Selasa, 18 Juni 2013


Please write argumentative essay by choosing one of the topics below! 1. Professional Teacher 2. Successful Student 3. Corruption 4. Politic

22 komentar:

  1. "Professional Teacher"
    Now, many schools need professional teacher. A professional teacher is a leader and a model to the students. If a teacher is a professional, the students will be successful students. In this essay, l will give the reasons if l am professional teacher.
    A professional teacher implement a good attitude in order to create good students. First, teach discipline to their students, such as always come on time, never be late in collecting duties, not playing for time when doing the exam, and come before learning started. Second, a professional teacher should also be with each other, as well as reprimanding students who make mistakes. Third, teacher is polite, respectful, and dignified. Those behaviors can be enviable by the students.
    In addition, a professional teacher should also has methods in teaching, in order to obtain measures of teaching and learning effective and efficient. Like to use the methods of discussion. This methods used aims to enable students trained to e active in the learning process. Then, by using the lecture method. This method is used in order to make students to understand and comprehend the material presented by the teacher. The next question and answer method. This method aims to make students actively ask if there is not yet understand the material that was submitted by the teacher.
    To sum up, a professional teacher will bring progress in the schools, and a major influence in the development process of each school. By teaching good behavior and have accurate methods in teaching and learning, it will produce a good moral students achievers and talented.

  2. Name : Meri Lestari
    Nim : 2113237654
    Corruption in Indonesia
    Corruption is a word that always heard and discussed in public. It is also a big problem in the world generally, and in Indonesia specifically. Many people forget to God if they got high position. They did not think about their citizen and they still do action like corruption that is very prohibited by our religion, especially Muslim religion. It makes bad effects for our environment. In this essay, I would like to describe about the negative effects of corruption in Indonesia.
    In Indonesia, corruption has become commonplace even been entrenched for high officials who have never thought about the society in the country. For example, a lot of Indonesian children who cannot fell education and cannot help their economic to be better. Thus, it causes increasing poverty in our country.
    Furthermore, the government also never thought about the health of the people who need it. For instance, many people who are ill and then can die because they could not go to hospital and the equipments in the hospital are still lack. The reason is high cost of health care. It is happened because not enough fund from officials to buy health care equipments.
    In addition, corruption can also be detrimental to the society and can damage the structure of government and to be the main obstacle course of administration and development. So the system administration is not running systematically. Not only the administration but also the system of development. Until now, we did not know when it can completed. For example, in big cities there are still a lot of development is not realization and also in village areas. It causes the unemployment rate increase because the government did not provide inadequate job for unemployment. All of them because a lot of people abuse the authorities of officials or employees for personal gain, family, friends, and associates who we often call corruption.
    In conclusion, many people can do corruption if they got high position and forget to God. It makes bad effects for our environment like poverty, not having education, and many unemployment in Indonesia. The government should be able to understand the society in Indonesia so that it can reduce poverty in Indonesia. By conducting a free school for children poor family, free health care for many people who are less fortunate and providing job for unemployment.

  3. Name : Lisa Andini
    NIM : 2113237644

    “Professional Teacher”
    In general, every school needs a professional teacher to increase quality of education for the school especially in our country. But, most of the teachers there, they do not understand criteria of professional teacher. Sometimes the process of learning and teaching is less effective. It is reason why a professional teacher is needed. Many things can be done to become a professional teacher. In this essay, the writer will explain about how to be a professional teacher.
    Firstly, a professional teacher must have much knowledge about the materials that will be given to students so the process of learning will be well. Usually the students will ask to teacher about the lesson taught if they do not understand. The teacher must master materials, in order to make easier to answer that question from students. For example, when a teacher teaches about grammar, he must know about tenses well and has to convey it appropriately so students can understand.
    Secondly, a teacher has strategies in teaching such as has different ways of delivering lesson. For instance, a teacher can use media power point when present the materials, make a quiz at the beginning or end of the lesson, use question-answer system, use method of discussion, and occasionally interspersed with games. As a result, by having various ways of teaching so the students would be more enthusiasm to follow the lesson and not be bored when learning.
    Thirdly, a teacher is required to keep his authority in front of his students by way discipline and avoid self of anything that could harm his image. The attitude of the teacher can bring great influence on the behavior of his students. So he must be good example to his students. For example, teacher must come on time when teach, wear clothes that neat and clean, and be friendly and kind to students so they feel comfortable while learning. With the discipline that have of teacher, it will give positive impact to the success of teaching and learning in the classroom, and then the students will be more diligent.
    In conclusion, to become a professional teacher is easy. The teacher just needs to increase knowledge, creativities in teaching, and discipline. Therefore, process learning and teaching can be achieved well.

  4. Professional Teacher

    A professional teacher is needed new days. Teach well and give value objectively is a attired of a professional teacher. However, very few teacher who teach in a professional manner. Teachers not only required to transfer knowladge into the student, but also must be able to develop the potential in student. This essay simply a theoritical wtitings of thinking but can provide feedback or solutions on us.
    Develop a common potential can behave so critical of the choices. In other side teachers prepare students for exercising freedomin developing a vision of what both conretely with full sense of responbility at the center of social life to the at last formed in the child sense of justice and sense of good. The solution the teachers must have a loyalty to what is determined by the institution (schools), then the school will organize teachers, teaching and learning process is going well.
    Another a professional teacher shold also have recognized the pinciple of distinctiom potential students individualy treated in accordance with the degree of difference that owned her. The teacher shold confine themselves to teaching in accordance with his understanding of the limits and not giving lesson that can't teach as it can cause demage animated or students own sense.
    To sum up, a professional teacher hopes that their student become qualified and having good behavior. There for, teacher shold prepare everything before turn teaching.

  5. Name : Ayu Triastuti
    NIM : 2113237607
    Class : PBI IVc Y4


    Corruption in developing countries continues to be one of the greatest factors of poverty, development and internecine conflicts. Most developing countries continue to grapple with the ever changing trends in global politics, economic and technological. The effect of corruption has many dimensions in a government. In this essay, I want to discuss about the effects of corruption.
    The economic effects of corruption can be categorized as minor and major. However, both in one way or the other have serious impact on the individual community and country. Firstly, corruption became part of the welfare cost increases cost production, and subsequent increase the cost to paid by consumers and community (in the case of taxes), so overall result in welfare society down. And then, corruption also enlarge figure poverty, that’s because government programs are not reaching target. Corruption also reduces potential revenue that may be received by residents who are less able. Moreover, reducing corruption value investment corruption makes a number of investors lack confidence to invest in Indonesia and prefer invest into state-safer country like China and India.
    On the other hand, corruption also has an impact in the field of political. In political sphere, corruption impedes democracy and the rule of law. In a democratic system, public institutions and offices may lose their legitimacy when they misuse their power for private interest. Corruption may also result in negative consequences such as encoring cynicism and reducing interest of political participation, political instability, reducing political competition, reducing the transparency of political decision making, distorting political development and sustaining political activity based on patronage, clientelism and money.
    In conclusion, corruption brought many negative impacts to the community. Preferably, the public should be able to get up and think ahead so that corruption is not growing by way of anti-corruption campaigns ranging from individuals everywhere. Therefore, the government should also be honest and responsible in their work, and the government should also have to be more concerned with people’s lives.

  6. Name : Leni Murtiani
    Nim : 2113237642
    Class : Y4, IV C
    Full Essay

    If you are professional teacher

    Each school would require a talented, motivation and inspiration teacher. Become professional teachers of a college should not be famous, but they should be great, intelligence, nice and have expertise in teaching. This essay will discuss about how to be professional teacher.
    One method is to develop and strategies in teaching well. For example, applying media sources to teach and utilizing information communication technology. We can see from the fact that teaching by using power point make students more interesting, and make must easier to understand.
    Another method is a teacher must master teaching the material being thought. He has to increase, understand and have knowledge of the material. If teacher is a well aware of the material, it would be easier to find a simple explanation and students would be easier to catch simpler, than the convoluted explanation.
    In conclusion, teaching has become a much less popular job in many contries. For that a teacher should do well learning strategies, so that students to be succesful and quality.

  7. Writing Full essay

    Nama : Liana Mayang Sari
    Nim : 2113237643
    PBI y.4 / c.4


    These day , every time you look on the television or newspaper , you refer to goverment official commit corruption. Some people believe corruption is a big problem that to be discuus. It gives some bad effect to citizen in part of the world. I completly disagree with corruption and in this essay I will support my opinion with examples.
    The economic effects of corruption can be categorized as minor and major. However , both in one way or the other have sriuos impact on the individual community and country. firstly , corruptions have some bad effect for citizen. Especially in academic aspect for example the increasing of price market. We can see for the really all the price become expensive. Rice , fire instead , become double in price for 150-200/kg , chili 40-60/kg , and onion 50-70/kg. Those compares price after occur corruption. I believe that need to attention foe goverment.
    On the other hand , corruption also has an impact in the field of education. Corruption has undermined education. Education budget minimal to be diminished. As a result, citizens not got the right education appropriately. Corruption education due to the low public control over management authority education budget. Within five years finally , corruptions education potentially occur. It is seen from the results of audit to te financial statements departements of education national , fund management special allocation ( DAK) and operational funds school (BOS). Based on JCW calculations on audit CPC to semesters JJ-2007 , discovered the potential fraud at educational ministry amounting to rp. 852,7 billion. Irregularities ,among others occured in the management of assets (Rp 815.6 biilion) , not right on target (USD 10.5 billion ) , with no evidence accountability (Rp 16.8 billion ) , waste (Rp 6.9 billion ) and deviations another ( USD 2.9 billion ). Therefor the goverment must follow up graft in education.
    In conclusion , corruption have many negative impact to the citizen. We as citizens should be prevented from widespread corruption and goverment to be more honest and responsible in doing job. The goverment should be more concerned with the needs of the people pf his own interests.

  8. Writing Full essay
    Nama : Liana Mayang Sari
    Nim : 2113237643
    PBI y.4 / c.4

    These day , every time you look on the television or newspaper , you refer to goverment official commit corruption. Some people believe corruption is a big problem that to be discuus. It gives some bad effect to citizen in part of the world. I completly disagree with corruption and in this essay I will support my opinion with examples.
    The economic effects of corruption can be categorized as minor and major. However , both in one way or the other have sriuos impact on the individual community and country. firstly , corruptions have some bad effect for citizen. Especially in academic aspect for example the increasing of price market. We can see for the really all the price become expensive. Rice , fire instead , become double in price for 150-200/kg , chili 40-60/kg , and onion 50-70/kg. Those compares price after occur corruption. I believe that need to attention foe goverment.
    On the other hand , corruption also has an impact in the field of education. Corruption has undermined education. Education budget minimal to be diminished. As a result, citizens not got the right education appropriately. Corruption education due to the low public control over management authority education budget. Within five years finally , corruptions education potentially occur. It is seen from the results of audit to te financial statements departements of education national , fund management special allocation ( DAK) and operational funds school (BOS). Based on JCW calculations on audit CPC to semesters JJ-2007 , discovered the potential fraud at educational ministry amounting to rp. 852,7 billion. Irregularities ,among others occured in the management of assets (Rp 815.6 biilion) , not right on target (USD 10.5 billion ) , with no evidence accountability (Rp 16.8 billion ) , waste (Rp 6.9 billion ) and deviations another ( USD 2.9 billion ). Therefor the goverment must follow up graft in education.
    In conclusion , corruption have many negative impact to the citizen. We as citizens should be prevented from widespread corruption and goverment to be more honest and responsible in doing job. The goverment should be more concerned with the needs of the people pf his own interests.

  9. Name : Gusti Nurlelawati
    Nim : 2113236726
    Local:Y4 lllc
    you are succesful student
    Every student want to be succes but, it is not easy to be a succesful srudent. We must endeavor, such as study hard and pray to God and we should not despair in our dreams to be a succesful student in order to be useful for the family and the many. In this essay l will show what l should do, if l am to be succesful student.
    Firstly, l will help others by sharing my knowledge. We can see in reality many children quit their school. They cannot continue their study. I will help the by creating a community of learning. I will teach them many material is related to their needs in order for them to be good and educated.
    Secondly,I will paticipate in various competitions such as scientific writing competition and attend seminars in different areas so, l will gain knowledge and experience for lunch later in the day.
    Thirdly, l will be teaching private lesson and to set up additional learning that children are not hard to find a place or places additional learning courses.
    In conclusion, to be a succesful student, it will improve my knowledge and by sharing it with others, there fure l can help other people.

    CLASS: Y4 PBI 4 C
    In our country, a teacher is popular job. He is someone that gives for students. Moreover a profesional teacher has big responsibility. But now we seldom find a teacher who really teach well. They teach because it is their job. In this essay, I will describe how to be profesional teacher.
    Firstly, be a profesional teacher, we must have knowledge about our material for teaching. For example, when we teach a grammar we must know about tensis well and when we teach listening we must full concentration. So we can answer when students ask to us about the materialand we can give the material well to students.
    Secondly, in teaching, we have to be a model for students, for instance discipline of time. We tell to students that time is really important than money. Then in teaching we not only give exercise or explain about material to students, but also we can give material with some games for instance games riddle vocabulary with song. So the students became enjoy with our material. It makes them easier to understand with our material.
    In conclusion, a profesional teacher must have creativity of strategy in teaching, have much knowledge, can manage the students, and have good priority. So education in our country will be success full like our purpose.

  11. Name : Kina Class : Pbi IV c Tugas : Writing III
    Professional Teacher
    Now, a professional teacher is a popular job in some parts of the world. In Indonesia, a professional teacher is really need in schools. This is a good job. However in our country, a professional teacher is stiil low. That’s way I will explain how to be a professional teacher.
    Firstly,to be a professional teacher must have full knowledge than students. She has ability to master materials. Moreover a teacher has to master school curriculum. For example: when she teaches speaking, she must know about vocabularies and always practice in class. She should show do their students a that she speachs, fluently. Then, when she teaches grammar, she must know about tensist. She should show do their students well and do exercise when teaching.
    Secondly, a professional teacher has time of disipline. When teaching, teacher must come on time so can to be a models for students. If a teacher come late for teaching, it will imminite by has. For instance often do not learn or because teacher come late, when students are spirit of learning time have finished. Its effect of science which give to students a few and when test students cannot answer the questions. Many leacturers of mine cannot attend the classroom on time, only a few of them are not late to the class.
    Thirdly, a professional teacher has ability to manage teaching program. This ability consist of several things, that is formulating the target of instructional, recognizing and using method of teach, choseing and compling procedure of intructional correct, executing program learn to teach, and execute intruction of remidial. There respect should have by teacher. Many leacturers of mine cannot attend the classroom on time, only a few of them are not late to the class.
    In conclusion, to be a professional teacher has big responsibility in education world to implement task. Teacher has to use strategic of learning well in class those aspects will help him how to be a successful teacher.

  12. Name : Catur Sriwuryani
    Class : Pbi IV C
    Task : Writing III
    If I’m Successful Student
    Every student wish to be a successful student, all of them endeavor to be a successfull students with many ways. She will be followed by every person. In this essay I will show what should I do if I to be a successful student.
    Firstly, I help my friend study, in where not all students quickly accept material which in give by a teacher for example: a student does not understand a material, I will help him to explain it again. I can do this by sharing information and discuss together. To make him understand, I will give him exercise and I will ask him to do it. After he finished it, we will checked together whether it is correct or no.
    Secondly, I will follow many competitions, I will join competitions in my campus or between campus, I do this in order to plan my ability for example I will follow many competitions such as debate, speech,etc to improve my ability.
    To sum up,to be a successful student, it can make me to improve my knowledge by sharing it with others and join many competition.

  13. Name : Litra Wahyuni
    NIM : 2113237648
    Successful Student
    Success is a dream or a goal that we want to be a achieved with effort and hard work. It is called successful if we get beneficial for the sourrounding of society. Be a successful student can be achieved with many ways. In this essay, I will explain about the method to be successful student.
    One of the method to be a successful student is strategy of learning. For example, the student can learn from study group. In that group, she learn together, share or exchange ideas, and discuss according to the subjects discussion. By doing this it make her better understand and develop the material who have been studied as well as. As with forming study group she can make you more intelligent in learning.
    Furthermore, to be a successful student is management of time. As a student, she should be able to arrange a time to learn and time to play. She also can make the schedule. For example, at night, star from at 07.00 until 09.00 o’clock. She learn it must be obeyed and must comply with our commitments. After she can play.
    To sum up, the method to be a successful student are strategy of learning and management of time. Therefore a student can achieved her dream in the future by hold those two aspects. Let us reach our future career.

    NIM :2113237676
    Knowledge is exteremely important to all person,so that to be a succesful student is a dream every person.But to be a succesful student not easy for us.We must have hindrances and obstacles which must passed in study.In this essay,l will to explain about what should l do if l to be a succesful student.
    Firstly,l am to be a succesfull student,l will share my knowledge to others.For example,l want to help posn family to teach their children.I will have learning society in my house.Learning tense,their can come to my house every afternoon to get some materials.I will teach their many subjects,like math,english,and civic education.The most improved and thing,they get knowledge and become a good person in the society.
    Secondly,l will study abroad because l want to teach the others person who need it.For example,l will make course in many place to help my friends and children who difficult to study.I will teach them start from 03:00 pm until 05:00 pm on Friday and Sunday.And then,l also will teach them from basic until intermediate so the running is sistemetically.
    To sum up,succesful student will help not keep their are knowledge,but she is he will share to other people.There fire,but will help others to improve not only ability but also improve other people.

  15. Nama: Aryanti
    Nim: 2113237606
    These day, many people do corruption now especially in developing countries. The impact of corruption on developing countries cannot be overemphasized. The result are often disastrous. The occurence of corruption reflects in many areas of development. In this essay, i will explain bad effects of corruption for our environment.
    Firstly, effect of corruption in political sphere. In political sphere, corruption impedes democrcy. For example, in democratic system, public institutions and office may lose their legitimacy when they missuse their power for private interest. As a result negative consequences for our political such as reducing interest of political participation, political instability, reducing political competetion, reducing the transparency of political decision, and distorting political competition.
    Furthermore, effect of corruption in economic sphere. In economic sphere, corruption leads to the depletion of national wealt. For instance, the funneling of scarce public resource to uneconomic high profile project at the expense of the much needed project such as schools, hospitals, roads, the supply of portable water, diversion and misallocation of resources. In other word, conversion of public wealt to private and personal property also result in imblanced economic development, inflation, weakling, work etics, hurts the economy and worening poverty.
    To sump up, corruption give some bad effects for our environmet especially in developing countries. The effect of corruption can be catagorized as minor and major such as in political, social, and economic. Personalyty, I think corruption can be destroy for goverment and our society.

  16. Name : Anta Sa’adi
    NIM : 2113237688


    These day, our government face the worst condition, where corruption is being headline around the media. It is because so many cases of corruption had disclosed. I do believe that corruption would sent this nation into destruction. Therefore, I completely against the corruption and in this essay I will explain the reason why we should against it.
    Firstly, corruption has sent this nation into poverty more deeply. It is caused by actors of corruption which has took people right to life better. For example this nation has spent till a billion Rupias for petroleum subsidy which had corrupted by official of government. It caused our fuel price become uncontrolled, and the price of fuel getting higher. For the impact of this situation, everything become higher, such as transportation cost, necessity price, health cost, and also educational cost became unreachable by our people. Because of those conditions our nation face the worst matter. Like there are so many people live in poverty and starvation. There are many vagrants around us, and also many parents unadequate to pay an educational cost for their children.
    Then, the corruption also make our morality discolored, where honesty around our official government has been lost. We can found the example form the cases of someone who from religion party do corruption. When he has chance to do it. Behind of his party, it promised people with an honesty, but he catched as an actor of corruption in import case. That cases tell us about how bad our national morality that broke by corruption.
    To sum up, corruption has brought our nation into destruction in. for instance, in economic and morality factors. Therefore, we should save our nation to avoid the destruction by giving a hard punishment to the corruptors and for the next generation do not do corruption.

  17. Nama : Dian Permata Sari
    NIM : 2113237617

    Today, professional teacher is very interest. Everybody, such as graduated students from senior high school or graduated from university including myself, are very interest to be a teacher. Some people believe they want to be a teacher with many ways, But not all of them can be professional teacher. In this essay, I will show you what should I do if I am to be a professional teacher.
    Firstly, I wish to be a discipline teacher. Indonesian education never be better than other countries if most of teacher did not discipline. Teacher is a model for students. Because of that, all of their action will be follow by students. For example, usually many teacher came late to class or rarely attend to class, so it can be followed by students. They want to be human, but not appreciate to time. That is one of reasons make new generation in Indonesia will be lazy. I wish I can be a discipline teacher to repair Indonesian education system.
    Secondly, I must preparing strategy in teaching. Many schools in Indonesian need a professional teacher, but not all of teachers in Indonesia were professional. Most of them did not prepare- well the material. For instance, some teacher just come to class fill the attendance list, then he or she leave an assignment. So, the students will be make a noise in the class, because they fell the material is not interesting. Therefore, if I become a professional teacher, I will prepare the material as well as possible, such as create a syllabus, power point to make teaching process become more interesting, and lead the students to understand the material well.
    In conclusion, teacher in Indonesia must be change their method to teach their student. There are many ways to become a professional teachers, like tobe a discipline teacher and preparing well the strategy in teaching. It can make Indonesian educational system can be better than others country.

  18. Name : Windri Armansyah
    KLS : y4 / PBI IV C
    NIM : 2113237678

    Bad effect of Corruption

    Corruption is a form of crime act which could adverse in a country. Corrupt it becomes a big problem in Indonesian and also in every country. There are many people do corruption to be rich in short time. These day, in our country, corruption is problem should be destroyed. In this essay, I will give my argument about bad effect of corruption.
    Firstly, corruption has some bad effect such as, in economic sphere and social sphere. The economic effect of corruption can be categorized as minor and major. However, both in one way or the other have serious impact on the individual community and country. Foremost, corruption leads to the depletion of national wealth it is often responsible for increasing costs of goods and services, the funneling of scarce public resource to uneconomic high profile projects at the expense of the much needed project such as schools, hospitals and road. Large scale corruption hurts the economy and improvers entire population.
    Secondly, in social sphere, corruption discourages people to work together for the common good, frustration and general apathy among the public result in a weak civil society. Demanding and paying bribes becomes the tradition. It also results in social quality and widened gap between the rich and poor, civil strife, increased poverty and insecurity. Corruption also increases high levels of unemployment in society. For example is high level of unemployment in society about 45 percent people become unemployment because, less jobs that available. Low ability and education degree become two of the main cause of the unemployment.
    To sum up, corruption exists everywhere. Corruption remains serious problems in the our countries. Corruption is also become a global problem that all countries of the world have to confront and search the solutions. Corruption harms everybody because it is based on in justice. Therefore, we must be save our country with our able to remove corruption on together.

  19. Name : Windri Armansyah
    KLS : y4 / PBI IV C
    NIM : 2113237678

    Bad effect of Corruption

    Corruption is a form of crime act which could adverse in a country. Corrupt it becomes a big problem in Indonesian and also in every country. There are many people do corruption to be rich in short time. These day, in our country, corruption is problem should be destroyed. In this essay, I will give my argument about bad effect of corruption.
    Firstly, corruption has some bad effect such as, in economic sphere and social sphere. The economic effect of corruption can be categorized as minor and major. However, both in one way or the other have serious impact on the individual community and country. Foremost, corruption leads to the depletion of national wealth it is often responsible for increasing costs of goods and services, the funneling of scarce public resource to uneconomic high profile projects at the expense of the much needed project such as schools, hospitals and road. Large scale corruption hurts the economy and improver entire population.
    Secondly, in social sphere, corruption discourages people to work together for the common good, frustration and general apathy among the public result in a weak civil society. Demanding and paying bribes becomes the tradition. It also results in social quality and widened gap between the rich and poor, civil strife, increased poverty and insecurity. Corruption also increases high levels of unemployment in society. For example is high level of unemployment in society about 45 percent people become unemployment because, less jobs that available. Low ability and education degree become two of the main cause of the unemployment.
    To sum up, corruption exists everywhere. Corruption remains serious problems in the our countries. Corruption is also become a global problem that all countries of the world have to confront and search the solutions. Corruption harms everybody because it is based on in justice. Therefore, we must be save our country with our able to remove corruption on together.

  20. Name : Windri Armansyah
    KLS : y4 / PBI IV C
    NIM : 2113237678

    Bad effect of Corruption

    Corruption is a form of crime act which could adverse in a country. Corrupt it becomes a big problem in Indonesian and also in every country. There are many people do corruption to be rich in short time. These day, in our country, corruption is problem should be destroyed. In this essay, I will give my argument about bad effect of corruption.
    Firstly, corruption has some bad effect such as, in economic sphere and social sphere. The economic effect of corruption can be categorized as minor and major. However, both in one way or the other have serious impact on the individual community and country. Foremost, corruption leads to the depletion of national wealth it is often responsible for increasing costs of goods and services, the funneling of scarce public resource to uneconomic high profile projects at the expense of the much needed project such as schools, hospitals and road. Large scale corruption hurts the economy and improvers entire population.
    Secondly, in social sphere, corruption discourages people to work together for the common good, frustration and general apathy among the public result in a weak civil society. Demanding and paying bribes becomes the tradition. It also results in social quality and widened gap between the rich and poor, civil strife, increased poverty and insecurity. Corruption also increases high levels of unemployment in society. For example is high level of unemployment in society about 45 percent people become unemployment because, less jobs that available. Low ability and education degree become two of the main cause of the unemployment.
    To sum up, corruption exists everywhere. Corruption remains serious problems in the our countries. Corruption is also become a global problem that all countries of the world have to confront and search the solutions. Corruption harms everybody because it is based on in justice. Therefore, we must be save our country with our able to remove corruption on together.

    NIM : 2113237652
    The Effects of Corruption In Indonesia

    Corruption is abuse of official position for personal gain. It is major problem in every country, especially Indonesia. It is hot news for discuss and has become culture in every society. Corruption a difficult eradicated because almost every holder of power (government) conduct corruption. This essay will discuss about the effects of corruption for poor society which impact on the economic and health.

    Corruption is negatively impact to life of poor people in the villages and cities. Firstly, economy is getting worse because the prices of goods go up due to state budget (APBN) corrupted by the state (government). Thus, making it difficult to buy their necessity as daily needs. For example every years the prices of rice soared so, they can not buy it and then the ptice of meat increase double from fifty thousand until one hundred thousand.

    In addition, the impact of perceived corruption in the field of health care. When they are sick, the relevant institutions do not serve them because they prefer serving high officials for example lawyer, president, and cabinet minister than they. It shows that a low level of health care for them. Also, many in the Indonesian region found that children suffering from malnutrition and disease polio. It was all due to the high cost of health care and subsidies for them corrupted by corrupter.

    To sum up, I hope law enforcer can provide the fairest punishment for them and providing a deterrent for corrupter without political interests and personal interests. In addition, give them understanding about the effects of corruption for society especially poor society.

    NIM :2113237618
    Corruption is a big problem not only in Indonesia but also in every countries in the world. Many functionaries to fill their necessity. This criminal acts can make bad effect in a country. In this essay, I will tell my argument about some bad effect of corruption.
    Firstly, bad effect of corruption can make poverty in a country. If many functionaries always do corruption and government can not make society become prosperous. For example fund for health is not enough because functionaries take that money. We can see for the fact , health facilities is not complete because from government is nothing.
    Secondly, bad effect of this criminal acts can make a project activities walk slowly.such as corruption take money illegally. If they (functionaries ) always do it, fund to make a project will not enough to finish it as soon as possible, for instance Hambalang Project. This project will not run well because the officials do corruption.
    In conclusion, the government should make a team to arrest the corrupter and put them into prison. It can be done to make them not to do corruption anymore and try to be honest people.
