia; and government.

    It is good to make an evaluation in each education year, so that the government can improve its system whether it is good enough or not. By using this new system, the government helps the participants to pass the examination in a fair play. The participants' outcome of the studying is worth what they've ever do in three years. To minimize the negative effects of the new system, the government should make a socialization about it first, perhaps it can make the system be more acceptable in its realization.

    Scanter,Media. "Peraturan Baru Ujian Nasional". Http://

    Umar,Primagama Teuku. "Sistem Terbaru Ujian Nasional 2011". Http:// June 27, 2011

    written by:

  28. Name : Andri Saputra
    NIM : 2093235680

    The Effects of New System Regulation of Final Regulation for Senior High School

    There is a system in Indonesia to graduate students from senior high school. It is national examination or final examination. As we know that, it always holds every year for third grade of senior high school. It is always really prepared by schools so that their students can pass the examination well. But the strange of this system, it is always changes every year so students be like guinea pigs and make schools, parents and specially students be confuse about this matter. Of course, it also can be impact for students. The questions, what is the effect of new system regulation of final examination for senior high school can be bad effect or good effect of both of them. In this essay I will discuss about the effect of new system regulation of final examination for senior high school.
    If there is a argumentation which state that there are many bad effect of new system regulation of final examination for senior high school than good effect, I tend to more agree with this argumentation. Why is it so ? Because if flash back to our memory about it, so many bad effect that appear because of it, such as suicide, mental load, anarchic behavior destroys school etc. As Susanto (2011) stated that “I still remember last year some students ended their life by suicide because of high stress, and didn’t pass final examination. Final examination is really be a afraid something for senior high school, even it for senior high school in remote spot. Perhaps, government closes eyes about it”.
    As Hartono, one of lecturer of UI (2011) said that national examination had good effect for senior high school, because the students could be motivated with it. Yes I also agree with it, but however in fact, bad effect that I have said above hard to be avoided. For teachers, national or final examination is a afraid something too, because from here the credibility of teachers are staked. Yes, although it is all not because of not understanding of students on subjects but also because teachers and school might not really prepare the exam. However they are actors for success of students.
    So for me, the national or final examination is really afraid something for students, teachers and parents. Students can be afraid if do not pass. They will think that their future are going to be dark and be despair. And I think government must take care about it. It must look for others wise system that not be burden for students. If it has been good provision, I hope the provision is not always changed every year.

  29. The Effect of new system regulation of final examination for senior high school
    Name : Jhondri Aprizal
    Nim :2093235714
    Class :Pbi “A” 4th semester
    In the second half of the twentieth century, education has come to be viewed as a key to equality and equity in all societies. It is an essential social-human capital for the advancement of individual and country existences. Based on a report from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), that in the global education rankings, Indonesia ranked lower than Malaysia (56) and Brunei Darussalam (43), but higher than some other Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam (79), the Philippines (82), and Cambodia (103) (The Jakarta Post Daily, May 12, 2008).
    I think,actually high school education system in Indonesia is good. Government raising scores of SK (standar kelulusan) every years. But,if that case being as based of to be graduated,of course it will make citizen get shocked and confused. How not,education that experiencf for 12 years being fixed just on 3 days. There is 6 subjects to be tested. For 3 days on national examination. Yeah, the days to act of determining. I believe that government makes that new polìcy fundamentally for the kindness of it's people. To make people more clever and ready to compete with global people.But it is not far if there is no judgements. Government raising the score graduate every years. It's just be able to do it if it is balanced with education quality of every schools in Indonesia. In fact,education system of all areas of Indonesia is not same. In Java Island or big cities have a lot of SSI (Sekolah Standar International). That case will make the areas of Indonesia which is progress just in the big cities. It is not far. On the other hand, in small villages, students in less progress can't pass the exam because they had some difficulty to do the national examination. On top that,some of them didn't come on the days of they doubt that they can pass away national examination. On the other hand, in big cities students said the examination was so easy. I hope this condition will no longer exist in next future.

    Well, Education is not a gift that's easily received, but the most powerful tool that needs to be built and developed. Indonesian government have to spend enough money to fully fund the educational program in Indonesia. Based on Al-Quran,there is 5 components of education, there is teacher (Allah),student(Muhammad SAW), support services and educational facilities (qalam), education system (iqra) and curriculum. These are a needful extension of the educational administrative machinery to ensure that the basic aim of providing quality education can be achived. It will be nice ie before Indonesian government raising the standard graduate,they have to make even distribution of education to small villages as good as in big cities. So, it will not missmatched. The growth and advancement education of all areas of Indonesian government, and it affects the economy.
    In conlusion,National Exam results are the only measurement to decide whether students graduate or not. Every student exactly wants to enter the next higher education, but they have to pass National Exam first. Beside, socially, having good scores in National Exam can give the students a good prestige. It brings the students a desire to reach a high score. In other conditions, some institutions using National Exam result as one of terms to enter them. They will of course ashamed to their friends and families if they were failed in National Exam. So directly, National Exam can give a strong motivation to the students to study hard and hard everyday.

    Umar,Primagama Teuku. "Sistem Terbaru Ujian Nasional 2011". Http:// June 27, 2011


  30. The Effect of New System Regulation of Final Examination
    For Senior High School

    Ministry of Education has set new formula for final examination 2011 through Pemendiknas number 45 in 2010. The implementation of system, policy, and new formula will have new expectation and effect. Although it had decided based on the analysis, evaluation, proposition, and input from various parties, but the positive expectation and the negative impacts always follow the jurney of a new system regulation.

    The new formula of graduation final examination 2011 which led to several new rules. namely : the consideration of the value of school examination in determaining student’s graduation, the pattern of five examination question package, the implementation of the final examination is only once without re-examination, and the pattern of filling the last two rooms have positive effects. As Muhammad Nuh, national education minister, said that previously, there were only two types of question in each subject, but now there were five types of question for each seem subject that may minimalize cheating sho that student can’t cheat each others. (march, 6 2011), while the expectations or the positive effects that arise are increased spirit of school-based management, as J.Dust, S.J said (2005:21) “... a class-based management, where every school is given the freedom to develop themselves, it becomes important to note”, the form of the appreciation and admission of the efforts admitted and appreciated as one of determining students' graduation is a form of government attention to the dynamics of school-based management, the creativity of school to develop the school by some variations of learning activity and compliting activities facility will more motivate. Then, the learning more holistic, learning activities will be enthusiastic and passionate because the result of learning value from each semester will have direct impacts on students’ graduation, it mean that teacher and students will be motivate to store their point for their graduation. Then, the examintaion result has higher validity because the alteration of question package from two becomes five question types so the opportunity to cheat is reduce. And finally seriousness to face final examination will be better because there is no re-examination for students who don’t pass final examination.

    The new rules of final examination have many positive impacts but also many negative impacts that can be appear. We have to accept the consequence of new regulation system. First, the school with minimum completeness criteria that formulate with lower value in raport book would be concern have low graduation rates of students. Second, the school can use this opportunity to help their students so that they can be pass based on formula that had been made by the swelling of school examination value. Then, the suffling of five package question has long periode, it can make arrangement of seat that can stimulate unfair cooperation from some people that have bad purpose.

    So the new rules are generally more realistic, normative, democratis, and prospective educational system that developed at this time, especially school-based management systems. The new rule also provides new hope better than the eamination rules of 2010, the negative opportunities of the new examination rules can be minimized with the intention and the implementation of the final examination in a straight way, honest and accountable by all parties to promote justice for all without exception.

    Nama : Hardi Andeska
    Nim : 2093235701
    Class : IV A/ semester 4

    References :
    Sunarto. “Ujian Nasional”. Maret 2011
    Dafhy, “Dilema Ujian Nasional”. April 2011

  31. Name: Hasnol suryadi
    Nim : 2093235702
    Clss: IV A.

    The Effect of New System Regulation of Final Examination For Senior High School

    In this year, the regulation of education makes horrendous for junior highschool. Where there are several regulations had made by the goverment. this regulation make all student to be scare,becouse it is bad influence on this essay the writer will explain The effect of New System Regulation of Final Examination For Senior High School.
    Effect of regulations are very influential on students is a matter The Final Examination of Nasional system to face the Final Examination of nasional with six materials there are Indonesian, English, mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics. The student assumes that government efforts to improve the quality of education by increasing the egraduation standards is big mistake, because the government is imphasize to enforce this rule. The reality, education system in our country should repaire deeply from the system as well as teaching and how to learning.
    According to the minister, “The new formula will be implemented is to combine the UN with the school NS. School is the combined value of school test scores plus semester grades 1-4. Next, the students graduation is a combination of the value of school test scores combined with all subjects”, (Saturday 25 june, 2011).
    Many student argument that all students hope new system the final examination expected to test a system that was enforce public accountability, and increase of quality education to at least its students' academic achievement. (
    Improving the quality of education can be done by applying a good system of examination at the end of each last semester and to next class. Exam is a strategy commonly used by developing countries in improving the quality of education, because it is easy and effective way of influencing what is studying and what is learned teacher learner to achieve the desired goals.
    In conclusion the government wants to increase the subjects in the Final Examination of National is wrong. we can see, the facilities of education an infrastructure in Indonesia! whether all schools are same? There are many differentces bitween in the capital and in the village, in town has many facillities then in the village. Another example, on teachers, do all teachers have a good quality to carry out their duties in accordance with what has been determined? I don’t think so, becouse the teacher has skills, ability, and how to teach their children are different.
    Reference: http//:baru kumtus/kontroversi_ujian_nasional.html
    Mamas. 2011.”Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Ujian Nasional 2011.” Retrieved
