Rabu, 04 Januari 2012


This task is for class VB. Try to look for an article about culture or education, then write an analysis about it. You should submit it before final exam.Don't Forget to quote some theories to prove your ideas!

57 komentar:

    TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2009

    Recently, the development of primary education in Indonesia is showing positive trends. Data concerning achievement of millennium development goals of Indonesia (2007) reveals a significant growth in 1992 and 2006 for both primary and junior high school net enrolment ratio. In 1992, primary school net enrolment ratio was 88.7 percent and it has increased up to 94.7 percent in 2006, whereas, for junior school was 41.9 percent in 1992 and improved up to 66.5 percent in 2006. In addition, nationally speaking, the primary school gross enrolment ratio (GER) and the junior high school gross enrolment ratio between 1993 and 2006 have also shown optimistic improvement .

    The evidence above shows a great commitment of the Government of Indonesia to improve the quality of education. Furthermore, the allocation of at least 20% of the total National Budget (APBN) and Local Government Budget (APBD) since 2009 is another evidence of this positive commitment. However, there are still several challenges which need to be addressed. These challenges are related to decentralization policy, school management, and gender equality.

    First of all, in general, decentralization policy of education in Indonesia is a part of reformation era demands. This concept has basically intended to upgrade the quality of centralized education system during more than 50 years. The concept of this decentralization can be inferred from the Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20, year 2003 on National Education System, which states that the central government and local governments have the right to guide, supervise,assist, and monitor the implementation of education in accordance with the regulations, which are in force? (Article 10). And then article 11 says: (1) "The Government and local governments have to provide services and facilities, and ensure the implementation of quality in education for every citizen without discrimination. (2) The Government and local governments have to ensure the availability of funds for the implementation of education for every Indonesian citizen from the age of seven to fifteen. Therefore, it's clear that local governments also have a big responsibility to improve the quality of education. For this reason, at least they have to guarantee that every child can have proper access to the primary school.

    According to Ace Suryadi, expert staff of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia, the problem of decentralization rises when local governments in Indonesia do not comprehend this concept well.They just wait for the central government's instruction because they are afraid of making mistakes and being creative . On the other hand, the Central Government of Indonesia seems to have communicative problems with local government regarding new policies to local governments and this has caused the local actors seems reluctant to implement the policy. For instance, related to the implementation of 2006 national curriculum as a replacement of national curriculum of 2004, many local actors do not comprehend how to implement the curriculum due to socialization problems. Therefore, here, socialization plays an important role that cannot be neglected by the central government.

    Posted by Anton Widyanto at 10:18:00 PM
    Retrieved from http://learning-forum.blogspot.com/2009/01/education-in-indonesia-short-notice.html

    CLASS : VB

  2. Do Kids Have Too Much Homework

    by Jonathon Hardcastle

    In the late 90s, feature stories began appearing in the national media about children and parents who were so overwhelmed by the amount of homework that it was destroying their family life and causing psychological damage. The evidence presented in these stories was often anecdotal, profiling just one or two families. However, the articles were published in enough respected publications that they sparked a national debate on whether children have too much homework. Schools scrambled to create homework policies, parents held protests, and children began to receive sharply mixed messages on the value of homework.

    In all the fuss, people never realized that the information contained the articles simply wasn't true. In 2003, the Brown Center on Educational Policy at the prestigious Brookings Institution released a report that shattered the perception that American students are staggering under an unreasonable load of homework. In fact, they found just the opposite: American students probably don't spend enough time on homework. Gathering data from a number of studies that had been performed in the late 90s, the Brown Center drew four startling conclusions.

    Typical students, from kindergarten to high school, don't spend more than an hour a day doing homework. In fact, pointing to a study done by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, the Brown report found that more than two-thirds of college freshmen did five hours or less of homework during their final year of high school.

    The report also analyzed studies and concluded that the homework load for the average student has not increased appreciably since the 1980s. This is in direct opposition to the anecdotal evidence cited in the article of homework increasing to as much as three hours per night.

    However, a study performed in 1997 by Michigan State University showed that children at that time were spending just over two hours per week on study, which could include activities other than homework. Interestingly, this study is often used to prove that students have too much homework, since the weekly hours spent on study increased over the life of the study by 23 minutes. The Brown Center postulates that this statistical increase was actually caused by children who previously had no homework at all and because they had advanced in grade, now had homework.

    Finally, the Brown report found that, contrary to the articles' portrayal of militant parents protesting homework, most parents are satisfied with the amount of homework their children receive. In fact, if parents were dissatisfied with the amount of homework their children had, it was because they felt it wasn't enough.

  3. A recent article published on www.acehinstitute.org, “ Education In Indonesia : Short Notice,” focuses on the problems blocking the development of education in Indonesia. Author Anton Widyanto discusses such problems in Education development in Indonesia as desentralization policy and funds also. Those problems have been occuring till now because no good cooperation between the central education and the local one.
    According to the author Anton widyanto, indonesia has significantly increased up in education ratio but the system supporting the development education couldn’t be run well. The desentralization policy in one of them. The basic concept of desentralization printed at Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20, year 2003 on National Education System requires the good communication and cooperation between the government and local government. The local government shoul be more active to develop the educational system because the responsibility of developing eduational system in an area, absolutely be given to local government. Even so, the central Government as supervisor of eduational system in Indonesia should control the implementation of it. But, in fact the local government don’t comprehend about the concept of desentralization. They just wait instructions from cenral government because they afraid making mistakes. In the other words, the local government have no good commucation to the local government.So, who should be blamed?. The local government want not to be actor of educational failure in an area because they can implement the system if the central government support them such as funds, facilities and so forth. At UU No. 32, year 2004 on local government adressed that the education system controlled by the local government should be provided enough funds, and facilities by central government. It indicates that the central government also has a great responsibility, spesifically in providing funds and facilities. But, those problems are not really great problems. We also blame limitation funds of education as a great problem, but actually great problem is no good communication between government.
    It’s a poor condition of educational system in Indonesia. The government throws the responsibilities to another like they don’t care about it. The government and the local government should cooperate well to apply this system. The government should support to upgrade teacher’s ability of local area, because local area is an actor who applicate the system. So, the quality and teacher’s ability should be qualified. No blaming to local government from the central, and governmet from local. Both should comprehend their duties and cooperate each other. It can make better educational system in Indonesia, especially in a poor areas that frequently be forgot by the government.

    By Fachrul Rozi IV B

  4. Healthy Relationships Take Work
    By Chris on in Family, Personal Development

    It is normal in a long-term relationship or a marriage for things to cool off after a while. Sometimes however, other factors come into play and a relationship can start to have serious problems. Financial difficulties, an unfaithful partner, alcohol or drug abuse or major changes in normal routines, can all play a part in making a relationship hit the rocks. Knowing how to handle these problems without letting them take control of the relationship is key. Building healthy relationships is something that people must work at, but it is a worthwhile goal.

    It is important to try to find solutions for problems in such a relationship before things get out of hand. When one of the partners notices problems it must not be ignored. Any signs of emotional abuse or failing communication should be addressed as quickly as possible. Sometimes when people are in relationships, there is a slow change that occurs and neither partner realizes how far they have drifted from their happier days. It is a common problem for people in a relationship to start taking advantage of each other or at the very least take each other for granted. This type of behavior can breed resentment and lead to the end of a relationship. Sometimes the solution is as simple as just stepping back and trying to remember what attracted you to your partner in the first place.

    In a successful relationship, each partner must be willing to give up a little bit of their ego and look for what will make the other partner happy. Successful relationships are a give and take proposition. Each partner must be willing to listen and consider making changes if it is for the benefit of both partners. When the conflicts arise, there must be in understanding that there can be a rational and calm discussion about situation without letting it turned into a full blown argument. Communication is a vital component of successful relationships no matter if the couple has just started dating or have been together for 50 years.


    Name: Ahyaudin Ma'id
    Class: Vb

  5. Do Kids Have Too Much Homework
    by Jonathon Hardcastle
    In the late 90s, feature stories began appearing in the national media about children and parents who were so overwhelmed by the amount of homework that it was destroying their family life and causing psychological damage. The evidence presented in these stories was often anecdotal, profiling just one or two families. However, the articles were published in enough respected publications that they sparked a national debate on whether children have too much homework. Schools scrambled to create homework policies, parents held protests, and children began to receive sharply mixed messages on the value of homework.
    In all the fuss, people never realized that the information contained the articles simply wasn't true. In 2003, the Brown Center on Educational Policy at the prestigious Brookings Institution released a report that shattered the perception that American students are staggering under an unreasonable load of homework. In fact, they found just the opposite: American students probably don't spend enough time on homework. Gathering data from a number of studies that had been performed in the late 90s, the Brown Center drew four startling conclusions.
    Typical students, from kindergarten to high school, don't spend more than an hour a day doing homework. In fact, pointing to a study done by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, the Brown report found that more than two-thirds of college freshmen did five hours or less of homework during their final year of high school.
    The report also analyzed studies and concluded that the homework load for the average student has not increased appreciably since the 1980s. This is in direct opposition to the anecdotal evidence cited in the article of homework increasing to as much as three hours per night.
    However, a study performed in 1997 by Michigan State University showed that children at that time were spending just over two hours per week on study, which could include activities other than homework. Interestingly, this study is often used to prove that students have too much homework, since the weekly hours spent on study increased over the life of the study by 23 minutes. The Brown Center postulates that this statistical increase was actually caused by children who previously had no homework at all and because they had advanced in grade, now had homework.
    Finally, the Brown report found that, contrary to the articles' portrayal of militant parents protesting homework, most parents are satisfied with the amount of homework their children receive. In fact, if parents were dissatisfied with the amount of homework their children had, it was because they felt it wasn't enough.

    name : Husnaini
    NIM : 2093235704

  6. Homeschool Breaks
    One of the great things about homeschooling is the flexibility it provides. Many homeschool families take breaks when it’s convenient, or necessary, for their family schedule. Some of us take fairly long breaks. Our family takes off for one week in April for vacation. We like to go before schools let out because there are usually less people and summer prices haven’t taken effect.
    We also break from Thanksgiving to New Year’s. With all of the holiday traveling and volunteering we do, it was just easier to take the whole period off rather than try to find bits and pieces of time to fit in school. Because of this, we pretty much school through the summer. Occasionally, we get the month of August off, but most years, we school all summer.
    While many families schedule their own breaks, a lot of families still end up with the summer off. Whether it’s the whole summer, or just a month or so, it can be hard to get rejuvenated and motivated when it’s time to get back into the swing of things. When I first started really figuring out how to home school, I remembered being in school and how hard it was to get started every time school started back in August, or after Spring or Winter break. I knew I didn’t want to be met with a lot resistance every time we took a break.
    With my kids now, any time we take an extended break, we have a couple of ways to transition back into a normal schooling day:
    - We don’t jump in with all of the subjects at once. To go from doing nothing, to doing 4 or 5 hours of school, is a big jump. And generally what should have taken 4 hours ends up taking 3 days and is hard on everybody. So we start back with one subject at a time. The first day, we do one subject. The second day, we hopefully add another subject. The third day, again, and so on.
    - Another great way to transition back is to play educational games. Whether it’s board games, or online games, they don’t feel so much pressure when they are playing. My kids can spend an hour playing online learning games and while they realize they are learning something, they don't mind because it doesn't feel like "normal school." My youngest is 7 and loves to play board games like Scrabble and Monopoly. Even if they are difficult and he needs our help, he enjoys playing and has NO idea he’s getting a spelling or math lesson! Instituting game time for part of their “school time” makes it a little easier to once again, carve out time in their day.
    Some families also use extended breaks as a way to introduce changes to their school schedule and/or curricula. In reading through homeschool forums and talking to parents in our homeschool group, I found that returning from winter break is often the time when parents decide to change something that isn’t working for their school year.
    name: indah efriyani
    class: 5b

    1. A recent article int the www.edarticle.com "homeschool breaks" more concern about family that use homeschooling. He(unname) discuss such information about the family that choose homeschooling as an alternative. Probably because his article were incorrect or 50:50 (fifty fifty), most of the information in this article is simply wrong.
      According to author, "homeschooling is the flexibility that provide". When their son was studying, the family take some weeks to refreshing or traveling in other area or country. So whats wrong with homeschooling here? homeschooling has some media that unconsciously by children if they are studying. First, use different subject everyday because it always change. Second, use board game or on line games. Homeschooling has different mean if we analysis more deeply. Homeschooling that use when holiday came or homeschooling that do because they were very busy with their work. It is hard to do because needs participation of the parents. It is really really need to make their children be clever, or more understanding about the study.
      So big Question in this article is do the parents can give appropiate lesson as normal school?. This article maybe give an illustration about homeschooling. they can watch their children, the time that agree with each other. If only it is good, it can do. So, are you ready about that?

      mam, this is my analysis, thank you so much for your attention....

      indah efriyani

  7. Manners, Customs and the Japanese way

    Manners and custom are an important part of many facets of Japanese life. The language, although basically quite simple to pronounce and speak, is made very difficult to master because of the codified layers of respect and humility that are used depending on to whom you are talking.
    There are different words for many verbs depending on whether you are talking to an older, younger or similarly aged person. When you walk into a shop or restaurant you will often be greeted by a deep bow and the very polite expression (although often shouted) irrashaimase - meaning "welcome" or
    "please come in".

    These social conventions are often very different from those of Western people and can seem a little bewildering at first. A strict code of behaviour and politeness is recognised and followed by almost all Japanese.

    However, the Japanese are well aware of these differences and indeed often talk up the uniqueness of Japanese culture and customs, thus they expect foreigners to stand out and not understand. Go near a pair of chopsticks and you'll be complemented on your dexterity in using them, utter a word of Japanese and you'll be greeted by gasps of astonishment.

    In general, as long as you are polite and follow a few simple rules you'll be fine:
    • It is customary to take off your shoes in the reception area when entering a Japanese house, some restaurants and hotels will also require you to do this - there is normally clearly a place to put your shoes.
    • When meeting people you can bow, although shaking hands is quite common these days. You may well be given a business card, these meishi are used by businessmen and high school students alike.
    • When you address someone you should use the suffix "-san", so Mr. Suzuki becomes Suzuki-san. Never use "-san" to speak about yourself however.
    • Before eating it is customary to put your hands together and say 'ita-daki-masu' (I will partake) and afterwards 'gochi-so-sama-deshita' (that was delicious).
    • Never pass food from chopstick to chopstick
    Gifts, known as "omiyage" in Japanese, are very important in Japanese society and if you meet any Japanese you may well be given something.

    It is a good idea to have some small trinkets from home to offer in exchange - bookmarks or postcards are fine.These can also be a talking point and can smooth over any little misunderstandings.

    Although working out Japanese etiquette can be a little trying at first you will soon find it becomes second nature and a real part of the experience - try to stop bowing once you get home!


    Name : Ahyaudin Ma'id
    Class : VB

  8. Do Kids Have Too Much Homework
    by Jonathon Hardcastle
    In the late 90s, feature stories began appearing in the national media about children and parents who were so overwhelmed by the amount of homework that it was destroying their family life and causing psychological damage. The evidence presented in these stories was often anecdotal, profiling just one or two families. However, the articles were published in enough respected publications that they sparked a national debate on whether children have too much homework. Schools scrambled to create homework policies, parents held protests, and children began to receive sharply mixed messages on the value of homework.
    In all the fuss, people never realized that the information contained the articles simply wasn't true. In 2003, the Brown Center on Educational Policy at the prestigious Brookings Institution released a report that shattered the perception that American students are staggering under an unreasonable load of homework. In fact, they found just the opposite: American students probably don't spend enough time on homework. Gathering data from a number of studies that had been performed in the late 90s, the Brown Center drew four startling conclusions.
    Typical students, from kindergarten to high school, don't spend more than an hour a day doing homework. In fact, pointing to a study done by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, the Brown report found that more than two-thirds of college freshmen did five hours or less of homework during their final year of high school.
    The report also analyzed studies and concluded that the homework load for the average student has not increased appreciably since the 1980s. This is in direct opposition to the anecdotal evidence cited in the article of homework increasing to as much as three hours per night.
    However, a study performed in 1997 by Michigan State University showed that children at that time were spending just over two hours per week on study, which could include activities other than homework. Interestingly, this study is often used to prove that students have too much homework, since the weekly hours spent on study increased over the life of the study by 23 minutes. The Brown Center postulates that this statistical increase was actually caused by children who previously had no homework at all and because they had advanced in grade, now had homework.
    Finally, the Brown report found that, contrary to the articles' portrayal of militant parents protesting homework, most parents are satisfied with the amount of homework their children receive. In fact, if parents were dissatisfied with the amount of homework their children had, it was because they felt it wasn't enough.

    name : husnaini

  9. Name: Rahmad Sopan
    NIM: 2093235885

    School to Japan Without Learn Japanese Language

    Asia Pacific University (APU) provides scholarships for foreign students to undergo studies in of Sakura. This scholarship is awarded for a maximum of 4 years (until graduation) and no ties whatsoever. Scholarship selection process incoming and APU based on the quality of documents submitted, without the written tests or interviews. In addition, the APU uses English as an introduction to learning. So, you do not need to learn Japanese first. Interested?

    Scholarships are awarded APU includes only 124 credits over four years for freshmen (first year student), 94 credits for 3 years for second-year transfer student (second year transfer student), and 62 credits for 2 years for a third year transfer student ( third year transfer student).

    This scholarship program does not apply if the student takes additional credits, or decide to study more than 4 years.

    Well, there are several scholarship options, namely Pre-Enrollment scholarship that covers 100 percent of the scholarship program, scholarship programs 80 percent, 65 percent of the scholarship program, scholarship program by 50 percent, 30 percent scholarship, and Honor Scholarship.

    100 percent for the scholarship program, all tuition fees paid by the university, without the cost of tickets and living expenses. Similarly, 80 percent of the program, pays 80 percent of university tuition fees and so on. Meanwhile, Honor Scholarship is a scholarship granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology valued at 600,000 yen per year. Students only pay 130,000 yen entrance fee, airfare, and tuition 1200000-1375000 yen per year and the cost of living, and can be combined with other APU scholarships.

    There are also Scholarships Post-enrollment, ie internal scholarships to students who have been in Japan, achievement and meet the requirements. In addition, there are external scholarships are awarded to international students, and 19 kinds of scholarships are awarded for those who have student visas.

    For enrollment to April 2012, application deadline 30 September 2011 and the regular application deadline November 30, 2011. For enrollment September 2012, application deadline January 31, 2012, the regular application deadline March 31, 2012.

  10. Getting Started with Homeschooling
    Alternate Education > Homeschooling | By: Katie Shuler (12/22/11) Views: 22
    Statistics show that more and more parents are making the decision to homeschool their children. Maybe it’s for religious or spiritual reasons. Maybe it’s because their children have special needs, or are gifted, and a home education is more suited for them. Maybe it’s because they live in an area with a less than favorable school system. Maybe it’s a little bit of all of these reasons, or entirely different reasons altogether. Regardless of the why, homeschool is becoming a more viable option than in years past.
    Once you make the decision to homeschool, you want to make sure that you are well prepared to start this journey. Getting started with homeschooling doesn’t have to be a cause of worry or stress. Know and understand your state laws for homeschooling. Every state is different, as far as what they require. Some states require nothing at all once you have notified the state of your intentions. Other states just want minimal information, like attendance records and test results. Then there are those states that will need to approve your choice of curriculum and/or lesson plans for the year before you can officially homeschool and then will require annual evaluations to check progress. Just make sure that you get started on the right foot, and that you stay up to date each year.
    The one piece of advice that I wish I had gotten when I started out was to take some time and get to know your children and their learning styles. Knowing how they learn, and what manner helps them the most, is the best way to pick a homeschool method and a curriculum. There are workbook based curricula, there are online programs, there are methods which use literature and living books as a base, and then there are those methods where there is no formal curriculum or program at all. Take a look at all of the different options out there before you start buying any curricula, or signing your children up for any programs.
    You also need to really evaluate yourself and what you want from this experience. Sure, all parents want the best for their kiddos, but how you go about getting what you think is the “best” is going to differ from family to family. Have a good grasp of your own level of commitment (for instance, would you prefer to create your own lesson plans for the week, or would you rather your homeschool curriculum plan what your children will do that week) before you jump into anything.
    Another great piece of advice is to connect with other homeschooling families. This was invaluable for our family. My boys had a great deal of social interaction by participating in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, as well playing team sports with the local recreation department. But the majority of those kids went to school and the boys always felt so different. When we found our local homeschool support group, and they got to meet and play with other homeschoolers, they started to feel less like outcasts and more like were part of a "normal" group of kids. We meet for play dates, general support and field trips, and that works well for us. There are also Co-ops for those families who wish to share teaching responsibilities, or for older kids to participate in, to help with subjects that are harder to teach at home.
    Most importantly, enjoy this time with your children. Homeschooling can be a remarkable experience, not just for your children but for you as well! Our interests have grown and developed as a family, and I would have never imagined the number of things I have learned, just from teaching them!
    NIM : 2093235716

  11. Islamic Schools

    The emphasis on the Pancasila in public schools has been resisted by some of the Muslim majority. A distinct but vocal minority of these Muslims prefer to receive their schooling in a pesantren or residential learning center. Usually in rural areas and under the direction of a Muslim scholar, pesantren are attended by young people seeking a detailed understanding of the Quran, the Arabic language, the sharia , and Muslim traditions and history. Students could enter and leave the pesantren any time of the year, and the studies were not organized as a progression of courses leading to graduation. Although not all pesantren were equally orthodox, most were and the chief aim was to produce good Muslims.
    In order for students to adapt to life in the modern, secular nation-state, the Muslim-dominated Department of Religious Affairs advocated the spread of a newer variety of Muslim school, the madrasa. In the early 1990s, these schools integrated religious subjects from the pesantren with secular subjects from the Western-style public education system.
    The less-than 15 percent of the school-age population who attended either type of Islamic schools did so because of the perceived higher quality instruction. However, among Islamic schools, a madrasa was ranked lower than a pesantren. Despite the widespread perception in the West of resurgent Islamic orthodoxy in Muslim countries, the 1980s saw little overall increase in the role of religion in school curricula in Indonesia.
    In general, Indonesia's educational system still faced a shortage of resources in the 1990s. The shortage of staffing in Indonesia's schools was no longer as acute as in the 1950s, but serious difficulties remained, particularly in the areas of teacher salaries, teacher certification, and finding qualified personnel. Providing textbooks and other school equipment throughout the farflung archipelago continued to be a significant problem as well.


    Name: Emi kartini
    Class: V.B

  12. Do Kids Have Too Much Homework
    by Jonathon Hardcastle
    In the late 90s, feature stories began appearing in the national media about children and parents who were so overwhelmed by the amount of homework that it was destroying their family life and causing psychological damage. The evidence presented in these stories was often anecdotal, profiling just one or two families. However, the articles were published in enough respected publications that they sparked a national debate on whether children have too much homework. Schools scrambled to create homework policies, parents held protests, and children began to receive sharply mixed messages on the value of homework.
    In all the fuss, people never realized that the information contained the articles simply wasn't true. In 2003, the Brown Center on Educational Policy at the prestigious Brookings Institution released a report that shattered the perception that American students are staggering under an unreasonable load of homework. In fact, they found just the opposite: American students probably don't spend enough time on homework. Gathering data from a number of studies that had been performed in the late 90s, the Brown Center drew four startling conclusions.
    Typical students, from kindergarten to high school, don't spend more than an hour a day doing homework. In fact, pointing to a study done by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, the Brown report found that more than two-thirds of college freshmen did five hours or less of homework during their final year of high school.
    The report also analyzed studies and concluded that the homework load for the average student has not increased appreciably since the 1980s. This is in direct opposition to the anecdotal evidence cited in the article of homework increasing to as much as three hours per night.
    However, a study performed in 1997 by Michigan State University showed that children at that time were spending just over two hours per week on study, which could include activities other than homework. Interestingly, this study is often used to prove that students have too much homework, since the weekly hours spent on study increased over the life of the study by 23 minutes. The Brown Center postulates that this statistical increase was actually caused by children who previously had no homework at all and because they had advanced in grade, now had homework.
    Finally, the Brown report found that, contrary to the articles' portrayal of militant parents protesting homework, most parents are satisfied with the amount of homework their children receive. In fact, if parents were dissatisfied with the amount of homework their children had, it was because they felt it wasn't enough.

    1. Analysis of "Do Kids Have Too Much Homework"

      A recent article in the Education Articles, ” Do Kids Have Too Much Homework,” concerns about the contaversies of article in the national media which state that parents and their children were so overwhelmed by the amount of homework and it caused their household destroyed. Jonathon Hardcastle explained that in fact the contents of the article is not appropriate. I am in line with the author who originated the idea to show the real situation that reduces a heated debate because research on this issue is only addressed to one or two families.

      According to the author, Jonathon Hardcastle, people never realized that the information contained the articles simply wasn't true. As Brown Center on Educational Policy at the prestigious Brookings Institution stated that american students do not have enough time to do their homework. “Typical students, from kindergarten to high school, don't spend more than an hour a day doing homework.” It was already clear that the discussion on that article is very contradictory with the fact. Since the 1980s, it was reported that they did not experience an increase in homework. This report is contrary to the article which states that homework increasing to as much as three hours per night. In the Quran has mentioned that “When you have finished (from something affairs), do solemnly to another” ( Quran [94]:7 ). Fidi Mahendra in La Tahzan For Students states that from the above verse teaches us about some things. The first, regarding the continuity of work. From this, humans can be divided into two groups, namely people busy and people unemployed. Busy man is a man who has the range and variety of human labor while unemployment is a man who does not know how to work. Whether or not students look smart in the way he or she divides time. As students who are intelligent, time is precious so no word lazy but for students who are less intelligent, homework and school is considered torture and boring.

      The conclusion is american student needs of homework should be improved so that parents and children are satisfied with the results of their children learning as has been reported by the Brown

      Name : HUSNAINI

  13. Getting Started with Homeschooling
    Alternate Education > Homeschooling | By: Katie Shuler (12/22/11) Views: 22
    Statistics show that more and more parents are making the decision to homeschool their children. Maybe it’s for religious or spiritual reasons. Maybe it’s because their children have special needs, or are gifted, and a home education is more suited for them. Maybe it’s because they live in an area with a less than favorable school system. Maybe it’s a little bit of all of these reasons, or entirely different reasons altogether. Regardless of the why, homeschool is becoming a more viable option than in years past.
    Once you make the decision to homeschool, you want to make sure that you are well prepared to start this journey. Getting started with homeschooling doesn’t have to be a cause of worry or stress. Know and understand your state laws for homeschooling. Every state is different, as far as what they require. Some states require nothing at all once you have notified the state of your intentions. Other states just want minimal information, like attendance records and test results. Then there are those states that will need to approve your choice of curriculum and/or lesson plans for the year before you can officially homeschool and then will require annual evaluations to check progress. Just make sure that you get started on the right foot, and that you stay up to date each year.
    The one piece of advice that I wish I had gotten when I started out was to take some time and get to know your children and their learning styles. Knowing how they learn, and what manner helps them the most, is the best way to pick a homeschool method and a curriculum. There are workbook based curricula, there are online programs, there are methods which use literature and living books as a base, and then there are those methods where there is no formal curriculum or program at all. Take a look at all of the different options out there before you start buying any curricula, or signing your children up for any programs.
    You also need to really evaluate yourself and what you want from this experience. Sure, all parents want the best for their kiddos, but how you go about getting what you think is the “best” is going to differ from family to family. Have a good grasp of your own level of commitment (for instance, would you prefer to create your own lesson plans for the week, or would you rather your homeschool curriculum plan what your children will do that week) before you jump into anything.
    Another great piece of advice is to connect with other homeschooling families. This was invaluable for our family. My boys had a great deal of social interaction by participating in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, as well playing team sports with the local recreation department. But the majority of those kids went to school and the boys always felt so different. When we found our local homeschool support group, and they got to meet and play with other homeschoolers, they started to feel less like outcasts and more like were part of a "normal" group of kids. We meet for play dates, general support and field trips, and that works well for us. There are also Co-ops for those families who wish to share teaching responsibilities, or for older kids to participate in, to help with subjects that are harder to teach at home.
    Most importantly, enjoy this time with your children. Homeschooling can be a remarkable experience, not just for your children but for you as well! Our interests have grown and developed as a family, and I would have never imagined the number of things I have learned, just from teaching them!
    NIM : 2093235716

      NIM : 2093235716
      CLASS : TBI /V B
      Getting Started with Homeschooling
      A recent article in the http://www.edaarticle.com.” Getting started with homeschooling “concern to the homeschooling for the children. The author Katie Schuler discuss that homeschooling is very important for the children. But, I disagree with this article, because homeschooling will make the social area of children will be limited.
      According to author Katie Schuler that “Most importantly, enjoy this time with your children. Homeschooling can be a remarkable experience not just for your children but for you as well”. So, what they are really enjoys with their children at home? And what their children also enjoy at home? And what the experiences that your children and you could get with homeschooling?
      I think the exactly answer for answered those questions are:
      The first, maybe the parents will feel comfortable and quiet, if their children get a lesson at home. But, what they knew about the feel of their children? What their parents know what their children will be happy and enjoy? the answer is” No”, because, the thinking between parents and children not same. Maybe the children not feel happy and enjoy, because they feel alone, they could not interacted with another people and play with their friends for discussed or joke, they will feel their live like in jail and this is will be bad, if the children are the active children that love gathering and has high solidarity.
      The second, if the children much ends their time at home, so, their parents also feel uncomfortable, such as: Their parents will more carefully in speak and act. Because, along day their children always together with them, and as we knew that the children like to imitate every notice and action that we do. If their parents speak something that negative or bad speak so, their children also imitate them and another cases are will make the children become indulge and not confidence to interaction with another people and this is will be bad effect for them.
      And the last, if they always end their time at home, what the experience that will they get? If they are schooling in public school they will interacted with another friends and can sharing much experiences with their friends and also they can followed many ekstrakulikuler at public school. such as : Climb of mountain, boy scout, love of natural, etc .So, the experience will get with much interactions.
      So, homeschooling not sure good for your children because, have many weakness like are explained above and as a parents you will considering about facilities of school such as laboratorium, because another theory the children also need practice. What you ready to buy many facilities for your children? And how about with SMK? It need much interactions and practices. So, you must consider again about homeschooling.

  14. Fashion

    Fashion, in its broadest sense, is a particular style that is popular for a few months or years. We speak of fashions in automobiles, furniture, or interior design, as well as in music, literature, and art. But most commonly, fashion refers to a style of clothing that is worn at a given time but is expected to change. For example, women’s fashions changed frequently during the 1800′s. At various times, women wore high-waisted dresses, enormous puff-sleeves, big hoop skirts, and bustles (cushions that padded the seat of a skirt). Often, fashions in several areas are linked, giving rise to a period style. The music, dance, and clothing of the 1960′s is an example of a period style.
    if it is handed down from generation to generation. A fashion that quickly comes and goes is called a fad.
    The origins of fashion. True fashions began to appear in northern Europe and Italy when a system of social classes developed in the late Middle Ages. At this time, the people of Europe began to classify one another into groups based on such factors as wealth, ancestry, and occupation. The clothes people wore helped identify them as members of a particular social class. Before the late Middle Ages, only wealthy and powerful individuals concerned themselves with the style of their clothes. But when the class system developed, the general population began to compete for positions within society. Fashion was one means by which people competed with one another.
    One of the first true fashions appeared among young Italian men during the Renaissance (1300-1600). While their elders dressed in long traditional robes, young Italian males began wearing tights and short, close-fitting jackets called doublets. German soldiers set another early fashion when they slashed their luxurious silk clothes with knives to reveal another colorful garment underneath.
    Other sumptuary laws forced people to buy products manufactured in their own country to help the country’s economy. For example, an English law in the 1700′s prohibited people of all classes from wearing cotton cloth produced outside of England. But the lure of fashion caused many people to break this law. The cloth was so popular that people risked arrest to wear it.
    Why people follow fashion. People follow fashion for many reasons. Often, people imitate the style of a person or group with whom they identify. In the past, most fashions originated in the upper classes and trickled down to the lower ones. Ordinary people sometimes hoped to raise their social position by following the fashions of privileged people. In a way, this still happens. But today, such celebrities as singers and athletes, rather than aristocrats, set fashions.
    Another reason people follow fashion is to make themselves more attractive. When the standard of beauty changes, fashion changes with it. For example, when physical fitness became a popular standard of good looks in the 1980′s, people began to wear exercise and athletic clothing more often.] http\\www\mode of feshion

    reval pransisco

    1. nama:reval pransisco

      I disagree about this article because in my opinion. Long before western culture into the indonesia earth, our culture is much more civilized. Living in a society with norms of decency had been formerly in the civilization of our country now, the culture was gradually eroded.
      We also can not turn away from the fact of occupation of western culture. That this nation has always fever with western trends are immoral. We take just one example. When western people hold such universal queen contest, then the enthusiastically State delegate east respectable women to be stripped, just for fear of saying retarded and not modern. Not to mention women's clothing designs are really not appreciate the beauty of the female body, beauty of a woman's body should be covered, are exploited to every corner of the eye could see. This is one form of cultural colonialism is not it? It is ironic indeed.
      And more ironically, culture-free dressing, sometimes makes us drool generation. Of western thinking that referring to freedom of human rights and freedom of expression makes us part of it. Some of us consider this theory of human rights as a justice.
      The emergence of the Miss Universe as an international event is the main motive of business. The company that organizes events to promote the clothing and apparel buying property rights of this contest which was then aired on tv which is very thick with business interests. Similarly in Indonesia, queen contest, this mobilized by cosmetics companies and’’ Martha Tilaar Mustika Ratu’’, is simply to promote their products, so that Indonesia will women crazy about cosmetics. It says "the contest of which aims to boost nation's image before the world, part of the openness and freedom of human rights, elections are not just rely princess beauty, but intelligence and used as a polite reasons justifying the event was just an attempt to bare the norms of the country east and colonization effort against Islamic culture. Because boost nation's image, freedom rights, intelligence and good manners of a nation or civilization that modern can not be presented with a girl or woman who has no shame to be naked before the world. This is proof that stupidity never understood about the values and honor of a small sample of a country.it is some influence of western culture into Indonesia, especially in dressingstyle, and many others.

  15. Getting Started with Homeschooling
    Alternate Education > Homeschooling | By: Katie Shuler (12/22/11) Views: 22
    Statistics show that more and more parents are making the decision to homeschool their children. Maybe it’s for religious or spiritual reasons. Maybe it’s because their children have special needs, or are gifted, and a home education is more suited for them. Maybe it’s because they live in an area with a less than favorable school system. Maybe it’s a little bit of all of these reasons, or entirely different reasons altogether. Regardless of the why, homeschool is becoming a more viable option than in years past.
    Once you make the decision to homeschool, you want to make sure that you are well prepared to start this journey. Getting started with homeschooling doesn’t have to be a cause of worry or stress. Know and understand your state laws for homeschooling. Every state is different, as far as what they require. Some states require nothing at all once you have notified the state of your intentions. Other states just want minimal information, like attendance records and test results. Then there are those states that will need to approve your choice of curriculum and/or lesson plans for the year before you can officially homeschool and then will require annual evaluations to check progress. Just make sure that you get started on the right foot, and that you stay up to date each year.
    The one piece of advice that I wish I had gotten when I started out was to take some time and get to know your children and their learning styles. Knowing how they learn, and what manner helps them the most, is the best way to pick a homeschool method and a curriculum. There are workbook based curricula, there are online programs, there are methods which use literature and living books as a base, and then there are those methods where there is no formal curriculum or program at all. Take a look at all of the different options out there before you start buying any curricula, or signing your children up for any programs.
    You also need to really evaluate yourself and what you want from this experience. Sure, all parents want the best for their kiddos, but how you go about getting what you think is the “best” is going to differ from family to family. Have a good grasp of your own level of commitment (for instance, would you prefer to create your own lesson plans for the week, or would you rather your homeschool curriculum plan what your children will do that week) before you jump into anything.
    Another great piece of advice is to connect with other homeschooling families. This was invaluable for our family. My boys had a great deal of social interaction by participating in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, as well playing team sports with the local recreation department. But the majority of those kids went to school and the boys always felt so different. When we found our local homeschool support group, and they got to meet and play with other homeschoolers, they started to feel less like outcasts and more like were part of a "normal" group of kids. We meet for play dates, general support and field trips, and that works well for us. There are also Co-ops for those families who wish to share teaching responsibilities, or for older kids to participate in, to help with subjects that are harder to teach at home.
    Most importantly, enjoy this time with your children. Homeschooling can be a remarkable experience, not just for your children but for you as well! Our interests have grown and developed as a family, and I would have never imagined the number of things I have learned, just from teaching them!
    NIM : 2093235716

      NIM : 2093235716
      CLASS : TBI /V B
      Getting Started with Homeschooling
      A recent article in the http://www.edaarticle.com.” Getting started with homeschooling “concern to the homeschooling for the children. The author Katie Schuler discuss that homeschooling is very important for the children. But, I disagree with this article, because homeschooling will make the social area of children will be limited.
      According to author Katie Schuler that “Most importantly, enjoy this time with your children. Homeschooling can be a remarkable experience not just for your children but for you as well”. So, what they are really enjoys with their children at home? And what their children also enjoy at home? And what the experiences that your children and you could get with homeschooling?
      I think the exactly answer for answered those questions are:
      The first, maybe the parents will feel comfortable and quiet, if their children get a lesson at home. But, what they knew about the feel of their children? What their parents know what their children will be happy and enjoy? the answer is” No”, because, the thinking between parents and children not same. Maybe the children not feel happy and enjoy, because they feel alone, they could not interacted with another people and play with their friends for discussed or joke, they will feel their live like in jail and this is will be bad, if the children are the active children that love gathering and has high solidarity.
      The second, if the children much ends their time at home, so, their parents also feel uncomfortable, such as: Their parents will more carefully in speak and act. Because, along day their children always together with them, and as we knew that the children like to imitate every notice and action that we do. If their parents speak something that negative or bad speak so, their children also imitate them and another cases are will make the children become indulge and not confidence to interaction with another people and this is will be bad effect for them.
      And the last, if they always end their time at home, what the experience that will they get? If they are schooling in public school they will interacted with another friends and can sharing much experiences with their friends and also they can followed many ekstrakulikuler at public school. such as : Climb of mountain, boy scout, love of natural, etc .So, the experience will get with much interactions.
      So, homeschooling not sure good for your children because, have many weakness like are explained above and as a parents you will considering about facilities of school such as laboratorium, because another theory the children also need practice. What you ready to buy many facilities for your children? And how about with SMK? It need much interactions and practices. So, you must consider again about homeschooling.

  16. Education is a priority in our lives.
    September 19, 2011
    By admin

    First, through education of our families that we develop our knowledge about life, culture, language, religion, and what our characters. Our characters come to life with the education that we have from our families. On the other hand, if we start to school, we know our language, religion, culture, and what we can get out of school is to develop our knowledge about many things. Information and insights that we gain the book can not change our characters, but it is very helpful to develop our character and our personal abilities. Quality of education is very important, so that the education we receive in our families is more important than the education we get from school. For example, if a person does not receive high quality education of the family so the school can not give that a quality education, that person is not all about the basics of a good education. In addition, families have a very active role in their children because they give a lot of basic things, so each family has to take over educating their children at night. If no basic knowledge of the school did not teach, you learn everything.
    Secondly, the efficiency of the education one of the most important skills people. At this point, the training, which won the school is more effective than the formation of families is conducted. We learn many things before we go to school, but there’s a point that our time is not good enough to understand everything. As we continue our training, we grow old, ripen so we could see the differences between good and bad things. For example, we can separate ourselves what is harmful and what benefits us, and we can get our decisions. In addition, it can also be harmful things older students, for example, they can find drugs, and study the consequences of drugs. However, if they have a good education from their families are able to understand, the poor results of drug use, use it.
    Third, the training that comes from more benefits from a family that comes from school education. For example, if a person begins to stand on his feet, their behavior shows the quality of education, and it shows what they have character. So if we have a quality education will be very strong by the family of our character, it means we a positive person. The benefits that we can make our families and our lives. We can grow with our education we get from school, but if it can not be essential to our background, training that comes from school, not us. For example, if there is no basis at all, so we can not build the second floor.

    Finally, family education a higher priority than education, because education gives us a family, personality, behavior, and these are the most important things in human life. Everyone should be educated, but if it’s not that good education family education makes sense. To prevent this, all good education in the family, so if it is a good background of her family, the knowledge they need to get more effective schools are.
    Name: lisda
    Class; VB
    Nim: 2093235718

    1. Education is a priority in our lives

      A recent article in the Article Education, “Education is a priority in our lives
      “, concerns about education in our lives.
      Admin discuss education of our families that we develop our knowledge about life, culture, language, religion, and what our characters. I agree this article because education is important for me.
      According to Admin Our characters come to life with the education that we have from our families. The efficiency of the education one of the most important skills people. At this point, the training, which won the school is more effective than the formation of families is conducted.”why education important for our live? family education a higher priority than education, because education gives us a family, personality, behavior, and these are the most important things in human life. I agree this article, because education first came from the family. The first education that is given by the family such as learning about religion, life and language of the family. The second education in getting from the school and surrounding environment. Both are equally important in life. Education without religion or without the guidance of the family will be wasted just because families are able to provide motivation and support to us and it will make us more eager to learn. Outside of education is also important because with it we can develop the knowledge we have. In concluation education is important for our life. LISDa VB

  17. Landmark Education.
    November 11, 2011
    By admin

    Landmark Education is a California-based development organizations active in more than 20 countries and more than 115 places. The company was founded in 1991 and has been offering its services to thousands of people worldwide. Here is some information about the company, to help you decide if their plans for you or not.
    introductory course is the Landmark Forum, and aims to help people know their true potential. This course is offered recognition of groups 150 people taken in the context of seminars to learn ways of life different angle of sight. Other courses offered by the company include the Conference Landmark Education’s Self Realization Landmark leadership programs eventually progressed. All of these programs offer a number of fields in one’s life to help make them able to get his life challenges and ultimately achieve in life. All of these programs over a certain period, depending on the country which offered them against available.
    The company has been several times, like a cult, whose managers were quickly denied. The principal also said that Landmark Education has over 200,000 graduates each year from all over the world, and that most of them have their lives changed by the programs.
    With the most effective ways to transfer their messages, they work of Landmark Education in giving people access to clarifies the new life its true potential. This is done by the natural way to provide news, how to tell the direct observation, stories and even real-life experiences of several prominent leaders of the Landmark team. courses are very friendly atmosphere, where everyone has the opportunity to present their views and experiences of the past will be offered.
    Another element that makes these courses so efficient is the fact that they target areas of personal and professional lives. This means that they have a chance at all that you have the motivation to look for in your life. Although the company is unable to eliminate your fears, he can deal with them and eventually learn how to be safe in different situations in your daily life. Programs have been proven effective and each with the idea that the company is to delete the religious sect of thought from their minds. These inspired programs that have to eliminate self-limiting beliefs stand in the way of your dreams to the goal.

    Name : selfi fitra
    Class : VB
    Nim : 2093235740

  18. How to Motivate Your Child to Study

    Parents want their children to succeed in life and they know that success comes with adequate knowledge. That is why, parents admit their children in good educational institutions to prepare them for life. The duty of parents is not just to get a good school for their child's education, but to encourage them from time to time so that their interest in learning stays on. Some children are self-motivated towards learning and are self-driven to take up challenging tasks with positive attitude. Once their goal is set, they strive hard to achieve it without having to be prodded.

    On the other hand, there are children who show least interest towards learning. They are not self-motivated to learn new things in life and tend to stick to easy tasks which require less effort. They need a lot of prodding to begin with something and their negative attitude leads to disinterest in learning. Parents of such children need to take that extra effort to encourage their child to study. A systematic, strategic approach is required to inculcate interest in such children. If your child is also facing this problem, it's better to know how to motivate your child to study so that he/she can excel in every sphere of life.

    nama :yoncu hari yogi
    nim :2093235755

  19. “How To Motivate Your Children to study”, an essay by George discusses about parents’ wish for their children to be success people in their life and the know that success comes with adequate knowledge. That is why, parents admit their children in good educational institutions to prepare them for life. I agree if parents admit their children in good educational institutions.
    For reason why I agree with author George stated that. Now parents admit their children in good educational institutional to prepare their children for life ,because a good study environment is very essential for proper learning. Disruptions and noise often disturb a child’s concentration and create difficulty in studying. A quite room with minimum disturbance and adequate lighting should be provided so that children feel enjoy in studying. If children have got enjoyable and comfortable in studying environment, they can be interested to study. On the other hand, there are children who show least interest learning. They are not self motivated to learn new things in life and tend to stick to easy tasks which require less effort. They need a lot of prodding to begin with something and heir negative attitude leads to disinterest. Why do the children feel like that because they feel bored in studying. To solve this problem, I think we should make a learning interesting activity can be of great help. Children usually get bored with routine studying procedures, which makes them lose their interest in studies. Using techniques like fun activities and games can bring back the lost interest and motivate the child to study more often.
    So, first thing that can make children have motivation in learning is providing a good study environment. The second is encouraging the children and using interesting learning techniques and we hopefully, all of the ways can motivate children study well so that they can success in life

    nama :yoncu hari yogi
    nim :2093235755

  20. Analysis of "Manners, Customs and the Japanese way"

    A recent article in "Inside Japan", 'Manners, Customs and the Japanese way' concern about habitual in Japan Society, and what should we do when in that country. Exactly, because almost all country in the world, have some way to show politeness.

    According to author, Deep bow can show the politeness when meeting people. in Wikipedia mentioned "Bowing can be politeness for appear to be Excessive Ceremony". So, in another side of the world have thing to show politeness, but have different way and meaning in other country. In fact, Europe use Bowing to seduce women to get love from men. At Asia, not only to show politeness but also to give respectation. In Islam bowing did for show politeness and to pray the God. bowing in Sholat have two type, Ruku' and Sujud. So, in religi have way to show politeness with bowing.

    In conclusion, we can show our politeness with adoption bowing to show politeness when meeting other people. That can make other people respect to us, and give proud of our parents.

    Ahyaudin Ma'id

  21. Name: Rahmad Sopan

    school to japan without learn japanese language

    in the article school to japan without learn japanese language is the provision of information about the use of foreign scholarship selection process based on documents submitted by each individual is then selected.
    scholarships are awarded for a period of 4 years, and we are not obliged to use the Japanese language but english, tests conducted in the form of a test we can harness wawancara.seharusnya opportunity like this if you want to deepen our knowledge.

    information about the provision of scholarships from this article covers the entire cost depending on the type of scholarship offered. all tuition fees paid by the university, without the cost of tickets and living expenses. Similarly, 80 percent of the program, pays 80 percent of university tuition fees and so on. Meanwhile, Honor Scholarship is a scholarship given by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports Science, and Technology valued at ¥ 600,000 per year.

    I agree with this article,cause we should be able to take advantage of existing opportunities as well as possible, in the presence of foreign scholarship, we might be able to better optimize or help develop the scientific knowledge we have to use it, one of which is to follow the selection of the scholarship and continue pendidikkan held abroad by costs are minimal.

  22. INDONESIA: Cleaning up higher education
    By : David Jardine

    Indonesia's National Board for Higher Education Accreditation has announced its determination to clean up a sector riddled with bad practices. The board has set 2012 as its target for ridding universities of unaccredited undergraduate courses.

    The plan is to set stricter criteria especially for the private sector. Indonesia currently has more than 2,000 private universities, many of which have been issuing degrees outside the purview of the accreditation board.

    Adi Sulistyono, an assessor and Deputy Rector of the March 11 University in the royal city of Solo in Central Java, told the media: "The new assessment model should be considered a threat to unprofessional universities."
    Sulistyono went on to stress that such institutions were "only interested in turning a profit by producing as many graduates as possible, irrespective of quality".

    The board will set an "accreditation validity period" of five years for each undergraduate
    programme. A team of around 1,000 assessors will undertake the task and will target all types and levels of study programme.

    According to Sulistiyono, accreditation standards will cover the learning system, the academic atmosphere, the quality assurance system, graduation standards, publications as well as theses work. Moreover, graduates will be monitored for how long they take to find employment after graduation. This last prescription reflects the widespread concern at high graduate unemployment figures across Indonesia.

    Research work by lecturers will also come under the microscope, given a concern that too few undertake it. The belief in academic circles is that many university lecturers actually undertake no research at all while many do not engage students in the endeavour.

    Tuition fees, widely thought to be excessive in the private university sector, will also be scrutinised. As Sulistiyono said: "The amount students pay does not guarantee a top-quality
    education," an assertion that not many in Indonesia would dispute.

    The accreditation board will require each university to create and sustain an up-to-date database on all the areas just mentioned.

    A spokesman for one of the country's top institutions, Gajah Madah University in Jogjakarta, acknowledged the scheme would require hard work but that it would be beneficial in the drive to raise university standards nationwide.

    Name : ISTIQOMAH
    Class : VB

  23. Human Brain Need Vacation
    Doing the same routine every day will lead to saturation and the brain cannot work optimally. There are 4 reasons that make the human brain needs a vacation.

    A study conducted by the Families and Work Institute found that doing a vacation like going to museums or the beach nearby is important for the brain.

    Here are 4 reasons that make the holiday becomes important for the brain, as quoted from Myfoxorlando.com:

    1. Improve Memory
    Dr. Russell Poldrack as director of the Imaging Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin said the holiday will provide a new experience, this condition will make the brain responds by releasing dopamine into the hippocampus (part of the brain that creates a memory or memories). This will improve memory and help protect against Alzheimer's disease.

    2. Enhance creativity
    American and French researchers found the holidays can increase the ability to solve problems, raise awareness of the connection is lost and to encourage people to try something new. This is because vacation facilitates the mind's creativity.

    3. Sharpens concentration
    Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh reported that people with serious health conditions tend to take less time thus increasing the levels of stress hormones. Poldrack said when someone is tired, then the prefrontal cortex will be overwhelmed due to the amount of stress hormones and makes one lose focus or concentration.

    4. Provide rest time
    The study found 2-3 days after the holiday people will have a rest time and a higher quality sleep, it can even be increased to 80 percent. Quality sleep can improve memory and brain health.

    Name : Septin Sulastri
    Class: B5
    Nim: 2093235744

    1. Analysis of Human Brain Need Vacation
      The recent article” Human Brain Need Vacation,” by author …. Discuss that the same daily activity will make saturations which can make the brain bore and can’t work optimally. So, the solutions that the brain must be rest by vacation like going to museum, the beach, or etc. It is important to improve and protect our brain. I think I agree with the idea that the brain needs vacation. It is good idea to human to keep their brains. So that when she/ he had old, they had has good brains to remember their previous experience. I agree with the idea because we can saw in our surrounding that there are many people who crazy and stress because their brain does not have opportunity to vacation.
      According to Myfoxorlando.com, there are four reasons that make the holiday becomes important for the brain. The four reasons are to improve memory, enhance creativity, sharpens concentration, provide rest time. Dr. Russell Poldrack as director of the Imaging Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin said that “the holiday will provide a new experience,” this condition will make the brain responds by releasing dopamine into the hippocampus. The researchers of American and French found the holidays can increase the ability to solve problems, raise awareness of the connection is lost and to encourage people to try something new. This is because vacation facilitates the mind's creativity. The researchers from the University of Pittsburgh reported that people with serious health conditions tend to take less time thus increasing the levels of stress hormones. Poldrack said “when someone is tired, then the prefrontal cortex will be overwhelmed due to the amount of stress hormones and makes one lose focus or concentration.’’ And the study found 2-3 days after the holiday people will have a rest time and a higher quality sleep; it can even be increased to 80 percent. Quality sleep can improve memory and brain health.
      If we saw the reason, it is show that keep of the brain is important. If we saw our around, there are many people who stress and crazy. It is caused by their brains always work without rest, their brain always forced to receive something, they are always hard think which make them brain become stress and crazy, their brain does not bring opportunity to vacancy. So, it is clear that our brains need vacation. For the vacation, we can go to beach, shopping, singing, sleep, or visit to place which can make our brains relax, happy, and gratify. The doctors also said that the brains is very influence our body health. If our brain stress, our body will tire, no spirit, and look like sick. For example, in daily day, as a student, we can receive many assignments from the teacher. The assignments can make our brains become stress because we must much thinking about the assignment. Our energy will be finished by our thinks. So make our body become tired, and makes our body becomes thin.
      So, the vacation is important to brains. The brain without vacation will be stress and crazy. We must have holiday to improve memory, enhance creativity, sharpens concentration, provide rest time. So, now, if you want not stress, you must have holiday to vacation your brain.

      Name : Septin Sulastri
      Class: B5
      Nim: 2093235744

  24. Why is Education So Important?
    Why is Education so Important?
    The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say, education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are right. But then, information cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly. Education is not just about lessons in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life.

    The words 'cultivate' and 'civilize' are synonymous with 'educate'. That says it all! Education is important as it teaches us the right behavior and good manners thus making us civilized. It teaches us how to lead life. Education is the basis of culture and civilization. It is instrumental in the development of our values and virtues. Education cultivates us into mature individuals, individuals capable of planning for our future and taking the right decisions in life. Education arms us with an insight into our lives and teaches us to learn from experience. The future of a nation is safe in the hands of educated individuals. Education is important for the economic growth of a nation. It fosters principles of equality and socialism. Education forms a support system for individuals to excel in life. It is the backbone of society.

    Education is important because it equips us with all that is needed to make our dreams come true. Education opens doors to brilliant career opportunities. It fetches better prospects in career and growth. Every employer of today requires his prospective employees to be well-educated. He requires expertise. So, education becomes an eligibility criterion for employment in any sector of the industry. We are rewarded for exercising the expertise required for the field we venture. We are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and how well we can apply them.

    Education is essential as it paves the path leading to disillusionment. It wipes out all the wrong beliefs in our minds. It helps create a clear picture of everything around us and we no longer remain in confusion about the things we learn. Education brings up questions and also helps us devise ways to find satisfactory answers to them. Education is about knowing that everything has a science to it, it is about learning to reason everything till every question meets its answer. Education can lead us to enlightenment. It is education that builds in every individual, the confidence to take decisions, to face life and to accept successes and failures. It instills a sense of pride about the knowledge one has and prepares him/her to live!

    Though not enlisted as one of the three basic human needs, education is equally important. For the progress of a nation, for the enrichment of society in general, education is necessary and important. A country's literate population is a nation's asset. The number of institutes offering vocational courses and colleges offering online education is increasing by the day. Vocational courses help earn specialized education. Online degree programs help the working class and adults in general, to pursue education even while working. Distance education has proven to be of help for those who are unable to attend classes. In today's competitive world, it won't be wise to neglect the importance of education. And most countries have realized this. This has led to many government-aided educational programs and government grants to schools and colleges. The motive behind this is fostering education in society.

    By Manali Oak
    Last Updated: 11/24/2011

    1. Analysis of Why is Education So Important?
      A recent article in the Math Education,” Why Is Education So Important”. Where is in the article Authours by Manaly oak discuses that education is very important because, base on this article, education is a process of gaining information about knowledge. Then, to know about economic growing, to get good job and education is the basis of culture and civilization. Therefore, most of information about education, iam very agrees because in our life we must have higher education to get best of future.
      According to author Manaly oak, she said that “an education is very important because, with through education we can find new knowledge and much information from world education “. Then, education is very important to the economic growing for a nation because; education can form a support system for individuals to excel in life. Besides that, with there is higher education, it will more easy in the open doors to brilliant career opportunities. For example, we can become eligibility criterion employment in any sector of industry. Next, an education will give knowledge about culture and civilization as developing our background about that. Therefore, many schools that provide to processing of education, well SD, SLTP, SMA schools, colleges and such educational institutes define the basic framework of education.
      So, might conclude that education is very important especially, to become good future in our life.
      Nama : Meta Asliah
      Class : B V
      Nim : 2093235724

  25. The Positive Influence of Being Involved in your Child’s Education
    It has been shown many times over in research studies that a parent who is involved in their child’s education has a positive impact. It’s reflected in improved grades and test scores, strong attendance, a higher rate of homework completion, higher graduation rates, improved attitudes and behaviors in the child, as well as the child being more likely to become involved in positive extra-curricular activities. Send out the message early in your child’s education that your home is an involved and active supporter of their learning.
    Probably the most important element of a positive learning environment at home is structure. But what is too little or too much? If we’re too lenient or expect too little, your child may become disorganized or unmotivated. If we’re too rigid and strict, it can cause undue pressure or cause your child to feel unable to deliver on your expectations. So what’s the best way to meet in the middle and create a positive learning environment for your child at home?
    Help your child develop a work area where they can study and focus without being interrupted. Children usually do better when they have a private study area away from interruption. If your child prefers doing their work at the kitchen table, make sure other family members understand the kitchen is off-limits during study time. Make sure your child has plenty of supplies and reference materials available and that the area has plenty of light. Regardless of its location, ensure the area is quiet and that your child can study and work uninterrupted.
    Agree on a regular time for studying. To help your child make homework a habit, schedule a set time each day for homework. Perhaps breaking study time up into smaller increments would work better for your child than one solid period. Work with your child to find out what works best for them. In addition, be sure your child has a sufficient break between the time they arrive home from school before they sit down to work in order to ‘decompress’ from their school day. Help your child develop a method of keeping track of homework assignments. This can be a difficult chore for some students. Developing a successful way of keeping track of assignments then scratching them off as completed helps them develop a productive method for accomplishing tasks later in life. Develop a positive line of communication with your child’s teacher. Teachers are usually very willing and excited to work with an involved parent to help the child’s overall success in school. Whether it’s notes sent back and forth in your child’s backpack or an e-mail correspondence, make sure your teacher knows your open for suggestions as how to better assist them in the homework and study process at home.
    Retrived from http://teksartikelbahasainggris.com/2011/09/26/contoh-artikel-pendidikan-anak-bahasa-inggris-artinya/
    Name : Septa Priansyah
    Class : VB

  26. Ideas For School Fund Raising
    Artikel-bahasainggris.blogspot.com - With umpteen numbers of fundraising ideas available, you do need to choose the most suitable one which suits your fundraising purpose
    You could even approach ex-students, members of the parent teacher association to plan and chip for the required cause. With dedicated involvement of students, the fundraising drive gains further momentum.
    The most popular ones being bake sales, cookie dough sales, organizing discos and parties. You could even organize car wash drives or make young students sell chocolates in the neighbourhood. Even parents of the children could chip in with their valuable efforts by selling chocolates amongst their office colleagues and friends. Well, the entire process of a fund raiser works like a chain and once it gets accepted, the fundraising is truly set to become a grand success.
    You can even plan an online fundraiser. Planning and setting up an online fundraiser is relatively economical and quick to set up. By pooling in suitable talent, you can easily set up a fund raising website and invite people to visit the website all the same.
    Whichever method, you opt for a fundraiser you do need to proceed in a well planned manner. You are required to first plan and chalk out the basic plan of the fundraising campaign. You also need to set target on how many funds you need to raise. This stage includes preparing a list of potential people who would be willing to contribute for a social cause. You do need to plan out how you are going to introduce the topic and request for their contribution. The request and the formal note of thank you should be well drafted and rehearsed a couple of times by the volunteers who are going to move around for raising funds. If young children are going to be involved in the fundraising campaign, it makes sense to brief them thoroughly about the cause and how to approach potential people. You should also make it a point to brief and inform their parents about their participation in the fundraising drive. You could brief them through email or by a telephonic conversation or even meet them personally whichever is convenient to both the parties.
    Fundraising and the ability to organize and manage it successfully requires proper skills and planning. In the initial stages though this may seem pretty tough but as you progress to organizing many fundraisers, they will seem quite easy and feasible to organize.
    There is no dearth of ideas for school fund raising, it is simply necessary to choose the right one and implement it in the right manner to raise as many funds as possible for your purpose.
    Article Source:
    Name : Uzni Fatimah
    Class : VB

  27. A recent article int the www.edarticle.com "homeschool breaks" more concern about family that use homeschooling. He(unname) discuss such information about the family that choose homeschooling as an alternative. Probably because his article were incorrect or 50:50 (fifty fifty), most of the information in this article is simply wrong.
    According to author, "homeschooling is the flexibility that provide". When their son was studying, the family take some weeks to refreshing or traveling in other area or country. So whats wrong with homeschooling here? homeschooling has some media that unconsciously by children if they are studying. First, use different subject everyday because it always change. Second, use board game or on line games. Homeschooling has different mean if we analysis more deeply. Homeschooling that use when holiday came or homeschooling that do because they were very busy with their work. It is hard to do because needs participation of the parents. It is really really need to make their children be clever, or more understanding about the study.
    So big Question in this article is do the parents can give appropiate lesson as normal school?. This article maybe give an illustration about homeschooling. they can watch their children, the time that agree with each other. If only it is good, it can do. So, are you ready about that?
    mam, this is my analysis. Thank you so much for your attention.
    Name : Indah Efriyani

  28. Name: Geni Nurheti
    Class: VB

    Methodologies of Online Education

    There were many myths and misconceived notions about online education until recent past. It was also believed that only those students having access to computers and modern means of communication would benefit from online education. However, with time such notions are giving way to an open acceptance where people have started accepting online education as a viable alterative for conventional education. Not all online education options have a similar methodology and approach. Here we are discussing the learning methodologies for online education:
    Online education Methodologies- Different Options
    Live: This methodology is also known as synchronous mode of learning. In this mode of online education, there is instant communication between the students and teachers and at times even among different students. The biggest advantage of synchronous method of online education is that it allows instant feedback for the student's performance and allows active interaction among the students and teachers. Thus the students can get the training and education that is tailored suit their needs. Asynchronous: Asynchronous mode of online education is popularly termed as store and forward education. Self-paced courses are the examples of asynchronous online education where the students communicate with the teachers and amongst themselves by exchanging emails and posting messages on online bulletin boards and discussing groups. This is the more popular mode of online education because it offers more convenience and flexibility to the students and they can decide the pace and schedule for their education and training. Despite of the advantages, this mode of online education has its disadvantages too. The students in this mode of learning, lack discipline and motivation and generally tend to develop a lackluster attitude towards education. The mixed mode of learning in online education combines the advantages of both the modes and it is a combination of personal lectures or face-to-face interaction learning through online activities.
    Source by ezinearticles.com


  29. Anonym: 15th januari 2012
    Culture & Religion of Indonesia

    Culture & Religion of Indonesia - The present day culture of Indonesia is an outcome of the interplay of age-old- traditions from the time of early migrants and the Western thought brought by Portuguese traders and Dutch colonists. The basic principles, which guide life include the concepts of mutual assistance or "gotong royong" and consultations or "musyawarah" to arrive at a consensus or "mufakat". Derived from rural life, this system is still very much in use in community life throughout the country. Though the legal system is based on the Old Dutch penal code, social life as well as the rites of passage is founded on customary or "adat" law, which differs from area to area. ''Adat'' law has been instrumental in maintaining gender equality in Indonesia.

    Indonesian art forms are greatly influenced by religion. The famous dance dramas of Java and Bali are derived from Hindu mythology and often feature fragments from the Hindu epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata.

    The crafts of Indonesia vary in both medium and art form. As a whole the people are artistic by nature and express themselves on canvas, wood, metals, clay and stone. The batik process of waxing and dyeing originated in Java centuries ago and classic designs have been modified with modern trends in both pattern and technology. There are several centres of Batik in Java, the major ones being Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Pekalongan and Cirebon.

    Indonesia is rich in handicrafts. Various forms of handicrafts practiced are: woodcarvings for ornamentation and furniture, silverwork and engraving from Yogyakarta and Sumatra; filgree from South Sulawesi and Bali with different styles of clay, sandstone and wood sculptures. These are but a few of the handicrafts found in Indonesia.

    Religion in Indonesia: The majority (about 88%) of the population follows Islam. In fact Indonesia is the nation with largest Muslim population. However, freedom of religion is provided by the Indonesian Constitution, which is defined in the First Principle of the State Philosophy' "Pancasila", which upholds a "Belief in One Supreme God". Others religions followed in Indonesia are Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism.
    Name: vitra susanti
    Holidays in 2012 | Asia Map | Resources

  30. School Uniforms
    By Melissa Kelly,

    Every school is in essence a learning environment. That which aids learning is acceptable, and that which hinders it should be unacceptable. Add to this the fears of school violence and student safety and you can see why many school boards are calling for school uniforms. In this article we will look at school uniforms and the potential benefits and problems associated with school uniforms along with legal issues and whether they are in fact truly effective.

    School Uniforms Defined
    School uniforms range from the formal to the informal. Some schools that have implemented school uniforms have chosen what one usually thinks of in connection to Catholic schools: nice pants and white shirts for boys, jumpers and white shirts for girls. However, most public schools are turning to something more casual and more acceptable to parents and students: khakis or jeans and knit shirts of varying colors. The latter appear to be more affordable too because they can be used outside of school. Many school districts that have implemented school uniforms have provided some sort of financial assistance for families that can not afford the extra expense.
    Potential Benefits of School Uniforms
    1. Preventing gang colors, etc. in schools
    2. Decreasing violence and theft because of clothing and shoes
    3. Instilling discipline among students
    4. Reducing need for administrators and teachers to be 'clothes police' (for example, determining whether shorts are too short, etc.)
    5. Reducing distractions for students
    6. Instilling a sense of community
    7. Helping schools recognize those who do not belong on campus


    M.Hikam Muwafiq
    209323520. PBI.5b

  31. In the Internet ( Article of Education ), “ School Uniforms “. Gave information that the students have to use the School Uniforms at the school. Author Mellisa Kelly gave statement the students will be buzy every morning if they must change School Uniforms as always and keep social problem among the students. Probably she felt compassioan or pity with the students if they must do it, although in the fact School Uniforms couldn’t make more revolution for world of education.
    In her article, explain that the students more effective use School Uniforms than not, because can gave many fungtions for students and they can focus to their study. “ Add to this the fears of school violence and student safety and you can see why many school boards are calling for School Uniforms “. It is a statement which clearly give explanation that School Uniform are effective for student safety and avoid school violence for them. Basically, School Uniforms couldn’t make many influences in the world of education. We know although most school all over the world use it for their students, but violences, ridicules, thefts, etc. still occurs. School Uniforms also considered more add to burden for students. Because, the students have to buy some uniforms as a rules. Exactly, students will be rilex if they must not to use it, they will not confuse if their uniforms lose, wet, or broke. They can use other dress for school. So, do not need to buy School Uniforms again. Beside, many people argues that uniforms violete their freedom of expression. We can see other countries, most school don’t use School Uniforms but their country are very ordinary especially in the world of education.
    Actually, her article is not wrong, she only gave suggest if School Uniforms can avoid negative effect for students like violences, ridicules, thefts and other cases. But, is School Uniforms could determine quality, ability, or morality for them? Although it more effective for them, the government still can not give free School Uniforms for the Students.

    M.Hikam Muwafiq
    209323520. PBI.5b

    1. Name : Marwan Febri V B
      5 Classroom Management Tips To Silence A Noisy Class
      Classroom Management | By: See Author Box (03/18/07) Views: 20713
      By Rob Johnson
      1. The first thing to remember is that you are the boss.
      Self belief is incredibly important in this job. You can’t expect pupils to respond positively to you unless you believe, really believe, that you fully deserve their respect and compliance. The thought that you are the leader in the classroom must be at the forefront of your mind.
      If you give any sign at all that you are NOT in FULL CONTROL, children will sense this and exploit your weaknesses. You MUST project strength and the impression that you will not tolerate any disobedience.
      All too often a teacher will enter a lesson filled with dread and give out the signal that they are beaten before the lesson even starts. Pupils sense this. If you’ve been having a hard time with a particular group they will come to expect that you will be a walk-over and get into the habit of talking freely with total disregard for your threats.
      2. Have definite rules on noise
      Once you’ve decided on your rules (preferably with input from the pupils) you need to ensure the pupils are totally clear what those rules are. There must be no ambiguity and therefore no room for argument.
      We all know how important consistency is in terms of classroom management but unless you have a clear set of rules to work to in the first place, you can’t consistently apply them.
      So, what is your rule on noise?
      Mine is simple: If I say there is to be no talking, then there is to be no talking. I will not tolerate being interrupted without taking action. I seldom enforce this rule for longer than a few minutes – just at those key times when I am either explaining something, starting a new task or taking a register etc. - but if I tell a group that I want total silence, then I mean it. And any pupil who ignores this is dealt with straight away.
      For example, never let a pupil shout out without reminding them to put up their hand. Never, allow pupils to continue talking at the start of a lesson when you’ve started explaining the objective. Never, let pupils interrupt you without reminding them that it is unacceptable to do so.
      If you let them get away with it once, you have effectively trained them to try and get away with it again.
      3. Control entry to the classroom
      The ideal place to establish control over your pupils is outside the door - before you even let them in the room.You must start the lesson under your terms. And the lesson starts before they enter the room with you having them line up outside the door in an orderly manner.
      This is the perfect time to gauge the mood of the group and indeed the individuals in the group. You can easily spot potential problems (unhappy pupils, cases of bullying, arguments etc.) and deal with them rather than letting them go unnoticed and having them escalate into serious disruptions during your lesson.

      If the group won’t stand still and quiet don’t let them in the room. They must do EXACTLY as you say before you let them through the door. If they run to a chair bring them back again and make them walk. If you let them get away with anything at this important stage, you will set the tone as being one where they can get away with things. You don’t want that.
      4. Have ‘settling work’ ready for them when they enter the room
      If you have a group who just won’t settle try presenting them with some of the following ‘settling work’ as soon as they enter the room. But… make sure you add this little twist to ensure the pupils get stuck into it straight away…
      On your board have the following written up…
      “Complete the work detailed below. You have ten minutes. If you don’t finish it, you will return at break to complete it.”
      Obviously you need to adjust individual work targets for less able pupils to make it fair. Once they’ve started you can go round the slow workers very quietly, out of earshot of the others, and tell them where to stop. i.e. give them a work target which requires less writing than the others –
      “James, you can stop when you get to the end of this sentence”. (And put a pencil mark where you want them to get up to.)
      The great advantage of this strategy is that it gives you a few minutes to get your resources sorted out. I do use this if I want to show a DVD clip and haven’t had time to set the AV equipment up for example.
      On each desk you could have a quick topic-related puzzle, a review quiz of last lesson’s work, a cloze exercise or some text copying work. Nothing too difficult – you don’t want to confuse them because they’ll spend ten minutes asking questions instead of settling down. Choose something simple (and preferably light-hearted or fun) that requires no explanation or fuss.
      As well as having the instructions written on the board, greet them at the door and say…
      “Get started on the simple task on your desk – you have ten minutes to finish it.”
      Once they’re in the room you can then add…
      “Anyone not finishing this little task will finish it at break – there should be no talking. If you talk you’ll come back at break and do it in silence then.”
      If you want them to copy notes from the board (or a book) make sure there isn’t a huge amount of text otherwise you will provoke complaints. You can ‘hide’ extra work by having five or ten lines of text for them to copy and then a note at the end saying “Now answer question 2 on page 46” which could be another five or ten lines of notes.

    3. Marwan Febri VB
      An amazing article by Rob Jhonsonn focused on classroom management. It gives information for readers, especially for teachers the ways in managing classroom to create silent condition. I agree with the author's ideas, but I don't agree with his written ideas in this article, why ?
      self belief is one point that he explained, I do agreewith it ,but a sentence "the first thing to remember is that you are the boss." It is not good tobe red, boss means all what he or she say should be followed by the members. If students 9PUPILS) are members, they should follow the instructions, don't care bad or good command. In education teacher is not a boss, but as manager. Teacher manages classroom, trying to make condusive classroom with approriate ways not dictator ways.Using educated terms more usefull, if we apply this article in real learning proccess students will be scared, why ? because, there is no toleration if they talk meanwhile it is forbidden to talk, they can not express their ideas.
      a good article is not just seen from the content but also from the written ideas, so using good written language will make readers interested.

    4. Name : rofiq assadiqin
      Home Schooling
      By tomas larson

      Home schooling has its own share of vantages and perils. If you are interesting in exercising the same for your children, it is imperative to have a good notion about these. On the internet, you might find contrasting information regarding the niche, and if you wish to follow them, the entire venture will turn out to be a failure! Without taking your time, allow me to begin explaining the pros and cons of online education with relevance to home schooling. Students and their parents like the aspects of freedom, which comes with online education. They do not have to experience the stricter guidelines listed by the school.
      This would give the teenagers a suitable tension free environment to learn. There are no tutors breaching down your neck or mocking you in front of the other pupil when you commit a mistake. Youngsters also like the idea of learning according to their own preset paces. Certain students might appear to be dull. However, if they are given ambient timing, they will be able to comprehend their subjects and thus score well in the exams. Since home schooling is conducted via the internet, the children need not have to venture out of their homes. They require an internet enabled computer to learn their daily lessons. The parents can also concentrate better on shaping the future of their children. Certain online high schools enable video conferencing facilities with experts (so that the students might clarify their doubts).
      Given the advantages, there are sizeable voids in the system. Many virtual high schools tout the paradigm to provide a distraction free ecosystem to the students. Once you initiate the schooling, you will realize that in the real world matters will never work out like envisioned. The medium itself is more than ample to corrupt the minds of the youngsters. Your child can spend time (a) surfing the inter-webs aimlessly at your absence (b) browsing through social networking websites and indulging in elaborate chat sessions with long lost friends and (c) watch offensive material and develop unhealthy habits.
      Here is where a parent must exercise their dexterity. Are you aware of the internet filtering software products that will restrict the access to the internet? Purchase and install them in the personal computer used for studying. However, do allow the children to get their share of freedom with the same terminal every day!
      At times, you might feel that the whole notion will fail at some point of time. The underlying idea is to make the entire venture interesting for the students. Parents will find themselves spending too much of time looking after their kids at home. Likewise, the social skills of the teenager will be zero because he or she will never get a chance to experience what others are going through at their schools!

    5. name : rofiq assadiqin
      the article "home schooling" by thomas larson explains about the benefits of home schooling. I disagree with his ideas, why ?
      home schooling limit the student expression in action and doing their hobby in real life. It may make trouble in confindence of their social interaction.According to Saipul "the limitation of children activity may cause unconfidence in their life." Home schooling is a method in teaching by inviting the specific teacher to studentss home, the media of teaching is by using internet as the main facility, it is good if they (the students) are controlled by teacher, but sometimes teacher is not fully in controlling, so they use internet facility fo for forbidden things, such as : downloading for adult movies that is not approriate for teenagers, playing games too much, and my be for crime.the students who are creative will usefy this method based on the rules and get good achievment, meanwhile for unresponsble students it may cause the trouble like what explained previous.
      home schooling just may be applied for wealth family, how about poor family ? it shows home schooling is not suitable for every family.
      to apply good method in teaching should be based children's pschology, so it will never limit the growth of psychology, moral and social interaction.

  32. Education is a priority in our lives

    A recent article in the Article Education, “Education is a priority in our lives
    “, concerns about education in our lives.
    Admin discuss education of our families that we develop our knowledge about life, culture, language, religion, and what our characters. I agree this article because education is important for me.
    According to Admin Our characters come to life with the education that we have from our families. The efficiency of the education one of the most important skills people. At this point, the training, which won the school is more effective than the formation of families is conducted.”why education important for our live? family education a higher priority than education, because education gives us a family, personality, behavior, and these are the most important things in human life. I agree this article, because education first came from the family. The first education that is given by the family such as learning about religion, life and language of the family. The second education in getting from the school and surrounding environment. Both are equally important in life. Education without religion or without the guidance of the family will be wasted just because families are able to provide motivation and support to us and it will make us more eager to learn. Outside of education is also important because with it we can develop the knowledge we have. In concluation education is important for our life. LiSDA VB

  33. Analysis In Article:The interesting article entittle"The Positive Influence Of being Involved In your Child's Education"

    Which the parent's so as important in child's education.Child is need parent to get knowladge,so the child can be good personality.Education for child not only in school,but child can also to get education outside the school like as private study,child can be explore their think,what ever that they want and child can also question about home work them in the school to get knowladge be better,child to give home work,so they can study in the home.The parent's should be near with the child,because to nearly it can motivated to child,and they can developed their mind,so they are need parent's in study.

    Name:Sefta Priansyah

  34. A recent article in the Education Articles, ” Ideas For Fund Raising "

    A recent article in ,"Ideas For Fund Raising” concerns about how to Fundraiser at school. I agree with this statement,because we can be succes bussines with online fundriser.Now internet not special thing for many people.
    According author fundriser can be succes of have many conection with our relafrom,such as neighour, office collages and friend.fundriser is trully set to become a grand succes if process of fundriser work like chair.Meaning is every people must be integrated and support other people to get grand succes.Fundriser must have many plan to get a target in wold bussines.How ever you must have much relation to build great fundriser.
    In conclusion, fundriser and ability to manage of bussines can be succesfully requires proper skill and planing so,choice suitable idea about fundrising can gives more implemention and adventages.

    Name :Uzni fatimah
    Class :vb

  35. Useful Information On A Homeschool Curriculum
    Are you thinking doing home schooling for your children? You need to consider the homeschool curriculum that is offered by the school. See if it has the program and values that you want your children to have. Discover here more information home studying.
    As we all know, homeschool curriculum is a non-formal approach to education. There are many private schools that offer such kind of system. The course requirement may be different from public schools, but they still offer the course necessary to meet state graduation requirements.
    Parents may have been skeptic about home schooling programs but recently, their opinions toward it have improved. With its numerous advantages, the decision whether to enroll their children in private school or under home school curriculum is tougher.
    Among the benefits, you should consider the following:
    Secure environment for their kids because they do not have to go out. They can study and learn their lesson at home or private home schools.
    The home school curriculum packages are usually offered with home school books. This is beneficial to you because they no longer have to spend time looking for the suggested books of the school.
    Home education is a recognized form of education. Any certificate or diploma which a student would receive from a homeschool institution will and is accepted in the society.
    You can save money from the transportation costs. A homeschool student doesn’t have to travel from their house to the school, thus, you would no longer have the transportation cost.
    Other interesting subjects are offered in the package.
    Pretest reviews are given to the students. With these, both you and students will know what to expect. Moreover, students would have the chance to go back to his notes and improve.
    Homeschool curriculums are offered according to the school. Some may offer integrate bible study or religion, some may include culture study, and Linguistic and practical skills. All of these are offered together with other academic subjects.
    According to homeschool curriculum review, the best school program is a balanced one. It should contain the most important academic subjects such as Math, Social Studies, Science, and Language. Aside from that, it should also offer subjects that could improve a person’s skills and values.
    Accordingly, a Christian program usually proposes different courses from that of a private school. In a Christian school, aside from the required academic subjects, religious studies are also incorporated.
    What courses are offered in a private school? In this type of school, subjects vary according to the school’s program. Some may add a little extra and some may not.
    Some private schools follow a program with some religious studies. Some are purely academics. Likewise, some may offer additional skills and some may not.
    Those that include religious understanding in their program believe that it is the best approach to shape someone’s values and personality. Those who do not are maybe relying on the parents or simply believe that academics and religion should not be taught together.
    So which approach is the best? Though online homeschool reviews and resources choose one from the other, this decision is still entirely dependent on your judgment. Just keep in mind, balance should always be present.
    Article Source:
    CLASS: V.B

  36. Useful Information On A Homeschool Curriculum
    Are you thinking doing home schooling for your children? You need to consider the homeschool curriculum that is offered by the school. See if it has the program and values that you want your children to have. Discover here more information home studying.
    As we all know, homeschool curriculum is a non-formal approach to education. There are many private schools that offer such kind of system. The course requirement may be different from public schools, but they still offer the course necessary to meet state graduation requirements.
    Parents may have been skeptic about home schooling programs but recently, their opinions toward it have improved. With its numerous advantages, the decision whether to enroll their children in private school or under home school curriculum is tougher.
    Among the benefits, you should consider the following:
    Secure environment for their kids because they do not have to go out. They can study and learn their lesson at home or private home schools.
    The home school curriculum packages are usually offered with home school books. This is beneficial to you because they no longer have to spend time looking for the suggested books of the school.
    Home education is a recognized form of education. Any certificate or diploma which a student would receive from a homeschool institution will and is accepted in the society.
    You can save money from the transportation costs. A homeschool student doesn’t have to travel from their house to the school, thus, you would no longer have the transportation cost.
    Other interesting subjects are offered in the package.
    Pretest reviews are given to the students. With these, both you and students will know what to expect. Moreover, students would have the chance to go back to his notes and improve.
    Homeschool curriculums are offered according to the school. Some may offer integrate bible study or religion, some may include culture study, and Linguistic and practical skills. All of these are offered together with other academic subjects.
    According to homeschool curriculum review, the best school program is a balanced one. It should contain the most important academic subjects such as Math, Social Studies, Science, and Language. Aside from that, it should also offer subjects that could improve a person’s skills and values.
    Accordingly, a Christian program usually proposes different courses from that of a private school. In a Christian school, aside from the required academic subjects, religious studies are also incorporated.
    What courses are offered in a private school? In this type of school, subjects vary according to the school’s program. Some may add a little extra and some may not.
    Some private schools follow a program with some religious studies. Some are purely academics. Likewise, some may offer additional skills and some may not.
    Those that include religious understanding in their program believe that it is the best approach to shape someone’s values and personality. Those who do not are maybe relying on the parents or simply believe that academics and religion should not be taught together.
    So which approach is the best? Though online homeschool reviews and resources choose one from the other, this decision is still entirely dependent on your judgment. Just keep in mind, balance should always be present.
    Article Source:
    CLASS: V.B

  37. ‘’Analisys Culture and Religion of Indonesia”
    In this article “ Culture and Religion of Indonesia” discussed that culture and Religion. The basic principles, which guide life include the concept of mutual assistance or “gotong royong” and consultation or “musyawarah” to arrive at a consensus or “mufakat” derived from rural life, this system is still very much in use in community life throughout the country. In this article I agree with culture and religion of Indonesia.
    Indonesia art forms are greatly influenced by religion. The Batik process of waxing and dyeing originated in java centures ago and classic design have been modified with modern and trens in both pattern and technology. Various forms of handicrafts practiced are: wood carvings for ornamentation and furniture, silverwork and engraving from Jogjakarta and Sumatra; filigree from South Sulawesi and Bali with different styles of clay. In fact Indonesia is the nation with largest Muslim population. Other religions followed in Indonesia are Cristinity, Hinduism, Buddhism. This article I agree because our country has many culture, art, traditional, and also society friendly and has 5 religions: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Cristianity, and Konghucu. In fact our county famous with Batik, Kute beach in Bali, etc and also our country largest Muslim population in other country.
    In conclusion Indonesia is has many couture, and high solidarity between religions.
    Name vitra susanti
    Class: vb
    NIM: 2093235752

  38. Analysis

    A recent article in the "methodologies of online education," concern about the learning methodologis for online education. The authors, Fredly discuss that learning for online education has methodology, it is the student can axchange emails and posting messages on online bulletin boards and discussing groups. I agree with the authors idea that offers more convenience and flexibility to the student and they can decide the pace and schedule for their education and training.

    The authors think that there is active interaction among the students and teachers in online education. Thus the student can get the training and education that is tailored suit their needs . I have seen in my class that now learn with online education and agree with the content of this article. recently, my teacher give task to search article and analyze. Then, post it on her blog. this is form of learning methodology of online education.

    in conclussion, learning methodology must not face to face with the teacher, but interaction learning through online education is good methode to get knowledge.

    Geni Nurheti

  39. National Examination
    By : Thomas

    A number of pro and contra opinions about national examination continue to arise among people, particularly in governmental and educational communities. National examination, abbreviated UN, that will be held on March in the next year, had become a hot discussion topic when people won the suit against government in Supreme Court through citizen law suit.
    However, the Minister for National Education of RI, Prof. Dr. Muh. Nuh, was consistent with his initial commitment to implement the National Examination. “Considering the decision, none of its words imply that the government is prohibited from implementing the national examination,” Nuh said in response to Supreme Court decision.
    Viewed from governmental point of view, the national examination is necessary as a control for the extent to which a school have implemented the national education program properly. Thus, the output of national examination is a success indication of a school in implementing the national education curricula. For this reason, the national examination will be needed constantly, whatever the constraint.
    In contrast, viewed from school point of view, national examination is considered to frequently treat the students unjustly because: 1) It is the school that know best the student progress, logically, it is the school that have the full right to provide examination, 2) with the student required to pass the national examination, what they have learned for three years will be nothing if a student doesn’t pass the examination, due to only one or two subjects, 3) the national examination measures only the cognitive domain while the school develop 3 educational domains.

    Nama ; Cendro Hadi
    Nim ; 2093236079.
    PBI. 5b

  40. In the internet(article of education)about “National Examination’’gave information that is national examination must do in the school. The author Thomas discuss about the examination is very imfortant for students. They must have responsible and it could support their learning process in the schools.it cause,they are sure about examination,it can be effective program,it can improve their knowledge. Based on they article, Student would study hard and they could increase their knowledge.if they do it seriously.
    “Viewed from government point of view. The national examination is necessary as a control for the extent to which a school have implemented the national education program properly”.As we know that the end of education process activity final exam. It is done in three levels of school instution.The final examination itself is one of government decision,and it is an obligation for school institution. In this case, the institution involves elementary school. Moreover, the government also decides the score standard for students that must be reached. Consequently, if the students do not reach the fixed score, they can not pass or graduate from the school where they study,in addition,the score itself increases every years and all school institutions are insisted to reach the fixed score,mean while. The government is reductant to pay teaching and learning facility,thefore,it makes unexpected result that happens in education. The unepected result itself could be bad competition in school institution one each other,in this case,the teachers are emphasized by the government to reach the fixed score,consequently, They always help their students by giving the answer key to their students in order they can pass the test,In my opinion,based on the previous background. The final examination must not be education. Because it can create gap in our education,in this case. The final examination might be done if the government gives complete facility. However, in my mind,it will be better if the standard scoring is back to school institution. I mean the government must not give intervension to ward the standard.
    In his article explain that National Examination is very important to do. Because, with that, the students could work hard in learning. But, is the National Examination could to determine about ability of the students? Because we know many clever students can not graduate when do it. What are wrong from it?.

    Nama ; Cendro Hadi
    Nim ; 2093236079. PBI. 5b

  41. Saturday, December 17, 2011
    Curly Hair Care Tips

    Curly hair have different types. Big curly hair, curly frizzy curls up like a sausage that is very circular. Because various types of this, curly hair has a lot of problems because every person has a curly pattern that is different.
    According YouBeauty, experts do not know clearly why there are many types of hair. Curly hair care tips too different. But definitely, the shape of your hair follicle curly-haired, has a bag of curly hair and also hair protein (keratin) that exist in the base of the hair will affect your hair type. All hair types will grow twisted, whatever your hair type. Will get curly hair if its wave number is growing.
    Curly hair care tips
    Keep the humidity
    The owners of curly hair is highly recommended to maintain the hair moisture. In order for curly hair more smooth and gentle to use a deep conditioning treatment twice a month. If your hair is dry, do not wash too often, try to only twice a week.
    Be careful Drying
    You must be careful to handle curly hair. Avoid using too coarse towel when drying your hair or wrap your hair with a towel to absorb the excess water wash.
    "Curly hair must be dried slowly, but if your schedule is too dense for it, wipe with a soft towel and make sure your hair does not fall apart when rubbed," advises celebrity stylist Kristan Serafino. "If curly hair is touched with the rough - or worse combed - will cause your natural curly hair matted instead."
    Citing Conectique, you should dry the hair with your fingers, with or without a fan. The result will make the hair become more organized and flexible.
    Do not touch
    When using curl enhancer products like cream, gel or mousse, follow the pattern of your hair curly, rotate from the middle to the ends of your hair, advice Serafino. "When hair is dry, then you should apply new silicone serum on the ends of your hair to soften curly pattern and make it more shiny," he added.
    Once laid out, do not touch your hair again because the more you play, your hair will actually grow tangled. Thus curly hair care tips, may be useful for you.
    Article source :
    NIM : 2093235972

  42. A recent article in the Islamic education article “Islamic school” discuses about the emphasis on the Pancasila in public schools has been resisted by some of the Muslim majority. Pesantren more advanced than school - Islamic school (madrasah) in Indonesia. I think this is good disscussion and I agree with this article.
    According to author Pesantren is an Islamic school that is very influential in the Islamic world. Because pesantren are attended by young people seeking a detailed understanding of the Quran, the Arabic language, the sharia , and Muslim traditions and history. To learn Islam more deeply usually the parents prefer their children in this school. There are many advantages and disadvantages of this school. For example excess deepen religious knowledge in the field more. Then there are some weakness such as lack of knowledge acquired in the field of general knowledge and science of technology. Most boarding schools in Indonesia only provide in-depth study of Islam and a general lack of knowledge, which should be balanced between that knowledge. So it does not have to miss the information of many students who attended public schools. Then one of the causes of a lack quality this school is the location that is difficult to reach. Though the location is too far from the city center into a lack of updated information about the modern world. In order for students to adapt to life in the modern, secular nation-state, the Muslim-dominated Department of Religious Affairs advocated the spread of a newer variety of Muslim school, the madrasah. And the students can get good science is the field of religion and general knowledge.
    In conclusion Pesantren could be advanced if the government participated in it.

    Name: Emi kartini
    Nim: 2093235692

  43. Analysis of “Cleaning up higher education”
    A Recent article in” Education Accreditation”, Cleaning Up Higher Education discusses about Indonesia's National Board for Higher Education Accreditation has announced its determination to clean up a sector riddled with bad practices. I agree with this article because it can develop our country especially education accreditation.
    According to authors David Jardine can show he has planning set stricter criteria especially for the private sector. In this research an assessor and Deputy Rector of the March 11 University in the royal city of Solo in Central Java, told the media: "The new assessment model should be considered a threat to unprofessional universities." I agree with target for ridding universities of unaccredited undergraduate courses because accreditation standards will cover the learning system, the academic atmosphere, the quality assurance system, graduation standards, publications as well as theses work. In other side a spoken said that acknowledged the scheme would require hard work but that it would be beneficial in the drive to raise university standards nationwide. With the provision of government we expect the quality of education in Indonesia, especially at the university has a good accreditation and get graduates who are qualified.
    In conclusion, we can show how to process the scheme that require hard work but it will be useful in the drive to improve standards of national universities, especially for improving the accreditation of the University.
    Class : VB
