This assignment is for class VA. Look for an article about education or politic,read the article, then write an analysis for an article! Don't forget to quote some theories to prove your ideas! You should have been sent them before writing IV final exam.
New Ways of Studying Fluency in English
BalasHapusHarold Smith
hsmith [at]
Shenandoah University, Winchester, Virginia, USA
Most researchers calculate the time needed to become fluent in English by studying persons who have already reached fluency Studying those who had not yet reached fluency, when researchers evaluated the Santa Ana [California, USA] Unified School District's English language development (ELD) programs, yielded interesting results. Their findings: it may take seven or more years to reach full fluency (Mitchell, et. al, 1997).
The Santa Ana school district has four major kinds of ELD: Transitional Bilingual Education, which gives native language instruction along with ESL; Immersion, which gives sheltered instruction in English; combined Transitional Bilingual Education and Immersion; and Mainstream Limited English Proficiency.
Differences observed in achievement levels for reading and math in Santa Ana's various ELD appeared to be due primarily to students' placement in a particular program, not relative effectiveness of the programs. That is, students were not randomly assigned to different programs. Students who entered Santa Ana schools above kindergarten level, and those moving between schools, were more likely to be placed in mainstream or mixed Transitional Bilingual Education or Immersion. And students in Immersion tended to enter (and exit) at higher levels of fluency.
Several factors appeared to predict reading and math achievement for nonnative speakers: special education, movement between schools, test language, students' English language development levels, primary language development levels, and English Language Development programs.
Each program was more effective at some fluency level(s) than others. Transitional Bilingual Education seemed most effective from Pre-Production to Early Production levels, Immersion worked best in helping students progress from Early Production to Speech Emergence. Mainstreaming was the least effective program below the Intermediate level; it did best from Intermediate to Advanced Fluency levels. Transitional Bilingual Education best helped students progress from Advanced Fluency to Fully English Proficient levels.
If students, families, and schools know that it may take seven or more years to reach full fluency, they might have more reasonable expectations of student progress in developing English fluency. Kindergarten students, for example, who were assigned to Transitional Bilingual Education programs began nearly a full level below others, and by grade 5 they were still about one third of a level below.
While Mitchell and team saw that as "closing the gap by nearly half," one may wonder if there is some better program that would develop fluency more quickly. Teachers, researchers and administrators should continue looking for more effective and efficient ways to build English language fluency in nonnative students. Though it was not the focus of their study, Santa Ana's results indicate that how students are taught has a strong influence on how long it takes to attain fluency, and that seems to be even more important than who is studied.
Reference: Mitchell, D.; Destino, D.; and Karam, R. (1997) Evaluation of English language development programs in the Santa Ana Unified School District. California Educational Research Cooperative, School of Education, University of California, Riverside.
The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. V, No. 2, February 1999
name : Fachrul rozi
Class : VB
The Analisys of Sex Education Article
BalasHapusBy: Dailin
An article in, “Sex Education”, concerns the problems of sex education programs in public schools. The author discusses such information of pro and contra about sexuality education in classrooms. However, knowledge about sex is very important for everyone, neither young or old because it is one of human primary needs. Certainty, the students must have some knowledge about it.
Based on the article, not fewer of the young people are have had sex.”…according to some sex educators, statistics show that more teens, not fewer, are having sex”. This information is truly appropriate in real life society. The study prepared for World Contraception Day reported that the number of young people having unsafe sex with a new partner increased by 111 percent in France, 39 percent in the USA and 19 percent in Britain in the last three years. Furthermore, in Indonesia, 36 percent of teenagers are surveyed had had sex, with the average age being 17 years old. It is very worse condition for us, especially for the next generation.
Thus, one way to solve this problem is through education area which is not only in school but also out of the school. Based on the article, most sex educators agree that the most effective program in reducing teen sex and teen pregnancy combine the information on values from the abstinence curricula and the safe sex information from comprehensive sex education programs. Abstinence from sexual activity is a very good way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems; that “a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in the context of marriage is the expected standard of human sexual activity”; that “sexual activity outside of the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects”; and that “bearing children out-of-wedlock is likely to have harmful consequences for the child, the child’s parents, and society”. Furthermore, in comprehensive sex education programs, the students are taught about birth control methods and how to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases. Besides, the most important thing is instill values in the teenagers and the children and teach them how to say “no” to sex. Likewise, family and environment have big influence in the childrens’ development so, the parents have big duty to protect their children from the bad environment and teach them how to abstinence sex activity out of marriage. One of the other ways to instill the values is through knowledge and believe in religion. We can share about what are religion rules of the relationship between a female and male outside of marriage context, what are our advantages and disadvantages if we refuse to do sex before marriage, etc.
Moreover, sex education do not teach about sex copulation, but some knowledge about it namely; the functions of sexual organs, the process of sexual reproduction, and it is also about the emotions surrounding sexual behaviour and relationships. Thus, the materials must be appropriated with the ages of students, for example, for the female children, give explanation about why and how to care about the clean body?, what is the menstruation?, and many others. But, in learning and teaching process of sex education, the male and female students are should be seperated. Further, the implant values to reject sex activity out of the context of marriage and teaching about how to be abstenance are very important and should be learned by all of us.
this article is taken by Gusniarti on January 7th, 2012
BalasHapus"Judaism And Zionism Are Not The Same Thing"
We would like to take a few minutes of your time to prevent you from making a terrible mistake that may have disastrous results for many.
You have always without a doubt heard and read much about the political crises in the Middle East in which the State of Israel plays a central role. This is, in fact, an ongoing series of crises with potential to bring the greatest misfortune on the entire world. Tragically many believe that Zionism and Judaism are identical. Thus they conclude that the entire Jewish people is responsible for the actions of the Zionist government and the world crises which emanates from it. This is a Grave Error!
The truth is that the Jewish faith and Zionism are two very different philosophies. They are as opposite as day and night. The Jewish people have existed for thousands of years. In their two thousand years of Divinely decreed exile no Jew ever sought to end this exile and establish independent political sovereignty anywhere. The people's sole purpose was the study and fulfillment of the Divine commandments of the Torah.
The Zionist movement created the Israeli state. The latter is a persuasion less than one hundred years old. Its essential goal was and is to change the nature of the Jewish people from that of a religious entity to a political movement. From Zionism's inception the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people stood in staunch opposition to it.
To this day Torah Jewry remains forever loyal to its faith. Zionists want the world to believe that they are the representatives of the entire Jewish people. This is false! The Jewish people never chose them as their leaders.
The Zionists have deceived many well meaning Jewish people via terror, trickery and false propaganda. They have at their disposal the use of a nearly universally subservient media. Whoever attempts to criticize them puts his livelihood and, at times, his very life in danger.
However, despite the media blackout and easy resort to terror the simple truth remains unrefuted and irrefutable: ACCORDING TO THE JEWISH FAITH AND TORAH LAW THE JEWISH PEOPLE ARE FORBIDDEN TO HAVE THEIR OWN STATE WHILE AWAITING THE MESSIANIC ERA!
The Creator gave us the Holy Land thousands of years ago. Yet, when we sinned, He took it away and sent us into exile. Since that time our task is to wait for Him to send the Messiah. At that time, the Creator alone, without any human being lifting a hand or saying a word, will bring us together and take us out of exile. He will likewise establish universal peace among all mankind and all will serve Him in good will.
Some religious Jews, confused by Zionist propaganda quote Biblical verses that state that G-d gave the children of Israel the Holy Land. They overlook, unfortunately, those verses which say that He took it away due to our sins. They further ignore those prophecies which explicitly describe the last exile's conclusion as a Divine, not a human process.
The Creator has commanded every Jew to follow the ways of peace and to be loyal to the country where he lives.
Torah true Jewry waits patiently for the Messianic redemption. They have nothing to do with any kind of pseudo "Jewish State" and its aggressions against other peoples. They have a deep sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians who have suffered the most from Zionism's false teachings and barbaric actions. The Zionist state is not a Jewish state. The Zionists alone are the only ones responsible for their actions. Authentic Jewry has and will continue to oppose the very existence of this blasphemous state.
May all mankind witness the true redemption.
BalasHapusPBI Va
An article in “Judaism and Zionism are not The Same Thing,” concerns the efforts of the authors to defend their country, especially their religion. Authors discuss such information as the real explanation to differ Judaism from Zionism. Although many people believe that both of them are identical, in fact, Zionism is just Jewish political movement. Its essential goal was and is to change the nature of the Jewish people from that of a religious entity to a political movement. Most of the information given in this article is the truth, even it was written by Jews.
According to authors, the traditional meaning of the Jewish is about the religion, not about the political as the Zionist stated. The Zionists were a distinct minority of the Jewish people until after WWII. Some religious Jews, confused by Zionist propaganda quote Biblical verses that state that G-d gave the children of Israel the Holy Land named Palestine. By looking at what is going on Palestine these days, and for whom this organization probably doing their actions, many people around the world conclude that the entire Jewish people is responsible for the actions of the Zionist government and the world crises which emanates from it. Authors said, “The Zionist state is not a Jewish state. The Zionists alone are the only ones responsible for their actions”, once again, to make it clear that their title of article is true.
The Jewish people have existed for thousands of years, while The Zionist movement created the Israeli state, the latter is a persuasion less than one hundred years old. The movement by zionism was eventually successful in establishing Israel on 14 May 1948 (5 Iyyar 5708 in the Hebrew calendar), as the homeland for the Jewish people. Nowadays, Zionist is come back to seize Palestine from its owner. In another article, Gandhi said, “Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French...What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct...If they [the Jews] must look to the Palestine of geography as their national home, it is wrong to enter it under the shadow of the British gun. A religious act cannot be performed with the aid of the bayonet or the bomb. They can settle in Palestine only by the goodwill of the Arabs... (Mahatma Gandhi, quoted in “A Land of Two Peoples” ed. Mendes-Flohr.). This conflict of Israel-Palestine is always involved in religion reason. Two big influential religions behind these countries are Judaism and Islam. In fact, this movement of Jewish political is purely for politic reason. Zionists want the world to believe that they are the representatives of the entire Jewish people. “This is false!” stated the authors, “The Jewish people never chose them as their leaders.” However, despite the media blackout and easy resort to terror the simple truth remains unrefuted and irrefutable: according to the Jewish faith and torah law the Jewish people are forbidden to have their own state while awaiting the messianic era.
Zionist can stated that they are Judaisms, as everyone can stated that they are Muslims, Christians, and others. But whatever it is, as a wise person, we have to see out of the box. Whether it stops only as a statement, or ends as a fact. However, Zionist is just a politic movement of a country named Israel that have to be known clearly as an organization, and Judaism –majority belief of Israel- has not any responsibilities to whatever Zionist had done.
DAILIN 2093235687
BalasHapusSex Education
During the 1960s, the John Birch Society, an ultraconservative organization, pushed schools to eliminate sex education programs in classrooms, charging that the classes were “smut,” “immoral,” and “a filthy communist plot” to poison the minds of American children. By the end of the 1970s, only the District of Columbia and three states—Kentucky, Maryland, and New Jersey—required that sex education be taught in public schools. The decline in sex education programs in the 1970s was accompanied by a steady increase in the teen sex rate and out-of-wedlock births. When the AIDS epidemic began to expand its reach into America’s schools in the 1980s, parents and educators decided that they needed to teach their children about the realities of sex and disease. By December 1997, nineteen states and the District of Columbia required schools to teach sexuality education, and thirty-four states and the District of Columbia required instruction about HIV, AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases.
In the mid-1990s, teen sex and illegitimacy became a focus of concern for conservatives who were trying to reform the welfare system. They charged that the welfare system rewarded premarital sex and out-ofwedlock births by granting benefits to unwed mothers. The best way to reduce the welfare rolls, and therefore illegitimacy, they argued, was to emphasize abstinence-only sex education programs in schools. In 1996, Congress included in its welfare reform act a provision to encourage states to require abstinence-only sex education programs in their schools. Congress authorized grants of $250 million over five years to states that required school-based abstinence-only sex education programs. In addition, the five states that showed the largest drop in teen pregnancy without a corresponding increase in the abortion rate would split an additional $400 million.
The 1996 legislation is very specific about what the abstinence-only programs must and must not teach. Under the law, states are mandated to teach that “abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage is the expected standard”; that “abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems”; that “a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in the context of marriage is the expected standard of human sexual activity”; that “sexual activity outside of the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects”; and that “bearing children out-of-wedlock is likely to have harmful consequences for the child, the child’s parents, and society.” Furthermore, the law prohibits the states from using any of the grant money to teach about contraception or about how students can protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
page 2 of "Sex Education Article"_ Dailin
BalasHapusSupporters argue that abstinence-only sex education programs instill values in their children and teach them how to say “no” to sex. Supporting their argument is a study by sexuality experts that found that 84 percent of young girls surveyed said they wanted to learn “how to say ‘no’ to sex without hurting the other person’s feelings.” Advocates of teenabstinence programs also assert that teaching youth about birth control in effect gives them permission to engage in premarital sex. According to Elayne Bennett, founder of a national abstinence mentoring program, Best Friends:
Sex is a serious business, and it’s for adults only. When one spends a lot of time instructing teens on all the various paraphernalia for protecting themselves, the message is that it’s perfectly safe to do this as long as you protect yourself. But we know that [using protection] does not protect against many STDs.
Teenagers receive a mixed message, Bennett maintains, when they are told how to protect themselves from pregnancy and STDs, yet told that they should remain chaste until marriage.
For abstinence supporters, the failure rate of many birth control methods compounds the problematic message of sex education. According to obstetrician Joe S. McIlhaney Jr., founder of the Medical Institute for Sexual Health, not only do condoms have a high failure rate for preventing STDs, but they also have a high failure rate for preventing pregnancy. A study by researcher Susan C. Weller found that condoms failed to prevent pregnancy up to 13 percent of the time and failed to protect against AIDS and other STDs 31 percent of the time. McIlhaney adds that many married couples do not use condoms correctly, so it is unlikely that inexperienced teens could do so, especially when they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The only method guaranteed to prevent pregnancy and STDs is abstinence, he asserts. “The best that ‘safer sex’ approaches can offer is some risk reduction. Abstinence, on the other hand, offers risk elimination,” McIlhaney writes.
McIlhaney and his followers contend that abstinence programs are effective at reducing the teen sex and teen pregnancy rates. For example, they point to a Chicago middle school in which each class had several girls who were pregnant every year. But after three years of an abstinence program, the school graduated three classes in a row in which no girls were pregnant. In Washington, D.C., only 5 percent of the girls in the Best Friends program had ever had sexual intercourse, compared to 63 percent citywide. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed in June 1998 that the national teen pregnancy rate has been falling since 1990. The center reported that the teen pregnancy rate between 1990 and 1995 dropped from 55 percent to 50 percent without a corresponding increase in the abortion rate. Supporters cite this trend in the falling teen birth rate to support their argument that abstinence-only education is effective.
page 3 of Sex Education Article_Dailin
BalasHapusSupporters of comprehensive sex education programs, in which students are taught about birth control methods and how to protect themselves against STDs, contend that abstinence-only programs are ineffective. Most schools with abstinence-only programs had not implemented the curriculum by 1995, they assert, so the programs cannot take credit for reducing the teen pregnancy rate. Furthermore, according to some sex educators, statistics show that more teens, not fewer, are having sex. The pregnancy rate has declined because more teens are using birth control, they maintain, not because fewer teens are having sex. In fact, birth control proponents point out that the number of teenagers who used condoms during their first sexual experience tripled between 1975 and 1995, from 18 percent to 54 percent.
The CDC contends that birth control methods are much more reliable than their critics claim. Condoms are “highly effective” against AIDS when used correctly and consistently, the center asserts, and fail less than 2 percent of the time. Henry Foster, Bill Clinton’s advisor on teen pregnancy, maintains that teens who are not taught the facts about contraception “don’t have the facts on how to protect themselves, yet they are bombarded with media messages” that urge them to “just do it.” In addition, many sex educators believe that the anti-contraception message may give youth the impression that all forms of safe sex are ineffective, thus leading teens to stop using condoms and other forms of birth control altogether. Such a move would lead to higher pregnancy and STD rates, sex educators claim.
Comprehensive sex education advocates also dispute claims that abstinence-only programs are effective at reducing teen sex and pregnancy rates. Douglas Kirby, a sex education researcher who studied thirtythree sex education programs, found that all six of the abstinence-only programs in his study failed to delay sexual activity. The best documented abstinence-only sex education program was used by California schools from 1992 to 1995. The state spent $15 million over three years teaching abstinence-only to 187,000 middle school students. Kirby found the students who had not participated in abstinence-only classes were no less likely to postpone sexual intercourse or prevent pregnancies or STDs than students who had participated in abstinence-only classes. Kirby’s study also found that comprehensive sex education programs do not promote sexual activity. According to Kirby, “Sexuality- and HIV-education curricula do not increase sexual intercourse, either by hastening the onset of intercourse, increasing the frequency of intercourse, or increasing the number of sexual partners.”
Most sex educators agree that the most effective programs in reducing teen sex and teen pregnancy combine the information on values from the abstinence curricula and the safe sex information from comprehensive sex education programs. Moreover, polls show that most parents want their children to be taught about contraception. However, this consensus has not stopped the debate over which type of sex education should be taught in public schools. At Issue: Sex Education examines the morality and effectiveness of abstinence-only versus comprehensive sex education programs, as well as other sexuality issues.
The Analisys of Sex Education Article
BalasHapusBy: Dailin
An article in, “Sex Education”, concerns the problems of sex education programs in public schools. The author discusses such information of pro and contra about sexuality education in classrooms. However, knowledge about sex is very important for everyone, neither young or old because it is one of human primary needs. Certainty, the students must have some knowledge about it.
Based on the article, not fewer of the young people are have had sex.”…according to some sex educators, statistics show that more teens, not fewer, are having sex”. This information is truly appropriate in real life society. The study prepared for World Contraception Day reported that the number of young people having unsafe sex with a new partner increased by 111 percent in France, 39 percent in the USA and 19 percent in Britain in the last three years. Furthermore, in Indonesia, 36 percent of teenagers are surveyed had had sex, with the average age being 17 years old. It is very worse condition for us, especially for the next generation.
Thus, one way to solve this problem is through education area which is not only in school but also out of the school. Based on the article, most sex educators agree that the most effective program in reducing teen sex and teen pregnancy combine the information on values from the abstinence curricula and the safe sex information from comprehensive sex education programs. Abstinence from sexual activity is a very good way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems; that “a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in the context of marriage is the expected standard of human sexual activity”; that “sexual activity outside of the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects”; and that “bearing children out-of-wedlock is likely to have harmful consequences for the child, the child’s parents, and society”. Furthermore, in comprehensive sex education programs, the students are taught about birth control methods and how to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases. Besides, the most important thing is instill values in the teenagers and the children and teach them how to say “no” to sex. Likewise, family and environment have big influence in the childrens’ development so, the parents have big duty to protect their children from the bad environment and teach them how to abstinence sex activity out of marriage. One of the other ways to instill the values is through knowledge and believe in religion. We can share about what are religion rules of the relationship between a female and male outside of marriage context, what are our advantages and disadvantages if we refuse to do sex before marriage, etc.
Moreover, sex education do not teach about sex copulation, but some knowledge about it namely; the functions of sexual organs, the process of sexual reproduction, and it is also about the emotions surrounding sexual behaviour and relationships. Thus, the materials must be appropriated with the ages of students, for example, for the female children, give explanation about why and how to care about the clean body?, what is the menstruation?, and many others. But, in learning and teaching process of sex education, the male and female students are should be seperated. Further, the implant values to reject sex activity out of the context of marriage and teaching about how to be abstenance are very important and should be learned by all of us.
Key problem of education in RI: Teacher centralization
BalasHapusPaul Suparno, Yogyakarta | Sat, 07/16/2011 8:00 AM
The National Education Ministry plans to centralize Indonesian teachers. The purpose is to increase the quality and the equality of education. Does this centralization have to be done?
One of the important problems facing Indonesian education is the large quality gap between schools. Some schools in several places are of a high quality, but some schools in other places are low quality. The reason is that some schools have many qualified teachers and good facilities, but some schools do not. Statistically, the number of teachers in Indonesia is enough, but in reality it is not.
In some cities there are many qualified teachers, but in some areas there are not enough teachers. The distribution of teachers is not equal because of the autonomy system. In this system, most provinces prefer to accept only teachers from their own regions. That is why some provinces with few teachers have difficultly getting enough teachers. So it makes sense that the quality of their education is low.
Most of these problems could be solved easily if the system was centralized. This would mean that the central government would be allowed to distribute teachers everywhere and send some teachers to poor areas or where they were needed.
To increase and attract enough new teachers to the more difficult places, the central government should organize teacher public service. The new teachers who want to be public teachers should do service and teach in difficult places.
For example, new teachers have to serve in poor places for two or three years before they are accepted as public teachers. They are still young and they have high spirits. They are still creative and passionate. This way they take part in improving the quality of education. In addition, maybe some of them after two years of teaching will want to teach there for many years to come if so, they can be accepted as public teachers in the same places.
Centralization should be done not only for teacher placement, but also for improving facilities and teacher quality. Since poor provinces cannot improve their own schools, the central government must help them, especially in providing school facilities. Some poor schools cannot meet the national standard without the central government’s assistance.
If we want to improve the quality of teachers, especially in the poor provinces or poor schools, the central government must provide workshops or training for those teachers. With such training, the teachers will become more professional and develop their knowledge and their pedagogy. If the teachers always study either formally or informally, they will improve the quality of schools.
Two things should be noted in centralization — bureaucracy and politicization. Centralization needs good and smooth bureaucracy. If the bureaucracy is slow, the process will be very slow and some places or regions will lack teachers.
So it is a big challenge for the government to decide whether it is ready to implement centralization. The second point is the politicization of teachers. Teachers should be free from politicization. The government should give public teachers more freedom to improve their teaching without having to bear political burdens such as joining a political party.
Today, some teachers have no freedom to say what is really happening in schools and they are forced to do bad things at schools. If they do not comply with their orders, they will face harsh consequences, such as being reposted to an unfavorable position or area. We hope this will not happen with the centralization system. If teachers have more freedom to do their jobs professionally, they will be more peaceful and take pleasure in educating their students.
Name : M. Khadarol
BalasHapusNim : 2093235721
Class : PBI V A
An article in “key problem of education in RI: teacher centralization” concern to centralize Indonesian teachers. The purpose is to increase the quality of edudcation.
Author Paul Supono discuss such information as the centralization should be done not only for teacher placement but also for improving facilities and teacher quality. Because their news were correc or real, most of the information in this article is real and true.
According to author Paul Supono, “ If we want to improve the quality of teachers, especially in the poor province or poor schools, the central government must provide workshop or training for those teachers. With such training, the teacher will become more professional and develop their knowledge and also their pedagogy.”
This method is very important, because if the teacher follows some workshop and training, they can develop their ability and their motivation to be good teachers. So they can make the good education in their education institute.
And in fact, the workshop were helpful as they led to richness of mind, developing creativity, helped in understanding the factor that govern children’s response and behavior to various situations. As we know that in our reality life in some school that placed in the village, the education system is not good enough. It caused by the teacher who teach there never follow some training.
In the development of education, the role of government needed especially in the workshop or training and the procurement of good facilities for teaching and learning activities that develop more effective for the learning process. And its implementation not only for teachers and schools in the city but also in the village too. So every teacher has good teaching skills and professional teachers. Thus the educational system in Indonesia would be better.
BalasHapusOne of the most substantial uses in education is the use of technology. Also technology is an increasingly influential factor in education. Computers and mobile phones are used in developed countries both to complement established education practices and develop new ways of learning such as online education (a type of distance education). This gives students the opportunity to choose what they are interested in learning. The proliferation of computers also means the increase of programming and blogging. Technology offers powerful learning tools that demand new skills and understandings of students, including Multimedia, and provides new ways to engage students, such as Virtual learning environments. One such tool are virtual manipulatives, which are an "interactive, Web-based visual representation of a dynamic object that presents opportunities for constructing mathematical knowledge" (Moyer, Bolyard, & Spikell, 2002). In short, virtual manipulatives are dynamic visual/pictorial replicas of physical mathematical manipulatives, which have long been used to demonstrate and teach various mathematical concepts. Virtual manipulatives can be easily accessed on the Internet as stand-alone applets, allowing for easy access and use in a variety of educational settings. Emerging research into the effectiveness of virtual manipulatives as a teaching tool have yielded promising results, suggesting comparable, and in many cases superior overall concept-teaching effectiveness compared to standard teaching methods.[citation needed] Technology is being used more not only in administrative duties in education but also in the instruction of students. The use of technologies such as PowerPoint and interactive whiteboard is capturing the attention of students in the classroom. Technology is also being used in the assessment of students. One example is the Audience Response System (ARS), which allows immediate feedback tests and classroom discussions.[22]...
A recent article of education”Education Tehnology” explain that used and function of technology in the word education.Authors Nopi erma discuss such imformation as the usedcomputer and handphone in education.Probably because their sources were correct biased so I agree of thing article
According to authors Nopi erma ,at least one of the major educationis there of technology.”one of the most subtantial uses in education is the use of technology ,also tehnology is an increasingly influantial factor in education”.what is the meaning of”technology is an increasingly influential factor in education”here?.The technology is a important in increasing base on education,the used computer and handphone of technology make the people in word education easly get all thing about education is needed both the teacher/the lecturer and the students,any of internet and googling also be a thing of interest for enjoying by the peopleb,they are better get imformation which want so they are understand about based is they necessary.However ,the assesment of student was used technology with system the audience response system
In fact,technology education is very important for increasing base on education.
Nopi Erma Yunita
209 323 5726
Overdrawn at the Ideas ATM
BalasHapusBy Iain Murray on 6.17.11 @ 6:08AM
The president's Luddite moment.
President Obama recently blamed today's high unemployment on… automation. Yes, you heard at right. He singled out automatic teller machines (ATMs), which he said have eliminated many human bank teller jobs. Blaming an invention for job losses is a display of economic ignorance worthy of the Luddites. Not only are Obama's comments wrong at a factual level, they display a complete lack of basic knowledge about the means of human progress. For a self-styled "progressive" to make this mistake displays how bankrupt that ideology is.
For a start, President Obama is wrong as a matter of fact. From 1985 to 2002, U.S. banks added some 300,000 ATMs around the country, but also added 42,000 bank teller jobs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted in 2010 that a further 40,000 or so teller jobs would be added by 2018 -- presumably not as the result of mass removal of ATMs. ATMs allow banks to employ tellers in more useful services than simply counting and distributing money, as well as serve customers during late night hours when it is not feasible to keep branches open.
Automation doesn't destroy jobs. It frees us from mundane tasks so that we can do other, more complex -- and more rewarding -- tasks...
In these article”the president’s luddite moment concern the politic of ATM.the authors Iin sopayona discuss such imformation as money politic of ATM by president Obama.probably because I get new sources were incorrect or biased,most of the imformation in this article is simply wrong.
My according ,at least one of the major politic ATM is thing of ussualy.”the bareau of labor statistic predicted in 2010 that a futher 40.000 or so teller would be added by 2018_presumably not as the result of mass removal of ATM”.what is the maening of “mass removal of Atm”here?.the money politic don’t necces for mass removal but it important for increasing of growth economic in the word .in fact,said of president obama is truly but any of people think it only the way of Amerike Serikat for lie with word about happynes used ATM and the bank-bank Amerika Serikat make for used save for money ,especially Amerika Serikat is the country of strong which the fear of other country
This article of good ,ATM is needed for the succes from the one country which to flower.
Written by
Iin sopayona
209 323 5709
Education is very important in our day to day life. Without it, no nation can develop and progress effectively. I totally agree with Free Education system. I want to write down on why I feel free education is good for a nation. Nowadays, education is very expensive. Due to that not everyone get access to schooling or higher studies. It is very difficult for a poor family to bear with the education expenses for their children. It creates unbalance in the society between the poor and the rich. Education will break these differences between the poor and the rich. It is very important that everybody should get free education. Education will improve and develop people’s mindset and their way to think better which is very essential for our society. With education common people can understand the society norms, cultural differences in different religions, their rights, and will be able to take right decisions, and create a healthy society. They can express their thoughts and ideas more effectively.
BalasHapusEducation will enhance their knowledge on diverse fields. Educated people will help a nation to grow up economically. Educated people will use their educational knowledge in their work and produce good competitive products. People can communicate effectively with the other nation in terms of business and their cultural differences. They can solve all the differences with the help of effective communication. Good education will help a nation to progress economically, socially, and culturally. It is very important for a nation to allow everyone for a free education. It should be mandatory for a nation. It will be a great help for the society and make a nation stronger.
by Helsiani
Students of Online Schools Are Lagging
Published: January 6, 2012
The number of students in virtual schools run by educational management organizations rose sharply last year, according to a new report being published Friday, and far fewer of them are proving proficient on standardized tests compared with their peers in other privately managed charter schools and in traditional public schools.
About 116,000 students were educated in 93 virtual schools — those where instruction is entirely or mainly provided over the Internet — run by private management companies in the 2010-11 school year, up 43 percent from the previous year, according to the report being published by the National Education Policy Center, a research center at the University of Colorado. About 27 percent of these schools achieved “adequate yearly progress,” the key federal standard set forth under the No Child Left Behind act to measure academic progress. By comparison, nearly 52 percent of all privately managed brick-and-mortar schools reached that goal, a figure comparable to all public schools nationally.
“There’s a pretty large gap between virtual and brick-and-mortar,” said Gary Miron, a professor of evaluation, measurement and research at Western Michigan University and a co-author of the study.
“E.M.O.’s” — educational management organizations, a term coined by Wall Street in the 1990s — now operate 35 percent of all charter schools, enrolling 42 percent of all charter school students, according to the report. “Charter schools are publicly funded and they are serving public school students,” Dr. Miron noted. “But they are increasingly privately owned and privately governed.”
Some of the management companies are nonprofit organizations — the largest is the KIPP Foundation, with 28,261 students — while others are for-profit companies (K12 Inc. leads this sector, with 65,396). The report focuses on those that have full-service agreements to run schools, as opposed to vendors that offer ancillary services like curriculum development.
The number of schools — virtual as well as brick-and-mortar — managed by for-profit E.M.O.’s dropped 2 percent in 2010-11 from the previous year, but the number of students leaped 5 percent to 394,096. In the nonprofit sector, there was a 12 percent increase in the number of schools to 1,170 and a 62 percent increase in students to 384,067. Nonprofit E.M.O.’s have a better track record of academic success than for-profits, and smaller E.M.O.’s in general perform better than larger ones, at least defined by the federal standard of adequate yearly progress — a metric Dr. Miron called “very crude.”
Data was not available for about 10 percent of the schools run by for-profit E.M.O.’s and 20 percent of those run by nonprofits. Among those that did provide data, 48 percent of the schools run by for-profits met the federal standard, as did 56 percent of those run by nonprofits. About 52 percent of traditional public schools meet the standard.
Among large for-profit E.M.O.’s — those that manage 10 or more schools — 43 percent met the federal progress standard, compared with 62 percent of the schools run by E.M.O.’s with one to three schools. Among nonprofits, 63 percent of those with four to nine schools met the standard, compared with 52 percent for organizations running 10 or more schools and 56 percent for those running one to three
Name : etik Kurniati
Nim : 2093235695
Poor Teaching
By C.R. Smith
Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall
Poor teaching involves far more than an inappropriate match between the school's curriculum and the students' needs. It also involves the kind of expectations that the teacher communicates to students, the teacher's ability to deal with special needs in the classroom, his or her knowledge of normal child development, sensitivity to students' different learning and behavioral styles, and understanding that when English is the child's second language, conversational fluency doesn't equate to academic language proficiency. Moreover, when teachers do not personalize instruction to accommodate individual differences, the number of children identified as LD increases.
Poor teaching not only aggravates existing learning problems, but it can also increase the number of children erroneously identified as learning disabled. This can happen when some children fall behind because they haven't had the right learning opportunities. The discrepancy between their intellectual ability and achievement is really a pseudodiscrepancy that wouldn't have occurred if teaching had been personalized and effective. Researchers who are demonstrating that instruction helps establish and strengthen specific neural networks point out that poor instruction leaves a child without the necessary neural substrate to support academic progress.
The poor showing of our schoolchildren on the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests is an indictment of the overall quality of education in the United States. When 38 percent of fourth graders read below a "basic" comprehension level, and only 23 percent score at or above a "proficient level" in writing, something is very wrong. The data are as grim for eighth and twelfth graders in this national assessment program, with 25 to 30 percent reading below grade level. Almost one-third of seniors lack a basic grasp of the structure and operations of American government. More than half of white twelfth graders can read a complicated text, but fewer than 20 to 25 percent of Hispanic and African American students can do so. In math, 1 in 10 white seniors, but only 1 in 30 Hispanic and 1 in 100 African American seniors can easily solve an elementary algebra problem. Only 28 percent of high school seniors find their schoolwork "often or always meaningful," and only 21 percent characterize their courses as "quite or very interesting." Only 39 percent of seniors feel that their school learning will be "quite or very important" in later life.
Given the large percentage of children who are functioning below grade level and unmotivated by the curriculum, many educators and politicians are focusing on the inadequacies of teachers' skills and the teaching environment, especially the resource inequities and lowered expectations in poorer schools. As a result, some researchers recommend that we eliminate the term "learning disabilities" in favor of teaching disabilities. Mancele's sad story illustrates the long-term intensive intervention needed by many individuals with LD, and the lost potential when appropriate intervention isn't available or offered.
Clearly the problem and the solution is not in the child alone. If students are to change, it is largely because teachers and parents have been willing to make changes in the curriculum, school, and home environments that promote learning. Indeed, the story of learning disabilities is full of parents and teachers who refused to accept the status quo, believed in their children, and fought long and hard to fix the schools so their students would succeed.
Name : Sri Susilawati
Class: Pbi 5A
Poor Teaching
BalasHapusIn the article ,“Poor Teaching,” C.R.Smith stated that Poor teaching involves far more than an inappropriate match between the school's curriculum and the students' needs. Poor teaching not only aggravates existing learning problems, but it can also increase the number of children erroneously identified as learning disabled. I agree with the author.
Poor teaching clearly the problem and the solution is not in the child alone. If students are to change, it is largely because teachers and parents have been willing to make changes in the curriculum, school, and home environments that promote learning. Author states that “ The children haven't had the right learning opportunities”. The most children unmotivated by the curriculum, many educators and the inadequacies of teachers' skills and the teaching environment, especially the resource inequities and lowered expectations in poorer schools. As a result, it cause eliminate the term learning disabilities in favor of teaching disabilities.And in fact, the teacher communicates to students, the teacher's ability to deal with special needs in the classroom, sensitivity to learning and behavioral styles students different. I think poor teaching caused by the inadequacies of teacher’s skills.
Poor teaching not only aggravates existing learning problems, but it can also increase the number of children erroneously identified as learning disabled. And teacher should improve their teaching system. So that their student can be success.
Name : Sri Susilawati
Class : Pbi 5A
Students of Online Schools Are Lagging
BalasHapusIn a recent article “Student of Online Schools Are Lagging”, The number of student in virtual school run by education management organization rose sharply last year. Authors jenny Andersond, discuss such the growth of online –school year by year, which is doing by non –govermental management is increasing. The opinions of the authors cannot be accepted since it just a theory, cannot be proved by the real condition :
According to Authors Jenny Andersond , The number of students in virtual schools rum by educational management organization rose sharply last year, and far fewer of them are proving proficient on standarlized test compared with their peers in other privately management charter schools and in traditional public schools. That report Police Center a recent at the university of Colorado-About 27 percent of these schools achived “Education Yearly progress” the key federal standard sex fort under the no child left behind act to measure academic progress.
I disagree with the online school, from the fact in the data that arranged by private side “ E.M.O” Education Management Organizations, that grow up incisively. But with that thing can make students be lazy , unsocialization like other general schools that standarlized. Said that garry mirror, “ there a pretty large gap between virtual brick-and-mortar “, its means there is imbalanced social seemed here, between able and disable. Some of the management companies are nonprofit organizations-the largest is the KIPP coundention, with 28,261 students. This institution disagree with online school is called E.M.O, they suggested that their students study like general school usual, to increase formal school, not online school is increased.
So, we need not to schools in online-schools while national general are still available.
Name : Etik Kurniati
Nim : 2093235695
What Can Educators Do to Stop Bullying?
BalasHapusBullying is a form of violence common among children. Bullying can be found in schools,
neighborhoods, and homes throughout the United States. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice,
bullying is frequently misunderstood by adults as an unavoidable part of growing up and, as a result, often occurs in the presence of adults who fail to do anything about it. The focus of this article is about bullying at school and what can be done about it. Bullying affects a school and students in many ways. Bullying has a negative effect on the social environment of a school and creates an atmosphere of fear among students.
Bullying also reduces students’ abilities to learn. A child who bullies is also more likely to engage in other negative behavior (such as stealing and taking drugs). More than 26 percent of U.S. school children said that they had been bullied by other students during a school term. A recent 2010 bullying survey, funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, included 16,686 students in grades six through twelve in public, parochial, and private schools throughout the United States. Our researchers found that bullying occurred most frequently in sixth through eighth grades, with little variation between urban, suburban, town, and rural areas. Boys were both more likely to bully others and more likely to be victims of bullying than were girls. In addition, males were more likely to say they had been bullied physically (being hit, slapped,r pushed), while females more frequently said they were bullied verbally and psychologically (through sexual/racial comments or spreading rumors throughout the school or on a social media network.
BalasHapusA recent article in,”what can educators do to stop bullying?,” author Eko Purnomo discuss about bullying at school and what can be done about it. Probably because this article sources were correct or incorrect, most of the information in this article is also simply wrong or true.
According to bullying survey, funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, stated “included 16,686 students in grades six through twelve in public, parochial, and private schools throughout the United States.Our researchers found that bullying occurred most frequently in sixth through eighth grades, with little variation between urban, suburban, town, and rural areas.” This can be happen because there are some factor the student can do that. One of them is environment of the student or from their family. But it also can be fix if the teacher and their parent teach them with right method. In fact, there are still many teacher if their student have problem like fighting, gibe each other,etc. The teacher only anger to them without carping their problem and solve it. And their parent also blame for their teacher because deemed cannot educate. Whereas as parent, they have to join in educate their children.
In conclusion, l think bullying not only in elementary school, but also in lower secondary school, upper secondary school, and university. May be only their problems are different and the way to resolve the problem also different. However, that’s of all can be preventable when the teacher and parent can control their children whithout angry and nonviolence.
BalasHapusNIM 2093235702 PBI V.A
Governor Expected to Set Up Panel on Education Reform
Published: January 3, 2012
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is expected to announce Wednesday in his State of the State address that he will convene a statewide commission to address a wide range of education issues, including improving student performance and school accountability, according to people familiar with the plan. The commission is likely to address Mr. Cuomo’s oft-repeated concern that the state finances schools with taxpayer money regardless of their performance, according to these people. In recent weeks, the governor has emphasized the need to provide financial incentives to districts to improve achievement. Plans to establish the commission were reported Monday by The Daily News.
Mr. Cuomo’s aides declined to discuss the commission, but education advocates and others said the governor had talked informally about gathering a group of education experts to study and recommend reforms.
Merryl H. Tisch, chancellor of the New York Board of Regents, said she would urge Mr. Cuomo and his commission to help advance a statewide teacher evaluation system, which has stalled over opposition from teachers and district officials. Dr. Tisch said they should also look at consolidating school districts to reduce costs, and review unfunded state mandates, including pension and health care costs, imposed on districts.
Billy Easton, executive director of the Alliance for Quality Education, an advocacy group, said that he welcomed the commission as a way to bring more attention to education, but cautioned that its focus should not be just to raise test scores.
Robert N. Lowry Jr., deputy director of the New York State Council of School Superintendents, said that as governor, Mario M. Cuomo appointed a commission in the early 1990s to address questions about school financing and performance. “It produced a valuable analysis among other things, and made some recommendations that became the governor’s education agenda in the next session,” Mr. Lowry said.
Analysis Article by Hasnol Suryadi Nim 2093235702 Tar/PBI V.A
BalasHapusA recent article in the "Governor Expected to Set Up Panel on Education Reform" Author Winne Hu discuss Such information as set up panel on education reform. I do agree with his statement That he showed in this article.
According to author Winne Hu, the governor was talking about education issues, including Improving student performance and school accountability. Mr. Cuomo's aides Declined to discuss the commission, but education advocates and others said the governor had talked informally about gathering a group of education experts to study and recommend reforms. According to me it is a good plan to advance the education system and to address problems in education reform, but implementation is still experiencing such problems to financial constraints and the school performance of the system of tax payments to the teachers. And barriers that should be faster in the solved, so that educational reforms are planned to run more smoothly. Another fact Billy Easton, executive director of the Alliance for Quality Education, an advocacy group, said That he welcomed the commission as a way to bring more attention to education, but its focus cautioned That Should not be just to raise test scores. And from the facts that have been expressed by Billy Easton, then it is one great opportunity to do education reform and overcome a variety of educational issues, including improving student performance and school accountability.
So, an education reform that we have to do, because it is one way to promote a better education system in the world of education.
Private Schools and Bonds
BalasHapusStudents preparing for a post-secondary education or career path have a lengthy checklist to pore over before making a big-time decision. The talk about finances and future paths makes for an exciting yet nerve-wracking time. Amid the excitement, students and parents alike sometimes forget to dig just a little bit deeper into the background and financial standing of a potential school. And that can wind up costing them thousands in lost tuition dollars. In the last few months alone, several private vocational and technical schools have closed suddenly, taking millions in pre-paid tuition costs with them. Most states have minimal safeguards in place, but the reality is that most consumers will struggle to recover all of their money.
The abrupt closure of schools shows why it's incredibly important for students and parents to know the financial background of a potential school and what safeguards, if any, are in place in the unlikely event it ultimately shutters.
The Lessons Recent examples illustrate why it's important for prospective students to do serious homework on the schools they're considering. Do some digging and Internet searches. Check court records and see what, if anything, the Better Business Bureau has on file. Students can also contact their state Department of Education or Attorney General's office to learn more about their prospective schools.
Make sure the institution is properly licensed and adequately bonded. Ask administrators about their financial standing and what safeguards are in place in the unlikely event the unthinkable happens. Most importantly, students and parents should go with their instincts. If a school or administrator is less than forthcoming or triggers unease, it's probably time to consider another option. Chris Birk, a principal at, is a former newspaper and magazine writer and college professor. His work has appeared in more than two dozen newspapers and magazines, including the Chicago Sun-Times, the St. Louis Post-DispatchandInsurance Journal.
Name: Lusi Susi Yanti
NIM: 2093235719
Class: V A
An article in” Private Schools and Bonds,” concerns the efforts of the author to Students preparing for a post-secondary education or career path have a lengthy checklist to pore over before making a big-time decision. Those who go to public school favorites are the ones who basically smart enough academically. The school is quite direct, students will be able to run his own with his intelligence. If anything it fails, then the quality of the school was questionable. But the champion school is a school that is able to polish the students who previously were people who never fail, society becomes an invaluable treasure
BalasHapusAmid the excitement, students and parents alike sometimes forget to dig just a little bit deeper into the background and financial standing of a potential school. The talk about finances and future paths makes for an exciting yet nerve-wracking time. Authors discuss such information as the real explanation to Private School and Bond. Must of the information given in this article is the truth,
According to Lusi Education as we know it is public and private education. Both education here has the character and teaching of different procedures according to the common view. In public school tuitions are generally less expensive than private schools, while private schools have the skills that are sometimes more than public schools. Private schools occupied the upper economic classes, while some schools are occupied by people who sit on the economy upward. Although we can not close the eyes of the public school elite and the middle class is only able to sit up. Even it was written by Dstanza
According to authors, Private schools are able to survive without government funded.
Not all do but most of that fact. If public schools can survive and become great it was great. However, if private schools are built with the wealth of savings, not only survive but also to school achievement, it is much more powerful. Public school is like boarding school boys who live on remittances parents. He has a calmness because there will always remain shipment. But private schools are like a child who left his parents, he learned to live without any certainty.( May 24, 2011 by dstanza)
Private school hangout for creative people and loyal I mean it does not mean public schools are not creative. But indirectly they are limited so do not be too creative. The rules and patterns applied in the public schools has always followed the pattern set by government. Any decisions made must be approved by the school of government. In contrast to private schools, though with under the rules of a state based on the Act, they are required to think more. Not only to survive but also how to generate achievements. Achievement is what would later become their capital to seize the public trust. They have a bureaucracy, but they understand when to use the bureaucracy, when to use the policy.
I do not guarantee success in private schools. And I also will not guarantee success in the public schools. The success of a school not only to successfully enter the great people, but also can produce qualified graduates, are looking for jobs or even create jobs. In essence, the qualities that will speak, no longer the paradigm comparisons which school is better and which worse.
Nama: Lusi Susi Yanti
NIM: 2093235719
Class: VA \
\As a homeschooling parent, I can say that it’s not easy making sure I cover all of the subjects my children need, much less all of the subjects that they want. We have an online homeschool curriculum that more than satisfies the requirements for language arts, math, science and social studies (at least for grade levels K-8 at any rate). We supplement with yet another online program for spelling, vocabulary and even handwriting. But when children start developing personal interests and trying to explore natural talents, like art, fine arts and creative writing…well, that’s when things can get tough for many parents. Take creative writing for example. That’s an area where many homeschooling parents struggle. But you don’t have to. As with any other homeschool program you look at for your children, you will find one that will mesh with your family. You may have to take pieces from a couple of different programs, but you will find something that works.
Look at your current curriculum as a guide. If your children work well with a complete, or boxed, curriculum comprised of textbooks and workbooks, then you may want to go that route with your writing program. If your children do well with online instruction in other subjects, then you may want to look into an online writing curriculum. There are great online programs out there, like Time4Writing. Time4Writing has a multitude of eight week courses you can choose from, in all grade levels from elementary to high school.
A huge benefit to an online program like T4W, is that your homeschooler actually has an online teacher. This can take at least a small portion of the teaching burden away from a homeschooling parent. Your homeschoolers will also have to report to said teacher, which is something many homeschooling parents appreciate as it gives their children an opportunity to be accountable to someone other than just mom and dad. Whether you go with workbooks or an online program, creative writing help is out there for homeschoolers. And regardless of which direction you go, you’ll know you are helping your child learn something they want to learn, and do well with it!
Name: fajriani Amalia S
Nim: 2093235697
Class: VA
Nama : Fajriani Amalia Siagian
BalasHapusNim : 2093235697
Class : V A
An article in “Homeschool and Creative Writing”, concerns the effort of the authour \As a homeschooling parent, I can say that it’s not easy making sure I cover all of the subjects my children need, much less all of the subjects that they want. The author explain and gave information that homeschool is effective program for improve creative writing. It caused her article tell about freedom in study or learning.
According to author Katie Shuler As a homeschooling parent, I can say that it’s not easy making sure I cover all of the subjects my children need, much less all of the subjects that they want. We have an online homeschool curriculum that more than satisfies the requirements for language arts, math, science and social studies (at least for grade levels K-8 at any rate).
According to Fajri the confirmation the article is agree, because Homeschool Facts is the brainchild of a consortium of homeschool parents, licensed educators, counselors and researchers. We are passionate about education choice, and especially the parent's right to choose their child's education.\
According to Keller Homeschooling experiencing a comeback, especially in the United States. This change occurs because of the education world had changed in the last century, the increasingly central institution in the hands of the state. Homeschool is a reaction to the change.
Schools do not teach the true faith to my children. Frankly, this is often the main reason for parents to download sekolahrumah his son. At least 80% of homeschool activists in America are of this class. They are Evangelical and Fundamentalist Christians who do not want their children taught science as opposed to the scriptures. . Schools as educational institutions already dilapidated. A lot of bullying at school. Teachers can not educate properly, and even make your child stress. Not to mention that the school likes fighting and crime-prone. For the case of Indonesia, they are likely to send their children for this very reason, because of disappointment with educational institutions here. Do not agree with the philosophy of education that is applied in schools. Approximately 10% of homeschooling activists in America have this view. They chose to send their children at home alone, with their preferred approach to education. Parents want to take full responsibility for their children's education. The reason this could have an alternative explanation of the three reasons above.
Homeschooling is obviously not for everyone. However, it is also an education option that should be considered for any family that does not feel their student’s needs are being met in traditional educational systems. At Homeschool Facts, we are not anti-public education, we are pro-education choice. We support the parent’s right to choose which educational environment will work best for their child. As you read our pages, and ponder your options, we hope that you will find encouragement here. We appreciate your feedback.
Indonesia – Developing Higher Education
BalasHapusInformation Network
Since its independence in 1945, education has always figured prominently in Indonesia's national developmental policy. Its importance is highlighted through Article 31 of the Amended Indonesia Constitution, which identifies education as one of the key rights of its citizens. Further, the education sector is given a priority focus in Indonesia's budget, receiving an allocation of a whopping 20% to the total budget outlay for 2008-2009.Despite these efforts, Indonesia's education sector faces numerous challenges in teaching over 50 million students in 300,000 schools, employing about 3 million teachers spread across 17.5 thousand islands.
Three major issues pose challenges to Indonesia's education sector. These are: i) Increasing equity and expanding access to education; ii) Enhancing quality improvement, relevance, and competitiveness, and iii) Strengthening governance, accountability, and public image.
One of the policy instruments in Indonesia is the integration of ICT into education ranging from the elementary school level to the higher education. This article discusses Indonesian government's responses to the above challenges by using ICT and the success in achieving this.The national policy for integrating information and communication technology (ICT) into education by the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia is laid down in the Five Year Development Plan, 2005-2009.
Basic activities related to the policy of integrating ICT into education consist of development of systems, methods and learning materials through the use of ICT. This is expected to develop higher education information network, infrastructure and human resource to support its implementation, both for education management and the learning process. By using ICT for educating students in higher education institutions equity of quality can be assured.Implementation of the policy and strategic development in integrating ICT in higher education in Indonesia may be grouped into three major directions, namely:
• Quality of learning through increased access to new resources and improved teaching approaches,
• Educational management and ICT led management information systems, and
• Quality of ICT graduates and need for ICT specialists.
The goals and objectives of utilising ICT for education programme in higher education in Indonesia are to firstly provide all higher education institutions and its faculty, and students, with opportunities to learn the use of ICT. The goal is to employ ICT as an enabling tool to access information and gain knowledge through self-paced learning, or through interactions with lecturers/professors and fellow students.
Secondly, it must electronically link institutions of higher learnings and libraries to provide students and teachers an environment in which distant resources can be made available remotely at finger tips. Finally, it must make maximum use of ICT in learning, including open and distance learning, to meet the needs and aspirations of all students in higher educations or in continuing education and skill enhancement without any constraints with regard to age, sex, profession, social status, race, distance.
Analysis article
NIM :2093235795
A Recent in the article “Indonesia Developing higher Education Information Network” this article Concerns the improvment indonesia’s education sector, the athour explain a process to improve education sector that consists a system, methods, and learning materialsThrough using of I C T (integrating and communication technology.
According the athour ,or goverment can improving education system through I C T prom elementary level until the higher school.Development in integrating in higher education in indonesia may be grouped into three major derection ,namely:learning trough increased acces to new resouces ,improved teaching approach,education management and management impormation system.Base on my opinion ,i really agree with the authour’s statements,if we have ability in using communication technolgy such as,computer system ,internet acces we can estabilish way of learning in global development earning,with using I C T system in university we can make some variation in studying such,we can online disscusion with othrs students from out country make acces internet to look for uor materials and others.
Why did important I C T system in our education ...?This is a effor ,that must applyed in our country becouse with I CT system a education sector become more progress and student’s knowledge wiil be improving not only in country But also out country.
Cell Phones in School
BalasHapusShould cell phones be allowed in school? As this topic is being debated countrywide, we shall take a look at the pros and cons of cell phones in schools in this article.
Water (read cola), food (nothing says breakfast, lunch or dinner than the jumbo size burger), cell phone, and shelter has become latest trend in the hierarchy of basic necessities. Sneak in sex into this list somewhere between water and shelter, too. That's how the modern man is living his life. Tackling terrorism attacks, coping with economic recession and fighting with multitude of domestic chores has become the standard features of new age living. Sadly, a kid's supposedly innocent and carefree world is becoming blurred and submerging into the adult's pathos. One example of this phenomenon of children metamorphosing into adult sooner than they are supposed to be is the vogue of cell phones in school. Since cell phones in schools debate is raging nationwide and also across the world, we are here to discuss whether to ban cell phones in schools a viable option at all?
Cell phones have become the latest toys with which kids keep themselves busy when they don't have any other source of entertainment like video games. Nowadays, the innovative cell phones with attractive features that are being launched are enough to keep any kid engrossed in them for hours. However, is it fair to put a blanket ban on these vital communicative tools just because one fears that they can be misused. It all depends on your assessment of advantageous of cell phones over its disadvantages or vice versa. The fact of the matter is that if a thing is denied to someone, it becomes even more desirable. Do school board authorities want to increase the secret cell phone mania which most students already seem to possess to some extent? Some people argue that children can be given the simpler version of cell phones which will keep them connected to their parents and moreover, they won't be exposed to the ill-effects of cell phones like gaming, MMSing, the Internet, digital photos, etc. Though a good idea, there are some people who opine that the students will missed out on valuable teaching tools which are available in cell phones like calculator, dictionary and the Internet etc., if only basic versions of cell phones are given to them.
A cell phone is just another platform for the child to stimulate his learning potential. Since our society has reached the verge of being dysfunctional with pedophiles and criminals roaming abound, it's a wise idea to arm the kids with one thing with which they can seek help in the time of need.
• Social networking is one of the major uses of the cell phones. As a bridge is being developed between different people of different nationalities via variant social networking websites, cell phones savor these friendships and conquer the frontiers of globalism.
These were some of the arguments related to the usage of cell phones by children in school. Each of us have a different opinion about the matters pertaining to the best interests of the kids. School authorities and parents have to come together to find a common ground in this issue. Personally, I think the parents of a child are wise enough to decide whether their child can handle a cell phone without surrendering to its misuses.
By Pushpa Duddukuri
Name : Desi Ernita
BalasHapusNim: 2093235689
Class: PBI V.A
In this article “ Cell Phone in School, “ by Puspa Duddukari concerns cell phones have possitive effects in education. A mobile phone is not seen just as the medium of connectivity, it is much more than that. Basically, it’s an extension of the student backpack. It given them access to their parents or anybody for that matter. They can get a dictionar, calculator and emailing opportunities with just a few dicks. I disagree with Puspa Duddukari which say cell phones have possitive effects.
According to author Puspa Duddukari, a cell phone is just another plat form for the child to stimulate his learning potential. Since our society has reached the verge of being abound, it’s wise idea to arm the kinds with one yhing with which they can seek help in the time of need. I disagree with the author because most teachers find the usage of cell phones and it’s constant ringing to announce the arrival of a new text message interrupting and diverting the attention of the class. Student end up messaging each other sitting in the same class, thus amusing themselves and refusing to take in in a single word spoken by the teacher. As technology is getting sophsticated dan complex, the student are devising ingenious ways to cheat in the exams with the help of cell phones.
Cell phones can give buzyness for as especially at school area, we will be distrub or lose focus in studying. But, why the government don’t give the rules about it?
BalasHapusCLASS: VI A
Computers and Education in America
In the last decade, computers have invaded every aspect of education, from kindergarten through college. The figures show that schools have spent over two billion dollars installing two million new computers. Recently, with the explosive increase of sites on the Internet, computers have taken another dramatic rise. In just five years, the number of Internet hosts has skyrocketed from 2 million to nearly 20 million. It is not uncommon for 6th graders to surf the Net, design their own home pages.
In the midst of this technological explosion, we might well stop and ask some key questions. Is computer technology good or bad for education? Are students learning more or less? What, exactly, are they learning? And who stands to benefit from education's current infatuation with computers and the Internet?
In the debate over the virtues of computers in education, the technological optimists think that computers and the Internet are ushering us into the next literacy revolution, a change as profound as Gutenberg's invention of the printing press. In contrast, a much smaller but growing number of critics believe that cyberspace is not the ideal classroom. I agree with the critics. If you consider your own experience, you'll agree that the benefits of computer literacy are at best wildly overrated. At their worst, computers and the Internet pander to the short attention span.
Finally, computers do allow students to expand their learning beyond the classroom, but the distance learning is not a utopia. Some businesses, such as Hewlett Packard, do have mentoring programs with children in the schools, but those mentoring programs are not available to all students. Distance learning has always been a dream of administrators, eager to figure out a cheaper way to deliver education. They think that little Eva and Johnny are going to learn about Japanese culture or science or algebra in the evening when they could be talking with their friends on the phone or watching television. As education critic Neil Postman points out, these administrators are not imagining a new technology but a new kind of child: "In [the administrator's] vision, there is a confident and typical sense of unreality. Little Eva can't sleep, so she decides to learn a little algebra? Where does little Eva come from? Mars?" Only students from some distant planet would prefer to stick their nose in a computer rather than watch TV or go to school and be with their friends.
In addition to these drawbacks are other problems with computers in education. There is the nasty issue of pornography and the rampant commercialism on the Internet.
In short, the much ballyhooed promise of computers for education has yet to be realized.
--Dudley Erskine Devlin
Computers and Education in America
BalasHapusA recent article in the,”Computers and Education in America,” stqtes that in the last decade, computers have invaded every aspect of education, from kindergarten through college. In just five years, the number of Internet hosts has skyrocketed from 2 million to nearly 20 million. Jhon Sculley, Neil Postman said the new technologies have created an “avalanche of personal creativity and achievement” and they have given students the “ability to explore convey, and create knowledge as never before. And as education critic Neil Postman points out, these administratoris are not imagining a new technology but a new kind of umreality. I agree with the author.
According to Jhon Sculley, Neil Postman, the much ballyhooed promise of computer for education has yet to be realized. In the midst of this technological explosion, we might well stop and ask some key question is computer technology good or bad for education? Are students learning more or less? What, exactly, are they learning? And who stands to benefit from educations current infatuation with computers and the internet. According me, use a computer in modern era can give more negative effect better than positive effect. For example, the student go out from school to playing the games and open the games and open the porno site. According Theodore Roszak has a warning for us as we face the brave new world of computer educationLike all cults, this one has the intention of enlisting mindless allegiance and acquiescence. People who have no clear idea of what they mean by information or why they should want so much of it are nonetheless prepared to believe that we live in an Information Age, which makes every computer around us what the relics of the True Cross were in the Age of Faith: emblems of salvation.I think if you examine your own experience with computers, you'll agree that the cult of computers is still an empty promise for most students. Computers, the Internet, and the Web will not magically educate students. It still must be done with reading, study, good teaching, and social interaction. Excellence in education can only be achieved the old fashioned way--students must earn it.
In fact, computer has positive effects more than the negative effects.
Nama : Novi sapta yunita
nim : 20935727
Education important our life
HapusEducation is very important in our day to day life.without it,no nation can develop and progress effetively.I totally agree w ith free education system.i want to write down on why i feel free education is good for a nation.nowadays,education is very expensive.due to that not everyone get acces to schooling or higher is very difficult for a poor family to bear with the education expenses for their creates unbalance in the society between the poor and the is very important that everybody should get free will improve and develop peoples mindset and their way to think better which is very essential for our society.with education common people can understand the society norms,cultural differences in different religions,their rights,and will be able to take right decisions,and create a healthy society.they can express their thoughts and ideas more effectively.
Education will enhance their knowledge on diverse fields.educated people will help a nation to grow up economically.educated people will use their educational knowledge in their work and produce good competitive products.people can communicate effetively with the other nation in terms of business and their cultural differens.they can solve all the differens with the help of effective communication.good education will a nation to progress economically,socially,and is very important for a nation to allow everyone for a free shouald be mandatory for a will be a great help for the society and make a nation stronger.
Class:pbi 5a
A resent article on the blog”,,” importance of college education,concern the college education is extremel important nowaday. Education is very important in our day to day life.without it,no nation can develop and progress effetively.I totally agree w ith free education system. Iwant to write down on why i feel free education is good for a nation.nowadays. Education is very expensive.due to that not everyone get acces to schooling or higher studies, it is very difficult for a poor family to bear with the education expenses for their children and education will enhance their knowledge on diverse fields.educated people will help a nation to grow up economically, educated people will use their educational knowledge in their work and produce good competitive products. Author helsi discuss about the andvantanges that free Education is very important in our day to day life, without it no nation can develop and progress effectively.
HapusAccording to Billiater Situngkir said Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Education has launched the Free Education for public schools especially at primary school level (elementary school), this is a very important phenomenon to be observed. Free education would be very helpful and relieve the burden for poor families who want go to school but is constrained by funding, but from the phenomena we see, that free education is not the best way if the terms of the child's intelligence.
According to Sri Mulyani said that Free schools are good, but the budget down to the school must still be supervised so that no irregularities. now we also have to question if sd smp free
One word That the highly anticipated free every parent in Indonesia, ESPECIALLY the poor. Hopefully That opportunity is used by Indonesian children to excel. And BOS programs to MOTIVATE Schools to Improve the excellent service to the community school. For the teachers come up, "sleep" and rose Educating the nation's life, I believe it.
Name: Helsiani
NIM: 2093235703
Class : V A
Abdul Azis
BalasHapusPBI Va
The article: Importance of College Education
Author : David D M
Part 1
Students begin questioning the importance of a college education from high school itself. Some feel that being able to earn immediately after school is a more attractive proposition and they convince themselves that a college education is not that imperative in the long run. Others may find the costs of a higher education prohibitive and have other responsibilities to take care of. But, more than ever, students need to understand that attending a college provides opportunities and advantages that others might find lacking later on in life. Today, the global economy is becoming more and more competitive and in order to improve the chances for a well-paying job, a college education is extremely important.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 90 percent of the fastest-growing jobs of the future will require some post-secondary education or training.
College graduates also earn nearly twice as much as high school diploma holders. The U.S. economy has shifted from being a manufacturing-based one to knowledge-based. Unlike with past generations, high school graduates are unable to qualify for the high-paying jobs that are now available. A college education undeniably serves as a gateway to better options and more opportunities.
There are a number of other reasons as to why it is important to go to college. Attending lectures from experts in the field, reading and researching encourages students to think, to ask questions and to explore new ideas. All this adds to student's development and growth and provides college graduates with an edge over those who have only graduated from high school. College life also provides one with valuable connections and resources adding to the number of options available after completing graduation.
Long after college is over, the people you have met may prove useful.
The variety of courses and programs available can be as specific or generalized as you require. From the arts and the humanities to pure science, business management to information technology, health care to graphic arts - the list is endless. Depending on one's interests and aptitudes, a number of exciting career options are possible.
A college education is the best possible way to insure a higher earning power after graduation. There are a number of different majors to choose from, all paying differently but on the whole, a college graduate will earn more money than those who do not have a college education or degree. Companies are also looking for well-rounded employees. Those that can hold a conversation with confidence and a college degree signifies the level of discipline, effort and intelligence that most employers look for.
Abdul Azis
BalasHapusPBI Va
Part 2
In fact, in keeping up with the increase in demand by mature students, colleges are offering more options for students who wish to return to their education even after they have entered the work force. People now realize that it is never too late to increase your earning potential or improve your chances of being promoted by seeking a higher education. Whether its people taking a break from their jobs or switching careers and resuming their education or those adults who are returning to complete an education that was left unfinished the first time around, schools now offer special online and accelerated courses as well. This allows even more options for those students who are juggling careers, family, and their education.
There is no doubt that colleges and universities today carry a heavy price tag along with them, but this should not discourage anyone from obtaining a college education. As the cost of tuition increases, so do the financial aid options. These could include local, corporate, federal and college specific loans, funds, and grants. Potential students need to explore all avenues of assistance before planning for degree program.
The truth of the matter is that there are no disadvantages to graduating with a college degree program. Along with increasing one's earning potential and promotion potential, the most important improvement occurs with one's self-image. A college education gives one a sense of accomplishment and confidence that may be just what is needed in your professional and personal life.
Article Source:
Name;agus heryanto
BalasHapusNim :2093235676
Slow to shame
May 26th 2011, 8:38 by J.C. | JAKARTA
SOME societies are controlled by guilt, others by shame. Then there’s Indonesia, which is rarely controlled by either. At least among the political elite, there is an insuperable ability to avoid accepting responsibility for one’s actions. While American politicians step down quickly enough over sex or corruption scandals (Europeans even faster), and an Indian railways minister will fall on his sword after a horrific train crash, Indonesian leaders have a long record of refusing to resign no matter how serious the allegations against them, no matter how high the level of public pressure.
In 2000 General Wiranto refused to resign his post as security minister despite accusations that he was responsible for war crimes committed in East Timor the year before, when he had been commander of the armed forces. Two years later the speaker of parliament, Akbar Tanjung, kept on banging the gavel even after he was found guilty of corruption. (Happily for him, the conviction was overturned on appeal.) More recently, a conservative Islamic lawmaker, Arifinto, kept on showing up for work even after being forced to resign: in April he was busted watching pornography on his tablet computer in the middle of a parliamentary session.
Last week however there were signs that shame might yet rear its ugly head. At least among the party brass, if not yet among the wrongdoers themselves. The president’s own Democratic Party sacked its treasurer, Muhammad Nazaruddin, on May 23rd. Mr Nazaruddin was implicated in a scandal involving the construction of athletes’ dormitories for the upcoming South-East Asia Games, to which Indonesia is playing host. On May 20th, the constitutional court’s chief justice reported that Mr Nazaruddin had offered a court official an unsolicited payment of $100,000 last year as a “gift”. Mr Nazaruddin was also accused of using his influence as a party boss and member of parliament to have one of his former business partners thrown in jail. As if for good measure, he stands alleged of raping a young woman last year during the Democrats’ national congress in Bandung.
As the allegations piled up the Democrats, who initially denied that their treasurer had any involvement in the dormitory-corruption scandal, perhaps had little choice but to fire Mr Nazaruddin. After all, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono won the presidency in 2004 and was re-elected handily in 2009 on a platform of zero tolerance for corruption; Mr Nazaruddin’s scandals were becoming too much to ignore. Mr Yudhoyono’s squeaky-clean image has already taken a scuffing over the past two years. He was seen to have allowed the national police to frame two independent anti-corruption commission officials for bribery amid a power struggle right after his re-election. Mr Yudhoyono came off looking the worse when his cabinet’s leading reformer, the finance minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, bolted to the World Bank a year ago. Upon her departure Ms Mulyani claimed that members of the powerful Golkar party, led by Aburizal Bakrie—who happens to be Mr Yudhoyono’s chief political ally—hounded her out of the cabinet as part of a selfish attempt to hijack the country’s economy.
For his part, Mr Nazaruddin, possibly in disbelief that he was actually being held to account in South-East Asia’s most corrupt nation, didn’t take his sacking lightly. The next day he lashed out at his own party, claiming that other Democrats, including a cabinet minister, had violated its code of ethics and that they were involved in corruption. Mr Yudhoyono has tried to remain above the fray in all of this. It is an open question whether he can retain any of his good reputation without taking the axe to other members of his party in coming weeks.
Analysis of article slow to shame
BalasHapusName :Agus heryanto
Nim :2093235676
A recent article in the jakarta, “slow to shame,” concers the corruption scandals,which indonesia is rarely controlled by ether.
Authors J.c discuss such information same sociaties are controlled by guit, others by fact , Indonesian leaders have a long record of refusing to resign no matter how serious the allegations against them, no matter how high the level of public pressure.most of the information in this article is is happen in indonesia country,so this article is right.
Acoordin to authors j.c The Indonesian 'elite' look more and more like a corrupt bunch of oligarchs pretending to do democracy by the day.what does it mean.? As the allegations piled up the Democrats, who initially denied that their treasurer had any involvement in the dormitory-corruption scandal, perhaps had little choice but to fire Mr Nazaruddin. After all, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono won the presidency in 2004 and was re-elected handily in 2009 on a platform of zero tolerance for corruption; Mr Nazaruddin’s scandals were becoming too much to ignore.
The Democratic Party didn't actually fire Nazaruddin. They axed him as their treasurer, but he remains a card-carrying member of the party. there were signs that shame might yet rear its ugly head.because at least among the party brass, if not yet among the wrongdoers themselves.For his part, Mr Nazaruddin, possibly in disbelief that he was actually being held to account in South-East Asia’s most corrupt nation, didn’t take his sacking lightly. The next day he lashed out at his own party, claiming that other Democrats, including a cabinet minister, had violated its code of ethics and that they were involved in corruption. Mr Yudhoyono has tried to remain above the fray in all of thised him as their treasur.,that corruption is be came behaviour in fact,
We areconsider this. Indonesia's past presidents are either mediocre or corrupt dictators.
Why did an important magazine like the jakarta have these truthful?this is happen in indonesia,that corruption is be came behaviour in indonesia such as a calture and there were signs that shame might yet rear its ugly we only knows how this mind set can be changed .
Abdul Azis
BalasHapusPBI Va
The Analysis:
A recent article on the blog, “Importance of College Education,” concern the college education is extremely important nowaday. Author David D M discuss about the advantages that students must take college education when they are graduate from high school. In this global economy era, I think it is absolutely true that we must take college education in order to increase our knowledge also to improve the chances for a well-paying job.
According to author David D M, the college is so important for students that graduated from senior high school because it can provides opportunities and advantages for them in the future. One of them is getting a job. “According to the U.S. Department of Labor that 90 percent of the fastest-growing jobs of the future will require some post-secondary education or training.” From its statement of research, it is clear that for the future if we want to get a job, we have to require some skills of background education. So, it will be difficult for someone who want to get a job without good background education. This is one of the advantages of the important college education in our life. “Unlike with past generations, high school graduates are unable to qualify for the high-paying jobs that are now available. A college education undeniably serves as a gateway to better options and more opportunities.” It is also the advantages of college education. It shows the difference between high school garaduate and college garduate right now. There is limited oppurtunity for high school garduated to get a job, while college graduate has better options to choose which jobs that they want to and many opportunities for them to choose the best one of jobs that available. As in my own experiences, when I look around my environtment, there was least students continue their college. An now, many of them regret because of they only can get a job as same as their parents such as farmer, breeder, shepherd, etc. That are show us, how important college education to improve our abilities to better life. Also, their way think when face the problems, commonly they don’t logically think. They usually use their strenght or emotion than their brain. From the family side, they who don’t continue their study college, mostly their children education is lesser care than parents who got study college. They just think the responsibilities to school their children without teach the subject lesson continually.
Continue our study like college education is very important for us to make better life future. Many advantages that have given to us to face this global economy era that becoming more and more competitive. So, there is no reason for us to not taking the college education. Trust me!
Name : Reva Wulandari
BalasHapusNim : 2093235731
Class : PBI,V A
Article :
Many people say that examinations should be abolished because they are not the best measure of student’s capabilities. These people believe that students can study on their own and do better without the nagging worry and pressure exerted by examinations.
Yet, there are persuasive reasons to show that examinations should not be abolished. It is insufficient that teachers assign homework and correct it. Because this is not done under supervision, they cannot be sure that it is really the work of the students themselves. Moreover, homework is not a test of student’s ability; homework is more a method of merely keeping him occupied.
Nowdays, in the hunt for jobs, students need to produce some evidence of their capabilities. Prospective employers like to see copies of examination results; this is the only way a student’s qualifications can be judged. This attitude greatly encourages the use of examinations, if not making them a necessity.
Analysis article:
A recent article in the English Grade XI Science and Social Programme, “ Should Examinations be Abolished?,” concerns abolished of examinations. The writer discuss about abolished of examinations do not efficient and it is not best solution to improve education. I agree with the writer about his opinion.
According to the writer, many people say that examinations should be abolished because they are not the best measure of student’s capabilities. “Yet, there are persuasive reasons to show that examinations should not be abolished. It is insufficient that teachers assign homework and correct it”. I agree with the writer because only with examination or test which to used for measure of student’s capabilities. Examination show some questions which can make their brain to thinking. Moreover, examinations always done under supervision by teacher without there is a opportunity to look the answer from other students. From it also the teacher can judge where limit their student’s competence and the teacher can look what the student already comprehend about materials which are given. It also helping the teacher to improve their teaching strategies what their strategy exactly to their students. If the student failure in examination, the teacher should to improve again their teaching strategy. Base on learning subject, the component of learning consist of the purpose of learning, materials, methods, media, teacher, student, and the last is evaluation. In here,very clear that examinations most important because to know what the purpose of learning already achieve, the teacher should do examination.
After reading this article, can concluded that the tittle this article so interest, which cause pro and contra with his statement, but I agree with the writer that examinations should not be abolished because examination very benefit to increase the education. So, what we still want to abolished of examinations?
Janice Grove's road to receiving a bachelor of science degree was not an easy one. At the age of 39 - two long decades after graduating from high school - with a full-time job as an educational assistant and two kids at home, Ms. Grove attended her first university class. Taking a part-time course-load and choosing classes that took place during the evening or summer, Ms. Grove moved steadily forward. But four years in, she came across an obstacle that she couldn't move: two required courses taught only during the day and not in the summer. She took the issue up with the university.
BalasHapus"I told them I could not do daytime classes," she recalls. Finding no solution on campus, Ms. Grove turned to distance education. She completed the courses through the University of Waterloo and transferred the credits, a move that paved the way to her degree and then teacher's college. "I needed those base courses in order to take further essential classes," says Ms. Grove. "If distance ed wasn't available, my education would have come to a standstill."
Ms. Grove is among a growing number of students who, out of convenience or need, are eschewing lecture halls and labs in favour of flexible distance options. Distance education has been around for decades, with course materials sent through the mail and lessons often broadcast by radio or television. However, new technology, particularly the Internet, have spurred its recent growth.
Vicky Busch, executive director of the Canadian Virtual University, a consortium of 13 Canadian universities offering online and distance-ed courses, estimates that CVU registrations have increased by 10 percent each year since the consortium's launch in 2000, reaching some 150,000 course registrations in 2006.
Athabasca University, Canada's leading distance-ed and online university, has seen its enrolment double over the past six years to about 32,000 students. Quebec's Télé-université, or Téluq, part of Université du Québec à Montréal, has experienced a 35-percent jump in the same time period, to about 20,000 students. Most students at both institutions are part-time and may be taking only one or two courses. Téluq says its enrolment for 2006-07 was equivalent to 3,250 full-time students.
Raymond Duchesne, director of teaching and research at Téluq, says the very nature of today's economy and society demands flexible education options. "It's hard to keep the same job for your whole life. People have to change and train and improve their skills," he says. "Distance education used to be on the fringe, but now we're moving toward the centre."
Jhondri Aprizal
The article: Learning long distance
page 2
Athabasca and Téluq were founded in the early 1970s, long before the current boom. Both were founded upon the principle of open learning and both strive to remain inclusive and accessible. Students seeking an Athabasca or Téluq degree are typically in their 30s or 40s, work full-time and may take many years to complete their program. The majority of the courses are "non-paced," meaning that students can sign up whenever they like and are given more time than a semester to complete them. At Athabasca, for example, students can take six months to a year to finish.
The downside of broad inclusion is low completion rates - somewhere between five and 15 percent for students taking their full degree through Athabasca, says Heather Kanuka, a professor at Athabasca and former holder of a Canada Research Chair in e-learning. "At most research universities, students come in with a bag of skills and they are screened," she observes. "In an open university, the entry barriers are removed."
At Téluq, the completion rate ranges from 15 to 20 percent for full-program students. "We tend to accept almost all students, and the rate of failure reflects that reality. And we have no qualms with that - it's all part of the democracy of higher education," says Dr. Duchesne.
Téluq conferred just over 200 undergraduate degrees last year and Athabasca just under 800. Terry Anderson, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Distance Education at Athabasca, notes that the relatively low number of degrees granted is due mainly to the high drop-out rate and the large number of students who transfer their credits out of Athabasca.
Many students use Athabasca and Téluq, as well as other open-learning programs, to earn credits that they can transfer to a degree program at a traditional bricks-and-mortar university. These students tend to be younger and fit a more traditional student profile, and they have a much higher completion rate - all these factors tend to be true as well for students enrolled in distance-ed courses offered by traditional universities.
Institutions that provide both on-campus and distance instruction are known as dual-mode schools. The distance courses in this case are usually "paced," which means students start and finish as a class and within a single semester, and they must abide by deadlines similar to a traditional class-based course.
Almost every university and college accepts Athabasca credits for transfer, says Dr. Anderson. But there can be limitations and special conditions, so it pays to investigate. "It would be incumbent upon anyone transferring credits to check with their home institution to see how many are permitted, and specifically whether Athabasca's are allowed," he says.
Often students enrolled in distance-ed courses aren't so distant - the option is increasingly popular among on-campus students. Denis Mayer, president of CVU and associate vice-president, student affairs, at Laurentian University, estimates that about 50 percent of Laurentian's distance-ed students are enrolled in a full-time, on-campus program at the
Jhondri Aprizal
The article: Learning long distance
Page 3
university. They may take distance-ed courses so they can better juggle their studies and work schedules, or for less noble reasons such as to avoid morning classes or Friday classes.
Indeed, the availability of distance and online courses can serve as a recruitment aid for traditional universities. Joan Collinge, director of the Centre for Online and Distance Education at Simon Fraser University, where some 85 percent of those enrolled are on-campus SFU students, says that online courses are often a drawing card for students who don't want to attend all of their classes in person.
Whether at dual-mode or distance-only universities, new technology is making the world smaller for distance-ed students and reducing the social isolation that has long plagued this type of learning. Online course management systems such as Blackboard, Moodle, WebCT and others often serve as the nucleus of a course, facilitating registration and the creation of group projects and delivering course material and quizzes.
These systems are also used to host online discussions, perhaps the most important way for distance-ed students to interact. A professor will begin a discussion thread in an online forum and students are expected to respond in writing, in a thoughtful way. They are often evaluated on their responses, and reading the responses of others keeps students connected to the course material - and to their classmates.
"You have the ability to interact with people throughout Canada in different roles, different jobs, who can talk about different experiences," says Stephen Booth of Lloydminster, Saskatchewan, who is upgrading his advanced diploma to a degree through distance-ed courses at Douglas College and Athabasca while working full-time as a psychiatric nurse.
In addition to course management systems, a vast array of other high-tech tools support learning: blogs, wikis, hard-copy multimedia items like DVDs and of course online scholarly journals and other library resources.
At the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, Professor Clare Brett creates weekly "fireside chat" videos that her distance-ed students can download to their computers. "It's very free-form, talking about what went on in the discussion this week," she says. "It's the most popular thing that I have in the class, and it's because the students get a sense of who I am as a person and builds a sense of community."
Webcams and microphones, chat rooms, Skype, and cutting-edge software from companies (including Calgary-based Elluminate) allow for real-time conferencing, also known as synchronous learning. "We use Elluminate, and it allows you to go on a web 'safari' and show everyone a bunch of sites, or share an application like a drawing program. Or you can vote on things, or ask how many people are still awake," says Athabasca's Dr. Anderson. In some ways, he says, it's more interactive than what you would get in the average classroom.
Jhondri Aprizal
The article: Learning long distance
Author : by Tim Johnson
Page 4
But instructors are often reluctant to institute synchronous learning as a requirement in their courses - synchronous requires scheduling, and the more a course is scheduled, the less flexible it becomes. There are also accessibility issues - if students don't have a fast enough connection or the right equipment, they will be left out of the discussion.
Even with all of the technology available, the question remains whether learning at a distance matches the quality of an on-campus education. The answer is yes - and no. Athabasca's Dr. Kanuka says studies have shown that there is "probably no significant difference" between the two in terms of learning outcomes. But, she also points out that some aspects of the on-campus experience, such as social engagement and extracurricular activities, simply cannot be replicated at a distance.
Distance education can also pose challenges for the professors delivering it. Dr. Kanuka says that a professor working from home may find it hard to remain up-to-date on information, especially of the informal variety that is normally shared around the departmental water cooler.
The lack of immediate feedback from students can also complicate the learning process. "Even though we have audio and video conferencing, there's much lost within the communications technology: the rolling of the eyes, slumping in the chair, the writing of the notes. There was one time I did an audio conference and I said, 'Grand Prairie, what do you think about that?' and no one answered - they were all out having pizza. How's that for non-engagement?" she says, laughing.
Whether on-campus or at a distance, the quality of any given course often depends on who is teaching it. On one hand, notes Gilbert Paquette, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Tele-Learning Cognitive Engineering at Téluq, distance education will never give you the experience and benefits of sitting in a lecture delivered by a great, dynamic instructor.
That said, distance education also has unique advantages, Dr. Paquette notes. A great amount of resources is poured into the creation and composition of distance-ed courses, with content and design experts working in tandem with professors to achieve the best results. "I think that it's quite evident that the courses are better prepared - there's a lot more effort and course preparation in distance learning. So students get a lot more for their money," he says.
And distance education often provides a deeper learning experience, contends Dr. Brett at OISE. For example, research has shown that online discussions enhance student understanding. "You have to take time to compose a response, which means that you will do it better than if you simply blurt it out of your mouth," she says. "And you have it as something to go back to later, so you can revisit issues that had come up earlier in the course."
Online learners also tend to be very diligent. "They don't rush into class having hardly read the readings," says Dr. Brett. "They're online, they think about this, they write - and you can see it in the finished product."
Perhaps the greatest indicator of its effectiveness is the impact distance education has had on education as a whole. Téluq's Dr. Duchesne notes that methods and technology pioneered through distance education - providing material online, meeting less often and communicating more through new technology - have already begun to alter the instructional practices at traditional universities, and this will continue to be the case. "Distance education is leading the way," he says, "in the transformation of how people teach and how people learn at the university level in advanced economies."
Source of Article :
Jhondri Aprizal
Analysis Article
An article in http://, “Learning long distance,” concerns wiith problems of learning long distance in colleges. The author Tim Johnson discuss about the advantages for college students who graduated their education by following Long distance Learning via technology internet. In this technology era, I think it is true that technology can support our education,increase our knowledge but its not too effective and effisien enough for students who want to be good students.
According to author Tim Johnson,” These systems are also used to host online discussions, perhaps the most important way for distance-ed students to interact. A professor will begin a discussion thread in an online forum and students are expected to respond in writing, in a thoughtful way. They are often evaluated on their responses, and reading the responses of others keeps students connected to the course material - and to their classmates,In addition to course management systems, a vast array of other high-tech tools support learning: blogs, wikis, hard-copy multimedia items like DVDs and of course online scholarly journals and other library resources”. But in fact The academic just given support to a distance learning students varies from programme to programme and from institution to institution. However, the focus is on self-study. In its simplest form, students may receive basic academic guidance through specially written study guides and past examination papers and reports. However, many programmes provide an extensive range of materials including videos, computer disks, audio tapes and annotated texts. Some institutions have introduced programmes of study which can be delivered to a student’s home by Internet. Direct tutor support may not always be available.
Students and instructors in distance learning programs must learn to use multimedia, such as audio, video, animations and pictures, to get the most out of the online classroom. In distance learning, teachers need to re-create the learning styles that students receive in the classroom by providing videos, films, animations, hands-on activity lessons and audio related to the subject.
However, instructors do not always know how to use all of the multimedia options available to them, and students may experience roadblocks in their quest to learn the information if they do not have the right computer system or Internet capacity. So, depending on the level of multimedia knowledge possessed by the student or instructor, the educational experience may suffer from lack of experience or is heightened because the teacher uses different multimedia in her online instruction.
Dr. Kanuka says that Distance education perhaps a professor working from home may find it hard to remain up-to-date on information, especially of the informal variety that is normally shared around the departmental water cooler.
However study is very important for us. Long distance learning is one ways to get eduaction,If you feel that you have the grit and determination is needed for success and that distance learning is for you - take one final step and find the answers to the following questions before you begin!
•Who awards the qualification?
•How is the qualification recognised: by the government? By a professional body?
•Who controls the quality of the programme and what is the value of the qualification?
•What will the course involve?
•How much will it cost?
•How long will it take?
•What course materials are provided? Books? Tapes? videos? Computer program?
•What support is available locally?
•What are the entry qualifications?
•Are there opportunities to transfer as an internal student to a university/college when I have completed part of my course?Only if you are satisfied with the answers should you enrol. The results can be well worth the effort.
Happy studying!
Name : Andri Saputra
BalasHapusClass: VA
NIM :2093235680
Do Kids Have Too Much Homework
by Jonathon Hardcastle
In the late 90s, feature stories began appearing in the national media about children and parents who were so overwhelmed by the amount of homework that it was destroying their family life and causing psychological damage. The evidence presented in these stories was often anecdotal, profiling just one or two families. However, the articles were published in enough respected publications that they sparked a national debate on whether children have too much homework. Schools scrambled to create homework policies, parents held protests, and children began to receive sharply mixed messages on the value of homework.
In all the fuss, people never realized that the information contained the articles simply wasn't true. In 2003, the Brown Center on Educational Policy at the prestigious Brookings Institution released a report that shattered the perception that American students are staggering under an unreasonable load of homework. In fact, they found just the opposite: American students probably don't spend enough time on homework. Gathering data from a number of studies that had been performed in the late 90s, the Brown Center drew four startling conclusions.
Typical students, from kindergarten to high school, don't spend more than an hour a day doing homework. In fact, pointing to a study done by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, the Brown report found that more than two-thirds of college freshmen did five hours or less of homework during their final year of high school.
The report also analyzed studies and concluded that the homework load for the average student has not increased appreciably since the 1980s. This is in direct opposition to the anecdotal evidence cited in the article of homework increasing to as much as three hours per night.
However, a study performed in 1997 by Michigan State University showed that children at that time were spending just over two hours per week on study, which could include activities other than homework. Interestingly, this study is often used to prove that students have too much homework, since the weekly hours spent on study increased over the life of the study by 23 minutes. The Brown Center postulates that this statistical increase was actually caused by children who previously had no homework at all and because they had advanced in grade, now had homework.
Finally, the Brown report found that, contrary to the articles' portrayal of militant parents protesting homework, most parents are satisfied with the amount of homework their children receive. In fact, if parents were dissatisfied with the amount of homework their children had, it was because they felt it wasn't enough.
Name : Andri Saputra
BalasHapusClass: VA
NIM: 2093235680
A recent article , ’’ Do Kids Have Too Much Homework,’’ by Jonathan Hardcastle concerns about the scrambling of schools in creating homework policies. Parents helding protests and children begin to receive sharply mixed messages on the value of homework. I disagree with parents that held protests because their children do too much homework.
In 2003, the Brown Center on Educational Policy at the prestigious Brookings Institutio released a report that shattered the perception that American students are stranggering under an unreasonable load homework. In fact, they found just the opposite : American students probably don’t spend enough time on homework. This fact make us sure that we do not need to hold protests when the children receive many homework specially in Indonesia, because they have not got it much. The problem is, if they are not given homework. They will ot read and study their lesson books. So, it is good to make the students be more diligent for studying.
Let us see a study done by the Higher Education Reaserch Institution at UCLA, the Brown report found that more than two-third of college fressmen did five hours or less of homework during their final year of high school. This is the second proof that students have not got too much homework yet. The report also analyzed students and concluded that the homework load for the average student has not increased appreciably since the 1980s. However, a study performed in 1997 by Michigan state university showed that children at that time were spending just over two hours per week on study , this is the least time isn’t it?
So, we can conclude that kids or children as a student have not got too much homework recently. Parents had better not protest when their children get much homework, because all of the homework are good for them. And the good result of doing it will appear in the future of the children.
This article is posted by Hardi Andeska on January 15th, 2012.
BalasHapusSchool Uniforms
By Joel M., Hinckley, UT
There is an ongoing discussion in this nation about school uniforms, whether or not they help with behavior problems, and increase test scores. As an eighth grade student at Delta Middle School, I do not want school uniforms. In this paper I will present the argument against wearing school uniforms. I will include, personal opinion and will also site research.
Kade A., a sixth grade student, when asked about school uniforms said, “No, I don’t like them, because they are uncomfortable, and make you feel like you are in your church clothes all the time.” Daycen J., another student said, “I don’t like school uniforms because they take away student’s individuality.”
Dr. Alan Hilfer, senior psychologist in Brooklyn’s Children’s and Adolescent Unit at Maimonides Medical Center states:
"Clothes are a source of expression for children, and as kids get older, they become increasingly resentful of uniforms….By instituting a uniform policy, schools are taking away kids’ individuality--- schools need to decide if that sacrifice is worth making.”
Dr. Hilfer is talking about whether taking away student’s individuality is worth the payoff of decreased behavior problems, and increased test scores. A study done by David L. Brunsma , University of Alabama and Kerry A. Rockquemore of Notre Dame, entitled Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance, Behavior Problems, Substance Abuse, and Academic Achievement, showed that uniforms did not lead to an improvement in these areas. Their conclusion was:
“Student uniform use was not significantly correlated with any of the school commitment variables such as absenteeism, behavior, or substance use (drugs). In addition, students wearing uniforms did not appear to have any significantly different academic preparedness, proschool attitudes, or peer group structures with proschool attitudes than other students.”
One area that might be of concern is the lessening of gang related problems, and fashion wars. A study published in 1995, by Lillian O. Holloman, a clothing and textiles professor at Virginia Polytechic Institute and State University, entitled Violence and Other Antisocial Behaviors in Public Schools: Can Dress Codes Help Solve the Problem? explores the problems the students can get into because of the way they dress. The study says:
“Gang colors and insignias, whether worn intentionally or unintentionally, can get a student jumped or worse. Status clothes, such as team jackets of professional sports teams, leather coats and designer sneakers, have led to thefts, sometimes by knife or at gunpoint.”
This may be true in some areas of the country, such as low-income, inner city areas, but I do not believe this to be true in the Millard County School District. I cannot recall any accounts of violence against students caused by a student’s clothing selection. I believe that before you put into action a school uniform policy based on such fears, you need to take into account the area the school is in, the economic level of the population, the number of people involved in gangs and the amount of gang related activity in the community.
Most of the articles that I have read about whether wearing school uniforms changes behavior and increases test scores, are inconclusive. Most of the time other rules are put into place along with the school uniforms, which may lead to a desired behavior. However, the uniform itself cannot be entirely responsible for the change.
Middle School Junior High is a time of maturing, physically, mentally, academically, and emotionally. Schools need to create an environment that encourages students individuality and motivate them to challenge themselves and inspire self confidence. I feel that school uniforms diminish creativity and self expression.
Name : Hardi Andeska
BalasHapusNim : 2093235701
Class : VA
A recent article in, “School Uniforms”. Concern on the disadventages of wearing school uniforms in the senior high school. Authors joel M and Hinckley discuss such assumtions about wearing school uniforms is not important, does not changes behavior and increases test scores. probably because they used incorrect or biased sources. Most of informations in this article is biased and not suitable with the fact.
According to authors Joel. M and Hincley, wearing school uniforms is not important for students and disminish creativity and self expression. “student uniform use was not significantly correlated with any of the school commitment variables such as absenteism, behavior, or substance use (drugs). In addition, students wearing uniforms did not appear to have any significantly different academic preperedness, proschool attitudes, or peer group structures with proschool attitudes than other students”. They suspected that uniforms were not the cause for improvement. Actually this statement is wrong, based on the study about students wearing uniforms at Oxford Brookes university, the study found that wearing school uniforms improves student behavior, the students who wear school uniforms behaved better both inside and outside of the school. In addition, the school who has a uniforms dress code has less bullying issues.
The school uniform that is imposed on all students are able to minimize the gap or distance between the rich and the poor, such as students from different levels of economic. Besides it can reduce the distance of the financial ability of parents, School uniforms can also be one of ways to train the student to be dicipline, because they have to wear school uniform correctly, completly, and neatly. In the survey, students admitted that they did not misbehaved outside of school while wearing their uniforms because others could easily indentify which school they attend. They also said that they did not have to worry about being picked on because of the type or clothing that they wore.
Actually, the authors made wrong arguments about school uniform. Perhaps they just wanted to prove another opinion about school uniforms, but their argument don’t have a fact or strong evidences. So, wearing school uniforms is very important for student, expecially for students of elementary school, junior high school and senior high school, Even collage students are also good to wear uniforms so that they look compact and there is not social gap.
Name : Reva Wulandari
BalasHapusNim : 2093235731
Class : PBI,V A
Article :
Many people say that examinations should be abolished because they are not the best measure of student’s capabilities. These people believe that students can study on their own and do better without the nagging worry and pressure exerted by examinations.
Yet, there are persuasive reasons to show that examinations should not be abolished. It is insufficient that teachers assign homework and correct it. Because this is not done under supervision, they cannot be sure that it is really the work of the students themselves. Moreover, homework is not a test of student’s ability; homework is more a method of merely keeping him occupied.
Nowdays, in the hunt for jobs, students need to produce some evidence of their capabilities. Prospective employers like to see copies of examination results; this is the only way a student’s qualifications can be judged. This attitude greatly encourages the use of examinations, if not making them a necessity.
Name : Reva Wulandari
BalasHapusNim : 2093235731
Analysis article:
A recent article in the English Grade XI Science and Social Programme, “ Should Examinations be Abolished?,” concerns abolished of examinations. The writer discuss about abolishedof examinations do not efficient and it is not best solution to improve education. I agree with the writer about his opinion.
According to the writer, many people say that examinations should be abolished because they are not the best measure of student’s capabilities. “Yet, there are persuasive reasons to show that examinations should not be abolished. It is insufficient that teachers assign homework and correct it”. I agree with the writer because only with examination or test which to used for measure of student’s capabilities. Examination show some questions which can make their brain to thinking. Moreover, examinations always done under supervision by teacher without there is a opportunity to look the answer from other students. From it also the teacher can judge where limit their student’s competence and the teacher can look what the student already comprehend about materials which are given. It also helping the teacher to improve their teaching strategies what their strategy exactly to their students. If the student failure in examination, the teacher should to improve again their teaching strategy. Base on learning subject, the component of learning consist of the purpose of learning, materials, methods, media, teacher, student, and the last is evaluation. In here,
very clear that examinations most important because to know what the purpose of learning already achieve, the teacher should do examination.
After reading this article, can concluded that the tittle this article so interest, which cause pro and contra with his statement, but I agree with the writer that examinations should not be abolished because examination very benefit to increase the education. So, what we still want to abolished of examinations?
Name : Yogi Pratama
BalasHapusNim : 2093235754
Is homework harmful or helpful?
How many student and teacher are thinking before that actually homework is harmful or helpful for student? In my opinion, if the homework that given by teachers are not that much, that is helpful for the student in their study. The homework is helpful is because it is like a revision for the lesson. Not only are that, homework also will help the student to fill up their time.
The purpose of giving student homework for doing at home is because it is like a kind of revision for the student to revise the lesson that they have learn in that day. Furthermore, the homework is also will help the student to study better. For example, after they have finish their homework they can easily find out where is 7ik]their weakness in the lesson that they had learned in the morning in the school and they can ask for the teacher help in the next day. In addition, how many students assume that they are revising the lesson after their class? However, doing their homework are also help to recall the lesson that they had learned.
Furthermore, student doing their homework are also help them to fill up their free time instead of they waste their time for doing other thing except of doing their homework. For example, some of the student are too much of free time therefore they are simply loitering around outside for nothing. Hence, giving student homework so they have no choose except for doing their homework at home.
In my summary, homework is has a lot of benefit for the student as long as the homework is not too much until the students have no time to finish their homework. Therefore, I recommend that teacher should given a little bit of homework for student to do at home as a revision for them.
Name : Yogi Pratama
BalasHapusNim : 2093235754
Pbi, VA
A recent article b Mr. X, “ Is Homework Harmful or Helpful?,” concerns the homework for the student. The writer discuss about homework for the student very helpful on improve their learning. I agree with with the writer about his statement.
According to the writer, if the homework that given by teachers are not that much, that is helpful for the student in their study. “The purpose of giving student homework for doing at home is because it is like a kind of revision for the student to revise the lesson that they have learn in that day”. That’s right, homework very helping to it. It also make student are diligent to learn at home. Many students are lazy to learn at home but with the homework otomatically they have learn. “Furthermore, student doing their homework are also help them to fill up their free time instead of they waste their time for doing other thing except of doing their homework”. I agree with the writer because with homework, they have not time to doing negative things. Many student do not like when they get homework from their teacher. Whereas make the homework is positive things. Sometimes the teacher give the homework which is much to student. Actually it’s good purpose that is to increase ability the student. The homework will feel much and hard if doneat the limit times to collect it, but if we done when still much the time it will feel little and easy. There is not the teacher who want to see their student failure, all of them always want which the best to their student. Like when we fasting usually the time to holidayfor the student. It time usually the teacher give much homework. Based on islamic who learn at the Ramadhan month, they will get a castle in heaven. It show that teacher want to the best for their student. If teacher do not give the homework that time, it’s meaning of the student will lost opportunity to get castle in heaven and the student also do not learn at time.
In conclusion, the tittle of this article very interest to be analyzed. I agree with the writer, that to improve learning teacher should give homework because it have many advantage.
Benefits of Homeschooling
BalasHapusBy Pamela Connolly
A wise man once said, "We can teach our children to have courage, faith, and endurance and show them how to learn, and they can teach us to laugh, to sing, and to love." In other words, each family member has valuable lessons to teach the family.
When a family homeschools, this reciprocal relationship is magnified. Homeschooling participants are affected by more than just the person who sit at the homeschool table. All generations create and reinforce the bond between family members. Home schooling families spend their time laughing, learning, playing and living with each other 24/7.
You can choose the best curriculum to promote an intrinsic love of lifelong learning. The homeschool curriculum is flexible. The parameters are determined by the best teachers available, the parents, who know and love their children.
Learning never stops in the homeschool environment. The parents are not just lecturers or observers. They are active participants who expand, explain and encourage their children to be inquisitive and explore the specific areas that interest them without the constraints of arbitrary rules set up by an outside source.
Another benefit to homeschooling is that the parents model and reinforce valuable behavior and deemphasize undesirable behavior in a natural manner.
Historically several generations lived in the same home. Everyone benefited from this multi-generational living arrangement, coming away with valuable lessons that cannot be taught in a book. Plus most of the time there was the added advantage of the multi-grade/level schoolhouse for the formal education.
Presently we often put the older generation in nursing homes when they get too bothersome (only to visit them on holidays), and we settle for a failing public school system that has been tasked with being everything to everyone but alienates most participants.
Homeschooling is the best of both worlds. It's good for both the family and for your children's education.
The benefits of home schooling are limitless. As a parent who homeschooled three children, I feel that homeschooling is the greatest gift a parent can give their child. Try it. You'll like it!
Pam Connolly is a professional educator with the San Diego School District. She has been teaching kids how to type for over 11 years. To teach your child typing, visit
Article Source:
Ria Setiawati
In the article of education ( internet ), “ Benefits of Homeschooling ”. Pamela Connolly concerns the homeschooling gave more benefits for someone which coiche it. By homeschooling, we can spend time with family, parents can control behavior of their children, the homeschool curriculum is flexible, etc. I disagree with Pamela Connolly that homeschooling give more benefits for someone.
BalasHapusAccording to Pamela Connolly, homeschooling participants create and reinforce the bond between family member. A wise man once said, “ we can teach our children to have courage, faith, and endurance and show them how to learn, and they can teach us to laugh, to sing, and to love “. In other words, each family member has valuabe lessons to teach the family. If we look other side, the homeschooling can give more negative effect. They are narrow academic focus, limited social exposure, poor preparedness for children if they go to college, lack of opportunies for development of talent, thinking to future, knowledge be pressed. Karen Hollowel said that there is the immediate adjustment of living away from home on a regular basis. Even, if they are able to live by themselves, student will have to live within the college environtment with other. This will be a huge change sheltered homeschool life. Then there is the academic struggle. They may not be able or difficult to make the structural adjustments necessary. Kids of homeschooling is narrow interaction, they have not occasion for hear question and discussion from other student. They miss ont on the rich experience of learning and bonding with their peers, and that, combined with parents who aren’t fully qualified to teach, is a big disadvantage of homeschooling.
Exactly, homeschooling couldn’t give more benefits for us. Because if that program more effective than usual, probably the government wiil change it for a progress the people all over the world. But, why the government don’t too think about it? Although the government think about it, is the homeschooling could determine of quality for people?.
Ria Setiawati
Implementing Sex Education
So you have volunteered to teach sex education in your school or program … or perhaps you have been “drafted” to do so … or maybe you see an obvious gap in information about this topic and feel compelled to do the right thing? Whatever reason brings you to this place, you are about to undertake an exciting, valuable, necessary, and complex journey.
Many educators feel anxious or tentative in tackling the topics of sex, sexuality, and sexual health. They may feel overwhelmed about where to start or confused about what to teach and when to teach it. Planned Parenthood is here to help. As the nation’s oldest and most trusted provider of sexual health care, and with a national network of sexuality educators, we can help you advocate for comprehensive, medically accurate sexuality education in your school or program. We can also help you develop or choose a curriculum and implement it with confidence.
Planned Parenthood believes that parents and guardians should be the primary sexuality educators of their children. As with other complex issues, many parents may need support, resources, and expertise from schools and other organizations. It is important that young people receive age-appropriate sexual health information and develop practical skills for keeping healthy. Educators can help families by providing culturally meaningful learning opportunities in safe and nonjudgmental environments so that young people can learn about sexuality in a healthy and positive context.
• What Is Medically Accurate Sex Education?
• What Are Abstinence-Only Programs and Why Don’t They Work?
• Why Is Sex Education Necessary?
• Who Supports Sex Education in School?
• How Is Comprehensive, Medically Accurate Sex Education Effectively Implemented?
• How Do I Implement Comprehensive, Medically Accurate Sex Education?
• So Now What?
What Is Medically Accurate Sex Education?
Sometimes, people mistakenly believe that “sex ed” refers only to sexual behavior (e.g., sexual intercourse) and not the full array of topics that comprise sexuality. These include information and concerns about abstinence, body image, contraception, gender, human growth and development, human reproduction, pregnancy, relationships, safer sex (prevention of sexually transmitted infections), sexual attitudes and values, sexual anatomy and physiology, sexual behavior, sexual health, sexual orientation, and sexual pleasure.
Comprehensive, medically accurate sexuality education covers the wide array of topics that affect sexuality and sexual health. It is grounded in evidence-based, peer-reviewed science. Its goal is to promote health and well-being in a way that is developmentally appropriate. It includes information and communication skills building as well as values exploration. Ideally, sex ed in school is an integrated education process that builds upon itself year after year, is initiated in kindergarten, and is provided through grade 12.
What Are Abstinence-Only Programs and Why Don’t They Work?
Abstinence-only programs (also called abstinence-only-until-marriage programs) promote abstinence from sexual behavior. They strictly exclude discussion of other important sex ed topics, especially those concerned with birth control, safer sex, and sexual orientation. In fact, abstinence-only programs often provide inaccurate and alarmist misinformation about the effectiveness of condoms, contraception, and safer sex.for complete article in website above mam.
In the article “ Implementing Sex Education” concern about why is sex education necessary. Author discuss about sex education is very important to implementing and teaching from the early of years for our children. Actually, it is not only for children but all of us. Probably her/his information was correct and very clear, most of the information in this article is very interest for all of you, especially for parents and teachers.
BalasHapusAccording to author, the implementing sex education is very inescapable. “A survey in America conducted by National Public Radio, the Henry Kaiser Family Foundation and the Kennedy School of Government documented that more than 90 percent of parents support sexuality education in our school”. This survey can make rise some questions in our mind such as why sex education is very important and for what we learn sex education. The answer for all of the question are to help young people gain a positive view of sexuality and to provide them with developmentally appropriate knowledge and skills so that they can make healthy decision about their sex lives now and in the future. In fact, it is very needful to help our children for take care their live from wrong perception about sex and never think about it before they are not ready for a responsibility. Moreover, according to Dr. Douglas Kirby, a senior research scientist fot ETR Associates in Scott Valley, CA, and a nonpartisan expert on the effectiveness of school and community programs in the reduction of adolescents sexual risk-taking behaviors, effective sexuality education uses behavioral goals; is based and theorithical approachs that have been proven to be effective; take place over sufficient time to cover necessary topics and skills; employs a variety of teaching methodologies that perent the content in ways that amke it relevant to the student; provides basic, accurate information about the risk of unprotected sexual intercourse and how to avoid unprotected ssexual intercourse; include activities that address peer pressure and cultural pressure; practises decision making, communication, negotiation, and refusal skills; utilizes teachers whoa re well-trained,comfortable, and believe in the program. From this statement, we can know if a teacher has a big role to give right and clear information about sex that suitable whit their students’ knowledge.
In conclusion, sex education is very useful to teaching and implementing that not only for children but all of us because we can give right information and direction our children about risk of unprotected sex and effects of free sex so that they not trap in wrong ways only for know what exactly of sex.
Name: Amelia Kusnita
NIM: 2093235679
Class PBI 5C
Power corrupts, especially for political appointees: KPK chief
BalasHapusThe Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 11/20/2011 12:23 PM
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) chief Busyro Muqoddas says that appointing politicians to ministerial posts has lead to corruption - and he wants to end the process.
“Ministers from political parties tend to be corrupt,” Busyro told university students on Friday as quoted by
Only qualified professionals with transparent backgrounds should be appointed as ministers, he said.
Zaenal Arifin Muchtar, the chairman of the corruption studies department at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, added that ministers appointed for political reasons lacked the skills to execute their ministerial duties.
“How to fill these posts with eligible candidates is another issue worth fighting for,” he said.
Rahmat Tanzil Saputra
A recent article on The Jakarta Post “Power corrupts, ESPECIALLY for political appointees: KPK chief” concern about the requirements to become a minister to avoid corruption. Many political observers who take this seriously. I agree with the specific requirements to become a minister.
BalasHapusAt the current government, many corruptions occur everywhere as in regional development, environmental development and employment equity. This all has been the main problems that have not been finished. Then the government only sees this as normal problem and not thinking to solve it. Does the government have no liability in this case?
The appointment of ministers is one cause of it all. The appointment of ministers who are not professionals and do not have experience is something that is futile, because the public will gain as a result of this all. The consequently such as a lot many unemployment everywhere, many of its regional facilities such as inadequate roads, bridges and others. Next, the appointment of ministers should do with a rigorous selection by looking people whom have experience, education, and understand the duties as a minister. Then, Minister should be a presidential aide to perform his duties properly and professionally. A good minister must understand his job well too. according to Law Number 39 Year 2008 about state ministry, minister have the task of conducting certain affairs in the government under and responsible to the President in running state government as follows: 1. Operator formulation, determination, and implementation of policies in the field, property management / wealth of the country of responsibility, supervision on implementation of tasks in the field and implementation of technical activities of the center to the regions. 2. Formulation, establishment, implementation of policies in the field, property management / wealth of the country of responsibility, supervision on implementation of tasks in the field, the implementation of technical guidance and supervision over the affairs of the Ministry in the implementation and execution of technical activities at the national scale. 3. Formulation and determination of policy in the field, coordination and synchronization of policy implementation in the field, property management / wealth of the country which is its responsibility and supervision over the execution of tasks in the field. This task is very important in understanding the prospective ministers to use the funds as quickly as possible.
In conclusion, if the minister chose with well, they can understands their obligations as a minister, especially ministers of the political parties, there will not be an easy corruption rampant in our beloved country, therefore the ministers should be professional in performing his duties.
Rahmat Tanzil Saputra
Name : pandrizo
BalasHapusClass : v b
Nim : 2093235993
Main article : Educational technology
The exam : analysis article education
In this article educational technology, I agree if technology is an increasingly influential factor in education. There are some influential educational technology especially for children such as Information and communication technologies (ICTs), the use of computers and the Internet, and the term "computer-assisted learning" (CAL).
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are a “diverse set of tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information.” These technologies include computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and television), and telephony. With there is media communication. Student will be easy to add some information. I agree ICTs, if we will be operation ICTS with excellent.
The use of computers and the Internet is in its infancy in developing countries, if these are used at all, due to limited infrastructure and the attendant high costs of access. For example, the Kothmale Community Radio Internet uses both radio broadcasts and computer and Internet technologies to facilitate the sharing of information and provide educational opportunities in a rural community in Sri Lanka. So the use computer and the internet can be wide more knowledge. In my opinion, the use of computers and the Internet must be studied with good by student now. If student have been clever in learning the computer and internet he will be easy to get more information about education and science.
The term "computer-assisted learning" (CAL) has been increasingly used to describe the use of technology in teaching. Teachers are encouraged to embed these technological devices in the curriculum in order to enhance students learning and meet the needs of various types of learners. If teacher have used computer-assisted learning so student can do activity as all in the entire world. The teacher or the student must know and understand computer-assisted learning, because it is good effect in the process learning by teaching.
In the conclusion, educational technology is very important and influential factor in education such as Information and communication technologies (ICTs), the use of computers and the Internet, the term "computer-assisted learning" (CAL ).
Name : pandrizo
BalasHapusClass : v b
Nim : 2093235993
Main article : Educational technology
The exam : analysis article education
In this article educational technology, I agree if technology is an increasingly influential factor in education. There are some influential educational technology especially for children such as Information and communication technologies (ICTs), the use of computers and the Internet, and the term "computer-assisted learning" (CAL).
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are a “diverse set of tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information.” These technologies include computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and television), and telephony. With there is media communication. Student will be easy to add some information. I agree ICTs, if we will be operation ICTS with excellent.
The use of computers and the Internet is in its infancy in developing countries, if these are used at all, due to limited infrastructure and the attendant high costs of access. For example, the Kothmale Community Radio Internet uses both radio broadcasts and computer and Internet technologies to facilitate the sharing of information and provide educational opportunities in a rural community in Sri Lanka. So the use computer and the internet can be wide more knowledge. In my opinion, the use of computers and the Internet must be studied with good by student now. If student have been clever in learning the computer and internet he will be easy to get more information about education and science.
The term "computer-assisted learning" (CAL) has been increasingly used to describe the use of technology in teaching. Teachers are encouraged to embed these technological devices in the curriculum in order to enhance students learning and meet the needs of various types of learners. If teacher have used computer-assisted learning so student can do activity as all in the entire world. The teacher or the student must know and understand computer-assisted learning, because it is good effect in the process learning by teaching.
In the conclusion, educational technology is very important and influential factor in education such as Information and communication technologies (ICTs), the use of computers and the Internet, the term "computer-assisted learning" (CAL ).
BalasHapusNIM : 2093235684
In the article about, “ Adult education ”. I agree with Joseph whom discuss about strategies of teaching and learning of education. There are three kind of style of learning for adult education namely: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. The students have style of learning which different between one and others people. So that, as a teacher professional. We must understand of teaching and learning strategies.
The first visual students, what do you prefer see map to listen explanation when study? most of students like learn with use eyes to see in order to they are faster in remember lesson than ears to listening example: if students are liker in front of teacher’s table than in the back and students aren’t able to study when they hear a music they are students of visual. Learners look at the lecture in the class while he or she gives the material of subject they are visual students too. They always neat clothes, speak fast, have planning and like reading.
The second auditory students, what do you like speaking better than writing? On the other hand many students are like listening better than seeing in studying. They are happier learn with use ears to listening than use eyes to seeing. So that they are faster understand the material. Example: if students sit down in the back of class but they can listening the lecture clearly and they dislike noisy when their teacher explain the material of subject so they can say audio students. They usually read loudly, like listening and essay trouble from noisy.
Finally kinesthetic students, what do you many move your body when speaking? The students would rather learn use touching than listening and seeing. They can say kinesthetic student example: when they learn in the class they will select place of wider to sit down because they usually move when understand the lesson which explained the lecture. Students of kinesthetic usually like sport, like touch, speak slowly and remember the lesson when they see. But they remember fast when they move and touch things.
In concluding, why are you lazy to study? There are many style of studying such as: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. If you find style of study yourself, you must be glad to study diligently.
Name author : Joseph Rezulli
BalasHapusBasuki analysis this article
Community colleges
Main article: Adult education
Adult education has become common in many countries. It takes on many forms, ranging from formal class-based learning to self-directed learning and e-learning. A number of career specific courses such as veterinary assisting, medical billing and coding, real estate license, bookkeeping and many more are now available to students through the Internet.
Learning modalities
There has been work on learning styles over the last two decades. Dunn and Dunn[10] focused on identifying relevant stimuli that may influence learning and manipulating the school environment, at about the same time as Joseph Renzulli[11] recommended varying teaching strategies. Howard Gardner[12] identified individual talents or aptitudes in his Multiple Intelligences theories. Based on the works of Jung, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Keirsey Temperament Sorter[13] focused on understanding how people's personality affects the way they interact personally, and how this affects the way individuals respond to each other within the learning environment. The work of David Kolb and Anthony Gregorc's Type Delineator[14] follows a similar but more simplified approach.
School girls in Afghanistan
It is currently fashionable to divide education into different learning "modes". The learning modalities[15] are probably the most common:
Visual: learning based on observation and seeing what is being learned.
Auditory: learning based on listening to instructions/information.
Kinesthetic: learning based on hands-on work and engaging in activities.
Although it is claimed that, depending on their preferred learning modality, different teaching techniques have different levels of effectiveness,[16] recent research has argued "there is no adequate evidence base to justify incorporating learning styles assessments into general educational practice."[17]
A consequence of this theory is that effective teaching should present a variety of teaching methods which cover all three learning modalities so that different students have equal opportunities to learn in a way that is effective for them.[18] Guy Claxton has questioned the extent that learning styles such as VAK are helpful, particularly as they can have a tendency to label children and therefore restrict learning.[19][20]
Economic Education
BalasHapusnama: ayatullah
nim: 2093235682
Students on their way to school, Hakha, Chin State, Myanmar it has been argued that high rates of education are essential for countries to be able to achieve high levels of economic growth. Empirical analyses tend to support the theoretical prediction that poor countries should grow faster than rich countries because they can adopt cutting edge technologies already tried and tested by rich countries. However, technology transfer requires knowledgeable managers and engineers who are able to operate new machines or production practices borrowed from the leader in order to close the gap through imitation. Therefore, a country's ability to learn from the leader is a function of its stock of "human capital". Recent study of the determinants of aggregate economic growth have stressed the importance of fundamental economic institutions[35] and the role of cognitive skills.[36]
At the individual level, there is a large literature, generally related back to the work of Jacob Mincer, on how earnings are related to the schooling and other human capital of the individual. This work has motivated a large number of studies, but is also controversial. The chief controversies revolve around how to interpret the impact of schooling.
Economists Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis famously argued in 1976 that there was a fundamental conflict in American schooling between the egalitarian goal of democratic participation and the inequalities implied by the continued profitability of capitalist production on the other.
Nama : ayatullah khumaini
BalasHapusNim : 2093235682
V b
Economic education
In this article about education economic, i agree with explaining this article. Education of economic is very important to progress of countries. There are some good efect of education economic specially for student in nyanmar such as economic growth,technology transfer and human capital.
Education economic has been argued that high rates of education are essential for countries to be able to achieve high levels of economic growth. Economic growth is very important to progress quality of school and society quality. And then busnisman can be competing with other big coutries.
technology transfer requires knowledgeable managers and engineers who are able to operate new machines or production practices borrowed from the leader in order to close the gap through imitation.if profesor had come, students will be easy to study in teckhnology. The students will be easy more some information,knowledge and sains in the entire world. So the students are clever and have ability in compety of education economic.
a country's ability to learn from the leader or profesor is a function of its stock of "human capital".qualities Human capital can be influence by more some factors, for example stable economic,school quality and the best teacher. eceducation of economic will quicly progress if human capital have good knowledge.
In the conclussion Economic education have good effect such as high levels of economic growth,technology transfer and human capital.