This task is for the students who takes writing III. Please write an argumentation essay with the topic "The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu". To prove your argument, please quote some theories from experts about it!
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu
Bengkulu is one which is considered underdeveloped province in the national currency, especially in the field of education. Bengkulu educational backwardness compared to other provinces is a scourge that makes Bengkulu government representatives could not stand upright in the national forums. This occurs because the error in the control of education management in Bengkulu and unseriousness government in dealing good management for education. Therefore, good effort must be made to fragrant Bengkulu’s name in the national currency through education. One of Bengkulu government's effort is to shape the schools that have an international high school standars in the hope of significant change and bring a good effects for Bengkulu society. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect or influence of International High School in Bengkulu. The presence of international high schools in Bengkulu become evidence of good responses from the government and public awareness of the importance of schools that have good quality. The aim is to prepare future generations of morality, intelligent, independent, creative, innovative, and democratic. This is in line with the acceleration of social change as part of the engineering of the global era. Many phenomenons that occur in Bengkulu on the weak of education system, making the province of Bengkulu weaks both in the province itself and in the national eye. The phenomenon of capital and competition should be the best for performance in managing the international school that will contribute to the advancement of Bengkulu province. This requires an optimistic attitude and high sense of responsibility because the school is an institution managing the most complex of social institutions that exist. Complexity is not only a variety of inputs, but in the process of learning that took place in it. Mudjito (Republika, 17 December 2008) stated that the government or local government must hold at least a unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into educational unit international standards. International school is a national school with international quality standards. The process of teaching and learning in this school emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation, and experimentation to stimulate new ideas that have never existed, so Bengkulu can be seen in the eyes of national and international currency. According LekDis, ”Each educational units on formal and non-formal education are required to conduct quality assurance” (2005:39). This means that if an international school was developed in Bengkulu, Bengkulu’s students can compete with the students from other provinces in the national arena, along with an assurance of quality education, the backwardness and deterioration of Bengkulu will be lost and Bengkulu will get some progress, such as in agriculture, education, farming, cultivation of natural resources, etc. Therefore, Bengkulu class must produce graduates whose have nationally and internationally abilities. That is, control of national education standards and uphold the identity of the Indonesian nation and the province of Bengkulu, and students must have global capabilities, such as proficiency in foreign languages, especially English, and information communication technology. In conclusion, if the international high school developed in Bengkulu and accompanied with the capabilities of existing students in Bengkulu, Bengkulu will get many progress in all areas quickly. Therefore, Bengkulu government should pay attention intensively about education system which was held in Bengkulu and developing international high schools in all districts and regencies.
References: Mudjito. ”Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional.” Republika, 17 Desember 2008, 7. LekDis. 2005. Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Jakarta: Lembaga Kajian Pendidikan Keislaman Dan Sosial
Name: Dedi Efrizal NIM: 2083235019 lesson: Writing III
“The Effects of International High School In Bengkulu”
International High School is an education system which provides good quality and many effects for students to get better future. The program is made by education department to support quality of education in Indonesia. In Bengkulu city, there are some school used the the system. Such as : SMA.5, SMA.2, SMA.7, SMA.6. Therefore, the school has good condition and conducive to study and helps in the over all personality development of the students. Actually, content of International High School is growth a conscious of people to study, creative and develop science and intellectual in democratic education and multiculture. But, recently we know that International High School is not balanced with ability student in Bengkulu. In my opinion, we trust that some school can use the system, but what about another school in Bengkulu. If we force to use the system, so I believe we’ll get effects about it for students and parents.
We realize that International High School provides quality bilingual education for the students. “The system education of International High School should prepare the students to face the competitive world outside the school” (Sinar Harapan). That’s good effects of International High School in qualify school not for bad school. Moreover, we have to consider the system can’t use in every school in Bengkulu City. Actually, the system will appear unbalanced of social, because the parents must spend much money to pay the cost of school. “For example, in Bogor the parents must give to school about twelve million for first cost” (Metro TV This week). This is reality that class of International High School only for rich people. Therefore, the poor man which has clever children can’t reach the school. Beside that, another effect of International High School that about psyche of the students. For example, in SMA.2 Bengkulu one school has different class between international class with general class. This case made the students from general class felt discrimination. And they only see this discrimination without protest. While, the students of International class go on their study without thinking about them.
I think that we know good aim of Bengkulu’s Government to develop the academic, intellectual and physical potential of the students. But, to get all of it government must hard work and repair the facilities of school in Bengkulu. Bengkulu’s Government may not give a hard thinking for people with high cost of education and then don’t give unbalanced between one student with another student. If this case occur, it mean that Government let the children in Bengkulu suffer..
In conclusion, International High School is good system for better future of students. But we have to think about preparation our school, student, teacher and our government to take the system. Moreover, students in Bengkulu must use English everyday in the school if we use the system and the teacher must understand exactly about learning concept, such as : deep-learning, higher order thinking skills, and contextual learning. If we have done it, so we can use the system absolutely in Bengkulu City. I think that Government in Bengkulu must consider to use the system of International High School, I think it is better using the last system but we have to survive with thinking global, act local. References: Fahriza,Fahmi ”Education System”. Sinar Harapan, 11 Januari 2010 Metro This Week
The Effect Of Internasional High School in Bengkulu
The Internasional high school is special class to prepare the students with Internasional standars quality. Then, they can continue their studies to Internasional University and have good ability to compete on Internasional basic standar in their future. The fact in Bengklulu, some poeple think that the Internatinasional high school is one way to creat best quality of student and to prepare them to study in nternasional unversity to be good in future. However, some poeple think that The Internasional High School in Bengkulu gives bad effects to make imbalance each other. In this essay I will explain about pro and contrac the effect of Internasional High School in Bengkulu. Some poeple in Bengkulu assumed that the internasional high school in Bengkulu is good program that motivated the student to study hard, because who study in this Internasional basic class will get good future, they can increase their abilities with compelete fasility and perpect service are provided there. Beside that, the product are better than National Basic class, because the learning system are used there well. Here Actually they will get scholarship and jobs what they choose easily. Yandiono said, that the internasional basic class in Bengkulu is good quality to creat students achievement and to study in Internasional high school without test...(2010:9). In my opinion, The Internasional High School gives good effect for development of Bengkulu Province that the students can compete to Nasional or Internasional competetion with heir abilitieas was received by their Internasional Basic Class. Beside that, the Bengkulu Goverment can be better than before by best quality product from Internasional Basic School on their knowledge, behaviour, and creativity. In future, Bengkulu society do not find again the coruptor in Bengkulu. In the other hand, some poeple assumed the Internasonal high school gives bad effects to make differences each students and parents. The fact in Bngkulu, the students who study there are not clever or excelent person but are rich. Here the Internasional Basic Class will influence the negative thinking each person. Also that makes imblance among the students. They thinks to improve quality students and create them to get scholarship internasional university do not just internasional basic class system. However, their motivation to study hard actually, they get best future depend on their selves. According to Nismah (2010:9), ”Some her student in SMA 4 Bengkulu, they get scholarship in China university without Internasional basic class and it system class just give differences each students...” In conclusion, The Internsional High School is a good solusion to increase the students of Bengkulu to compete in Internasional Basic and improve Bengkulu Province in goverment and education but this system must make it be balance on intelegency of students also do not give differences between The Internasional Basic Class from The National Basic Class. Therefore, all of Bengkulu students must study be hard and reach best achievement for Bengkulu to be better.
Refrences: Sucipto. “Sekolah Berstandar Internasional di Bengkulu”. Harian Rakyat Bengkulu 13 Januari 2010, 9
School is not a trivial thing for everybody wants to go to school to study that as much as possible. Because not many people can attend school, for reasons not having much fee to school. Everyone wants quality schools and forward so as not imagination favorite schools to target students hoping to learn and get good knowledge. In this essay I will explain about the effect of international high school in Bengkulu. As we know, the international high school is a national standardized school learning standards be changed to international standard. With facilities and the language used by the standard of international schools. But not many schools are also the cons with this international standard, because this school needs a very large, with costs for new students are charged a minimum of rupiah 2.5 million for money and maximum development more than Rp 3.5 millions each student. If it is assumed that all students take a range of at least 2.5 millions rupiah, it will be collected Rp 560 millions rupiah. That's not to mention monthly, students are still subject to a fee amounting to 250,000 rupiah to the committee of more than Rp 350,000. And for the people in Bengkulu have average economy background of middle people will have objections to meet the cost of this school. Also described in an article that schools of international standards already exist and live in big cities have not shown the maximum results, it was still there at the show by students who have not passed the first examination ( to the universe, June 2010). But I still supported SBI in Bengkulu, because everything that takes the process, there is no successful without a process. It all depends on managing from SBI itself, if it truly aims to promote education in the Bengkulu city, then why do not we help to realize it. And if we see from the list of five high school students Of SBI, it was much too interested students to become student Bengkulu capable internationally competitive. In conclusion, we should carry with the international high school in bengkulu and do seriously, I believe that will be developed and can make this province grow up. Let’s support our education, to get good future our province and by the rapid advancement of our education, to get such rapid advancement of education in other countries.
Look at public schools facility which is labeled pioneering international school (RSBI) or which have been international school status (SBI). Once any educational services provided, a full department In SMA 7 Bengkulu, for example, the difference is already visible from the seats used. Regular class students just sit in a chair very hard and rigid standards. Students of international class? They are more comfortable sitting on plastic chairs with stainless steel frame and a separate table, as is often found in places of learning guidance. Like in High School (High School) State 2 of Bengkulu, the teaching-learning process in international class utilizing a sophisticated information and communications technology. For that, teachers who teach in an international class also must be able to use advanced technology devices such as classroom teaching. Despite differences in facilities and service learning in the classroom is very striking, the school is trying to abolish the distinction claimed between them on the activities in the field or outside the classroom. Both the regular class and international class are equally the opportunity to participate in field activities. Put like visits to companies or tourist sites of both domestic and foreign. The result of student requests and records it in the form of trip reports. Number of activities and facilities provided to serve as a reason related to the high cost of entry and monthly fees at international class. Bilingual teaching methods or bilingual (English and Indonesian) are also adding expensive international school in the classroom, especially to pay foreign teachers (native teacher) are presented in order to teach three subjects (Mathematics, Science, and English) once a week. For Dananjaya Utomo, Director of Institute for Education Reform, University of Paramadina, such policies clearly indicate that the government behaves like in the Dutch colonial era: the public distinguish between rich and poor nobles. Preferably rich, the poor are not addressed. This distinguishes the treatment of discrimination, he said In contrast, Rully Azwar-Vice Chairman of Commission X of the House of Representatives of the Golkar Party faction-rate, the distinction RSBI the school and not a form of non-RSBI kastanisasi. According to him, the categorization RSBI and SBI was precisely government's efforts to bring all schools to become better. However, the reality of schools labeled RSBI now more focused on improving learning facilities solely for the pursuit of international labels that carried. In fact, some schools began to remove the regular classes that have been cheaper to charge their students. Opportunities of children unable to enjoy a quality education even more difficult. They can only hope. In conclusion, International High School is good idea and good system education . Therefore, the government did not discrimination between rich and poor nobles. I think that Government in Bengkulu must consider to use the system of International High School. children can not afford to be simplified in order to enjoy the educational Qualified
Refrence :
Sumber: Media Indonesia Online
Comhttp://edukasi.kompas. International high school. .com
Discriminatory in the world of education in this country is not delusional, but actually real. Though denied by the organizers continue to state, another reality on the ground talking: Discriminatory there! Ironically, it happens in schools run by the state and supported the official policy of the government. Look at facilities that public schools are labeled pioneering international school (RSBI) or who have status as an international school (SBI). Once any educational services provided, all complete. In the internal environment RSBI only difference that the facility received international students and regular classes is very striking. Moreover, compared with regular schools. Children from school and regular classroom like a community pariah in the community that forms the international label. In SMA State 2 Bengkulu, for example, the difference is already visible from the seats used. Regular class students just sit in a chair very hard and rigid standards. Students of international class? They are more comfortable sitting on plastic chairs with stainless steel frame, a separate table, and air conditioner as is often found in places of learning guidance. Moreover. International class also has a special room used as a clinic, the following general practitioners and dental specialist, who are available every Monday until Thursday. All was not without a price. International class students to pay far greater than those who go into the regular classroom. Ironically, this is a justification that provided learning facilities also differ. As we know that the teaching-learning process in international class utilizing a sophisticated information and communications technology. For that, teachers who teach in an international class must also be able to use advanced technology devices such as classroom teaching. Many activities and facilities provided to serve as a reason related to the high cost of entry and monthly fees at international class. Bilingual teaching methods or bilingual (English and Indonesian) are also adding expensive international school in the classroom, especially to pay foreign teachers (native teacher) are presented in order to teach three subjects (Mathematics, Science, and English) once a week. This fact to reduce the chances of children from families not able to enjoy the haves to quality education. For Dananjaya Utomo, Director of the Institute for Education Reform, University of Paramadina, such a policy clearly indicates that the government behaves as in the Dutch colonial era: the public distinguish between rich and poor nobles. Preferably rich, the poor are not addressed. This distinguishes the treatment of discrimination, he said. In contrast, Rully Azwar-Vice Chairman of the House Commission X of the Golkar Party faction-rate, the distinction between school and non-RSBI RSBI not Discriminatory form. According to him, the categorization RSBI and SBI was precisely government's efforts to bring all schools to become better. In conclusion, International High School not only giving motivation. But we have to think about preparation our school, student, teacher and our government to take the system. We will not the problem with SBI or RSBI if there is 20 percent of the portion provided there for children from underprivileged families. Do not let children go to school quality not only because he is unable. Reference : Admin. ” Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional ”. 3 Juni 2010 Comhttp://edukasi.kompas. International high school. .com
THE EFFECT OF SBI (School of International Standard )
Science is an important thing in our life. It’s a way for us to do something easily. SBI is an instance for getting good knowledge. Then, SBI completed by good facilities and some teachers came from foreign. But, some person said that SBI in Indonesia had negative effect for society. That’s why this essay will focus on negative effect of SBI especially in province of Bengkulu The negative effect of SBI is damage for poor society. According to M Fajri siregar a scholar from the University of Indonesia would had examined a number of SBI in south Jakarta. He said that SBI show just as big names. However , SBI had negative thing would be came a problem. For example, SBI just as contra of rich and poor society in Bengkulu. There were many people’s especially poor society couldn’t school. It’s caused by expensive cost that they could be late for getting good education. Furthermore, they had spirit and hope for getting the education, but all of that was impossible for them because they have no money. In my opinion, there are many problem and sample which can be evidence that SBI damage society. Its caused less a ware and have big egoistic that this nation difficult for advance. Moreover, the sample above supported by presidential regulation No. 7 of 2007 regarding foreign investment in national education said that education has become a traded commodity ...” ( Indonesia. Com /read/2009/04/04/68313/). So , hope which we want is in order to government in Indonesia did not discriminate between rich and poor society and throw the big egoistic as soon as make intelligent of nation child.
" The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu"
Bengkulu is a smaller province between sumatera island.The level of devolopment is very late so Bengkulu impressioned left behind province.Another its has beautiful scenary,its too as education town.The level of education is very more better so there are between high school has level of internasional.The level of development education in high school more better and its has high spiritual.This essay i will advantage about the positive effect of international high school. Since that school has international,all students always study hard get to achievement in school,in other that they can getting clever students in school,can adhere to regulation school and grade education quality school in bengkulu.While school will be more good and then remain perserve of regulation school.As such as,that school always as international high school. In conclusion,Bengkulu is a little province but its has quality which good education and its has schedule to study so Bengkulu is education town.
The Effect Of International High School In Bengkulu
International school is preparing a national school-based learners of Indonesian national education standards that have international standard quality and its graduates have international competitiveness. In Bengkulu province there are several international standards-based school, it is one of SMAN 2 Bengkulu City. International school characteristics, namely: 1. Implementing SBC from graduation competency standards and competency base enriched with international freight 2. Applying the learning process in English, at least for Mathematics and English lessons 3. Adopting the books on the life of the developed countries 4. Applying a higher graduation standards of competency standards specified in the national education standards 5. Facilities and infrastructure to meet national education standards 6. Education teachers who meet the competency standards specified in the national education standards 7. Process assessment meets national and international standards
So that if the international standard school is more developed in Bengkulu then Bengkulu will experience; 1. Social gap between the rich and the poor 2. It tuition is expensive, so parents send their children to school or dissuade these 3. Local governments to be confusion about the education system to talk about curriculum, teaching materials, teaching methodologies, potential teachers, and students.
According to Yandiono, "An international school can not only be enjoyed by rich people, but also can be enjoyed by students who met by families who can not afford the normal and indeed to International standard schools with schools more expensive than usual. But for children who come from disadvantaged families who pass the selection process will get a cost-free, this is consistent with the mandate of the minister of education through circulars and guidelines set out in the book high school pilot program conducting international level ... "( Harian Rakyat Bengkulu, June 28th 2009). According to Ekosiswayo, "International school image as an expensive school can be avoided if the school is able to apply the amount of dues and donations remain rational and to allocate part of its quota for students coming from poor families". (http://www. the fantomaya.blogspot. com/2010/06/sekruang menuju semesta, June 2010). The conclusion is that the international school will reap the numerous protests and controversy, especially from poor families. Therefore, international schools should be more considered again by the government to be more able to advance the education system in Bengkulu.
The standard of international high school is national school was be prepared students basicly standard National education in Indonesia be qualitated and passes. The function International foreign which Standard International high school apply process of learn in english language, Adopted text book be wear by advance country, apply standard of pass be more high than kompetence standard pass and e,t,c. In this essay will explain about negatif effect of Standard National High School School with Standard International resulted can discolovered of image and draft national education. Because of that, the government need understanding fenomena start of International High School. International Standard " Government must understanding that many school be opinion them was Standard International High School. If nothing there is a regulation be strong national concept education as delivered in constituante that will be miss. Argument by education expert Katholik Atma Jaya University Jakarta, M.Marcellino PhD, AT DISCUSSION WITH SP , in Jakarta Sunday (9,9). "did Standard International of High School be function? .Maybe America standard, England, Singaphore or India? What the comunication be used foreign language? but curiculum as usual, Said Marcelino. He said, nowdays many school claimed as Standard International High School. Infact the curriculum is usual, or the International curriculum but the teacher can't understanding foreign language. It means, International definition is nonsense. If government didn't make regulation be strong, that are many national school be crush by Iternational High School. Actually, the next, if Standard Intrnational High School to be toadstool it means will migration be very big foreign teach come in to Idonesia. In conclusion, Standard International High School can be passed image and draft national education. For government must strongly come of investation International High School to Indonesia because will be dead life imadiately of national school in Indonesia
Reference: Suara Pembaharuan, 10/9/07 Published by : damaj/m&pr
Name : Nur Fatimah NIM : 2083235303 SMT : IV A ( Four A )
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu
Education is one of the main factor which determine success fall a country.Every country certain hope,their education always increase and develop.Such as in Indonesia,as a developing country,education in Indonesia also to develop.With was regulations education in 2003 to explain about new classification of school.It consists of International Standard School(SBI),Autonomous Class School(SKM),and Usual Class School(SB).In International Standard School,government given a freedom to use teach syllabus and judgment which general used to high school an advancing country.Many school in this country given good respond about regulation education.Now,SBI has in all city in province this country.Such as High School in Bengkulu which hoped their school could into in SBI.The government also claims that SBI can increase quality and image Indonesia education in the world.In my opinion,SBI causes a serious problem in society and impressed in a hurry on government policy. The government insist that SBI very important in Bengkulu.Their opinion are that International Standard caused growth consciousness about to important education and reflect to developing knowledge to the democracy education multicultural.Teacher in International Standard is to design as a comprehension teach concept about deep learning,higher order thinking skills,and contextual learning for students and knowing under limit function of an rote learning which usual used in the school in this country. Progress also to students,they are more stand alone,responsible,cooperation between others student,integrity,and brave be up against risk. It means,quality of education in Bengkulu could increase.So,the government claims educations in Bengkulu must had International High School. Although SBI is one of the new regulations education to increasing quality in Bengkulu,but not ignore if this new regulations education also cause seriously problem in society.The first problem,growth exacerbate social between students.If International Standard applied with full financing from government and to all students in Indonesia,may be not cause a problem.No matter,which happens not as it.The school which opened International Standard strip collected cost very high until millions for students want in this strip.For example,in one of High School in Bengkulu city,to become students in this school,their parents must pay 12 millions as financing early,cost of month,and others cost to follow International Standard School.If condition as it,how with the diligent student which their parents just a farmer,worker,vegetables merchant,etc.They are haven't a good quality education.The second effect from SBI is psicology effect which suffered others student out class.In a same school,They are found differention facility.In SBI class,the student majority from high economic class.So,they found complete facility. Whereas others class,majority from low economic class.They are see justice in their life and proverty education always to people haven't money.The third,regulation education in a hurry on government policy.With this regulation cause a new problem in school management,when speedy of school in to changes in school management not balances with efforts systematic to streght and increase quality teacher,headmaster,and management.It means,growth SBI very speedy.So,it cause contraproductive and be lost mission.With lost message changes which transparantive,akuntable,and partisivative.SBI cause new panic in society.From of all,education in Bengkulu is not ready with SBI. In conclusion,regulation education form government is good and kind of new penetration in education.But,before to apply SBI in Indonesia especially in Bengkulu,government must doing mapping,recitation,and good planning of all aspect in education.So,not cause unrest and load on society in this country. References: Fahriza,Fahmi"Education System".Sinar Harapan,5 June 2009 Metro This Week
Effect of high schools in Bengkulu internationally International School) is a national school students prepare participants based on national standards of education in Indonesia and the international benchmark that graduates have the capability and international competitiveness. International School in essence refers to the National Education Standards include 8 (eight) standard, namely the competence of graduates, content, process, educators and educational staff, facilities and infrastructure, financing, management and evaluation of enriched, developed, expanded, deepened through adaptation or the adoption of the standard of education which is considered an internationally recognized reputation for quality International school is one of many efforts by government to improve the quality of education that has been mandated in the Law. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Article 50 Paragraph 3 namely "the government and / or local government held one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international educational unit In my opinion very good to International standard schools to be developed in Bengkulu because it will increase the quality of city students and provide motivation for more advanced and eager to develop intellectually motivated because they have.
In conclusion, the standard school International very important role to promote education in Bengkulu and improve students' skills and provide good quality for students Bengkulu city. That's because the government should pay attention to intensive Bengkulu City education system was held in Bengkulu
Muditjo,”Bekolah Bertaraf internasional”memberi pengaruh terhadap kualitas pendidilan. 27 juni 2010.jakarta:
Bengkulu is a province that remains in the various fields in the era of globalization in comparison with other provinces, particularly in education that led to the government apparently tempted to push to have international standards. The push was even put on the law (statute) No.20 of 2003 on National Education System of section 50 verse (3) which reads, "The central government or local government held at least one unit of education at all levels of education, to be developed become the international standard education unit. ". Armed with a strong desire and the verse is the national education department immediately issue an international school program despite its cost is very expensive. It was one of government's efforts to promote national education in Bengkulu. Therefore, in this essay will explain about the impact and influence of international high school in Bengkulu. With the existence of an international high school so students can give birth to Bengkulu province which has the ability to competence, intelligent, moral, and can make Indonesia proud that the town of Bengkulu can become a real student city. Education Department to prepare an international school but the reality shows, to get to school classmate of SBI(School of International Standards) really need a long journey. For to reach the SBI (School of International Standards) of each school must pass through some sequence starting from RSSN (national standard school stubs), then became SSN (National Standard School) until finally reaching the level RSBI (International Standard School Stubs) first. Only after that if it can maintain a satisfactory outcome increased to SBI (School of International Standard). Furthermore, according Zaini SBI did want to print student achievement through an international-standard teaching methods. Though must admit that the cost for this model includes an expensive school. Therefore, all involved must have the ability to do in the accountability accountable. Impact of the international high school is only added to the width and depth of social inequality in society. The high cost resulted in only certain circles children who may enjoy it. Children are poor but smart, just be a spectator. Lo is the obligation of the State to improve the quality of national education, especially pass through country schools. Produce children with the intelligence of the people who compete in the world, clearly affairs and responsibilities of the State. That the state ought to consciously create more country schools of International Standard. Throw liability on the citizens, certainly not the example of the responsible State. In conclusion, if the international high school in Bengkulu, it's very good for the development of Bengkulu, but in this case the government should pay more attention to education which was held to be going according to plan properly. Thus, social inequalities that occur in society can avoid the existence of justice and responsibility of government at a cost of an international high school, so Bengkulu can produce students who are smart, immoral, competitive and outside the province of Bengkulu.
Name : Dytta Anggriani NIM : 208 323 5023 Lesson : Writing III 27 Juni 2010
Argumentative essay Nama : yusnia NIM : 2083235068
The effect of international school (SBI) in Bengkulu In that modern era, many people want to add their knowledge to face the development of technology and knowledge. One of the ways to increase the quality of children or students is by making international school (SBI). International school (SBI) is a national school level in Indonesia with international quality standards. The process of teaching and learning in this school emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation, and experimentation to stimulate new ideas that have never existed. SBI Developing in Indonesia based on Law no. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Article 50 Paragraph 3. Mudjito said that the government or local government must hold at least a unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into educational unit international standards” (Republika, 17 December 2008). In this provision, the government is encouraged to develop an international educational unit. In Bengkulu, the examples of SBI are in SMPN 1, SDN 1, etc. The purpose of SBI is to increase the quality of student by giving a good education. However, SBI in Bengkulu has negative effect. So, in this essay, I will explain about the effects of SBI in Bengkulu. SBI in Bengkulu has some effects, those are positive and negative effects. The positive effect of SBI is the quality of students can be increase. The student can be a good student, they will get the good achievement. The achievement is not only in academic education, but also in non academic education. According to Muhammad Dhofir, S.Pd "The school resources are necessary but not sufficient condition to improve student's achievement"( bertaraf internasional). The curriculum of SBI is elaborating of the national curriculum with international curriculum, so students have a good quality. More ever, the SBI is complete by good teachers. The teachers are so professional and discipline. However, SBI has negative effect. The negative effect of SBI in Bengkulu is the administrative fee of that school is so expensive. The poor student cannot school there because they have not enough money. Many of people said that it is like discrimination of poor student because only the rich students who can school at SBI. Actually, many of poor students are so smart and clever, but they have not enough money to get a good education. In my opinion, if the clever students from the poor students can get a good education, they will be so success. In conclusion, although SBI in Bengkulu can increase the student's quality, but the SBI can give some negative effect for us, especially for poor student. It caused by the expensive of administration fee so that the poor student cannot school there. I hope that government must take care to poor students. If they are clever and smart, they may get scholarship to school at SBI.
Reference: Mudjito. 2008. Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional. Jakarta: Republika. bertaraf internasional
The effect of international high school in Bengkulu Globalization that attack the world, bring kind of consequences for all of human aspect . Politic aspect, social, culture, and economy are all touched by globalization era. And so does education. Education institute is also obligated to adapt along with strong power of globalization. It caused the appearing of international high school. International high school is the development of education system which emphasize to the increasing of creation, innovation, and experiment, to courage new idea. It uses English as basic language. International high school is build to make better quality both in academic and non academic. Indonesia is very much behind in education than other country, it become bad specter that make government stand up in international forum and effort to aromatize our country trough education which ever reached by smart student that success in getting 13 gold medal in science. Supported by UU No 20 and government rules no 17/2010 about education system, it push Indonesian government try to pioneering international high school which also give an effect to regional such as Bengkulu. Bengkulu is one of city that also get influence of international high school. It can be showed by some school in Bengkulu that use international education system such as: SMPN 1, SMA N 5, SMA N 2 and etc, we can see that it able to produce better quality than national one. According to me, international high school can bring good effect for Bengkulu because it can motivate all school to improve their quality, either in academic or non academic. They will try to be the best school and compete in ability because to become international high school there must fulfill some requirement such as: Has good quality Has competence human resources, including teacher and student Has international license Must have accreditation and etc. One more, international high school is build in order to produce human competence which can follow entering test of foreign university because it use English in the process of study. Arief rahman, an education supervisor stated to support ministry of education that will do sweeping of international high school, the reason is, he think that it can be used to push increasing of education quality. Same idea is conveyed by a member of Indonesian legislative assembly, “international high school may applied in Indonesia but it must be balanced by quality so that government need to have cooperation with foreign school as a reference, ”he said. Like in SMA 1 Gresik which using curriculum of Cambridge as a reference. International high school is a good way to improve education quality and establish competence human resource. It also gives good impact for Bengkulu. So international high school need to be applied in Bengkulu.
References: Rahman arief.” Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar International”.Rakyat Bengkulu, 20 maret 2008. Articles create by some experts in internet. Name: hanura febriani Class: IV A
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu
Bengkulu is one of its provinces that educational backwardness in comparison with other provinces. Education in Bengkulu, also including the retarded in the provinces than others. This is because of the lack of human resources was a towering intellect. International High School is growth a conscious of people to study, creative and develop science and intellectual in democratic education and multiculture. But, recently we know that International High School is not balanced with ability student in Bengkulu. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect or influence of International High School in Bengkulu. There are three effect or influence of International High school in Bengkulu. First, improving the quality of student education. Some students can improve its quality and the quality of education as appropriate. Second, Creating human resources who was a towering intellect, so as not easy to dismiss. Third, In order for students to have courage and be ready to compete in the world of international education. This means that if an international school was developed in Bengkulu, Bengkulu’s students can compete with the students from other provinces in the national arena, along with an assurance of quality education, the backwardness and deterioration of Bengkulu will be lost and Bengkulu will get some progress. Bengkulu class must produce graduates whose have nationally and internationally abilities. In conclusion, international high school developed in Bengkulu and accompanied with the capabilities of existing students in Bengkulu, Bengkulu will get many progress in all areas quickly. And education of students in Bengkulu no longer easy to dismiss.
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu International high shcool is a national school which prepares students to national standards-based education (SNP) Indonesian international quality and produce graduates who are able to compete in the global competition. school curriculum standards also apply to the unit level of education (SBC) with a semester credit system (SKS). many of which must be replaced in order to become internationally-based schools. including changes in the curriculum. It also has implications for some people. Therefore, this essay will explain about them. International high school adopted English as its main focal point. Teachers who teach in this international class in addition to master in teaching, also must master the English language. according to Yandiono, "an international classroom in an international-standard school curriculum refers to Cambride University of London in English or IGCSE, so the language of instruction at this international class is English," (http. / / / / 04/29/hari-pendidikan-nasional-dan-catatan-dunia-pendidikan-kita, June 20). International high school this condition is in contrast to the regular school system. Let alone some opinions say that only rich students who can enjoy the international high school. Causing bad impacts such as, the social gap between the rich and the poor, and make parents do not want to send their children in these schools because the cost is expensive. according to Yandiono, "that poor students can still enjoy the international high school with the requirements students must pass the tests and academic achievement. (http. / / / / 04/29/hari-pendidikan-nasional-dan-catatan-dunia-pendidikan-kita, June 20). In conclusion, despite many differences of opinion of international high school raises for some, but this system gives good in improving the education system in Bengkulu in particular.
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu International high shcool is a national school which prepares students to national standards-based education (SNP) Indonesian international quality and produce graduates who are able to compete in the global competition. school curriculum standards also apply to the unit level of education (SBC) with a semester credit system (SKS). many of which must be replaced in order to become internationally-based schools. including changes in the curriculum. It also has implications for some people. Therefore, this essay will explain about them. International high school adopted English as its main focal point. Teachers who teach in this international class in addition to master in teaching, also must master the English language. according to Yandiono, "an international classroom in an international-standard school curriculum refers to Cambride University of London in English or IGCSE, so the language of instruction at this international class is English," (http. / / / / 04/29/hari-pendidikan-nasional-dan-catatan-dunia-pendidikan-kita, June 20). International high school this condition is in contrast to the regular school system. Let alone some opinions say that only rich students who can enjoy the international high school. Causing bad impacts such as, the social gap between the rich and the poor, and make parents do not want to send their children in these schools because the cost is expensive. according to Yandiono, "that poor students can still enjoy the international high school with the requirements students must pass the tests and academic achievement. (http. / / / / 04/29/hari-pendidikan-nasional-dan-catatan-dunia-pendidikan-kita, June 20). In conclusion, despite many differences of opinion of international high school raises for some, but this system gives good in improving the education system in Bengkulu in particular.
The Effect Of International High School In Bengkulu International standard school is the education system in the wake of government olleh for learners of reliable delivery and competitive international basic. Province of Bengkulu is one that has a school of international standard. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect of international high school in bengkulu International schools have different systems denagn other schools. Education curriculum that has been balanced by an international-standard schools in making students get a better scholarship. Special facilities and services will increase the motivation of students to enhance learning seriousness. In addition, the hours studying the denser able to hone students' ability to keep learning and continue learning. Therefore, the presence of international schools will give good influence for the development Bengkulu because managed by alumnies of quality. Bengkulu educational quality will get positive values and good outlook for qualified education system through the school of international standard. In addition, the society will be born a society of Bengkulu intelligent, creative, innovative, because the international standard education system that scored the best young generation. In conclusion, through the school of international standard will provide a good influence for the quality of education in Bengkulu, Bengkulu will be able to compete in national and international community will be far from Bengkulu, backwardness and ignorance. Therefore, the government should pay attention both to the education system in schools in Bengkulu, his special school of international standard. Name: lia fransiska Semester: IV A
The Effect International School in The Bengkulu Globalization is sweeping the world brings a variety of logical consequences for aspects of community life, aspect of politicians, social, cultural and economic impact of globalization. The education world is not to be out done in an effort to realize reliability even in education quality will require adjusting to the arrival as a major force of globalization and to achieve progress in education practices emerge pioneering International – Standard School. The Pioneering International – Standard School will change its status to an International – Standard School. This essay will be given argumentation the effect positive and negative of an International – Standard School for The Education World in Bengkulu. On the positive effect output which is derived from this system can quality with a predicate well so competing in the era of globalization. According to darma (2007),“because it is considered good seeds will give priority to the students in learning science and information communication technology”, so the international-standard school is developing of quality in education. The students Bengkulu attended the international standard school can compete in The Era of Globalization. The negative effect of International School in Bengkulu is not all parents can enter their children to The School of International cause the expensive, according to nizar (2010) ,” Not an International Standard School but The School of International Fare...” So, they only school in The National School. There are striking differences of the quality output that produced the national school with international-standard school, and the development of quality in education is uneven. So, the parents of the elite who can send their children in the international school. In my opinion, standard – international school is one effort to improve the quality of school to prepare students participating Indonesia national standard of education that uses the national curriculum by making innovations in the field of processing of the school and the learning process as well as well as in support of adequate facilities in accordance with technological development and benchmark internationally, so as to create graduates that can compete with graduates of other top school and have international competitiveness, because it has a negative effect on the educational equivalency of Bengkulu and the government should seek in international standard school up with low-lost to parents of any groups that have a desire to send their children in international school can be accomplished, and the government should prepare quality educators. Nama : Mefi Yulianti Nim : 2083235039
Bengkulu is a province which is considered underdeveloped in the country Indonesia both in the field of finance and education.human resources is very bad result in Bengkulu make this province is difficult to develop.this problem makes the Bengkulu provincial government seeks to advance the quality of human resources in this province to be better way to be taken by the provincial government Bengkulu is establishing an international high this essay I will explain about the effects of international high school in Bengkulu. the existence of an international high school in Bengkulu is evidence concerns the government of Bengkulu on education in Bengkulu.the aim is to prepare future generations a moral intelligent, independent, creative, innovative and democratic. international high school is national school with international quality standards. The process of teaching and learning in this school emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation and to stimulate experimentasi for new ideas so that Bengkulu can progress. If an international school in developing in Bengkulu, Bengkulu students can compete with students from other provinces in the national arena. Backwardness and deterioration of Bengkulu will be lost and will get some kenmajuan in education, agriculture, economy and others. In conclusion, the international High School in Bengkulu is very good for developed because it will bring a good impact for governments and community development Bengkulu. International high school in Bengkulu will print an intelligent students who would bring progress to this Bengkulu province.
The effect of international high school in Bengkulu Globalization that attack the world, bring kind of consequences for all of human aspect . Politic aspect, social, culture, and economy are all touched by globalization era. And so does education. Education institute is also obligated to adapt along with strong power of globalization. It caused the appearing of international high school. International high school is the development of education system which emphasize to the increasing of creation, innovation, and experiment, to courage new idea. It uses English as basic language. International high school is build to make better quality both in academic and non academic. Indonesia is very much behind in education than other country, it become bad specter that make government stand up in international forum and effort to aromatize our country trough education which ever reached by smart student that success in getting 13 gold medal in science. Supported by UU No 20 and government rules no 17/2010 about education system, it push Indonesian government try to pioneering international high school which also give an effect to regional such as Bengkulu. Bengkulu is one of city that also get influence of international high school. It can be showed by some school in Bengkulu that use international education system such as: SMPN 1, SMA N 5, SMA N 2 and etc, we can see that it able to produce better quality than national one. According to me, international high school can bring good effect for Bengkulu because it can motivate all school to improve their quality, either in academic or non academic. They will try to be the best school and compete in ability because to become international high school there must fulfill some requirement such as: Has good quality Has competence human resources, including teacher and student Has international license Must have accreditation and etc. One more, international high school is build in order to produce human competence which can follow entering test of foreign university because it use English in the process of study. Arief rahman, an education supervisor stated to support ministry of education that will do sweeping of international high school, the reason is, he think that it can be used to push increasing of education quality. Same idea is conveyed by a member of Indonesian legislative assembly, “international high school may applied in Indonesia but it must be balanced by quality so that government need to have cooperation with foreign school as a reference, ”he said. Like in SMA 1 Gresik which using curriculum of Cambridge as a reference. International high school is a good way to improve education quality and establish competence human resource. It also gives good impact for Bengkulu. So international high school need to be applied in Bengkulu.
References: Rahman arief.” Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar International”.Rakyat Bengkulu, 20 maret 2008. Articles create by some experts in internet. Name: Hanura febriani IV A
The Effect International High School in The Bengkulu Globalization is sweeping the world brings a variety of logical consequences for aspects of community life, aspect of politicians, social, cultural and economic impact of globalization. The education world is not to be out done in an effort to realize reliability even in education quality will require adjusting to the arrival as a major force of globalization and to achieve progress in education practices emerge pioneering International – Standard School. The Pioneering International – Standard School will change its status to an International – Standard School. This essay will be given argumentation the effect positive and negative of an International High School for The Education World in Bengkulu. On the positive effect output which is derived from this system can quality with a predicate well so competing in the era of globalization. According to darma (2007),“because it is considered good seeds will give priority to the students in learning science and information communication technology”, so the international high school is developing of quality in education. The students of Bengkulu attended the international high school can compete in The Era of Globalization. The negative effect of International High School in Bengkulu is not all parents can enter their children to The School of International cause the expensive, according to nizar (2010) ,” Not an International Standard School but The School of International Fare...” So, they only school in The National School. There are striking differences of the quality output that produced the national school with international High school, and the development of quality in education is uneven. So, the parents of the elite who can send their children in the international High school. In my opinion, International High School is one effort to improve the quality of school to prepare students participating Indonesia national standard of education, that uses the national curriculum by making innovations in the field of processing of the school and the learning process as well as well as, in support of adequate facilities in accordance with technological development and benchmark internationally, so as to create graduates that can compete with graduates of other top school and have international competitiveness. Because it has a negative effect on the educational equivalency of Bengkulu and the government should seek in international standard school up with low-lost to parents of any groups that have a desire to send their children in International High School can be accomplished, and the government should prepare to quality educators. Nama : Mefi Yulianti Nim : 2083235039
The effect of international high school in Bengkulu
Bengkulu is one of the smallest provinces in Indonesia. And Bengkulu has always been lagging in all areas, which occur at present in Bengkulu province is a matter of education that is less noticed by the government of Bengkulu. So education dibengkulu expressed weaker than in the education outside the city of Bengkulu. This is because the funds are supposed to be for education but use things that are less useful for example the existence bengkulu.dan kopupsi by the provincial government is now evident that the province of Bengkulu province bears the status as Indonesia's second corrupted Therefore the poor could not their children at school because school fees are too expensive and not currently terjangkau.Pada nerupaya Bengkulu provincial government establish schools that have school because it was within the standard internasional.oleh inisay essay will describe the international influence of high school in Bengkulu.
with the existence of an international high school in Bengkulu and the evidence from the government and public awareness about the importance of high-quality schools. This aims to prepare the next generation of quality and competitive denan outside world. peropinsi government hopes to become a university town of Bengkulu.
In fact this happened in Bengkulu, which lack the education system so that perovinsi Bengkulu in less good value by most major nasional.kenyatanya capital to be the best in international school that will give the progress of the city of Bengkulu by betanggung attitude because it is needed because responsibility school is the most important institutions of education is very importand he said "Aprianto daut" education should be developed.
In conclusion that international schools should be developed in perovinsi Bengkulu and high student interest to learn in order to get a lot of progress in the society therefore must consider pemerinta ferovensi Bengkulu educational institutions, to develop an international high school in order to compete with schools outside the province of Bengkulu. Our hope and among governments in order to become a university town of Bengkulu province today.
Education is the process of teaching, training, learning and a determinant of nation competitiveness. Therefore there should be improvement of educational quality continuous one was the concept of school improvement to gradually toward international standard school (SBI). SBI is a school that prepares students to national standard based education (SNP) Indonesia passed is international quality and international foreign power. Process of teaching and learning in this school emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation and experiments to spur new ideas idea that doesn’t exist. This essay will explained about effect of international standard school in Bengkulu.
SBI have negative effect and positive effect for student and parents in Bengkulu. First, there are some positive effect SBI in Bengkulu. Muhamad nuh say, “SBI student smarter than others schools, facilities owned by SBI very good . as example of SBI in sma 5 Bengkulu city to hire facilitator minimum requirements S2 abroad “. ( Drs yandiono Headmaster in sma 2 Bengkulu city say ,“ with the existence of SBI in the city of Bengkulu, students can be students who can not afford school in SBI with their achievements. Its a scholarship funding from the government. Last year 15 students RSBI SMA 2 Bengkulu city to get a scholarship’s that all the positive effect of SBI in Bengkulu city”. ( Second the negative effect of SBI in Bengkulu. jihan umar , one of the parents who send their children in international standard school said” many of society who felt cheated because the school is labeled international used when the curriculum is still the national standard, resulting in directly by the society feel that squeeze a tricked by international label. School labeled international using English language for teaching introductory, whereas after the same rigors curriculum that is used just like a school that is not international standard”. ( In conclusion the positive effect of SBI in Bengkulu is a student has a very good quality of education, and student who are not able but they are achievement can school with the scholarships. Whereas negative effect of SBI in Bengkulu is a lot of people felt cheated because the international schools labeled. the suggestion, government must look at the increasing number of school that claim that be international standard.
REFERENCES: Burhan,syukri. “ Sekolah Berstandar Internasional Banyak Menipu.” Pos kota, 11 maret 2010 Mudjito. ”Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional.” Republika, 17 Desember 2008, 7.
name : Dewi purnamasari nim :2083235021 lesson :writting III 27 JUNI 2010 08 :48
udents should be aware but we arbitrarily required to do so. Although costly achievThe effect of international high schools in Bengkulu
international high school is a school that has a quality education system but to get the education nowadays many students have difficulties or problems. This system is made so that government can improve the quality and the quality and fluency of students' education and increase the degree of human resources, especially in Bengkulu. province or this has the effect of influence for the people of Bengkulu. Therefore, through this essay I will explain the influence of international schools which are international.
Formation international schools that exist in Bengkulu province can show with a change from both the government and society to realize that this of quality importance of education to create the next generation of religis, intelligent, skilled, independent and this happened thanks to the cooperation inovatif all of us.
Bengkulu is one of the city's lagging education, this is also due to absence of funds from parents and fierce competition all are triggers of education among the problems a who are unable to reach an international education "Ade, said the main duty of government to ensure all citizens get a free education, but education standards in PP 19/2005 nasional international standards of education.
But despite this free allmust have and international quality so that all who take part in it can better compete with so it will appear that progress is shown by his place this attitude of independence,, responsibility, ability to work together, honesty, tolerance and courage to take risks. Although this international education is one form of breakthrough DEPDIKNAS to boost the quality of education in Indonesia, this is quite disturbing with the withdrawal of funding support for these disparities tuk.
Conclusion although international schools that require large funds. government must cooperate in order to quality education and the stement.
Education is determinant of nation competitiveness. Thus, need continuous quality improvement. On was the concept of school improvement status gradually towards international bases school (SBI). SBI is a national school which prepares students to national standards-based education (SNP) Indonesia graduates of international quality and international competitiveness. Where SBI’s vision is to characterize insight nationality, empower all potential intelligence (multiple intelligences), and to foster academic excellence. Nevertheless, SBI becomes an object of controversy nowadays, still considered. Many people look that SBI can make lose the image and the concept of national education. In my opinion, SBI is important to enhance global competitiveness.
Education experts Atmajaya Catholic University Jakarta, M Marcellino,P.Hd.said that while many school claim to be SBI whereas usual curriculum, or the international curriculum but the teachers are not able foreign language understanding (,juni 2010). That is the international’s mean will be hazy and make dull the concept of national education as entrusted. It has a lot happened, including in Bengkulu. Many parent complained to the high cost while used international standard still questionable. However, it’s not meant that SBI must be eliminated or abolish because international schools are entrust of UU sisdiknas which aim to foster academic excellence. Many schools successed from his hard work, as in the Bengkulu are SMAN 2 and SMAN 5. They are excellence and favorite school. The achievement and progress was the result of guidance and oversight perform systematically, regularly, and measure by the development team formed SBI official junior and senior education of the Bengkulu province. In addition the director general basic secondary education management, Suyanto said that not all SBIs expensive. However, the factors which make the cost of expensive because learning facilities in SBI including most completed (,juni 2010). This is solely to support and create graduates who are qualified and globally competitive.
In conclusion, SBI is important to apply in order to foster academic excellence and to achieve the vision of SBI itself, namely to increase the competitiveness of global. The best suggestion, the Government should look at schools that admit international level, tighten the entry of SBI investment, and bringing foreign lecturers are really well-qualified in order not to “turn off“ the survival of the national schools.
The Effect of International High School In Bengkulu Education is the important thing for everyone, they need it for get knowledge and to be smart people. So they must choose the best education for their life. International high school is an education system which provides good quality for get better educations. This school has good condition to study and can help the student for personality development and the international high school also can give significant change and bring effect especially for Bengkulu society. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect of international high school in Bengkulu. International high school in Bengkulu must get good respond from government because with there are international high school, we can change the opinion about the error control of education in Bengkulu and unseriousness of government to management of education. The government can give change the ability of student to improve their knowledge with get study at international high school, because the process of teaching and learning in this school emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation and experimentation the new idea. And also the student can get the best value when they get exam. Mudjito ( http://www.rebublika,co,ids/berita/pendidikan/berita/10 June 27, 2008) said that,” generally the result of last exams (UN) the student of SBI is more excellent than another school and they can continue their study what they want. Beside that SBI can results the best competition the competition on the lessons, such us; physical, chemistry, mathematic and biology on the international scale. On the other hand, we must realize the system of international high school can’t use in every school in Bengkulu. This cause system unbalance the social economic of society in Bengkulu. If the student study in the international high school, that can make their parent must spend much money for cost the school. This make opinion on the society, if the internationals high school only for rich people. Beside that the government also must give fund in every international high school for help this system. Faisal jalal ( said that,” for build the internationals high school, the government must spend fund block grant. If that fund can’t enough for it, the district government must help 300-500 million for every school”. In conclusion, international high school is a good system for better student and can help Bengkulu to get many progress of education. But the government also must work hard to repair the facility in Bengkulu and the government also must thing about other people that can’t pay cost of education for their children to get study at international high school.
TA’ARUF Ta’aruf in islam is introduce with someone,to porpuse get marriage.Ta’aruf is always intermediary with murobbi or murobbiyah.So,this essay will explain about my ta’aruf made me disappoint. Ta’aruf made me disappoint.five months ago on augustust,I was introduced someone.He live in Jambi and also one of teachars in Islamic board school(Pesantrin).Four months ago,we were good relationship.We wanted marriage.On October,he didn’t call or send message me.I was very angry and hate to him,I said “our ta’aruf didn’t continue again”,because you made me hate.So,our ta’aruf didn’t continue again. Inconclusion Ta’aruf mademe disappoint.So,because this happen made me traumatic.Now I don’t ta’aruf again,before my study finished.
Name :Sri yulena NIM :2083235056 1v A,, 27 Juni 2010 21:49
Let me introduce my self. I was STAIN student at 1997. I took English as my major. I would be sharing about my experience that historic in my life. By this experience, I became stronger and able to reach idea that I wanted.
I was not a very smart student. My GPA was 3, 22 (that the highest). I was very quiet student. I was shaking like a leaf when the teachers asked me to do some presentation in front of class. Even my classmate didn’t want me in a group when we had group work because they think I am hopeless(I even thought how can I pass the last exam to get my degree, I lost my confidence). Every time I was in listening class I always copied my friend paper because I couldn’t understand. .I tried to improve my English by read a lot of English books, to speak with my classmate in English but it didn’t bring any improvement in my English. I don’t know I was so frustrated. Then, I made very big decision in my life. I drop out from STAIN, because I was not really able to learn English at school anymore. Moreover the lesson more complicated and hard. I was so sad because I should leave my beloved STAIN without get any degree. I tried to get job, but with my little English it was very hard. I thought, I keep trying and trying, after a while got a job in abroad, somewhere in the world. When I was working there my manager is Indian with Indian accent of English I hardly understand him. Sometimes he couldn’t understand me because I couldn’t arrange the correct sentence, but after a while my English getting better (practice make perfect). After I had worked experience in abroad, I felt more confidence. Here I had many opportunities to learn English. Even now, I was learning to get my diploma in English. I felt I have very precious thing in my life.
Fortunately, in conversations I eventually had with other people. I had similar stories of their experiences before reached success. I felt that I had learned more from the experience. It is true that experience is the best teacher. Now, I know that it’s all part of becoming a success.
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu
Education system in Bengkulu must more better to support quality of the students in Bengkulu. Bengkulu is government should prepare all effort to get good result. Bengkulu is government do cooperation with education department, so that, the government tried to take the system International High School in my opinion, we must support the system because the system can make good effects to student and school in Bengkulu. Although, the system in Bengkulu International High School can be appeared in all school in Bengkulu city. We can try to do it, the education department can do cooporate with parents, student and all of people Bengkulu to get successful of the system. If we have done it with good preparation so, we can start the system in all school in Bengkulu. Moreover, we can good effects from the system. International High School is really good education system. So, if students get a good education, they are able to help people what they don’t understand something. They are able to help their friends about English, because absolutely they can speak English well. In conclusion, International High School is better system for student in Bengkulu. We have to support it. I think that students with good education are able to get a high level of employment, they can be managers, for example, some they them are high pay, Good self esteem and their family will feel proud of them. So Bengkulu’s Government must do the system and develop the system not only in Bengkulu City but also in village.
References: Haifan, Pura. Warta Kota. 13 Agustus SBI VS SEKOLAH UNGGUL, loory,document PDF.Com
Education System in Bengkulu City is more better than before. Education Department in Bengkulu tried to use a new system. That is International High School. So the system used in some senior high school in Bengkulu. Such as : SMA 5, SMA 2, SMA 6. But, in another school can’t use the system, because the school has no good preparation to take the system. In my opinion, Education Department in Bengkulu must know the effects of International High School, if the system is forced to appear in another school in Bengkulu.
Recently, we have to know that in some school in International High School which made their students just spent their time to study absolutely. Moreover. The usual made the students bore. This case can bring the students became hard. We know some students can use the system but for the other students.
Secondly, this case made the students can’t do good communication. Causing social relation and their friends become not good. If this case continued, the students can get depressing for their phsyc.
The last, there is unbalanced in the school between the student of International High School whit regular class. This discrimination can cause sad of regular class because they can’t reach the school.
In conclusion, the International High school is better for students and school in Bengkulu. This system can develop their personality, but we have consider the system, because some school can’t use the system. I think education of department Bengkulu must do preparation before we use it.
The Effect Of International High School In Bengkulu One year ago. Bengkulu provincial government announced that it has become a university town of Bengkulu. Of course this will be the trigger of the spirit of the government to develop education in Bengkulu. And of course this will also bring changes and development for the province of Bengkulu. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect of international high school in Bengkulu. Nugroho said, "Government and Regional Government held at least one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international education units ..." (, June 2010). International School is a school that meets the National Standards for Education and enriched with a cargo-load which refers to the educational standards of at least one member country Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and other developed countries that have a certain advantage in education so has the competitiveness at the international level. In accordance with the mandate of the Act, the government through the Ministry of National Education since 2004 has developed a pilot program to facilitate school which could result in school with international standard. Management of international school pilot program in Bengkulu not enough to align with other provinces that have the support of the context of developing the education comes first. Resurrection of the renewal of environmental management systems schools in the province of Bengkulu become a very valuable basic capital to accelerate the development of education in sustaining excellence in Bengkulu and Bengkulu be able to compete nationally and even internationally. Therefore, if the government of Bengkulu province to develop an international school, the students in the province of Bengkulu province will make it more forward in the various fields, especially in education. For example, last year there was one graduate student, Martha Trianti, which originated from SMAN 1 Curup, be accepted at the University of Indonesia majoring in International Law. This success is a strong spirit to further improve service quality study. If students and educators more seriously in preparing students to compete, most likely another success will be realized immediately. Therefore, competitive learning culture must be developed among the students Bengkulu gradually through awareness to excel. Disciplined mental attitude, hard work, and the ethos of self-learning should be developed. with diligence. In conclusion, Bengkulu province will get various kinds of progress in various fields if the quality of education over the increase again, it is one of the international school and now the impact of international school has been showing results with some progress in the province of Bengkulu, his special education . Therefore, the government should pay more attention to education in Bengkulu, for the sake of his progress achieved in the province of Bengkulu.
Refference:, June 2010
The Effect Of School Of International Standard In Bengkulu Province
Education is the most important aspect in the world. Therefore, every one should have it. Kaent stated that through education some one can get knowledge, and with knowledge he / she will be able to creates what wanted ( 1985 : 17 ). Furthermore, Pandiangan stated, “ If someone has knowledge, he will be able to be prosperous”. ( 1991 : 71). According some reasons above we can conclude education should be developed every where. As we see in globalitation era right know all country in the word establish their education. It can be developed through some ways, such us : Curyculum changing, building new schools, school program and so on. As we see in this era, the government establish school of international Standard in all province in Indonesia. However, this program get critical from many society because it is valued can’t increase knowledge. Therefore, this essay will explain the society ideas toward international school standard in Bengkulu. There are some international high school in Bengkulu, such us : SMA 2, MAN MODEL, SMKN 1 Bengkulu. They are supposed to increase education value. According to Mudjito, “ International School standard is created to make it’s students more creative. . . “ ( http; //www. Rakyat Bengkulu . com. , Sunday, June 28th 2009 ). Furthermore, he stated that international school could give or provide better all the things, such as : teaching medias used, computer, so on. In addition, Sirait stated that international school standard is the best way to create the quality either students or teacher “ ( http ; // www. Bengkulu Express. Com. , Thursday, March 20th 2009. from the reasons above, means that international high school standard can make either teacher or student to be clever. On other hand, international school standard is not exactly good ways in increasing knowledge. According to Sudarto ( student parents one of international standard ), “ This school is not for all people because it is too expensive. “ furthermore, Iman stated, “ the school is a controversion in society. “ this school can be only consume by rich man. It will make different in Bengkulu society. In conclusion, there are two ideas / assumes about international high school in bengkulu. They are agreement and disagreement. The fact, the school is only for rich men. It means that this school bring people to controversion.
References : Hazam, Zulkifli. 1975. tata negara. Bandung : tiga serangkai. “ http ; // www. Rakyat Bengkulu. Com ., Sunday, June 28th 2009.
Name : Yosi Nopitasari Local : Pbi, N IV B Nim : 208 323 5067
The Effects Of International High School In Bengkulu Establishment of an international high school is the mandate of Law Number 20/2003 on National Education System. Act stipulates that each district or city in Indonesia has at least one international school. In the town of Bengkulu, SMAN 5 is one international high school. prepared their students to be students who can master the technology and foreign languages, and given special classes with teaching and learning process prioritizes English. Education ambitious international standard is intended to promote national education eventually became a national confusion that then have an impact on seven aspects, namely:
1. Foreign Curriculum The use of foreign curricula as dangerous by the application of a foreign ideology is not very clever if we choose its contents.
2. Instructional Materials After latah using foreign curricula, rash step taken is to buy up a book that reads "Based Curriculum Foreign Country." What happened? Teachers do not understand mental confusion as the book, and students were not necessarily ready to be taught with imported books.
3. Teaching Methodology Teaching methodology used does not comply with teachers' ability to eventually lead to many problems in delivery. 4. Teacher Competencies The teachers here have to have certification and shall follow the course in order to have a mastery of the English language better. It turns out students who bear the cost of the course teachers. 5. Facilities With frill Minister of National Education, which allows international school receives donations from parents and third parties, students bear the entire cost of this facility must exist.
6. Student Conditions apply to international school students one of which is an IQ test. After one month the students begin to learn, they began plagued with the signs of depression, some of the causes is not yet pahamnya feel pressured by their mastery of course materials.
7. Expensive In conclusion, expected to the government, that there is a way out to the international high school. At least, material and moral support throughout the students, educators, and government must be ready, so that all parties do not feel the negative effects, especially the students.
TA’ARUF Ta’aruf in islam is introduce with someone, to purpose get marriage. Ta’aruf is always intermediary with murobbi or murobbiyah. So, this essay will explain about my ta’aruf made me disappoint. Ta’aruf made me disappoint. five months ago on Augustus, I was introduced someone. He live in Jambi and also one of teachers in Islamic board school(Pesantrin).Four months ago, we were good relationship. We wanted marriage. On October, he didn’t call or send message me. I was very angry and hate to him, I said “our ta’aruf didn’t continue again”, because you made me hate. So, our ta’aruf didn’t continue again. In conclusion Ta’aruf made me disappoint. So, because this happen made me traumatic. Now I don’t ta’aruf again, before my study finished.
THE POSSITIVE EFFECT OF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Education is the aim” to the intellectual life of the nation” so quality of education in Indonesia must increase. The government will implement international school to increase the quality of graduate school to compete with other state. This essay will explain about the positive effect of international school.
To improve the quality of education in Bengkulu. The government must develop a quality of school to get international quality. This effort to increase of human resources to compete with the nation of another nation. The increase quality of education. Muhammad Nuh said that the government will implement the international requirement for school labeled. The school must still refer to the national curriculum. In addition, to adopting an international educational system of international school. So that, not fade the image and the concept of national education. Therefore, the government needs to look at the phenomena that began this international school(
In Bengkulu, advances in learning achieve in inseparable from international school, such as: N 2 and SMA N 5 Bengkulu. In addition, educational facilities, the international school also became an obsession for student and their parents. To complete facilities such as laboratories (language, computers, mathematics), libraries, soccer field and basketball, and so on. International school is also using a foreign language in structure, and there are some teachers from foreigner. So, international school is very important in Bengkulu, in order to produce quality of graduates international.
In conclusion The needs of qualified human resources this country is very needed, because the construction must continue. So, if the government implement is very exact. to increase or produce students have international quality.
References Deini.2007.”The Possitive Effect of International School.”Sekolah Berstandar Internasional Banyak Menipu, (10 Oktober 2007),( Juni 2010
Damaj.2010.”Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional.”Suara Pembaruan,10 September 2007
LekDis. 2005. Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Jakarta: Lembaga Kajian Pendidikan Keislaman Dan Sosial
TA’ARUF Ta’aruf in islam is introduce with someone, to purpose get marriage. Ta’aruf is always intermediary with murobbi or murobbiyah. So, this essay will explain about my ta’aruf made me disappoint. Ta’aruf made me disappoint. five months ago on Augustus, I was introduced someone. He live in Jambi and also one of teachers in Islamic board school(Pesantrin).Four months ago, we were good relationship. We wanted marriage. On October, he didn’t call or send message me. I was very angry and hate to him, I said “our ta’aruf didn’t continue again”, because you made me hate. So, our ta’aruf didn’t continue again. In conclusion Ta’aruf made me disappoint. So, because this happen made me traumatic. Now I don’t ta’aruf again, before my study finished.
THE POSSITIVE EFFECT OF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Education is the aim” to the intellectual life of the nation” so quality of education in Indonesia must increase. The government will implement international school to increase the quality of graduate school to compete with other state. This essay will explain about the positive effect of international school.
To improve the quality of education in Bengkulu. The government must develop a quality of school to get international quality. This effort to increase of human resources to compete with the nation of another nation. The increase quality of education. Muhammad Nuh said that the government will implement the international requirement for school labeled. The school must still refer to the national curriculum. In addition, to adopting an international educational system of international school. So that, not fade the image and the concept of national education. Therefore, the government needs to look at the phenomena that began this international school(
In Bengkulu, advances in learning achieve in inseparable from international school, such as: N 2 and SMA N 5 Bengkulu. In addition, educational facilities, the international school also became an obsession for student and their parents. To complete facilities such as laboratories (language, computers, mathematics), libraries, soccer field and basketball, and so on. International school is also using a foreign language in structure, and there are some teachers from foreigner. So, international school is very important in Bengkulu, in order to produce quality of graduates international.
In conclusion The needs of qualified human resources this country is very needed, because the construction must continue. So, if the government implement is very exact. to increase or produce students have international quality.
References Deini.2007.”The Possitive Effect of International School.”Sekolah Berstandar Internasional Banyak Menipu, (10 Oktober 2007),( Juni 2010
Damaj.2010.”Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional.”Suara Pembaruan,10 September 2007
LekDis. 2005. Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Jakarta: Lembaga Kajian Pendidikan Keislaman Dan Sosial
` education is the measure of a country advance. Therefore, the government of countries always encourage it. In this case, indonesian government try to make an effort to create indonesian education from time to time to be better. The way that has been done : such as : making the rulers, changing curriculum, etc. although them has been done, indonesia education skill is still lower than another country. Therefore, the government try to make the newest way in increasing education. The way is international school standard or school of international in some province in indonesia. However, the way is still being controversy in Indonesia. In this case, especially in Bengkulu. Therefore, this essay will discuss the assumes of Bengkulu society toward school of International standard in Bengkulu. In my opinion, school of international standard is good way to create better graduation because the teachers who teach are exactly good. They have more ability than another teacher. As we can see, there are some international high school standard in Bengkulu. Thy are such us : SMA 2, SMA 5 and MAN model, etc. those schools are able to get the best rank at UN ( finally exam ) since some years before.Yudiono that those schools were better than others because teachers who teach were guided by University of Bengkulu lectures in finding the way how to teach the student. . . “ ( http ; // www. Rakyat Bengkulu. Com. , Sunday june 28th 2009 ). Furthermore , the teachers are sent to abroad to continue their study. It means that the teacher are really skillful. On the other hand, some people say that school of international school standard is same as the others. That school only spends much money because it is too expensive. The head master of Kanisius, Baskoro stated, “ School of International standard need more than 20 millions to 60 millions in a year. “ ( http. Media indonesia. Com. / read / 04104/ 68313 ). For by small societies because almost of indonesian are poor. It means school of international standard is rich man’s. as we see, in our province ( Bengkulu ) many people prefer to choose another school, because it is also to expensive. In conclusion, some people say that school of international standard is exactly good because it’s quality is better than other. However, the others say that the school is same as another. Furthermore, It is not only for rich men but also poor man on the condition they are cleaver or get achievement.
written by: Endang Haryanto student number: 2083235025
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu
Underdevelopment in various fields in the era of globalization compared to neighboring states seems to cause the government compelled to push to have international standards. The education sector is encouraged to include an international standard. The drive is even listed in the Law. 20 Year 2003 regarding National Education System of article 50 paragraph (3) which reads, "The government and / or local governments hold at least one unit of education at all levels of education, to be developed into an international educational unit. "Armed with a strong desire that the Ministry of Education and the paragraph immediately issue the international school program (SBI) are pioneering projects have been included hundreds of junior and senior high schools in nearly all Districts / Cities in Indonesia with hundreds of billions poured funds despite government regulations that govern the management such did not exist. This prestigious project because it will be financed by the central government 50%, 30% Provincial Government, and Government District 20%. In fact, for each school only the central government issued a 300 million rupiah per year for at least 3 (three) years in the pilot period. Students who get into these schools, is that they are regarded as seeds which have been selected winner will be treated strictly and exclusively. Number of students in the class would be limited to between 24-30 per class. Events will use bilingual teaching activities. In the first year introductory language that is used 25 percent of English 75 percent of the Indonesian language. In the second year introduction to the language of each 50 per cent for English and Indonesian. In the third year 75 percent of the working language using English and 25 percent of Indonesian. Because the seeds are considered as priority for the students studying exact sciences and information and communication technology (ICT / Communication Information and Technology). But any changes in advance would cause different effects prominent in each region. Especially in our town in Bengkulu. This essay will discuss the effects of weakness in the International High School in the city of Bengkulu.
there are some fundamental weaknesses in the form of securities from this SBI program in the country and also includes Indonesia in Bengkulu. First, this program does not appear to be preceded by an in-depth research and concepts are weak. By stating that the SBI = SNP + X, then the actual SBI concept has no clear shape and direction. It is unclear what strengthened, enriched, developed, deepened, and others are. If this concept clearly states to adopt or adapt international standards of education such as Cambridge IGCSE or IB, for instance, it will be more clearly where the direction of this program. By entering TOEFL / TOEIC, ISO and UNESCO as an "X" indicates that Dikdasmen also not quite understand what he meant by "X" is. And cause confusion in all settings in the SBI institutions.
Name: Pedra egianto NIM: 2083235029 Class: PBI A Smester: IV
References: Satria Dharma | September 19, 2007 ,Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional
sambungan Second, create a formula 4 Dikdasmen SBI coaching model are: (1) New School Model (Newly Developed), (2) Model Development at Existing Schools (Existing School), (3) Integrated Model, and (4) Partnership Model . However, if viewed in fact there are only two models: Model (1) New School Models and Model (2) Model School who has been there. The other two are only just technical implementation. Of the two models Dikdasmen actually only did one pilot model that is model (2) Model Development at Existing Schools (existing School) as SMA 5 Bengkulu and do not have or attempt to create a model (a) Model of the New School. Oddly, the book stubs Implementation Guide International School (SBI) issued actually more referring to the model (1) when being developed when this was all a Model (2). Clear that existing schools could not have met the criteria to become a school guidance issued by the SBI because it is targeted for the establishment of new schools or Model (1). For example, if schools are now required to have teachers Uncategorized hard science like mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology (and hopefully will be a soft science category was also followed) uses English as the language of instruction, or have a minimum area of land with 15 000 m, etc. such requirements in the Guide book, then obviously it will not likely be met by existing schools. As an illustration, while the English teacher in the schools 'favorite' we have only a few who have TOEFL> 500, especially if it was a requirement for teachers of hard science subjects. So it was obviously not possible. This means Dikdasmen not able to translate the model itself so that it provides makes Dikdasmen berresiko failed miserably in achieving its objective.
Third, this concept depart from the wrong assumption about Unread mastery of English as the language of instruction and its relationship with the TOEFL score. Assuming that to be the originator of the hard sciences are taught in introductory English language, the teachers must have a TOEFL> 500. Though there is no correlation between TOEFL scores with the ability to teach hard science in the UK Unread. High TOEFL score does not guarantee fluency and the ability to convey ideas in English. Many people who have a TOEFL score <500 is more fluent in English than people who have a TOEFL score> 500. In short, making the TOEFL score as a benchmark of success internationally teaching hard science is a false assumption. TOEFL is more likely to measure the competence of a person, when what is needed is a bilingual school teacher of his performance, and performance is much affected by the presence of non-linguistic factors. TOEFL is not the size of a pedagogic competence.
Name: Pedra egianto NIM: 2083235029 Class: PBI A Smester: IV
sambungan Fourth, the authors of this concept also does not seem to understand that not everyone (especially the civil service teachers!) Can 'be' fluent in English (let alone teach using English) even if the person is asked to stay and live in countries that use English as the language daily. As an illustration, even many of our teachers in various areas that have not been able to speak Indonesian language fluently in teaching! Some of our teachers in this country is still using regional languages in teaching despite the stay and live in environments that use the Indonesian language as medium of instruction. This shows that it is not possible 'juggling' hard science teachers to be able to speak English (let alone get the TOEFL score> 500 as the terms of the book Up Guide Articles SBI), although they dikursuskan in the best English language school.
Finally, another fundamental error is the assumption and the assumption that international school only for students who have a certain intelligence standard. Considered an international curriculum that can not be applied to students who have an average intelligence level. It also assumes that the SNP (Education Standards) are only for those who have the intelligence level of 'average'. This is a dangerous assumption, and are not aware of having 'betrayed' the SNP itself because it as 'unfit' for intelligent students of Indonesia. It is also understood that discriminatory and exclusive in education and considers the prominent intellectual intelligence is everything that need attention and the facilities were better than students who do not have them. Plus many others weaknesses that have not been listed in this essay.
Name: Pedra egianto NIM: 2083235029 Class: PBI A Smester: IV
sambungan Conclusion, Considering how many weaknesses of this prestigious program and magnitude of the risk of failure it faces, it is a usual MONE evaluate themselves with more opening up to input from the community. Better go back one step rather than have experienced a total failure which had appeared in front of the eye. Perhaps the formulation of policy on National Education Ministry (in cases like this SBI) need to go through the process of consulting the public or stakeholders at many times and a more in-depth study involving more public, and not simply meet the minimum requirements of bureaucracy. Please note that a society that financed and who will be the end-user of this product. Especially in the province of Bengkulu, the level of education is still below standard. There are two alternatives for itu.Pertama, the article needs to be amended and adjusted the sound so as not to create a false perception, or, secondly, to reformulate the so-called 'international education unit' is. What has been done by the Education Ministry with the SBI program should be discontinued and reformulated. If not, the direction of our nasonal education will be increasingly deviated from the objectives and mandate our nation
Name: Pedra egianto NIM: 2083235029 Class: PBI A Smester: IV
The Effects Of School Of International Standard In Bengkulu Province
The School of International Standard is supposed to create it's graduation have more quality and be able to competitive with another country. So, with producing the best quality of human being ( SDM ), Indonesia will be ready to chalange globalitation. Therefore, all provinces Indonesia have been created the School of International Standard in this case is supposed to get get the advances in all aspect , such us ; education, agriculture, marchandhise, etc. Therefore, this argumentative will explain the effects of School of International Standard of Bengkulu province ; positive and negative effects. One of the positive effects of School of International Standard is be able to make the graduation have more skillful, intelegent, spiritual, social and so on. They are absolutly able to make advance in all aspects of life in Bengkulu province. Whereas, the negative effects of International High School Standard is a controversy in society, because the school is to expensive. So that, students who study there are only richmen. However, the assumption is claimed by Yandiono ( Headmaster of SMA 2 Bengkulu city ). According to Yandiono, "The poor student can also study there if the student gets the best achievement... ". ( http://www. Rakyat Bengkulu. com.,sunday, June 28th 2009 ). In conclusion, the quality of human being can be produced through school of International Standard. The quality will also being Indonesia into big advances.
Name : Devi Nopiarti Nim : 208 323 5020 class: N4 B
International High School is the National School prepare of participant pupil basis National standard Indonesia education have a certain quality and his alumnus forceful compete international. Any one effort of Government that average hit in this moment is develop of school become unit education international standards. With aim the develop the mentality of the nation life. In Bengkulu city, get the many of International High School such as : SMAN.5, SMAN.2,SMAN.4 Rejang Lebong regency. International high school is an education system which provides good quality and have many effect for Indonesia Nation. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect of International High School to Bengkulu society in Bengkulu. With the situation this International High School can be create modern generations of morality, intelligen , creative, democtratic, critics and can be used technology to prepare their knowledge. In Bengkulu city,International High Schoolis the warm receptioned and many interested by society and Government, because beside can be increase education quality and produces alumnus forceful compete international,that case agree with the program to become Bengkulu city as a secondary school students city, because International High School can be reached by all element of society, and International High school give scholarship at lack of ability society. In reality, many of secondary school lack of morality, and the misuse of technology as a tool into get information about immoral. Beside that International High School only receive a student from rich family because into International High School needed very expensive of cost. For example, “ in SMAN.2 Bengkulu city, the new students must to pay the cost rp. 2.5 to 3,5 millions by the student”. ( Rakyat Bengkulu, 28 june 2009). And beside that international high school become breeding place of illegal taken which the attituded by school side and education department. According to Shomad A “… the parents of students candidate must fill up a declaration form about promise to pay all the cost caused by program realization of RSBI…” ( Republika,01 juni 2010 ). And still many of students have performance do not into international high school because do not presence scholarship from the center government or the quantity of scholarship that misused by school side. In conclusion, international high school is an education system very good in efforts increase education quality in this Bengkulu. that well in intelligence field or composition new generation in do work and thinking. Although the government or education department must attention permanent of general school. So, to increase education quality and the smart of alumnus produce, the government must can be synchronize the medium and infrastructure international high school between general school.
References : Rakyat Bengkulu. SBI hanya untuk orang kaya. 28 Juni 2009. Shomad A.RSBI Dituding Jadi Sarang Pungutan Liar. Republika,01 Juni 2010.
School of international standard appeared since some years ago. Exactly it has been being since the indonesia government create international standard program. this program is supposed to increase the quality of indonesia education because the better education the more prosperous the society. According to kant, " a country will be better if it has good knowledge, " ( 1973 : 123). However, some times the chosen way has not good yet even though many ways has done. Therefore, the indonesian government always to try to make a new way. As we see, school of international standard program. Unfortunately, this program has been claimed by some people, and on contrast, some people are in accord with it( agree to that). therefore, this argumentative will explain the positive and negative opinion toward the school of international standard in Bengkulu. some of education experts in university value, the school international standard is not more than controversy in society because the school can not be reached by all indonesian. the school is too expensive whereas only small indonesian who are rich. the head master of kanisius, Baskoro stated,"school of international standard spend more 20 - 60 millions each years, " ( http.//www. Rakyat Sunday, June 28th 2009). Furthermore, Sudarsono ( Student is parent of one of school of international school of Bengkulu stated that he had moved his son to another school because he was not able to pay the school fee. it means that the school is really expensive.
on contrast, Yudiono ( the head master of SMAN 5 Bengkulu )stated, " ( http.// www.rakyat bengkulu. com. sunday, june 28th 2009). it means that there is no controversy. Furthermore, he states that the school of international had more quality because teacher who teach are quided by Unervisity Of Bengkulu lecture how to teach the students.
So, actualy the school of international standard is expensive school. However, it doesn't means that it is a school of richman. Some one or who never can study there in requetment the student is a clever.
nama :dapit suhendra Nim :2083235018 Jurusan: TAR/PBI
Padang Manis is one of a village in South Bengkulu district Kaur or income in the area farmed average, people in villages are still very closely with the culture of such mutual cooperation. Traditional mutual cooperation have been born from a common ancestor before the village name was changed to PADANG MANIS and about the origin of the village name was changed starting from the beginning of the year 1963. Yore proficiency level in these places do not like now where people are prosperous and brothers to each other but only field that is overgrown with trees so thick. Starting from a buffalo shepherd who daily wait buffalos regular place to eat and when time shepherd slept soundly that he did not realize that waiting for the buffalo foraging elsewhere. Already a few days to find the existence of shepherd and his family the buffalo until one day there is someone who sees the distance from the tip of the buffalo was eating grass so lush shepherd just pull the buffalo had to bring home. Since the event was the shepherd of buffalo off the buffalo on the prairie grasslands in the middle of the stem there is a very sweet pink when they are the people named the place where he was a sweet desert.
First learn to surf the Internet Experience sma on me when I was still less tertari about cyberspace. But after I try the internet it is very dance mediayang. First I tried. I do not quite understand made. First time in a Asaiah try internetan Waren in Palembang. At that moment my internet is still less understood issue. After the incident I began to diligently go to warnet.mulai develop the hobby. And the Internet allows me to make use of existing facilities within it for example, chating, fb, fs, and others. Akhirya after I had my diligent to the cafe I was able to use the internet for various things.
Bengkulu is a province that remains in the various fields in the era of globalization in comparison with other provinces, particularly in education that led to the government apparently tempted to push to have international standards. The push was even put on the law (statute) No.20 of 2003 on National Education System of section 50 verse (3) which reads, "The central government or local government held at least one unit of education at all levels of education, to be developed become the international standard education unit. ". Armed with a strong desire and the verse is the national education department immediately issue an international school program despite its cost is very expensive. It was one of government's efforts to promote national education in Bengkulu. Therefore, in this essay will explain about the impact and influence of international high school in Bengkulu. With the existence of an international high school so students can give birth to Bengkulu province which has the ability to competence, intelligent, moral, and can make Indonesia proud that the town of Bengkulu can become a real student city. Education Department to prepare an international school but the reality shows, to get to school classmate of SBI(School of International Standards) really need a long journey. For to reach the SBI (School of International Standards) of each school must pass through some sequence starting from RSSN (national standard school stubs), then became SSN (National Standard School) until finally reaching the level RSBI (International Standard School Stubs) first. Only after that if it can maintain a satisfactory outcome increased to SBI (School of International Standard). Furthermore, according Zaini SBI did want to print student achievement through an international-standard teaching methods. Though must admit that the cost for this model includes an expensive school. Therefore, all involved must have the ability to do in the accountability accountable. Impact of the international high school is only added to the width and depth of social inequality in society. The high cost resulted in only certain circles children who may enjoy it. Children are poor but smart, just be a spectator. Lo is the obligation of the State to improve the quality of national education, especially pass through country schools. Produce children with the intelligence of the people who compete in the world, clearly affairs and responsibilities of the State. That the state ought to consciously create more country schools of International Standard. Throw liability on the citizens, certainly not the example of the responsible State. In conclusion, if the international high school in Bengkulu, it's very good for the development of Bengkulu, but in this case the government should pay more attention to education which was held to be going according to plan properly. Thus, social inequalities that occur in society can avoid the existence of justice and responsibility of government at a cost of an international high school, so Bengkulu can produce students who are smart, immoral, competitive and outside the province of Bengkulu.
Name : Dytta Anggriani NIM : 208 323 5023 Lesson : Writing III 27 Juni 2010 22:46
The last assignment of writing III Name : Reni Maryani Class/semester : IV B NIM : 2083235046 The favorite lecture of TBI IVB : Mom Nadrah, M.Pd (others lecture too we do love you all)
The effect of international school in Bengkulu
To develop the education, Bengkulu begin to establish the international school at 2007th. The government of Bengkulu as other governments they want their generation be a good generation. To achieve of their opinion, they establish one place for their idea, this is not seem with other place this is different place to study, to develop the education. To realize a good place for study we have to prepare the good facility, infrastructure, and because Bengkulu not a founder of this program, the payment that must be paid for this school have been a big problem. Just a rich and clever student can study in this class, this is make social imbalance. In my opinion, this is a good way to develop our education, as we know to be a good nation we start from the education, according to Ibrahim “the success of notion is the accumulative of the individual success.”(2003:4) According to newspaper Rakyat Bengkulu “SBI not international school but school to paid internationally” the fact is just who have reach parent can studied there. With complete facility, such as; information technology to connect to other schools in foreign country, and other electrical tools, with good teacher that getting the guidance from The University of Bengkulu. Yandiono, the head master of international high school at senior high school 2 Bengkulu (2009) said that the teacher provisioned stabilization process by the lecture from The University of Bengkulu every week. It is imbalance with other schools in Bengkulu. In my village for example the elementary school just has 7 classes with the office, the wall of the first class made of wood without ceiling, and just many teachers who keep up there because the bad street of the village, the student of junior high school and also senior high school must go to their school at early morning because the long distance from the district, and just has one junior high school and senior high school and it is placed at the district of our village and they ( Bersambung )
must walk. It is the real fact! On the other hand, there is the school with complete facility with good infrastructure and also good teacher, is there any fairness? Are the students who live in the country that has a good facility and also the good teacher, and the government with the glamour life any one ever think about us, aren’t they? The answer is no or yes! The answer “yes” just who take care and may be the success person who start from nil. The goal of the complete facility, good infrastructure and also good teacher not just the glamour but to get more information, Yandiono(28 of June 2009) said that the big payment of the international school it is balance for the facility which the student get, the facility of the internet in the school decreased the student use the internet without control. If Bengkulu not to develop the education he will be the latest city for the education in Indonesia, and other country will be underestimated our country, if there is no good school in this country the mean is all of the good and rich students will study outside Bengkulu, the effect of this problem Bengkulu hasn’t clever student caused of they gone, and who will built this city, if they gone. As we know usually who have successes in big city they do not back anymore. Have one good school in a city is better than has the same school, program and facility in a city. Bengkulu just begin it a year after Jakarta began it. It is mean Bengkulu have to learn more. To be a good city in national and international area we have to advance and it start from the education, the major things of the good city. In my opinion, the government and practitioner of education have to continue their program because it is one way to make Bengkulu gone from the latest, and gives the scholarship for the clever poor student, without westernized Indonesia culture, as mom Nirmala,the lecture of STAIN Bengkulu, that she was teach us Cross Culture Understanding(2009) said, act local and think global, and not conversely. Without to belittle the villagers school, the government has to care their education too with continuing their free school until junior high school, and the villagers have to take part of the education with look after the building of the school in their village, cause all of us have to responsible for the education.
" The Effect Of International High School In Bengkulu " International school is a national school level in Indonesia with international quality standards. The process of teaching and learning in this school emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation, and experimentation to stimulate new ideas that have never existed. Bengkulu had already started to develop an international standard school in hopes of bringing change in the province of Bengkulu. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect of international high school in Bengkulu. International school development in Indonesia is based on Undang-undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Pasal 50 Ayat 3. In this provision, the government urged to develop an international education unit. The international standard is required in International school Graduates Competency Standards, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Process, Facilities, Management, Financing, and Valuation of international standards in the International school, the process of teaching and learning delivered in two languages is English and Indonesian. Armed with a strong desire that the Ministry of Education and the paragraph immediately issue the international school program are pioneering projects have been included hundreds of junior and senior high schools in nearly all Districts / Cities in Indonesia with hundreds of millions poured funds despite government regulations that govern the management of such yet exist. This prestigious project because it will be financed by the central government 50%, 30% Provincial Government, and Government District 20%. In fact, for each school only the central government issued a 300 million rupiah each year at least three (three) year during the beginning.
Anyone who would go to school this International school? Students who get into these schools, is that they are regarded as superior seeds which have been selected to be treated strictly and exclusively in the province of Bengkulu. Number of students in the class will be limited to between 24-30 each class. Events will use bilingual teaching activities. In the first year introductory language that is used 25 percent of English 75 percent of the Indonesian language. In the second year introduction to the language of each 50 per cent for English and Indonesian. In the third year 75 percent of the working language using English and 25 percent of Indonesian. Because the seeds are considered as priority students to study Communication Technology). Therefore, students are given special classes to learn additional computer facilities with internet connection. What curriculum will be given to them in order to 'international standard'? How much money must be spent by parents 'desperate' to this program? Still be regulated. But parents must be clear fished deep and only wealthy parents who are able to enter. This is a prestigious program that costs have to be expensive. Five-year implementation of the international school for elementary and secondary education is in fact not affect significantly both for the improvement of education quality although through national educational progress. There are still problems, among others, several factors that influence the quality of education has not played key roles. These factors whether they are legal, conceptual and factual issues relating to legal aspects of legislation or regulations to the legislation that became the justification of technical and implementation mechanism in Indonesia International school. Mujito said that the fact the government has prepared all the tools for the successful implementation of SBI, because the objectives of the SBI is to produce graduates who are national and international class at the same time (, June 2010). However that does not mean international school is licensed foreign schools or schools of international fare. But as a consequence of exceeding the standard of education with the National Education Standards could be implicated in the financing burden of public education. However, Mudjito said at the policy level there are some rules that are not consistent in managing the implementation of pioneering international school. "Not consistent in the sense that the highest policy has been formulated in Undang-undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Pasal 50 Ayat 3 but special government regulations strictly regulate international school does not exist. So in this case an international school still has some weaknesses as well as indeed there are some advantages. The main weakness is structural in terms of management guidance that is still not good. This is not in accordance with the funds that have been issued by the government which I think is pretty big. Because the structural formation in international school management is very much on the quality of graduates from this international school. Therefore, the future can be expected on the government to pay more attention to and improve the quality of SBI in Indonesia and in Bengkulu. Since this will impact on the quality of the alumni who in turn expected to compete in the international world. References : Republika, 17 Desember 2008
Anonim mengatakan... " The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu"
Bengkulu is a smaller province between sumatera island.The level of devolopment is very late so Bengkulu impressioned left behind province.Another its has beautiful scenary,its too as education town.The level of education is very more better so there are between high school has level of internasional.The level of development education in high school more better and its has high spiritual.This essay i will advantage about the positive effect of international high school. Since that school has international,all students always study hard get to achievement in school,in other that they can getting clever students in school,can adhere to regulation school and grade education quality school in bengkulu.While school will be more good and then remain perserve of regulation school.As such as,that school always as international high school. In conclusion,Bengkulu is a little province but its has quality which good education and its has schedule to study so Bengkulu is education town. 26 Juni 2010 23:41
Effect of high schools in Bengkulu internationally International School) is a national school students prepare participants based on national standards of education in Indonesia and the international benchmark that graduates have the capability and international competitiveness. International School in essence refers to the National Education Standards include 8 (eight) standard, namely the competence of graduates, content, process, educators and educational staff, facilities and infrastructure, financing, management and evaluation of enriched, developed, expanded, deepened through adaptation or the adoption of the standard of education which is considered an internationally recognized reputation for quality International school is one of many efforts by government to improve the quality of education that has been mandated in the Law. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Article 50 Paragraph 3 namely "the government and / or local government held one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international educational unit In my opinion very good to International standard schools to be developed in Bengkulu because it will increase the quality of city students and provide motivation for more advanced and eager to develop intellectually motivated because they have.
In conclusion, the standard school International very important role to promote education in Bengkulu and improve students' skills and provide good quality for students Bengkulu city. That's because the government should pay attention to intensive Bengkulu City education system was held in Bengkulu
Muditjo,”Bekolah Bertaraf internasional”memberi pengaruh terhadap kualitas pendidilan. 27 juni 2010.jakarta: 27 Juni 2010 01:39 SITI ROHMAH TBI N3 2083235054
Effect of high schools in Bengkulu internationally International School) is a national school students prepare participants based on national standards of education in Indonesia and the international benchmark that graduates have the capability and international competitiveness. International School in essence refers to the National Education Standards include 8 (eight) standard, namely the competence of graduates, content, process, educators and educational staff, facilities and infrastructure, financing, management and evaluation of enriched, developed, expanded, deepened through adaptation or the adoption of the standard of education which is considered an internationally recognized reputation for quality International school is one of many efforts by government to improve the quality of education that has been mandated in the Law. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Article 50 Paragraph 3 namely "the government and / or local government held one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international educational unit In my opinion very good to International standard schools to be developed in Bengkulu because it will increase the quality of city students and provide motivation for more advanced and eager to develop intellectually motivated because they have.
In conclusion, the standard school International very important role to promote education in Bengkulu and improve students' skills and provide good quality for students Bengkulu city. That's because the government should pay attention to intensive Bengkulu City education system was held in Bengkulu
Muditjo,”Bekolah Bertaraf internasional”memberi pengaruh terhadap kualitas pendidilan. 27 juni 2010.jakarta: 27 Juni 2010 01:39 SITI ROHMAH TBI N3 2083235054
Nama : Rezki Fitrioza. j NIM : 2083235048 Local : IV a
Education is one of the government program which have become the main focus of Indonesian society, and therefore the quality of education is the main focus of government in the development effort. Underdevelopment in many fields in globalization Era is causing the government compelled to push to have international education standards. International school (SBI) is a national school level in Indonesia with international quality standards. Process of teaching and learning in this school emphasize the development of creativity, innovation, and experimentation to stimulate ideas that have existed. The development of International School in Indonesia were based on Law No.20 Year 2003 regarding National Education System article 50 paragraph 3. In this provision, the government is encourage to develop the educational unit of the International Standard. In practice, of course this government program has weakness. It is caused the condition of education in Indonesia are in bad condition, especially in Bengkulu province. This essay will explain about negative effects inherent in the implementation of the international school in Bengkulu province.
The core of the International School are increasingly growing awareness of continuous learning and reflection and the development of knowledge and awareness of democratic and multicultural education. Teacher in the International School is designed to be a figure who is learning to understand the meaning and concept of deep-learning, higher order thinking skills, and contextual learning for student and getting to know the limitation and benefits of the rote learning is learning that have been used in schools. But still there are some quite disturbing weakness in the application of SBI in Bengkulu Province. First, the emergence of the gap between students. For incoming in school that have implemented this SBI, of course that does not require a bit of money. Parents of student must pay about 12 million rupiah to the Junior High School level and even higher for Senior High School level.According to Fahriza “if the SBI program implemented with full funding from the government and cater to all students in Indonesia, may will not be a problem. But what happened was not the case. School began to open the path of SBI was in fact picked up dozen million funding for every student who wants to enter this path”, (, 23 june 2010). Costly SBI class is certainly unusual only accessible by parents of student who earn big. If so what will happen to smart students but their parent income is not sufficient for the payment of an International School. Plus the psychological effect will be experienced by other students outside of class SBI, they will feel excluded.
Sambungan Nama : Rezki Fitrioza. J NIM : 2083235048 Local : IV a
Second, the program is implemented quickly impressed by the Educational Ministry. This can be seen from the emergence of management problem when the speed of the schools in making a change is not offset by the bias systematic effort to strengthen and improve the quality and education resources (principals, teacher, and management) building system control and accountability for all activities academic and financial administration of the school. These effects is not beneficial to education, there is inequality making students motivation decreased and haste in the implementation of this system will lead us away to excellence in achieving educational goals. While this program was organized with the aim that the quality of educational we are going down this could get better and compete with order countries in the face of the Ere of Globalization. According to Dharma “ There are some fundamentals weakness of the SBI program, namely (1). This program is not precede by an in-depth research and concept are weak. (2). The concept departs from the wrong assumption about the master of English as the language of instruction and its relationship with the TOEFL score. (3). The author, this concept also does not understand that not everyone is fluent in English bias. (4). Error assumption of the originator of this school that international school should be taught in English”,(, 23 june 2010). Therefore it’s necessary readiness and in-depth analysis of the concept of the international school which will be held. Because of errors in the implementation of educational programs will worsen the condition of our education, especially for bengkulu Province. In conclusion, both the negative effects this will have an impact that is not good for our education system. Therefore the most appropriate solution to anticipate this problem is to amend and re-analyze the National Education System Law, so as not to cause a false assumption among the public and government.
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu
BalasHapusBengkulu is one which is considered underdeveloped province in the national currency, especially in the field of education. Bengkulu educational backwardness compared to other provinces is a scourge that makes Bengkulu government representatives could not stand upright in the national forums. This occurs because the error in the control of education management in Bengkulu and unseriousness government in dealing good management for education. Therefore, good effort must be made to fragrant Bengkulu’s name in the national currency through education. One of Bengkulu government's effort is to shape the schools that have an international high school standars in the hope of significant change and bring a good effects for Bengkulu society. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect or influence of International High School in Bengkulu.
The presence of international high schools in Bengkulu become evidence of good responses from the government and public awareness of the importance of schools that have good quality. The aim is to prepare future generations of morality, intelligent, independent, creative, innovative, and democratic. This is in line with the acceleration of social change as part of the engineering of the global era.
Many phenomenons that occur in Bengkulu on the weak of education system, making the province of Bengkulu weaks both in the province itself and in the national eye. The phenomenon of capital and competition should be the best for performance in managing the international school that will contribute to the advancement of Bengkulu province. This requires an optimistic attitude and high sense of responsibility because the school is an institution managing the most complex of social institutions that exist. Complexity is not only a variety of inputs, but in the process of learning that took place in it. Mudjito (Republika, 17 December 2008) stated that the government or local government must hold at least a unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into educational unit international standards.
International school is a national school with international quality standards. The process of teaching and learning in this school emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation, and experimentation to stimulate new ideas that have never existed, so Bengkulu can be seen in the eyes of national and international currency. According LekDis, ”Each educational units on formal and non-formal education are required to conduct quality assurance” (2005:39). This means that if an international school was developed in Bengkulu, Bengkulu’s students can compete with the students from other provinces in the national arena, along with an assurance of quality education, the backwardness and deterioration of Bengkulu will be lost and Bengkulu will get some progress, such as in agriculture, education, farming, cultivation of natural resources, etc. Therefore, Bengkulu class must produce graduates whose have nationally and internationally abilities. That is, control of national education standards and uphold the identity of the Indonesian nation and the province of Bengkulu, and students must have global capabilities, such as proficiency in foreign languages, especially English, and information communication technology.
In conclusion, if the international high school developed in Bengkulu and accompanied with the capabilities of existing students in Bengkulu, Bengkulu will get many progress in all areas quickly. Therefore, Bengkulu government should pay attention intensively about education system which was held in Bengkulu and developing international high schools in all districts and regencies.
Mudjito. ”Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional.” Republika, 17 Desember 2008, 7.
LekDis. 2005. Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Jakarta: Lembaga Kajian Pendidikan Keislaman Dan Sosial
Name: Dedi Efrizal
NIM: 2083235019
lesson: Writing III
Argumentation Essay:
BalasHapusPebri Prandika Said that :
“The Effects of International High School In Bengkulu”
International High School is an education system which provides good quality and many effects for students to get better future. The program is made by education department to support quality of education in Indonesia. In Bengkulu city, there are some school used the the system. Such as : SMA.5, SMA.2, SMA.7, SMA.6. Therefore, the school has good condition and conducive to study and helps in the over all personality development of the students. Actually, content of International High School is growth a conscious of people to study, creative and develop science and intellectual in democratic education and multiculture. But, recently we know that International High School is not balanced with ability student in Bengkulu. In my opinion, we trust that some school can use the system, but what about another school in Bengkulu. If we force to use the system, so I believe we’ll get effects about it for students and parents.
We realize that International High School provides quality bilingual education for the students. “The system education of International High School should prepare the students to face the competitive world outside the school” (Sinar Harapan). That’s good effects of International High School in qualify school not for bad school. Moreover, we have to consider the system can’t use in every school in Bengkulu City. Actually, the system will appear unbalanced of social, because the parents must spend much money to pay the cost of school. “For example, in Bogor the parents must give to school about twelve million for first cost” (Metro TV This week). This is reality that class of International High School only for rich people. Therefore, the poor man which has clever children can’t reach the school. Beside that, another effect of International High School that about psyche of the students. For example, in SMA.2 Bengkulu one school has different class between international class with general class. This case made the students from general class felt discrimination. And they only see this discrimination without protest. While, the students of International class go on their study without thinking about them.
I think that we know good aim of Bengkulu’s Government to develop the academic, intellectual and physical potential of the students. But, to get all of it government must hard work and repair the facilities of school in Bengkulu. Bengkulu’s Government may not give a hard thinking for people with high cost of education and then don’t give unbalanced between one student with another student. If this case occur, it mean that Government let the children in Bengkulu suffer..
In conclusion, International High School is good system for better future of students. But we have to think about preparation our school, student, teacher and our government to take the system. Moreover, students in Bengkulu must use English everyday in the school if we use the system and the teacher must understand exactly about learning concept, such as : deep-learning, higher order thinking skills, and contextual learning. If we have done it, so we can use the system absolutely in Bengkulu City. I think that Government in Bengkulu must consider to use the system of International High School, I think it is better using the last system but we have to survive with thinking global, act local.
Fahriza,Fahmi ”Education System”. Sinar Harapan, 11 Januari 2010
Metro This Week
IV B,,
NIM :208 323 5044
The Effect Of Internasional High School in Bengkulu
BalasHapusThe Internasional high school is special class to prepare the students with Internasional standars quality. Then, they can continue their studies to Internasional University and have good ability to compete on Internasional basic standar in their future. The fact in Bengklulu, some poeple think that the Internatinasional high school is one way to creat best quality of student and to prepare them to study in nternasional unversity to be good in future. However, some poeple think that The Internasional High School in Bengkulu gives bad effects to make imbalance each other. In this essay I will explain about pro and contrac the effect of Internasional High School in Bengkulu.
Some poeple in Bengkulu assumed that the internasional high school in Bengkulu is good program that motivated the student to study hard, because who study in this Internasional basic class will get good future, they can increase their abilities with compelete fasility and perpect service are provided there. Beside that, the product are better than National Basic class, because the learning system are used there well. Here Actually they will get scholarship and jobs what they choose easily. Yandiono said, that the internasional basic class in Bengkulu is good quality to creat students achievement and to study in Internasional high school without test...(2010:9). In my opinion, The Internasional High School gives good effect for development of Bengkulu Province that the students can compete to Nasional or Internasional competetion with heir abilitieas was received by their Internasional Basic Class. Beside that, the Bengkulu Goverment can be better than before by best quality product from Internasional Basic School on their knowledge, behaviour, and creativity. In future, Bengkulu society do not find again the coruptor in Bengkulu.
In the other hand, some poeple assumed the Internasonal high school gives bad effects to make differences each students and parents. The fact in Bngkulu, the students who study there are not clever or excelent person but are rich. Here the Internasional Basic Class will influence the negative thinking each person. Also that makes imblance among the students. They thinks to improve quality students and create them to get scholarship internasional university do not just internasional basic class system. However, their motivation to study hard actually, they get best future depend on their selves. According to Nismah (2010:9), ”Some her student in SMA 4 Bengkulu, they get scholarship in China university without Internasional basic class and it system class just give differences each students...”
In conclusion, The Internsional High School is a good solusion to increase the students of Bengkulu to compete in Internasional Basic and improve Bengkulu Province in goverment and education but this system must make it be balance on intelegency of students also do not give differences between The Internasional Basic Class from The National Basic Class. Therefore, all of Bengkulu students must study be hard and reach best achievement for Bengkulu to be better.
Sucipto. “Sekolah Berstandar Internasional di Bengkulu”. Harian Rakyat Bengkulu 13
Januari 2010, 9
Name: Liza. Hidayati
Nim : 2083235037
The effect of international high school
BalasHapusSchool is not a trivial thing for everybody wants to go to school to study that as much as possible. Because not many people can attend school, for reasons not having much fee to school. Everyone wants quality schools and forward so as not imagination favorite schools to target students hoping to learn and get good knowledge. In this essay I will explain about the effect of international high school in Bengkulu.
As we know, the international high school is a national standardized school learning standards be changed to international standard. With facilities and the language used by the standard of international schools. But not many schools are also the cons with this international standard, because this school needs a very large, with costs for new students are charged a minimum of rupiah 2.5 million for money and maximum development more than Rp 3.5 millions each student. If it is assumed that all students take a range of at least 2.5 millions rupiah, it will be collected Rp 560 millions rupiah. That's not to mention monthly, students are still subject to a fee amounting to 250,000 rupiah to the committee of more than Rp 350,000. And for the people in Bengkulu have average economy background of middle people will have objections to meet the cost of this school. Also described in an article that schools of international standards already exist and live in big cities have not shown the maximum results, it was still there at the show by students who have not passed the first examination ( to the universe, June 2010). But I still supported SBI in Bengkulu, because everything that takes the process, there is no successful without a process. It all depends on managing from SBI itself, if it truly aims to promote education in the Bengkulu city, then why do not we help to realize it. And if we see from the list of five high school students Of SBI, it was much too interested students to become student Bengkulu capable internationally competitive.
In conclusion, we should carry with the international high school in bengkulu and do seriously, I believe that will be developed and can make this province grow up. Let’s support our education, to get good future our province and by the rapid advancement of our education, to get such rapid advancement of education in other countries.
By: witono
NIM 2083235064
nama : okta fereson
Look at public schools facility which is labeled pioneering international school (RSBI) or which have been international school status (SBI). Once any educational services provided, a full department
In SMA 7 Bengkulu, for example, the difference is already visible from the seats used. Regular class students just sit in a chair very hard and rigid standards. Students of international class? They are more comfortable sitting on plastic chairs with stainless steel frame and a separate table, as is often found in places of learning guidance.
Like in High School (High School) State 2 of Bengkulu, the teaching-learning process in international class utilizing a sophisticated information and communications technology. For that, teachers who teach in an international class also must be able to use advanced technology devices such as classroom teaching.
Despite differences in facilities and service learning in the classroom is very striking, the school is trying to abolish the distinction claimed between them on the activities in the field or outside the classroom. Both the regular class and international class are equally the opportunity to participate in field activities. Put like visits to companies or tourist sites of both domestic and foreign. The result of student requests and records it in the form of trip reports.
Number of activities and facilities provided to serve as a reason related to the high cost of entry and monthly fees at international class. Bilingual teaching methods or bilingual (English and Indonesian) are also adding expensive international school in the classroom, especially to pay foreign teachers (native teacher) are presented in order to teach three subjects (Mathematics, Science, and English) once a week.
For Dananjaya Utomo, Director of Institute for Education Reform, University of Paramadina, such policies clearly indicate that the government behaves like in the Dutch colonial era: the public distinguish between rich and poor nobles. Preferably rich, the poor are not addressed. This distinguishes the treatment of discrimination, he said
In contrast, Rully Azwar-Vice Chairman of Commission X of the House of Representatives of the Golkar Party faction-rate, the distinction RSBI the school and not a form of non-RSBI kastanisasi. According to him, the categorization RSBI and SBI was precisely government's efforts to bring all schools to become better.
However, the reality of schools labeled RSBI now more focused on improving learning facilities solely for the pursuit of international labels that carried. In fact, some schools began to remove the regular classes that have been cheaper to charge their students.
Opportunities of children unable to enjoy a quality education even more difficult. They can only hope.
In conclusion, International High School is good idea and good system education . Therefore, the government did not discrimination between rich and poor nobles. I think that Government in Bengkulu must consider to use the system of International High School. children can not afford to be simplified in order to enjoy the educational Qualified
Refrence :
Sumber: Media Indonesia Online
Comhttp://edukasi.kompas. International high school. .com
nama : fadmal wk
BalasHapusnim : 2083235028
Discriminatory in the world of education in this country is not delusional, but actually real. Though denied by the organizers continue to state, another reality on the ground talking: Discriminatory there! Ironically, it happens in schools run by the state and supported the official policy of the government. Look at facilities that public schools are labeled pioneering international school (RSBI) or who have status as an international school (SBI). Once any educational services provided, all complete.
In the internal environment RSBI only difference that the facility received international students and regular classes is very striking. Moreover, compared with regular schools. Children from school and regular classroom like a community pariah in the community that forms the international label. In SMA State 2 Bengkulu, for example, the difference is already visible from the seats used. Regular class students just sit in a chair very hard and rigid standards. Students of international class? They are more comfortable sitting on plastic chairs with stainless steel frame, a separate table, and air conditioner as is often found in places of learning guidance. Moreover. International class also has a special room used as a clinic, the following general practitioners and dental specialist, who are available every Monday until Thursday. All was not without a price. International class students to pay far greater than those who go into the regular classroom. Ironically, this is a justification that provided learning facilities also differ.
As we know that the teaching-learning process in international class utilizing a sophisticated information and communications technology. For that, teachers who teach in an international class must also be able to use advanced technology devices such as classroom teaching.
Many activities and facilities provided to serve as a reason related to the high cost of entry and monthly fees at international class. Bilingual teaching methods or bilingual (English and Indonesian) are also adding expensive international school in the classroom, especially to pay foreign teachers (native teacher) are presented in order to teach three subjects (Mathematics, Science, and English) once a week.
This fact to reduce the chances of children from families not able to enjoy the haves to quality education.
For Dananjaya Utomo, Director of the Institute for Education Reform, University of Paramadina, such a policy clearly indicates that the government behaves as in the Dutch colonial era: the public distinguish between rich and poor nobles. Preferably rich, the poor are not addressed. This distinguishes the treatment of discrimination, he said.
In contrast, Rully Azwar-Vice Chairman of the House Commission X of the Golkar Party faction-rate, the distinction between school and non-RSBI RSBI not Discriminatory form. According to him, the categorization RSBI and SBI was precisely government's efforts to bring all schools to become better.
In conclusion, International High School not only giving motivation. But we have to think about preparation our school, student, teacher and our government to take the system. We will not the problem with SBI or RSBI if there is 20 percent of the portion provided there for children from underprivileged families. Do not let children go to school quality not only because he is unable.
Reference :
Admin. ” Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional ”. 3 Juni 2010
Comhttp://edukasi.kompas. International high school. .com
Nama : yashori revola
BalasHapusnim : 2083235065
THE EFFECT OF SBI (School of International Standard )
Science is an important thing in our life. It’s a way for us to do something easily. SBI is an instance for getting good knowledge. Then, SBI completed by good facilities and some teachers came from foreign. But, some person said that SBI in Indonesia had negative effect for society. That’s why this essay will focus on negative effect of SBI especially in province of Bengkulu
The negative effect of SBI is damage for poor society. According to M Fajri siregar a scholar from the University of Indonesia would had examined a number of SBI in south Jakarta. He said that SBI show just as big names. However , SBI had negative thing would be came a problem. For example, SBI just as contra of rich and poor society in Bengkulu. There were many people’s especially poor society couldn’t school. It’s caused by expensive cost that they could be late for getting good education. Furthermore, they had spirit and hope for getting the education, but all of that was impossible for them because they have no money.
In my opinion, there are many problem and sample which can be evidence that SBI damage society. Its caused less a ware and have big egoistic that this nation difficult for advance. Moreover, the sample above supported by presidential regulation No. 7 of 2007 regarding foreign investment in national education said that education has become a traded commodity ...” ( Indonesia. Com /read/2009/04/04/68313/).
So , hope which we want is in order to government in Indonesia did not discriminate between rich and poor society and throw the big egoistic as soon as make intelligent of nation child.
" The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu"
BalasHapusBengkulu is a smaller province between sumatera island.The level of devolopment is very late so Bengkulu impressioned left behind province.Another its has beautiful scenary,its too as education town.The level of education is very more better so there are between high school has level of internasional.The level of development education in high school more better and its has high spiritual.This essay i will advantage about the positive effect of international high school.
Since that school has international,all students always study hard get to achievement in school,in other that they can getting clever students in school,can adhere to regulation school and grade education quality school in bengkulu.While school will be more good and then remain perserve of regulation school.As such as,that school always as international high school.
In conclusion,Bengkulu is a little province but its has quality which good education and its has schedule to study so Bengkulu is education town.
Name : Septi Swinarni
BalasHapusLesson : Writing
The Effect Of International High School In Bengkulu
International school is preparing a national school-based learners of Indonesian national education standards that have international standard quality and its graduates have international competitiveness. In Bengkulu province there are several international standards-based school, it is one of SMAN 2 Bengkulu City. International school characteristics, namely:
1. Implementing SBC from graduation competency standards and competency base enriched with international freight
2. Applying the learning process in English, at least for Mathematics and English lessons
3. Adopting the books on the life of the developed countries
4. Applying a higher graduation standards of competency standards specified in the national education standards
5. Facilities and infrastructure to meet national education standards
6. Education teachers who meet the competency standards specified in the national education standards
7. Process assessment meets national and international standards
So that if the international standard school is more developed in Bengkulu then Bengkulu will experience;
1. Social gap between the rich and the poor
2. It tuition is expensive, so parents send their children to school or dissuade these
3. Local governments to be confusion about the education system to talk about curriculum, teaching materials, teaching methodologies, potential teachers, and students.
According to Yandiono, "An international school can not only be enjoyed by rich people, but also can be enjoyed by students who met by families who can not afford the normal and indeed to International standard schools with schools more expensive than usual. But for children who come from disadvantaged families who pass the selection process will get a cost-free, this is consistent with the mandate of the minister of education through circulars and guidelines set out in the book high school pilot program conducting international level ... "( Harian Rakyat Bengkulu, June 28th 2009).
According to Ekosiswayo, "International school image as an expensive school can be avoided if the school is able to apply the amount of dues and donations remain rational and to allocate part of its quota for students coming from poor families". (http://www. the fantomaya.blogspot. com/2010/06/sekruang menuju semesta, June 2010).
The conclusion is that the international school will reap the numerous protests and controversy, especially from poor families. Therefore, international schools should be more considered again by the government to be more able to advance the education system in Bengkulu.
The Effect of Standard International High School
BalasHapusThe standard of international high school is national school was be prepared students basicly standard National education in Indonesia be qualitated and passes. The function International foreign which Standard International high school apply process of learn in english language, Adopted text book be wear by advance country, apply standard of pass be more high than kompetence standard pass and e,t,c. In this essay will explain about negatif effect of Standard National High School
School with Standard International resulted can discolovered of image and draft national education. Because of that, the government need understanding fenomena start of International High School. International Standard " Government must understanding that many school be opinion them was Standard International High School. If nothing there is a regulation be strong national concept education as delivered in constituante that will be miss. Argument by education expert Katholik Atma Jaya University Jakarta, M.Marcellino PhD, AT DISCUSSION WITH SP , in Jakarta Sunday (9,9). "did Standard International of High School be function? .Maybe America standard, England, Singaphore or India? What the comunication be used foreign language? but curiculum as usual, Said Marcelino. He said, nowdays many school claimed as Standard International High School. Infact the curriculum is usual, or the International curriculum but the teacher can't understanding foreign language. It means, International definition is nonsense. If government didn't make regulation be strong, that are many national school be crush by Iternational High School. Actually, the next, if Standard Intrnational High School to be toadstool it means will migration be very big foreign teach come in to Idonesia.
In conclusion, Standard International High School can be passed image and draft national education. For government must strongly come of investation International High School to Indonesia because will be dead life imadiately of national school in Indonesia
Reference: Suara Pembaharuan, 10/9/07
Published by : damaj/m&pr
Name : Nur Fatimah
NIM : 2083235303
SMT : IV A ( Four A )
Name:Ria fifi puspita
BalasHapusNim :2083235049
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu
Education is one of the main factor which determine success fall a country.Every country certain hope,their education always increase and develop.Such as in Indonesia,as a developing country,education in Indonesia also to develop.With was regulations education in 2003 to explain about new classification of school.It consists of International Standard School(SBI),Autonomous Class School(SKM),and Usual Class School(SB).In International Standard School,government given a freedom to use teach syllabus and judgment which general used to high school an advancing country.Many school in this country given good respond about regulation education.Now,SBI has in all city in province this country.Such as High School in Bengkulu which hoped their school could into in SBI.The government also claims that SBI can increase quality and image Indonesia education in the world.In my opinion,SBI causes a serious problem in society and impressed in a hurry on government policy.
The government insist that SBI very important in Bengkulu.Their opinion are that International Standard caused growth consciousness about to important education and reflect to developing knowledge to the democracy education multicultural.Teacher in International Standard is to design as a comprehension teach concept about deep learning,higher order thinking skills,and contextual learning for students and knowing under limit function of an rote learning which usual used in the school in this country. Progress also to students,they are more stand alone,responsible,cooperation between others student,integrity,and brave be up against risk. It means,quality of education in Bengkulu could increase.So,the government claims educations in Bengkulu must had International High School.
Although SBI is one of the new regulations education to increasing quality in Bengkulu,but not ignore if this new regulations education also cause seriously problem in society.The first problem,growth exacerbate social between students.If International Standard applied with full financing from government and to all students in Indonesia,may be not cause a problem.No matter,which happens not as it.The school which opened International Standard strip collected cost very high until millions for students want in this strip.For example,in one of High School in Bengkulu city,to become students in this school,their parents must pay 12 millions as financing early,cost of month,and others cost to follow International Standard School.If condition as it,how with the diligent student which their parents just a farmer,worker,vegetables merchant,etc.They are haven't a good quality education.The second effect from SBI is psicology effect which suffered others student out class.In a same school,They are found differention facility.In SBI class,the student majority from high economic class.So,they found complete facility. Whereas others class,majority from low economic class.They are see justice in their life and proverty education always to people haven't money.The third,regulation education in a hurry on government policy.With this regulation cause a new problem in school management,when speedy of school in to changes in school management not balances with efforts systematic to streght and increase quality teacher,headmaster,and management.It means,growth SBI very speedy.So,it cause contraproductive and be lost mission.With lost message changes which transparantive,akuntable,and partisivative.SBI cause new panic in society.From of all,education in Bengkulu is not ready with SBI.
In conclusion,regulation education form government is good and kind of new penetration in education.But,before to apply SBI in Indonesia especially in Bengkulu,government must doing mapping,recitation,and good planning of all aspect in education.So,not cause unrest and load on society in this country.
Fahriza,Fahmi"Education System".Sinar Harapan,5 June 2009
Metro This Week
Effect of high schools in Bengkulu internationally
BalasHapusInternational School) is a national school students prepare participants based on national standards of education in Indonesia and the international benchmark that graduates have the capability and international competitiveness. International School in essence refers to the National Education Standards include 8 (eight) standard, namely the competence of graduates, content, process, educators and educational staff, facilities and infrastructure, financing, management and evaluation of enriched, developed, expanded, deepened through adaptation or the adoption of the standard of education which is considered an internationally recognized reputation for quality
International school is one of many efforts by government to improve the quality of education that has been mandated in the Law. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Article 50 Paragraph 3 namely "the government and / or local government held one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international educational unit
In my opinion very good to International standard schools to be developed in Bengkulu because it will increase the quality of city students and provide motivation for more advanced and eager to develop intellectually motivated because they have.
In conclusion, the standard school International very important role to promote education in Bengkulu and improve students' skills and provide good quality for students Bengkulu city. That's because the government should pay attention to intensive Bengkulu City education system was held in Bengkulu
Muditjo,”Bekolah Bertaraf internasional”memberi pengaruh terhadap kualitas pendidilan. 27 juni 2010.jakarta:
The effect high school International in Bengkulu
BalasHapusBengkulu is a province that remains in the various fields in the era of globalization in comparison with other provinces, particularly in education that led to the government apparently tempted to push to have international standards. The push was even put on the law (statute) No.20 of 2003 on National Education System of section 50 verse (3) which reads, "The central government or local government held at least one unit of education at all levels of education, to be developed become the international standard education unit. ". Armed with a strong desire and the verse is the national education department immediately issue an international school program despite its cost is very expensive. It was one of government's efforts to promote national education in Bengkulu. Therefore, in this essay will explain about the impact and influence of international high school in Bengkulu.
With the existence of an international high school so students can give birth to Bengkulu province which has the ability to competence, intelligent, moral, and can make Indonesia proud that the town of Bengkulu can become a real student city. Education Department to prepare an international school but the reality shows, to get to school classmate of SBI(School of International Standards) really need a long journey. For to reach the SBI (School of International Standards) of each school must pass through some sequence starting from RSSN (national standard school stubs), then became SSN (National Standard School) until finally reaching the level RSBI (International Standard School Stubs) first. Only after that if it can maintain a satisfactory outcome increased to SBI (School of International Standard). Furthermore, according Zaini SBI did want to print student achievement through an international-standard teaching methods. Though must admit that the cost for this model includes an expensive school. Therefore, all involved must have the ability to do in the accountability accountable.
Impact of the international high school is only added to the width and depth of social inequality in society. The high cost resulted in only certain circles children who may enjoy it. Children are poor but smart, just be a spectator. Lo is the obligation of the State to improve the quality of national education, especially pass through country schools. Produce children with the intelligence of the people who compete in the world, clearly affairs and responsibilities of the State. That the state ought to consciously create more country schools of International Standard. Throw liability on the citizens, certainly not the example of the responsible State.
In conclusion, if the international high school in Bengkulu, it's very good for the development of Bengkulu, but in this case the government should pay more attention to education which was held to be going according to plan properly. Thus, social inequalities that occur in society can avoid the existence of justice and responsibility of government at a cost of an international high school, so Bengkulu can produce students who are smart, immoral, competitive and outside the province of Bengkulu.
Name : Dytta Anggriani
NIM : 208 323 5023
Lesson : Writing III
27 Juni 2010
Argumentative essay
BalasHapusNama : yusnia
NIM : 2083235068
The effect of international school (SBI) in Bengkulu
In that modern era, many people want to add their knowledge to face the development of technology and knowledge. One of the ways to increase the quality of children or students is by making international school (SBI). International school (SBI) is a national school level in Indonesia with international quality standards. The process of teaching and learning in this school emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation, and experimentation to stimulate new ideas that have never existed. SBI Developing in Indonesia based on Law no. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Article 50 Paragraph 3. Mudjito said that the government or local government must hold at least a unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into educational unit international standards” (Republika, 17 December 2008). In this provision, the government is encouraged to develop an international educational unit. In Bengkulu, the examples of SBI are in SMPN 1, SDN 1, etc. The purpose of SBI is to increase the quality of student by giving a good education. However, SBI in Bengkulu has negative effect. So, in this essay, I will explain about the effects of SBI in Bengkulu.
SBI in Bengkulu has some effects, those are positive and negative effects. The positive effect of SBI is the quality of students can be increase. The student can be a good student, they will get the good achievement. The achievement is not only in academic education, but also in non academic education. According to Muhammad Dhofir, S.Pd "The school resources are necessary but not sufficient condition to improve student's achievement"( bertaraf internasional). The curriculum of SBI is elaborating of the national curriculum with international curriculum, so students have a good quality. More ever, the SBI is complete by good teachers. The teachers are so professional and discipline. However, SBI has negative effect. The negative effect of SBI in Bengkulu is the administrative fee of that school is so expensive. The poor student cannot school there because they have not enough money. Many of people said that it is like discrimination of poor student because only the rich students who can school at SBI. Actually, many of poor students are so smart and clever, but they have not enough money to get a good education. In my opinion, if the clever students from the poor students can get a good education, they will be so success.
In conclusion, although SBI in Bengkulu can increase the student's quality, but the SBI can give some negative effect for us, especially for poor student. It caused by the expensive of administration fee so that the poor student cannot school there. I hope that government must take care to poor students. If they are clever and smart, they may get scholarship to school at SBI.
Mudjito. 2008. Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional. Jakarta: Republika. bertaraf internasional
The effect of international high school in Bengkulu
BalasHapusGlobalization that attack the world, bring kind of consequences for all of human aspect . Politic aspect, social, culture, and economy are all touched by globalization era. And so does education. Education institute is also obligated to adapt along with strong power of globalization. It caused the appearing of international high school.
International high school is the development of education system which emphasize to the increasing of creation, innovation, and experiment, to courage new idea. It uses English as basic language. International high school is build to make better quality both in academic and non academic. Indonesia is very much behind in education than other country, it become bad specter that make government stand up in international forum and effort to aromatize our country trough education which ever reached by smart student that success in getting 13 gold medal in science. Supported by UU No 20 and government rules no 17/2010 about education system, it push Indonesian government try to pioneering international high school which also give an effect to regional such as Bengkulu.
Bengkulu is one of city that also get influence of international high school. It can be showed by some school in Bengkulu that use international education system such as: SMPN 1, SMA N 5, SMA N 2 and etc, we can see that it able to produce better quality than national one. According to me, international high school can bring good effect for Bengkulu because it can motivate all school to improve their quality, either in academic or non academic. They will try to be the best school and compete in ability because to become international high school there must fulfill some requirement such as:
Has good quality
Has competence human resources, including teacher and student
Has international license
Must have accreditation and etc.
One more, international high school is build in order to produce human competence which can follow entering test of foreign university because it use English in the process of study.
Arief rahman, an education supervisor stated to support ministry of education that will do sweeping of international high school, the reason is, he think that it can be used to push increasing of education quality.
Same idea is conveyed by a member of Indonesian legislative assembly, “international high school may applied in Indonesia but it must be balanced by quality so that government need to have cooperation with foreign school as a reference, ”he said. Like in SMA 1 Gresik which using curriculum of Cambridge as a reference.
International high school is a good way to improve education quality and establish competence human resource. It also gives good impact for Bengkulu. So international high school need to be applied in Bengkulu.
Rahman arief.” Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar International”.Rakyat Bengkulu, 20 maret 2008.
Articles create by some experts in internet.
Name: hanura febriani
Class: IV A
Wahyu ayu budiono
BalasHapus208 323 5062
Writing 111
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu
Bengkulu is one of its provinces that educational backwardness in comparison with other provinces. Education in Bengkulu, also including the retarded in the provinces than others. This is because of the lack of human resources was a towering intellect. International High School is growth a conscious of people to study, creative and develop science and intellectual in democratic education and multiculture. But, recently we know that International High School is not balanced with ability student in Bengkulu. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect or influence of International High School in Bengkulu.
There are three effect or influence of International High school in Bengkulu. First, improving the quality of student education. Some students can improve its quality and the quality of education as appropriate. Second, Creating human resources who was a towering intellect, so as not easy to dismiss. Third, In order for students to have courage and be ready to compete in the world of international education. This means that if an international school was developed in Bengkulu, Bengkulu’s students can compete with the students from other provinces in the national arena, along with an assurance of quality education, the backwardness and deterioration of Bengkulu will be lost and Bengkulu will get some progress. Bengkulu class must produce graduates whose have nationally and internationally abilities.
In conclusion, international high school developed in Bengkulu and accompanied with the capabilities of existing students in Bengkulu, Bengkulu will get many progress in all areas quickly. And education of students in Bengkulu no longer easy to dismiss.
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu
BalasHapusInternational high shcool is a national school which prepares students to national standards-based education (SNP) Indonesian international quality and produce graduates who are able to compete in the global competition. school curriculum standards also apply to the unit level of education (SBC) with a semester credit system (SKS). many of which must be replaced in order to become internationally-based schools. including changes in the curriculum. It also has implications for some people. Therefore, this essay will explain about them.
International high school adopted English as its main focal point. Teachers who teach in this international class in addition to master in teaching, also must master the English language. according to Yandiono, "an international classroom in an international-standard school curriculum refers to Cambride University of London in English or IGCSE, so the language of instruction at this international class is English," (http. / / / / 04/29/hari-pendidikan-nasional-dan-catatan-dunia-pendidikan-kita, June 20). International high school this condition is in contrast to the regular school system. Let alone some opinions say that only rich students who can enjoy the international high school. Causing bad impacts such as, the social gap between the rich and the poor, and make parents do not want to send their children in these schools because the cost is expensive. according to Yandiono, "that poor students can still enjoy the international high school with the requirements students must pass the tests and academic achievement. (http. / / / / 04/29/hari-pendidikan-nasional-dan-catatan-dunia-pendidikan-kita, June 20).
In conclusion, despite many differences of opinion of international high school raises for some, but this system gives good in improving the education system in Bengkulu in particular.
Name : sunarti
Nim : 2083235057
Reference :
(http. / / / / 04/29/hari-pendidikan-nasional-dan-catatan-dunia-pendidikan-kita, June 20).
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu
BalasHapusInternational high shcool is a national school which prepares students to national standards-based education (SNP) Indonesian international quality and produce graduates who are able to compete in the global competition. school curriculum standards also apply to the unit level of education (SBC) with a semester credit system (SKS). many of which must be replaced in order to become internationally-based schools. including changes in the curriculum. It also has implications for some people. Therefore, this essay will explain about them.
International high school adopted English as its main focal point. Teachers who teach in this international class in addition to master in teaching, also must master the English language. according to Yandiono, "an international classroom in an international-standard school curriculum refers to Cambride University of London in English or IGCSE, so the language of instruction at this international class is English," (http. / / / / 04/29/hari-pendidikan-nasional-dan-catatan-dunia-pendidikan-kita, June 20). International high school this condition is in contrast to the regular school system. Let alone some opinions say that only rich students who can enjoy the international high school. Causing bad impacts such as, the social gap between the rich and the poor, and make parents do not want to send their children in these schools because the cost is expensive. according to Yandiono, "that poor students can still enjoy the international high school with the requirements students must pass the tests and academic achievement. (http. / / / / 04/29/hari-pendidikan-nasional-dan-catatan-dunia-pendidikan-kita, June 20).
In conclusion, despite many differences of opinion of international high school raises for some, but this system gives good in improving the education system in Bengkulu in particular.
Name : sunarti
Nim : 2083235057
Reference :
(http. / / / / 04/29/hari-pendidikan-nasional-dan-catatan-dunia-pendidikan-kita, June 20).
The Effect Of International High School In Bengkulu
BalasHapusInternational standard school is the education system in the wake of government olleh for learners of reliable delivery and competitive international basic. Province of Bengkulu is one that has a school of international standard. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect of international high school in bengkulu
International schools have different systems denagn other schools. Education curriculum that has been balanced by an international-standard schools in making students get a better scholarship. Special facilities and services will increase the motivation of students to enhance learning seriousness. In addition, the hours studying the denser able to hone students' ability to keep learning and continue learning.
Therefore, the presence of international schools will give good influence for the development Bengkulu because managed by alumnies of quality. Bengkulu educational quality will get positive values and good outlook for qualified education system through the school of international standard. In addition, the society will be born a society of Bengkulu intelligent, creative, innovative, because the international standard education system that scored the best young generation.
In conclusion, through the school of international standard will provide a good influence for the quality of education in Bengkulu, Bengkulu will be able to compete in national and international community will be far from Bengkulu, backwardness and ignorance. Therefore, the government should pay attention both to the education system in schools in Bengkulu, his special school of international standard.
Name: lia fransiska
Semester: IV A
The Effect International School in The Bengkulu
BalasHapusGlobalization is sweeping the world brings a variety of logical consequences for aspects of community life, aspect of politicians, social, cultural and economic impact of globalization. The education world is not to be out done in an effort to realize reliability even in education quality will require adjusting to the arrival as a major force of globalization and to achieve progress in education practices emerge pioneering International – Standard School. The Pioneering International – Standard School will change its status to an International – Standard School. This essay will be given argumentation the effect positive and negative of an International – Standard School for The Education World in Bengkulu.
On the positive effect output which is derived from this system can quality with a predicate well so competing in the era of globalization. According to darma (2007),“because it is considered good seeds will give priority to the students in learning science and information communication technology”, so the international-standard school is developing of quality in education. The students Bengkulu attended the international standard school can compete in The Era of Globalization.
The negative effect of International School in Bengkulu is not all parents can enter their children to The School of International cause the expensive, according to nizar (2010) ,” Not an International Standard School but The School of International Fare...” So, they only school in The National School. There are striking differences of the quality output that produced the national school with international-standard school, and the development of quality in education is uneven. So, the parents of the elite who can send their children in the international school.
In my opinion, standard – international school is one effort to improve the quality of school to prepare students participating Indonesia national standard of education that uses the national curriculum by making innovations in the field of processing of the school and the learning process as well as well as in support of adequate facilities in accordance with technological development and benchmark internationally, so as to create graduates that can compete with graduates of other top school and have international competitiveness, because it has a negative effect on the educational equivalency of Bengkulu and the government should seek in international standard school up with low-lost to parents of any groups that have a desire to send their children in international school can be accomplished, and the government should prepare quality educators.
Nama : Mefi Yulianti
Nim : 2083235039
name :sofia nurmala sari
BalasHapusBengkulu is a province which is considered underdeveloped in the country Indonesia both in the field of finance and education.human resources is very bad result in Bengkulu make this province is difficult to develop.this problem makes the Bengkulu provincial government seeks to advance the quality of human resources in this province to be better way to be taken by the provincial government Bengkulu is establishing an international high this essay I will explain about the effects of international high school in Bengkulu.
the existence of an international high school in Bengkulu is evidence concerns the government of Bengkulu on education in Bengkulu.the aim is to prepare future generations a moral intelligent, independent, creative, innovative and democratic.
international high school is national school with international quality standards. The process of teaching and learning in this school emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation and to stimulate experimentasi for new ideas so that Bengkulu can progress. If an international school in developing in Bengkulu, Bengkulu students can compete with students from other provinces in the national arena. Backwardness and deterioration of Bengkulu will be lost and will get some kenmajuan in education, agriculture, economy and others.
In conclusion, the international High School in Bengkulu is very good for developed because it will bring a good impact for governments and community development Bengkulu. International high school in Bengkulu will print an intelligent students who would bring progress to this Bengkulu province.
The effect of international high school in Bengkulu
BalasHapusGlobalization that attack the world, bring kind of consequences for all of human aspect . Politic aspect, social, culture, and economy are all touched by globalization era. And so does education. Education institute is also obligated to adapt along with strong power of globalization. It caused the appearing of international high school.
International high school is the development of education system which emphasize to the increasing of creation, innovation, and experiment, to courage new idea. It uses English as basic language. International high school is build to make better quality both in academic and non academic. Indonesia is very much behind in education than other country, it become bad specter that make government stand up in international forum and effort to aromatize our country trough education which ever reached by smart student that success in getting 13 gold medal in science. Supported by UU No 20 and government rules no 17/2010 about education system, it push Indonesian government try to pioneering international high school which also give an effect to regional such as Bengkulu.
Bengkulu is one of city that also get influence of international high school. It can be showed by some school in Bengkulu that use international education system such as: SMPN 1, SMA N 5, SMA N 2 and etc, we can see that it able to produce better quality than national one. According to me, international high school can bring good effect for Bengkulu because it can motivate all school to improve their quality, either in academic or non academic. They will try to be the best school and compete in ability because to become international high school there must fulfill some requirement such as:
Has good quality
Has competence human resources, including teacher and student
Has international license
Must have accreditation and etc.
One more, international high school is build in order to produce human competence which can follow entering test of foreign university because it use English in the process of study.
Arief rahman, an education supervisor stated to support ministry of education that will do sweeping of international high school, the reason is, he think that it can be used to push increasing of education quality.
Same idea is conveyed by a member of Indonesian legislative assembly, “international high school may applied in Indonesia but it must be balanced by quality so that government need to have cooperation with foreign school as a reference, ”he said. Like in SMA 1 Gresik which using curriculum of Cambridge as a reference.
International high school is a good way to improve education quality and establish competence human resource. It also gives good impact for Bengkulu. So international high school need to be applied in Bengkulu.
Rahman arief.” Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar International”.Rakyat Bengkulu, 20 maret 2008.
Articles create by some experts in internet.
Name: Hanura febriani
The Effect International High School in The Bengkulu
BalasHapusGlobalization is sweeping the world brings a variety of logical consequences for aspects of community life, aspect of politicians, social, cultural and economic impact of globalization. The education world is not to be out done in an effort to realize reliability even in education quality will require adjusting to the arrival as a major force of globalization and to achieve progress in education practices emerge pioneering International – Standard School. The Pioneering International – Standard School will change its status to an International – Standard School. This essay will be given argumentation the effect positive and negative of an International High School for The Education World in Bengkulu.
On the positive effect output which is derived from this system can quality with a predicate well so competing in the era of globalization. According to darma (2007),“because it is considered good seeds will give priority to the students in learning science and information communication technology”, so the international high school is developing of quality in education. The students of Bengkulu attended the international high school can compete in The Era of Globalization.
The negative effect of International High School in Bengkulu is not all parents can enter their children to The School of International cause the expensive, according to nizar (2010) ,” Not an International Standard School but The School of International Fare...” So, they only school in The National School. There are striking differences of the quality output that produced the national school with international High school, and the development of quality in education is uneven. So, the parents of the elite who can send their children in the international High school.
In my opinion, International High School is one effort to improve the quality of school to prepare students participating Indonesia national standard of education, that uses the national curriculum by making innovations in the field of processing of the school and the learning process as well as well as, in support of adequate facilities in accordance with technological development and benchmark internationally, so as to create graduates that can compete with graduates of other top school and have international competitiveness. Because it has a negative effect on the educational equivalency of Bengkulu and the government should seek in international standard school up with low-lost to parents of any groups that have a desire to send their children in International High School can be accomplished, and the government should prepare to quality educators.
Nama : Mefi Yulianti
Nim : 2083235039
The effect of international high school in Bengkulu
BalasHapusBengkulu is one of the smallest provinces in Indonesia. And Bengkulu has always been lagging in all areas, which occur at present in Bengkulu province is a matter of education that is less noticed by the government of Bengkulu. So education dibengkulu expressed weaker than in the education outside the city of Bengkulu. This is because the funds are supposed to be for education but use things that are less useful for example the existence bengkulu.dan kopupsi by the provincial government is now evident that the province of Bengkulu province bears the status as Indonesia's second corrupted Therefore the poor could not their children at school because school fees are too expensive and not currently terjangkau.Pada nerupaya Bengkulu provincial government establish schools that have school because it was within the standard internasional.oleh inisay essay will describe the international influence of high school in Bengkulu.
with the existence of an international high school in Bengkulu and the evidence from the government and public awareness about the importance of high-quality schools. This aims to prepare the next generation of quality and competitive denan outside world. peropinsi government hopes to become a university town of Bengkulu.
In fact this happened in Bengkulu, which lack the education system so that perovinsi Bengkulu in less good value by most major nasional.kenyatanya capital to be the best in international school that will give the progress of the city of Bengkulu by betanggung attitude because it is needed because responsibility school is the most important institutions of education is very importand he said "Aprianto daut" education should be developed.
In conclusion that international schools should be developed in perovinsi Bengkulu and high student interest to learn in order to get a lot of progress in the society therefore must consider pemerinta ferovensi Bengkulu educational institutions, to develop an international high school in order to compete with schools outside the province of Bengkulu. Our hope and among governments in order to become a university town of Bengkulu province today.
NIM: 2083235061
BalasHapusEducation is the process of teaching, training, learning and a determinant of nation competitiveness. Therefore there should be improvement of educational quality continuous one was the concept of school improvement to gradually toward international standard school (SBI). SBI is a school that prepares students to national standard based education (SNP) Indonesia passed is international quality and international foreign power. Process of teaching and learning in this school emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation and experiments to spur new ideas idea that doesn’t exist. This essay will explained about effect of international standard school in Bengkulu.
SBI have negative effect and positive effect for student and parents in Bengkulu. First, there are some positive effect SBI in Bengkulu. Muhamad nuh say, “SBI student smarter than others schools, facilities owned by SBI very good . as example of SBI in sma 5 Bengkulu city to hire facilitator minimum requirements S2 abroad “. (
Drs yandiono Headmaster in sma 2 Bengkulu city say ,“ with the existence of SBI in the city of Bengkulu, students can be students who can not afford school in SBI with their achievements. Its a scholarship funding from the government. Last year 15 students RSBI SMA 2 Bengkulu city to get a scholarship’s that all the positive effect of SBI in Bengkulu city”. (
Second the negative effect of SBI in Bengkulu. jihan umar , one of the parents who send their children in international standard school said” many of society who felt cheated because the school is labeled international used when the curriculum is still the national standard, resulting in directly by the society feel that squeeze a tricked by international label. School labeled international using English language for teaching introductory, whereas after the same rigors curriculum that is used just like a school that is not international standard”. (
In conclusion the positive effect of SBI in Bengkulu is a student has a very good quality of education, and student who are not able but they are achievement can school with the scholarships. Whereas negative effect of SBI in Bengkulu is a lot of people felt cheated because the international schools labeled. the suggestion, government must look at the increasing number of school that claim that be international standard.
Burhan,syukri. “ Sekolah Berstandar Internasional Banyak Menipu.” Pos kota, 11 maret 2010
Mudjito. ”Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional.” Republika, 17 Desember 2008, 7.
name : Dewi purnamasari
nim :2083235021
lesson :writting III
27 JUNI 2010 08 :48
udents should be aware but we arbitrarily required to do so. Although costly achievThe effect of international high schools in Bengkulu
BalasHapusinternational high school is a school that has a quality education system but to get the education nowadays many students have difficulties or problems. This system is made so that government can improve the quality and the quality and fluency of students' education and increase the degree of human resources, especially in Bengkulu. province or this has the effect of influence for the people of Bengkulu. Therefore, through this essay I will explain the influence of international schools which are international.
Formation international schools that exist in Bengkulu province can show with a change from both the government and society to realize that this of quality importance of education to create the next generation of religis, intelligent, skilled, independent and this happened thanks to the cooperation inovatif all of us.
Bengkulu is one of the city's lagging education, this is also due to absence of funds from parents and fierce competition all are triggers of education among the problems a who are unable to reach an international education "Ade, said the main duty of government to ensure all citizens get a free education, but education standards in PP 19/2005 nasional international standards of education.
But despite this free allmust have and international quality so that all who take part in it can better compete with so it will appear that progress is shown by his place this attitude of independence,, responsibility, ability to work together, honesty, tolerance and courage to take risks. Although this international education is one form of breakthrough DEPDIKNAS to boost the quality of education in Indonesia, this is quite disturbing with the withdrawal of funding support for these disparities tuk.
Conclusion although international schools that require large funds. government must cooperate in order to quality education and the stement.
NIM: 2083235041
Education is determinant of nation competitiveness. Thus, need continuous quality improvement. On was the concept of school improvement status gradually towards international bases school (SBI). SBI is a national school which prepares students to national standards-based education (SNP) Indonesia graduates of international quality and international competitiveness. Where SBI’s vision is to characterize insight nationality, empower all potential intelligence (multiple intelligences), and to foster academic excellence. Nevertheless, SBI becomes an object of controversy nowadays, still considered. Many people look that SBI can make lose the image and the concept of national education. In my opinion, SBI is important to enhance global competitiveness.
BalasHapusEducation experts Atmajaya Catholic University Jakarta, M Marcellino,P.Hd.said that while many school claim to be SBI whereas usual curriculum, or the international curriculum but the teachers are not able foreign language understanding (,juni 2010). That is the international’s mean will be hazy and make dull the concept of national education as entrusted. It has a lot happened, including in Bengkulu. Many parent complained to the high cost while used international standard still questionable. However, it’s not meant that SBI must be eliminated or abolish because international schools are entrust of UU sisdiknas which aim to foster academic excellence. Many schools successed from his hard work, as in the Bengkulu are SMAN 2 and SMAN 5. They are excellence and favorite school. The achievement and progress was the result of guidance and oversight perform systematically, regularly, and measure by the development team formed SBI official junior and senior education of the Bengkulu province. In addition the director general basic secondary education management, Suyanto said that not all SBIs expensive. However, the factors which make the cost of expensive because learning facilities in SBI including most completed (,juni 2010). This is solely to support and create graduates who are qualified and globally competitive.
In conclusion, SBI is important to apply in order to foster academic excellence and to achieve the vision of SBI itself, namely to increase the competitiveness of global.
The best suggestion, the Government should look at schools that admit international level, tighten the entry of SBI investment, and bringing foreign lecturers are really well-qualified in order not to “turn off“ the survival of the national schools.
Marcellino,M.2002.Sekolah Berstandar Internasiona Dipertanyakan.,juni 2010.
Suyanto.Sekolah Berstandar Internasional.,juni 2010.
NIM: 208 323 5027
The Effect of International High School In Bengkulu
BalasHapusEducation is the important thing for everyone, they need it for get knowledge and to be smart people. So they must choose the best education for their life. International high school is an education system which provides good quality for get better educations. This school has good condition to study and can help the student for personality development and the international high school also can give significant change and bring effect especially for Bengkulu society. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect of international high school in Bengkulu.
International high school in Bengkulu must get good respond from government because with there are international high school, we can change the opinion about the error control of education in Bengkulu and unseriousness of government to management of education. The government can give change the ability of student to improve their knowledge with get study at international high school, because the process of teaching and learning in this school emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation and experimentation the new idea. And also the student can get the best value when they get exam. Mudjito ( http://www.rebublika,co,ids/berita/pendidikan/berita/10 June 27, 2008) said that,” generally the result of last exams (UN) the student of SBI is more excellent than another school and they can continue their study what they want. Beside that SBI can results the best competition the competition on the lessons, such us; physical, chemistry, mathematic and biology on the international scale.
On the other hand, we must realize the system of international high school can’t use in every school in Bengkulu. This cause system unbalance the social economic of society in Bengkulu. If the student study in the international high school, that can make their parent must spend much money for cost the school. This make opinion on the society, if the internationals high school only for rich people. Beside that the government also must give fund in every international high school for help this system. Faisal jalal ( said that,” for build the internationals high school, the government must spend fund block grant. If that fund can’t enough for it, the district government must help 300-500 million for every school”.
In conclusion, international high school is a good system for better student and can help Bengkulu to get many progress of education. But the government also must work hard to repair the facility in Bengkulu and the government also must thing about other people that can’t pay cost of education for their children to get study at international high school.
BalasHapusTa’aruf in islam is introduce with someone,to porpuse get marriage.Ta’aruf is always intermediary with murobbi or murobbiyah.So,this essay will explain about my ta’aruf made me disappoint.
Ta’aruf made me disappoint.five months ago on augustust,I was introduced someone.He live in Jambi and also one of teachars in Islamic board school(Pesantrin).Four months ago,we were good relationship.We wanted marriage.On October,he didn’t call or send message me.I was very angry and hate to him,I said “our ta’aruf didn’t continue again”,because you made me hate.So,our ta’aruf didn’t continue again.
Ta’aruf mademe disappoint.So,because this happen made me traumatic.Now I don’t ta’aruf again,before my study finished.
Name :Sri yulena
NIM :2083235056
1v A,,
27 Juni 2010 21:49
My Experience
BalasHapusLet me introduce my self. I was STAIN student at 1997. I took English as my major. I would be sharing about my experience that historic in my life. By this experience, I became stronger and able to reach idea that I wanted.
I was not a very smart student. My GPA was 3, 22 (that the highest). I was very quiet student. I was shaking like a leaf when the teachers asked me to do some presentation in front of class. Even my classmate didn’t want me in a group when we had group work because they think I am hopeless(I even thought how can I pass the last exam to get my degree, I lost my confidence). Every time I was in listening class I always copied my friend paper because I couldn’t understand. .I tried to improve my English by read a lot of English books, to speak with my classmate in English but it didn’t bring any improvement in my English. I don’t know I was so frustrated.
Then, I made very big decision in my life. I drop out from STAIN, because I was not really able to learn English at school anymore. Moreover the lesson more complicated and hard. I was so sad because I should leave my beloved STAIN without get any degree.
I tried to get job, but with my little English it was very hard. I thought, I keep trying and trying, after a while got a job in abroad, somewhere in the world. When I was working there my manager is Indian with Indian accent of English I hardly understand him. Sometimes he couldn’t understand me because I couldn’t arrange the correct sentence, but after a while my English getting better (practice make perfect).
After I had worked experience in abroad, I felt more confidence. Here I had many opportunities to learn English. Even now, I was learning to get my diploma in English. I felt I have very precious thing in my life.
Fortunately, in conversations I eventually had with other people. I had similar stories of their experiences before reached success. I felt that I had learned more from the experience. It is true that experience is the best teacher. Now, I know that it’s all part of becoming a success.
NIM : 208 323 5027
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu
BalasHapusEducation system in Bengkulu must more better to support quality of the students in Bengkulu. Bengkulu is government should prepare all effort to get good result. Bengkulu is government do cooperation with education department, so that, the government tried to take the system International High School in my opinion, we must support the system because the system can make good effects to student and school in Bengkulu.
Although, the system in Bengkulu International High School can be appeared in all school in Bengkulu city. We can try to do it, the education department can do cooporate with parents, student and all of people Bengkulu to get successful of the system. If we have done it with good preparation so, we can start the system in all school in Bengkulu. Moreover, we can good effects from the system.
International High School is really good education system. So, if students get a good education, they are able to help people what they don’t understand something. They are able to help their friends about English, because absolutely they can speak English well.
In conclusion, International High School is better system for student in Bengkulu. We have to support it. I think that students with good education are able to get a high level of employment, they can be managers, for example, some they them are high pay, Good self esteem and their family will feel proud of them. So Bengkulu’s Government must do the system and develop the system not only in Bengkulu City but also in village.
Haifan, Pura. Warta Kota. 13 Agustus
SBI VS SEKOLAH UNGGUL, loory,document PDF.Com
NIM : 208 323 5059
BalasHapusEducation System in Bengkulu City is more better than before. Education Department in Bengkulu tried to use a new system. That is International High School. So the system used in some senior high school in Bengkulu. Such as : SMA 5, SMA 2, SMA 6. But, in another school can’t use the system, because the school has no good preparation to take the system. In my opinion, Education Department in Bengkulu must know the effects of International High School, if the system is forced to appear in another school in Bengkulu.
Recently, we have to know that in some school in International High School which made their students just spent their time to study absolutely. Moreover. The usual made the students bore. This case can bring the students became hard. We know some students can use the system but for the other students.
Secondly, this case made the students can’t do good communication. Causing social relation and their friends become not good. If this case continued, the students can get depressing for their phsyc.
The last, there is unbalanced in the school between the student of International High School whit regular class. This discrimination can cause sad of regular class because they can’t reach the school.
In conclusion, the International High school is better for students and school in Bengkulu. This system can develop their personality, but we have consider the system, because some school can’t use the system. I think education of department Bengkulu must do preparation before we use it.
Reference :
Republika. Reza Ardian, Hal 16
NAMA : Rini Sunarti
Name: Bobri Juni
BalasHapusLesson: Writing
The Effect Of International High School In Bengkulu
One year ago. Bengkulu provincial government announced that it has become a university town of Bengkulu. Of course this will be the trigger of the spirit of the government to develop education in Bengkulu. And of course this will also bring changes and development for the province of Bengkulu. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect of international high school in Bengkulu.
Nugroho said, "Government and Regional Government held at least one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international education units ..." (, June 2010). International School is a school that meets the National Standards for Education and enriched with a cargo-load which refers to the educational standards of at least one member country Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and other developed countries that have a certain advantage in education so has the competitiveness at the international level. In accordance with the mandate of the Act, the government through the Ministry of National Education since 2004 has developed a pilot program to facilitate school which could result in school with international standard.
Management of international school pilot program in Bengkulu not enough to align with other provinces that have the support of the context of developing the education comes first. Resurrection of the renewal of environmental management systems schools in the province of Bengkulu become a very valuable basic capital to accelerate the development of education in sustaining excellence in Bengkulu and Bengkulu be able to compete nationally and even internationally. Therefore, if the government of Bengkulu province to develop an international school, the students in the province of Bengkulu province will make it more forward in the various fields, especially in education. For example, last year there was one graduate student, Martha Trianti, which originated from SMAN 1 Curup, be accepted at the University of Indonesia majoring in International Law. This success is a strong spirit to further improve service quality study. If students and educators more seriously in preparing students to compete, most likely another success will be realized immediately. Therefore, competitive learning culture must be developed among the students Bengkulu gradually through awareness to excel. Disciplined mental attitude, hard work, and the ethos of self-learning should be developed. with diligence.
In conclusion, Bengkulu province will get various kinds of progress in various fields if the quality of education over the increase again, it is one of the international school and now the impact of international school has been showing results with some progress in the province of Bengkulu, his special education . Therefore, the government should pay more attention to education in Bengkulu, for the sake of his progress achieved in the province of Bengkulu.
Refference:, June 2010
The Effect Of School Of International Standard In Bengkulu Province
BalasHapusEducation is the most important aspect in the world. Therefore, every one should have it. Kaent stated that through education some one can get knowledge, and with knowledge he / she will be able to creates what wanted ( 1985 : 17 ). Furthermore, Pandiangan stated, “ If someone has knowledge, he will be able to be prosperous”. ( 1991 : 71). According some reasons above we can conclude education should be developed every where. As we see in globalitation era right know all country in the word establish their education. It can be developed through some ways, such us : Curyculum changing, building new schools, school program and so on. As we see in this era, the government establish school of international Standard in all province in Indonesia. However, this program get critical from many society because it is valued can’t increase knowledge. Therefore, this essay will explain the society ideas toward international school standard in Bengkulu.
There are some international high school in Bengkulu, such us : SMA 2, MAN MODEL, SMKN 1 Bengkulu. They are supposed to increase education value. According to Mudjito, “ International School standard is created to make it’s students more creative. . . “ ( http; //www. Rakyat Bengkulu . com. , Sunday, June 28th 2009 ). Furthermore, he stated that international school could give or provide better all the things, such as : teaching medias used, computer, so on. In addition, Sirait stated that international school standard is the best way to create the quality either students or teacher “ ( http ; // www. Bengkulu Express. Com. , Thursday, March 20th 2009. from the reasons above, means that international high school standard can make either teacher or student to be clever.
On other hand, international school standard is not exactly good ways in increasing knowledge. According to Sudarto ( student parents one of international standard ), “ This school is not for all people because it is too expensive. “ furthermore, Iman stated, “ the school is a controversion in society. “ this school can be only consume by rich man. It will make different in Bengkulu society.
In conclusion, there are two ideas / assumes about international high school in bengkulu. They are agreement and disagreement. The fact, the school is only for rich men. It means that this school bring people to controversion.
References : Hazam, Zulkifli. 1975. tata negara. Bandung : tiga serangkai. “ http ; // www. Rakyat Bengkulu. Com ., Sunday, June 28th 2009.
Name : Yosi Nopitasari
Local : Pbi, N IV B
Nim : 208 323 5067
The Effects Of International High School In Bengkulu
BalasHapusEstablishment of an international high school is the mandate of Law Number 20/2003 on National Education System. Act stipulates that each district or city in Indonesia has at least one international school. In the town of Bengkulu, SMAN 5 is one international high school. prepared their students to be students who can master the technology and foreign languages, and given special classes with teaching and learning process prioritizes English. Education ambitious international standard is intended to promote national education eventually became a national confusion that then have an impact on seven aspects, namely:
1. Foreign Curriculum
The use of foreign curricula as dangerous by the application of a foreign ideology is not very clever if we choose its contents.
2. Instructional Materials
After latah using foreign curricula, rash step taken is to buy up a book that reads "Based Curriculum Foreign Country." What happened? Teachers do not understand mental confusion as the book, and students were not necessarily ready to be taught with imported books.
3. Teaching Methodology
Teaching methodology used does not comply with teachers' ability to eventually lead to many problems in delivery.
4. Teacher Competencies
The teachers here have to have certification and shall follow the course in order to have a mastery of the English language better. It turns out students who bear the cost of the course teachers.
5. Facilities
With frill Minister of National Education, which allows international school receives donations from parents and third parties, students bear the entire cost of this facility must exist.
6. Student
Conditions apply to international school students one of which is an IQ test. After one month the students begin to learn, they began plagued with the signs of depression, some of the causes is not yet pahamnya feel pressured by their mastery of course materials.
7. Expensive
In conclusion, expected to the government, that there is a way out to the international high school. At least, material and moral support throughout the students, educators, and government must be ready, so that all parties do not feel the negative effects, especially the students.
Wepi Julianti
BalasHapusTa’aruf in islam is introduce with someone, to purpose get marriage. Ta’aruf is always intermediary with murobbi or murobbiyah. So, this essay will explain about my ta’aruf made me disappoint.
Ta’aruf made me disappoint. five months ago on Augustus, I was introduced someone. He live in Jambi and also one of teachers in Islamic board school(Pesantrin).Four months ago, we were good relationship. We wanted marriage. On October, he didn’t call or send message me. I was very angry and hate to him, I said “our ta’aruf didn’t continue again”, because you made me hate. So, our ta’aruf didn’t continue again.
In conclusion
Ta’aruf made me disappoint. So, because this happen made me traumatic. Now I don’t ta’aruf again, before my study finished.
Education is the aim” to the intellectual life of the nation” so quality of education in Indonesia must increase. The government will implement international school to increase the quality of graduate school to compete with other state. This essay will explain about the positive effect of international school.
To improve the quality of education in Bengkulu. The government must develop a quality of school to get international quality. This effort to increase of human resources to compete with the nation of another nation. The increase quality of education.
Muhammad Nuh said that the government will implement the international requirement for school labeled. The school must still refer to the national curriculum. In addition, to adopting an international educational system of international school. So that, not fade the image and the concept of national education. Therefore, the government needs to look at the phenomena that began this international school(
In Bengkulu, advances in learning achieve in inseparable from international school, such as: N 2 and SMA N 5 Bengkulu. In addition, educational facilities, the international school also became an obsession for student and their parents. To complete facilities such as laboratories (language, computers, mathematics), libraries, soccer field and basketball, and so on. International school is also using a foreign language in structure, and there are some teachers from foreigner. So, international school is very important in Bengkulu, in order to produce quality of graduates international.
In conclusion
The needs of qualified human resources this country is very needed, because the construction must continue. So, if the government implement is very exact. to increase or produce students have international quality.
Deini.2007.”The Possitive Effect of International School.”Sekolah Berstandar Internasional Banyak Menipu, (10 Oktober 2007),( Juni 2010
Damaj.2010.”Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional.”Suara Pembaruan,10 September 2007
LekDis. 2005. Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Jakarta: Lembaga Kajian Pendidikan Keislaman Dan Sosial
NIM 2083235056
1V A
BalasHapusTa’aruf in islam is introduce with someone, to purpose get marriage. Ta’aruf is always intermediary with murobbi or murobbiyah. So, this essay will explain about my ta’aruf made me disappoint.
Ta’aruf made me disappoint. five months ago on Augustus, I was introduced someone. He live in Jambi and also one of teachers in Islamic board school(Pesantrin).Four months ago, we were good relationship. We wanted marriage. On October, he didn’t call or send message me. I was very angry and hate to him, I said “our ta’aruf didn’t continue again”, because you made me hate. So, our ta’aruf didn’t continue again.
In conclusion
Ta’aruf made me disappoint. So, because this happen made me traumatic. Now I don’t ta’aruf again, before my study finished.
Education is the aim” to the intellectual life of the nation” so quality of education in Indonesia must increase. The government will implement international school to increase the quality of graduate school to compete with other state. This essay will explain about the positive effect of international school.
To improve the quality of education in Bengkulu. The government must develop a quality of school to get international quality. This effort to increase of human resources to compete with the nation of another nation. The increase quality of education.
Muhammad Nuh said that the government will implement the international requirement for school labeled. The school must still refer to the national curriculum. In addition, to adopting an international educational system of international school. So that, not fade the image and the concept of national education. Therefore, the government needs to look at the phenomena that began this international school(
In Bengkulu, advances in learning achieve in inseparable from international school, such as: N 2 and SMA N 5 Bengkulu. In addition, educational facilities, the international school also became an obsession for student and their parents. To complete facilities such as laboratories (language, computers, mathematics), libraries, soccer field and basketball, and so on. International school is also using a foreign language in structure, and there are some teachers from foreigner. So, international school is very important in Bengkulu, in order to produce quality of graduates international.
In conclusion
The needs of qualified human resources this country is very needed, because the construction must continue. So, if the government implement is very exact. to increase or produce students have international quality.
Deini.2007.”The Possitive Effect of International School.”Sekolah Berstandar Internasional Banyak Menipu, (10 Oktober 2007),( Juni 2010
Damaj.2010.”Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional.”Suara Pembaruan,10 September 2007
LekDis. 2005. Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Jakarta: Lembaga Kajian Pendidikan Keislaman Dan Sosial
NIM 2083235056
1V A
tes tes
BalasHapus` education is the measure of a country advance. Therefore, the government of countries always encourage it. In this case, indonesian government try to make an effort to create indonesian education from time to time to be better. The way that has been done : such as : making the rulers, changing curriculum, etc. although them has been done, indonesia education skill is still lower than another country. Therefore, the government try to make the newest way in increasing education. The way is international school standard or school of international in some province in indonesia. However, the way is still being controversy in Indonesia. In this case, especially in Bengkulu. Therefore, this essay will discuss the assumes of Bengkulu society toward school of International standard in Bengkulu.
BalasHapusIn my opinion, school of international standard is good way to create better graduation because the teachers who teach are exactly good. They have more ability than another teacher. As we can see, there are some international high school standard in Bengkulu. Thy are such us : SMA 2, SMA 5 and MAN model, etc. those schools are able to get the best rank at UN ( finally exam ) since some years before.Yudiono that those schools were better than others because teachers who teach were guided by University of Bengkulu lectures in finding the way how to teach the student. . . “ ( http ; // www. Rakyat Bengkulu. Com. , Sunday june 28th 2009 ). Furthermore , the teachers are sent to abroad to continue their study. It means that the teacher are really skillful.
On the other hand, some people say that school of international school standard is same as the others. That school only spends much money because it is too expensive. The head master of Kanisius, Baskoro stated, “ School of International standard need more than 20 millions to 60 millions in a year. “ ( http. Media indonesia. Com. / read / 04104/ 68313 ). For by small societies because almost of indonesian are poor. It means school of international standard is rich man’s. as we see, in our province ( Bengkulu ) many people prefer to choose another school, because it is also to expensive.
In conclusion, some people say that school of international standard is exactly good because it’s quality is better than other. However, the others say that the school is same as another. Furthermore, It is not only for rich men but also poor man on the condition they are cleaver or get achievement.
written by: Endang Haryanto
student number: 2083235025
The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu
BalasHapusUnderdevelopment in various fields in the era of globalization compared to neighboring states seems to cause the government compelled to push to have international standards. The education sector is encouraged to include an international standard. The drive is even listed in the Law. 20 Year 2003 regarding National Education System of article 50 paragraph (3) which reads, "The government and / or local governments hold at least one unit of education at all levels of education, to be developed into an international educational unit. "Armed with a strong desire that the Ministry of Education and the paragraph immediately issue the international school program (SBI) are pioneering projects have been included hundreds of junior and senior high schools in nearly all Districts / Cities in Indonesia with hundreds of billions poured funds despite government regulations that govern the management such did not exist. This prestigious project because it will be financed by the central government 50%, 30% Provincial Government, and Government District 20%. In fact, for each school only the central government issued a 300 million rupiah per year for at least 3 (three) years in the pilot period. Students who get into these schools, is that they are regarded as seeds which have been selected winner will be treated strictly and exclusively. Number of students in the class would be limited to between 24-30 per class. Events will use bilingual teaching activities. In the first year introductory language that is used 25 percent of English 75 percent of the Indonesian language. In the second year introduction to the language of each 50 per cent for English and Indonesian. In the third year 75 percent of the working language using English and 25 percent of Indonesian. Because the seeds are considered as priority for the students studying exact sciences and information and communication technology (ICT / Communication Information and Technology). But any changes in advance would cause different effects prominent in each region. Especially in our town in Bengkulu. This essay will discuss the effects of weakness in the International High School in the city of Bengkulu.
there are some fundamental weaknesses in the form of securities from this SBI program in the country and also includes Indonesia in Bengkulu.
First, this program does not appear to be preceded by an in-depth research and concepts are weak. By stating that the SBI = SNP + X, then the actual SBI concept has no clear shape and direction. It is unclear what strengthened, enriched, developed, deepened, and others are. If this concept clearly states to adopt or adapt international standards of education such as Cambridge IGCSE or IB, for instance, it will be more clearly where the direction of this program. By entering TOEFL / TOEIC, ISO and UNESCO as an "X" indicates that Dikdasmen also not quite understand what he meant by "X" is. And cause confusion in all settings in the SBI institutions.
Name: Pedra egianto
NIM: 2083235029
Class: PBI A
Smester: IV
Satria Dharma | September 19, 2007 ,Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional
BalasHapusSecond, create a formula 4 Dikdasmen SBI coaching model are: (1) New School Model (Newly Developed), (2) Model Development at Existing Schools (Existing School), (3) Integrated Model, and (4) Partnership Model . However, if viewed in fact there are only two models: Model (1) New School Models and Model (2) Model School who has been there. The other two are only just technical implementation. Of the two models Dikdasmen actually only did one pilot model that is model (2) Model Development at Existing Schools (existing School) as SMA 5 Bengkulu and do not have or attempt to create a model (a) Model of the New School. Oddly, the book stubs Implementation Guide International School (SBI) issued actually more referring to the model (1) when being developed when this was all a Model (2). Clear that existing schools could not have met the criteria to become a school guidance issued by the SBI because it is targeted for the establishment of new schools or Model (1). For example, if schools are now required to have teachers Uncategorized hard science like mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology (and hopefully will be a soft science category was also followed) uses English as the language of instruction, or have a minimum area of land with 15 000 m, etc. such requirements in the Guide book, then obviously it will not likely be met by existing schools. As an illustration, while the English teacher in the schools 'favorite' we have only a few who have TOEFL> 500, especially if it was a requirement for teachers of hard science subjects.
So it was obviously not possible. This means Dikdasmen not able to translate the model itself so that it provides makes Dikdasmen berresiko failed miserably in achieving its objective.
Third, this concept depart from the wrong assumption about Unread mastery of English as the language of instruction and its relationship with the TOEFL score. Assuming that to be the originator of the hard sciences are taught in introductory English language, the teachers must have a TOEFL> 500. Though there is no correlation between TOEFL scores with the ability to teach hard science in the UK Unread. High TOEFL score does not guarantee fluency and the ability to convey ideas in English. Many people who have a TOEFL score <500 is more fluent in English than people who have a TOEFL score> 500. In short, making the TOEFL score as a benchmark of success internationally teaching hard science is a false assumption. TOEFL is more likely to measure the competence of a person, when what is needed is a bilingual school teacher of his performance, and performance is much affected by the presence of non-linguistic factors. TOEFL is not the size of a pedagogic competence.
Name: Pedra egianto
NIM: 2083235029
Class: PBI A
Smester: IV
BalasHapusFourth, the authors of this concept also does not seem to understand that not everyone (especially the civil service teachers!) Can 'be' fluent in English (let alone teach using English) even if the person is asked to stay and live in countries that use English as the language daily. As an illustration, even many of our teachers in various areas that have not been able to speak Indonesian language fluently in teaching! Some of our teachers in this country is still using regional languages in teaching despite the stay and live in environments that use the Indonesian language as medium of instruction. This shows that it is not possible 'juggling' hard science teachers to be able to speak English (let alone get the TOEFL score> 500 as the terms of the book Up Guide Articles SBI), although they dikursuskan in the best English language school.
Finally, another fundamental error is the assumption and the assumption that international school only for students who have a certain intelligence standard. Considered an international curriculum that can not be applied to students who have an average intelligence level. It also assumes that the SNP (Education Standards) are only for those who have the intelligence level of 'average'. This is a dangerous assumption, and are not aware of having 'betrayed' the SNP itself because it as 'unfit' for intelligent students of Indonesia. It is also understood that discriminatory and exclusive in education and considers the prominent intellectual intelligence is everything that need attention and the facilities were better than students who do not have them. Plus many others weaknesses that have not been listed in this essay.
Name: Pedra egianto
NIM: 2083235029
Class: PBI A
Smester: IV
BalasHapusConclusion, Considering how many weaknesses of this prestigious program and magnitude of the risk of failure it faces, it is a usual MONE evaluate themselves with more opening up to input from the community. Better go back one step rather than have experienced a total failure which had appeared in front of the eye. Perhaps the formulation of policy on National Education Ministry (in cases like this SBI) need to go through the process of consulting the public or stakeholders at many times and a more in-depth study involving more public, and not simply meet the minimum requirements of bureaucracy. Please note that a society that financed and who will be the end-user of this product. Especially in the province of Bengkulu, the level of education is still below standard.
There are two alternatives for itu.Pertama, the article needs to be amended and adjusted the sound so as not to create a false perception, or, secondly, to reformulate the so-called 'international education unit' is. What has been done by the Education Ministry with the SBI program should be discontinued and reformulated. If not, the direction of our nasonal education will be increasingly deviated from the objectives and mandate our nation
Name: Pedra egianto
NIM: 2083235029
Class: PBI A
Smester: IV
The Effects Of School Of International Standard In Bengkulu Province
BalasHapusThe School of International Standard is supposed to create it's graduation have more quality and be able to competitive with another country. So, with producing the best quality of human being ( SDM ), Indonesia will be ready to chalange globalitation. Therefore, all provinces Indonesia have been created the School of International Standard in this case is supposed to get get the advances in all aspect , such us ; education, agriculture, marchandhise, etc. Therefore, this argumentative will explain the effects of School of International Standard of Bengkulu province ; positive and negative effects.
One of the positive effects of School of International Standard is be able to make the graduation have more skillful, intelegent, spiritual, social and so on. They are absolutly able to make advance in all aspects of life in Bengkulu province. Whereas, the negative effects of International High School Standard is a controversy in society, because the school is to expensive. So that, students who study there are only richmen. However, the assumption is claimed by Yandiono ( Headmaster of SMA 2 Bengkulu city ). According to Yandiono, "The poor student can also study there if the student gets the best achievement... ". ( http://www. Rakyat Bengkulu. com.,sunday, June 28th 2009 ).
In conclusion, the quality of human being can be produced through school of International Standard. The quality will also being Indonesia into big advances.
Name : Devi Nopiarti
Nim : 208 323 5020
class: N4 B
International High School is the National School prepare of participant pupil basis National standard Indonesia education have a certain quality and his alumnus forceful compete international. Any one effort of Government that average hit in this moment is develop of school become unit education international standards. With aim the develop the mentality of the nation life. In Bengkulu city, get the many of International High School such as : SMAN.5, SMAN.2,SMAN.4 Rejang Lebong regency. International high school is an education system which provides good quality and have many effect for Indonesia Nation. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect of International High School to Bengkulu society in Bengkulu.
BalasHapusWith the situation this International High School can be create modern generations of morality, intelligen , creative, democtratic, critics and can be used technology to prepare their knowledge. In Bengkulu city,International High Schoolis the warm receptioned and many interested by society and Government, because beside can be increase education quality and produces alumnus forceful compete international,that case agree with the program to become Bengkulu city as a secondary school students city, because International High School can be reached by all element of society, and International High school give scholarship at lack of ability society.
In reality, many of secondary school lack of morality, and the misuse of technology as a tool into get information about immoral. Beside that International High School only receive a student from rich family because into International High School needed very expensive of cost. For example, “ in SMAN.2 Bengkulu city, the new students must to pay the cost rp. 2.5 to 3,5 millions by the student”. ( Rakyat Bengkulu, 28 june 2009). And beside that international high school become breeding place of illegal taken which the attituded by school side and education department. According to Shomad A “… the parents of students candidate must fill up a declaration form about promise to pay all the cost caused by program realization of RSBI…” ( Republika,01 juni 2010 ). And still many of students have performance do not into international high school because do not presence scholarship from the center government or the quantity of scholarship that misused by school side.
In conclusion, international high school is an education system very good in efforts increase education quality in this Bengkulu. that well in intelligence field or composition new generation in do work and thinking. Although the government or education department must attention permanent of general school. So, to increase education quality and the smart of alumnus produce, the government must can be synchronize the medium and infrastructure international high school between general school.
References :
Rakyat Bengkulu. SBI hanya untuk orang kaya. 28 Juni 2009.
Shomad A.RSBI Dituding Jadi Sarang Pungutan Liar. Republika,01 Juni 2010.
Nama : Juliani Gini Asti
Nim : 2083235033
School of International Standard In Bengkulu
BalasHapusSchool of international standard appeared since some years ago. Exactly it has been being since the indonesia government create international standard program. this program is supposed to increase the quality of indonesia education because the better education the more prosperous the society. According to kant, " a country will be better if it has good knowledge, " ( 1973 : 123). However, some times the chosen way has not good yet even though many ways has done. Therefore, the indonesian government always to try to make a new way. As we see, school of international standard program. Unfortunately, this program has been claimed by some people, and on contrast, some people are in accord with it( agree to that). therefore, this argumentative will explain the positive and negative opinion toward the school of international standard in Bengkulu.
some of education experts in university value, the school international standard is not more than controversy in society because the school can not be reached by all indonesian. the school is too expensive whereas only small indonesian who are rich. the head master of kanisius, Baskoro stated,"school of international standard spend more 20 - 60 millions each years, " ( http.//www. Rakyat Sunday, June 28th 2009). Furthermore, Sudarsono ( Student is parent of one of school of international school of Bengkulu stated that he had moved his son to another school because he was not able to pay the school fee. it means that the school is really expensive.
on contrast, Yudiono ( the head master of SMAN 5 Bengkulu )stated, " ( http.// www.rakyat bengkulu. com. sunday, june 28th 2009). it means that there is no controversy. Furthermore, he states that the school of international had more quality because teacher who teach are quided by Unervisity Of Bengkulu lecture how to teach the students.
So, actualy the school of international standard is expensive school. However, it doesn't means that it is a school of richman. Some one or who never can study there in requetment the student is a clever.
References : Kant charlest. 1928. sosiologi SMA. Yogyakarta : Kansius.
Http://www.Rakyat, june 28th 2009.
Name : Landa Hartoyo
Local : tbi N4 B
Nim : 208 323 5034
naration essay
BalasHapusnama :dapit suhendra
Nim :2083235018
Jurusan: TAR/PBI
Padang Manis is one of a village in South Bengkulu district Kaur or income in the area farmed average, people in villages are still very closely with the culture of such mutual cooperation.
Traditional mutual cooperation have been born from a common ancestor before the village name was changed to PADANG MANIS and about the origin of the village name was changed starting from the beginning of the year 1963.
Yore proficiency level in these places do not like now where people are prosperous and brothers to each other but only field that is overgrown with trees so thick.
Starting from a buffalo shepherd who daily wait buffalos regular place to eat and when time shepherd slept soundly that he did not realize that waiting for the buffalo foraging elsewhere.
Already a few days to find the existence of shepherd and his family the buffalo until one day there is someone who sees the distance from the tip of the buffalo was eating grass so lush shepherd just pull the buffalo had to bring home.
Since the event was the shepherd of buffalo off the buffalo on the prairie grasslands in the middle of the stem there is a very sweet pink when they are the people named the place where he was a sweet desert.
First learn to surf the Internet Experience
BalasHapussma on me when I was still less tertari about cyberspace. But after I try the internet it is very dance mediayang. First I tried. I do not quite understand made. First time in a Asaiah try internetan Waren in Palembang. At that moment my internet is still less understood issue. After the incident I began to diligently go to warnet.mulai develop the hobby. And the Internet allows me to make use of existing facilities within it for example, chating, fb, fs, and others.
Akhirya after I had my diligent to the cafe I was able to use the internet for various things.
Name : Renny Evasary
BalasHapusNim : 208 243 5047
The Effect Of International High School in Bengkulu
Education is the future of the nation,but if education fails
The effect high school International in Bengkulu
BalasHapusBengkulu is a province that remains in the various fields in the era of globalization in comparison with other provinces, particularly in education that led to the government apparently tempted to push to have international standards. The push was even put on the law (statute) No.20 of 2003 on National Education System of section 50 verse (3) which reads, "The central government or local government held at least one unit of education at all levels of education, to be developed become the international standard education unit. ". Armed with a strong desire and the verse is the national education department immediately issue an international school program despite its cost is very expensive. It was one of government's efforts to promote national education in Bengkulu. Therefore, in this essay will explain about the impact and influence of international high school in Bengkulu.
With the existence of an international high school so students can give birth to Bengkulu province which has the ability to competence, intelligent, moral, and can make Indonesia proud that the town of Bengkulu can become a real student city. Education Department to prepare an international school but the reality shows, to get to school classmate of SBI(School of International Standards) really need a long journey. For to reach the SBI (School of International Standards) of each school must pass through some sequence starting from RSSN (national standard school stubs), then became SSN (National Standard School) until finally reaching the level RSBI (International Standard School Stubs) first. Only after that if it can maintain a satisfactory outcome increased to SBI (School of International Standard). Furthermore, according Zaini SBI did want to print student achievement through an international-standard teaching methods. Though must admit that the cost for this model includes an expensive school. Therefore, all involved must have the ability to do in the accountability accountable.
Impact of the international high school is only added to the width and depth of social inequality in society. The high cost resulted in only certain circles children who may enjoy it. Children are poor but smart, just be a spectator. Lo is the obligation of the State to improve the quality of national education, especially pass through country schools. Produce children with the intelligence of the people who compete in the world, clearly affairs and responsibilities of the State. That the state ought to consciously create more country schools of International Standard. Throw liability on the citizens, certainly not the example of the responsible State.
In conclusion, if the international high school in Bengkulu, it's very good for the development of Bengkulu, but in this case the government should pay more attention to education which was held to be going according to plan properly. Thus, social inequalities that occur in society can avoid the existence of justice and responsibility of government at a cost of an international high school, so Bengkulu can produce students who are smart, immoral, competitive and outside the province of Bengkulu.
Name : Dytta Anggriani
NIM : 208 323 5023
Lesson : Writing III
27 Juni 2010 22:46
The last assignment of writing III
BalasHapusName : Reni Maryani
Class/semester : IV B
NIM : 2083235046
The favorite lecture of TBI IVB : Mom Nadrah, M.Pd (others lecture too we do love you all)
The effect of international school in Bengkulu
To develop the education, Bengkulu begin to establish the international school at 2007th.
The government of Bengkulu as other governments they want their generation be a good generation. To achieve of their opinion, they establish one place for their idea, this is not seem with other place this is different place to study, to develop the education. To realize a good place for study we have to prepare the good facility, infrastructure, and because Bengkulu not a founder of this program, the payment that must be paid for this school have been a big problem. Just a rich and clever student can study in this class, this is make social imbalance. In my opinion, this is a good way to develop our education, as we know to be a good nation we start from the education, according to Ibrahim “the success of notion is the accumulative of the individual success.”(2003:4)
According to newspaper Rakyat Bengkulu “SBI not international school but school to paid internationally” the fact is just who have reach parent can studied there. With complete facility, such as; information technology to connect to other schools in foreign country, and other electrical tools, with good teacher that getting the guidance from The University of Bengkulu. Yandiono, the head master of international high school at senior high school 2 Bengkulu (2009) said that the teacher provisioned stabilization process by the lecture from The University of Bengkulu every week. It is imbalance with other schools in Bengkulu. In my village for example the elementary school just has 7 classes with the office, the wall of the first class made of wood without ceiling, and just many teachers who keep up there because the bad street of the village, the student of junior high school and also senior high school must go to their school at early morning because the long distance from the district, and just has one junior high school and senior high school and it is placed at the district of our village and they
( Bersambung )
( Sambungan ),, Reny Maryani,, PBI N4 B
BalasHapusmust walk. It is the real fact! On the other hand, there is the school with complete facility with good infrastructure and also good teacher, is there any fairness? Are the students who live in the country that has a good facility and also the good teacher, and the government with the glamour life any one ever think about us, aren’t they? The answer is no or yes! The answer “yes” just who take care and may be the success person who start from nil.
The goal of the complete facility, good infrastructure and also good teacher not just the glamour but to get more information, Yandiono(28 of June 2009) said that the big payment of the international school it is balance for the facility which the student get, the facility of the internet in the school decreased the student use the internet without control. If Bengkulu not to develop the education he will be the latest city for the education in Indonesia, and other country will be underestimated our country, if there is no good school in this country the mean is all of the good and rich students will study outside Bengkulu, the effect of this problem Bengkulu hasn’t clever student caused of they gone, and who will built this city, if they gone. As we know usually who have successes in big city they do not back anymore. Have one good school in a city is better than has the same school, program and facility in a city. Bengkulu just begin it a year after Jakarta began it. It is mean Bengkulu have to learn more. To be a good city in national and international area we have to advance and it start from the education, the major things of the good city.
In my opinion, the government and practitioner of education have to continue their program because it is one way to make Bengkulu gone from the latest, and gives the scholarship for the clever poor student, without westernized Indonesia culture, as mom Nirmala,the lecture of STAIN Bengkulu, that she was teach us Cross Culture Understanding(2009) said, act local and think global, and not conversely. Without to belittle the villagers school, the government has to care their education too with continuing their free school until junior high school, and the villagers have to take part of the education with look after the building of the school in their village, cause all of us have to responsible for the education.
" The Effect Of International High School In Bengkulu "
BalasHapusInternational school is a national school level in Indonesia with international quality standards. The process of teaching and learning in this school emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation, and experimentation to stimulate new ideas that have never existed. Bengkulu had already started to develop an international standard school in hopes of bringing change in the province of Bengkulu. Therefore, in this essay I will explain about the effect of international high school in Bengkulu.
International school development in Indonesia is based on Undang-undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Pasal 50 Ayat 3. In this provision, the government urged to develop an international education unit. The international standard is required in International school Graduates Competency Standards, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Process, Facilities, Management, Financing, and Valuation of international standards in the International school, the process of teaching and learning delivered in two languages is English and Indonesian.
Armed with a strong desire that the Ministry of Education and the paragraph immediately issue the international school program are pioneering projects have been included hundreds of junior and senior high schools in nearly all Districts / Cities in Indonesia with hundreds of millions poured funds despite government regulations that govern the management of such yet exist. This prestigious project because it will be financed by the central government 50%, 30% Provincial Government, and Government District 20%. In fact, for each school only the central government issued a 300 million rupiah each year at least three (three) year during the beginning.
Name : M. Arif Rahman Hakim
Anyone who would go to school this International school? Students who get into these schools, is that they are regarded as superior seeds which have been selected to be treated strictly and exclusively in the province of Bengkulu. Number of students in the class will be limited to between 24-30 each class. Events will use bilingual teaching activities. In the first year introductory language that is used 25 percent of English 75 percent of the Indonesian language. In the second year introduction to the language of each 50 per cent for English and Indonesian. In the third year 75 percent of the working language using English and 25 percent of Indonesian.
BalasHapusBecause the seeds are considered as priority students to study Communication Technology). Therefore, students are given special classes to learn additional computer facilities with internet connection. What curriculum will be given to them in order to 'international standard'?
How much money must be spent by parents 'desperate' to this program? Still be regulated. But parents must be clear fished deep and only wealthy parents who are able to enter. This is a prestigious program that costs have to be expensive. Five-year implementation of the international school for elementary and secondary education is in fact not affect significantly both for the improvement of education quality although through national educational progress. There are still problems, among others, several factors that influence the quality of education has not played key roles. These factors whether they are legal, conceptual and factual issues relating to legal aspects of legislation or regulations to the legislation that became the justification of technical and implementation mechanism in Indonesia International school.
Mujito said that the fact the government has prepared all the tools for the successful implementation of SBI, because the objectives of the SBI is to produce graduates who are national and international class at the same time (, June 2010).
However that does not mean international school is licensed foreign schools or schools of international fare. But as a consequence of exceeding the standard of education with the National Education Standards could be implicated in the financing burden of public education.
However, Mudjito said at the policy level there are some rules that are not consistent in managing the implementation of pioneering international school. "Not consistent in the sense that the highest policy has been formulated in Undang-undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Pasal 50 Ayat 3 but special government regulations strictly regulate international school does not exist.
So in this case an international school still has some weaknesses as well as indeed there are some advantages. The main weakness is structural in terms of management guidance that is still not good. This is not in accordance with the funds that have been issued by the government which I think is pretty big. Because the structural formation in international school management is very much on the quality of graduates from this international school. Therefore, the future can be expected on the government to pay more attention to and improve the quality of SBI in Indonesia and in Bengkulu. Since this will impact on the quality of the alumni who in turn expected to compete in the international world.
References :
Republika, 17 Desember 2008
Name : M. Arif Rahman hakim
Anonim mengatakan...
BalasHapus" The Effect of International High School in Bengkulu"
Bengkulu is a smaller province between sumatera island.The level of devolopment is very late so Bengkulu impressioned left behind province.Another its has beautiful scenary,its too as education town.The level of education is very more better so there are between high school has level of internasional.The level of development education in high school more better and its has high spiritual.This essay i will advantage about the positive effect of international high school.
Since that school has international,all students always study hard get to achievement in school,in other that they can getting clever students in school,can adhere to regulation school and grade education quality school in bengkulu.While school will be more good and then remain perserve of regulation school.As such as,that school always as international high school.
In conclusion,Bengkulu is a little province but its has quality which good education and its has schedule to study so Bengkulu is education town.
26 Juni 2010 23:41
Nama : eka nurmalina harahap
NPM : 2083235024
Effect of high schools in Bengkulu internationally
BalasHapusInternational School) is a national school students prepare participants based on national standards of education in Indonesia and the international benchmark that graduates have the capability and international competitiveness. International School in essence refers to the National Education Standards include 8 (eight) standard, namely the competence of graduates, content, process, educators and educational staff, facilities and infrastructure, financing, management and evaluation of enriched, developed, expanded, deepened through adaptation or the adoption of the standard of education which is considered an internationally recognized reputation for quality
International school is one of many efforts by government to improve the quality of education that has been mandated in the Law. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Article 50 Paragraph 3 namely "the government and / or local government held one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international educational unit
In my opinion very good to International standard schools to be developed in Bengkulu because it will increase the quality of city students and provide motivation for more advanced and eager to develop intellectually motivated because they have.
In conclusion, the standard school International very important role to promote education in Bengkulu and improve students' skills and provide good quality for students Bengkulu city. That's because the government should pay attention to intensive Bengkulu City education system was held in Bengkulu
Muditjo,”Bekolah Bertaraf internasional”memberi pengaruh terhadap kualitas pendidilan. 27 juni 2010.jakarta:
27 Juni 2010 01:39
Effect of high schools in Bengkulu internationally
BalasHapusInternational School) is a national school students prepare participants based on national standards of education in Indonesia and the international benchmark that graduates have the capability and international competitiveness. International School in essence refers to the National Education Standards include 8 (eight) standard, namely the competence of graduates, content, process, educators and educational staff, facilities and infrastructure, financing, management and evaluation of enriched, developed, expanded, deepened through adaptation or the adoption of the standard of education which is considered an internationally recognized reputation for quality
International school is one of many efforts by government to improve the quality of education that has been mandated in the Law. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Article 50 Paragraph 3 namely "the government and / or local government held one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international educational unit
In my opinion very good to International standard schools to be developed in Bengkulu because it will increase the quality of city students and provide motivation for more advanced and eager to develop intellectually motivated because they have.
In conclusion, the standard school International very important role to promote education in Bengkulu and improve students' skills and provide good quality for students Bengkulu city. That's because the government should pay attention to intensive Bengkulu City education system was held in Bengkulu
Muditjo,”Bekolah Bertaraf internasional”memberi pengaruh terhadap kualitas pendidilan. 27 juni 2010.jakarta:
27 Juni 2010 01:39
Nama : Rezki Fitrioza. j
BalasHapusNIM : 2083235048
Local : IV a
Education is one of the government program which have become the main focus of Indonesian society, and therefore the quality of education is the main focus of government in the development effort. Underdevelopment in many fields in globalization Era is causing the government compelled to push to have international education standards. International school (SBI) is a national school level in Indonesia with international quality standards. Process of teaching and learning in this school emphasize the development of creativity, innovation, and experimentation to stimulate ideas that have existed. The development of International School in Indonesia were based on Law No.20 Year 2003 regarding National Education System article 50 paragraph 3. In this provision, the government is encourage to develop the educational unit of the International Standard. In practice, of course this government program has weakness. It is caused the condition of education in Indonesia are in bad condition, especially in Bengkulu province. This essay will explain about negative effects inherent in the implementation of the international school in Bengkulu province.
The core of the International School are increasingly growing awareness of continuous learning and reflection and the development of knowledge and awareness of democratic and multicultural education. Teacher in the International School is designed to be a figure who is learning to understand the meaning and concept of deep-learning, higher order thinking skills, and contextual learning for student and getting to know the limitation and benefits of the rote learning is learning that have been used in schools. But still there are some quite disturbing weakness in the application of SBI in Bengkulu Province. First, the emergence of the gap between students. For incoming in school that have implemented this SBI, of course that does not require a bit of money. Parents of student must pay about 12 million rupiah to the Junior High School level and even higher for Senior High School level.According to Fahriza “if the SBI program implemented with full funding from the government and cater to all students in Indonesia, may will not be a problem. But what happened was not the case. School began to open the path of SBI was in fact picked up dozen million funding for every student who wants to enter this path”, (, 23 june 2010).
Costly SBI class is certainly unusual only accessible by parents of student who earn big. If so what will happen to smart students but their parent income is not sufficient for the payment of an International School. Plus the psychological effect will be experienced by other students outside of class SBI, they will feel excluded.
BalasHapusNama : Rezki Fitrioza. J
NIM : 2083235048
Local : IV a
Second, the program is implemented quickly impressed by the Educational Ministry. This can be seen from the emergence of management problem when the speed of the schools in making a change is not offset by the bias systematic effort to strengthen and improve the quality and education resources (principals, teacher, and management) building system control and accountability for all activities academic and financial administration of the school. These effects is not beneficial to education, there is inequality making students motivation decreased and haste in the implementation of this system will lead us away to excellence in achieving educational goals. While this program was organized with the aim that the quality of educational we are going down this could get better and compete with order countries in the face of the Ere of Globalization.
According to Dharma “ There are some fundamentals weakness of the SBI program, namely (1). This program is not precede by an in-depth research and concept are weak. (2). The concept departs from the wrong assumption about the master of English as the language of instruction and its relationship with the TOEFL score. (3). The author, this concept also does not understand that not everyone is fluent in English bias. (4). Error assumption of the originator of this school that international school should be taught in English”,(, 23 june 2010).
Therefore it’s necessary readiness and in-depth analysis of the concept of the international school which will be held. Because of errors in the implementation of educational programs will worsen the condition of our education, especially for bengkulu Province.
In conclusion, both the negative effects this will have an impact that is not good for our education system. Therefore the most appropriate solution to anticipate this problem is to amend and re-analyze the National Education System Law, so as not to cause a false assumption among the public and government.
Dharma, satria.2010.
Fahriza, fahmi.2010.